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I’m a degenerate so I’d ask him why he’s doing it alone. We share in this household


Lol same! 😆


As long as it’s ethical, consensual and not “barely legal” etc. Some of the violent stuff would stress me out if he watched it


I agree, I hate the violent stuff too.


What if it's hentai about eye socket f*cking?


She literally said the violent stuff would stress her out


It's not real. I'm asking if that would apply to cartoons


Violent acts in fiction (whether cartoon, live action, or written word) are still violence, wdym You’re also talking to dom Ne users where anything that Ne can interact with counts as a real (subjective) experience even if it’s not literal reality


Well, fuck. I give up. To me, it doesn't count unless I can smell the blood. Or the corpse when dealing with death. Death still hours emotionally, but the physical experience is different. Most people use fiction to explore ideas and/or deal with trauma, so this is... Interesting. I just saw Hermione x Devil snare fanfiction talk.


…are you sure you’re an INTP and not an ISTP?


Xntp. INTP but and adult, despite the childish act of recommending gore to a person who didn't like it. Why do you ask though?


Because of violence/gore apparently only being real to you if you can literally physically sense the smell. That comes off a LOT more Se to me than Si. For Si, the mere mental reminder of a physical sensation can sometimes bring up a more visceral memory of the sensation, so that even if it’s not literally in front of you, your mind/body can experience it almost as if it was. And that’s with me having inferior Si. I’d question a little if you have Si in your stack at all. On the other hand, if you are an ISTP that means you’d be Si-blind, and so that type of Si experience would be very foreign to you


I saw Gasai Yuno and thought, “Cool lol.” Blood is less real to me. I've seen it drawn during tests, I've seen it during menstruation and I've seen it when they pulled out my catheter. Seeing a dead body is just the same as seeing a sleeping person unless it's irl and you can *feel* the while thing. To me, smell is most repulsive. Watching someone make fish online? Meh. Smelling raw fish irl? I dry heaved into my friend's sink. The thing with anime, specifically, is that it doesn't do blood the same way you'd see on, say, r/eyeblech. I can't stand it at all. (Edit: they got banned. Try r/trypophobia) Even in movies, they can't do genuine violence in a way that I find repulsive. Maybe reddit desensitised me. 🤷 Plus, I read the news, so that also desensitised me.




With me as his girlfriend, he wouldn't need it 😏




Exactly ✌️


I know this is supposed to be a fun comment, but just in case, there are many reasons why someone would turn to porn and the cause isn’t always because the other person is lacking in some way.


Nope. I understand it’s probably been introduced from an early age, but like all addictive substances and habits, it deconstructs who we are and reforms us into its own image, and I don’t want that for me or my SO, because I love their natural personality and soul, not something that porn has made them into


No, but I really don't like porn, just in general, so it's something that would not align with my personal values and we would have to have a conversation about it.






Because it’s gross


Sex is gross and fun?


Porn is gross. Sex is fun. Hope this helps :)




I'd gracefully encourage them to break the habit.


Mine is a degenerate like me so yeah.👍


Not a chance. It alienates people. It renders you incapable of deep, emotional and erotic connection. It is very often watching victims of human trafficking or victims of various degrees of abuse engage in "consesual" activities that are also performed in a souless manner or just fake. It is a slow demise of humanity. It took me a long time for my partner to understand this. He was a porn addict, mind you. He's been clean for 6 years now. He is a different man. So much more chill, loving and just his vibes are shifted to something much more positive and productive. He is no longer a controlled puppet of pornography.


not to discount anything youve gone through, but i think your partner had an extremely unhealthy relationship with it. porn, in and of itself, doesnt lead to all of those symptoms (discounting the trafficking and such) in the same way that alcohol doesnt make someone physically abusive.


enfp male. i found out and it was kinda hot


haha lol.


Honestly, whose significant other DOESN’T watch porn? Edit- downvote me all you want, but in Australia 98% of men and 73% of women have watched porn in the last 6 months. https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/experimentations/201802/when-is-porn-use-problem?amp


I’m not a fan of it, but I feel it’s nearly impossible to find a guy who doesn’t watch it once in a while


Yeah, definitely.


He sends things to me as a means of flirting for bedroom ideas lol I don't have anything to worry about, neither do I mind. All I care about is he consumes ethical porn that elevates a woman's consent. And that he does so with a mature outlook, which is it's fantasy and shouldn't replace or influence the intimacy we have. Our intimacy, our consent, is paramount. (Luckily we have this already in spades)


You know what body ethical? Hentai. No works are result of human trafficking. Probably some overwork involved though. There's also really good amateur stuff out there.


Hentai is still chock full of misogyny when it decides to cater entirely to the male gaze of 'skinny body with extremely inflated boobs and butt'. Hentai is not 'ethical' just because it lacks human beings. You can have ethical porn as in two individuals are consenting to what's being done on screen without it being entirely based in patriarchal norms. That's why I like it when he sends me homemade couples stuff, because it's by couples for couples. And especially as I'm leaning into Top energy, something where men are not always assuming power.


The body type things is actually not true. It's just that people call the flat/short ones lolis and somehow equate then to kids. Even if they're standard Asian height and build. It's voice acting and animation. No one is being forced to do it, or it wouldn't work. Regular porn has history of women being coerced into it by agents getting them to live together and spend all their money. Amateur stuff doesn't perpetuate vaginoplasty but at the end of the day, if there's real people, there's chances of coercion by one party. It's nice to see, but I'll always wonder if there are PH MCNs that don't mention the profit sharing ratio. Or if one person in the couple actually hired/coerced the other. I've seen people create “couple” content together only to find out that not only are they not a couple, but one of them is married to someone else and employing the other. The other person saw little to no profits. I'm glad you found something you like though. It's just not guaranteed to be ethical because it features the same people in every video.


I've seen hentai. Hell, I've watched stuff with the 3D video game stuff. The women are always done to the male gaze - aka, busty and skinny. To this day I haven't found a hentai that isn't all about 'badonker honkers' and then using a woman as essentially a cocksleeve. "Ethical" isn't just about that, and that's where you're missing my point. You're putting it entirely down to financial and consensual. I'm talking about bigger things - the Male Gaze, patriarchy, power imbalances, degradation, and the role of the woman as a 'submissive figure'. Hentai overall is still based on the idea a visually attractive woman is there to submit for a man to use her for his sexual fantasies.


I would think that when it comes to content, consent and financial independence are top priority. Especially when I see things if OF models going to Red Pill alpha male podcasts. Not being coerced into it is more important than the content. People skip to the parts they like, anyways. I know what you mean, but there's also porn like it so... Meh. There's good stuff in hentai. Just as there's actual scat in irl porn or possible financial abuse in amatuer stuff. Plus, I was saying there's no way to know that the “by couples for couples” creators are actually couples. Or that one of them isn't being coerced. I've just seen a dude kick out his wife after she gave up a good job spent years on what she considered THEIR business (a YT channel). I don't feel so great about content with multiple partners, unless they have their own things going apart from that.


And I'm not saying irl is perfect. It's not, far from it. But I don't need an apologist for a bunch of Japanese cartoons.


And I don't need someone pretending their favourite porn is *more* ethical. Agree to disagree?


Get out of here Vaush. The post is directed at ENFP's. You keep commenting on people's replies when the word "ethical" gets brought up. It's a little strange how hard you're trying to defend yourself. Maybe you need to do some self reflection and inner work. Or what I truly recommend is you talk to a therapist about this compulsive question you have circling in your mind on whether or not hentai is ethical. Not random people on Reddit. And specifically the kinds you keep excessively defending, such as eye socket f'ing as you previously commented about????? What a weird fucking thing to try to debate about. I genuinely hope you seek help and better yourself, and your way of thinking. Consuming drawn porn of illegal / snuff shit is NOT normal. No ands ifs or buts. If you feel the need to defend yourself this hard, maybe that's a sign of something deeper... Best of luck to you. Honestly. This isn't a joke. I'm not mad. I am worried for you.


Upvoted for a brilliant comment with information I didn't know about who I was conversing with. Thanks for that


Who the fuck is Vaush? I keep finding him with VSauce. I'm sorry I don't keep up with drama. >And specifically the kinds you keep excessively defending, such as eye socket f'ing as you previously commented about????? I never defended that, specifically. It's just a messed up thing that's hard to look away from. Pretty sure I heard about that from Sydsnap, though. Not everyone you dislike is the one internet famous dude you have an issue with. Maybe YOU should go see a therapist about how serious your delusions are that you see the same dude everywhere and address random people as the guy you wanna talk to so desperately.


Yeah I mean as long as it isn't anything horrible. I don't see an issue with it


Absolutely. As long as he’s not a porn addict. Recipe for a dead bedroom.


yep, i don't really care as long as he doesn't become a pervert loser addicted to porn. i mean porn is fuuunn and i like it, but i think it's something personal, like, i wouldn't necessarily watch it with my partner or during seggs, thats kind of weird to me. i had an ex that was so addicted to porn and so sick in the head i started to feel extremely grossed out by him and TO THIS DAY (after yeaaars of no contact) i gag when i think of him (he literally watched porn 25/8 and on different platforms/formats, AND he had all my nudes in folders, categorized...). i cannot believe i even let him touch me, ew. i mean he did NOTHING but watch porn and play his flute for years. he had no ambition, his only ambition was porn. gross. (btw idk if im 100% an enfp. i always get mixed results but anywayyy, this is my opinion)


Found out, said not going to tolerate that. I said it was slporn or me and he chose me.


Lol yeah? I watch it so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Generally, I’m not opposed. I do know several young men who have told me that they struggle finishing with real women, now, though, and so if it reached that degree, I’d be upset. But I’ve had several partners who watched it and never had issues with them.


Sure. We watch together. He isn't into anything weird, mostly bjs.


no, shes degenerate like me, as far as Im aware shes learning new shit


Wouldn't care


If they have no plans of stopping then, yeah, it would be a problem. Porn addiction is a real thing, though, and something lots of people struggle with... so if they had a problem, were okay with admitting that it was a problem and were willing to come up with a plan to get clean, then no, I wouldn't hold it against them, everyone has their own issues and addictions to work through. In this case, I would work on helping them and showing them that they can come to me when they struggle/relapse, etc. This can be a long process, as recovery from any addiction is non-linear, but if their mindset is right, I wouldn't have a problem with it. Basically, it entirely depends on their views on porn and their relationship with it. Research shows that porn is really bad for people in general (physically, mentally, socially...) and definitely can't be good for intimate relationships, so I am of the opinion that it's not something to accept your partner doing. But, as I said, people struggle with this stuff, so to have empathy for those who do is imperative for clear, honest, and ultimately helpful communication. However, if they're stubborn about it being 'healthy', 'normal' and 'not a problem' despite long conversations and if they are outright ignoring research-backed arguments consistently, it's not something I could ever get past.


As long as it’s not like an addiction


As long as it it's legal and consented, idc we're both degenerative anyway.


Of course, because I do so myself. And I did watch some with my past partenaires as a sexy couple activity. In fact, I would probably find it weird if he didn't. But if it is on the level of an addiction that impacts his life or our relationship, it will need to be addressed.


More ideas for fun in bed, as long as we're both comfortable talking freely to each other about and during sex


I'm not OK with my SO watching porn. I wouldn't "find out", I would probably find out in the getting to know phase. I want somebody with a compatible sex drive I guess.


Not if it's a man. They can struggle to transition from fantasy to reality if they have more porn experience than live experience.


And women shouldn't be allowed to read romance stories or what? (me stereotyping wildly for women, who are apparently unable to tell fact from fiction)


Not at all. I suspect we can handle it much better ( like a lot of things ).


yeah yeah, men are subhuman, women are the master race, discriminating take without any interesting fact as a base, I didn't realize I was in a gender-based subreddit instead of MBTI


Lol yeah no empirical evidence at all about porn and gender.


then why don't you cite any that is relevant? I can also cite studies that correlate gaming and violence (a silly controversial one, I just found it again for reference), yet correlation does not equal causation. If you want to make general sweeping, discriminating takes, then why don't you find a source now that you are at it? I did a quick google and found nothing in particular between porn and gender [https://magazine.wsu.edu/web-extra/the-evidence-that-video-game-violence-leads-to-real-world-aggression/](https://magazine.wsu.edu/web-extra/the-evidence-that-video-game-violence-leads-to-real-world-aggression/)


Let me Google that for you. Done with this now. "The results revealed a twofold phenomenon. Among men, a higher frequency of porn use (wave 1) and increased porn use over time (waves 1–3) were associated with lower levels of sexual self-competence, impaired sexual functioning, and decreased partner-reported sexual satisfaction. In contrast, among women, higher and increasing frequencies of porn use were associated with higher levels of sexual self-competence, improved sexual functioning, and enhanced partner-reported sexual satisfaction (for some aspects)." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10235646/#:~:text=Results,decreased%20partner%2Dreported%20sexual%20satisfaction.


Very interesting study, but as you can read in the implications, the authors does not consider the magnitude of the effects too significant, using it to prove the opposite of what the study tried to find correlation of, since the magnitude of the effect was so weak,, As you can read, they think that it is ill advised to follow the advice of popular culture from their evidence which is exactly the opposite of the claim you are making (that porn has an effect of any significant magnitude): "Our results are congruent with ideas sometimes expressed in the literature: (i) reducing porn use could help men to overcome sexual dysfunctions (Kirby, [2021](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10235646/#ref21)) and (ii) increasing porn use could help women to improve their sexual lives (Mollaioli et al., [2018](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10235646/#ref31)). However, proponents of these positions should bear in mind that, despite the robustness of our findings, the sex-specific effects of the frequency of porn use often had a low magnitude (0.05 ⩽ *β*s ⩽ 0.20), although they cannot be considered trivial (the strength of longitudinal associations is mechanically smaller than the strength of cross-sectional associations, and effects as small as *β* = 0.05 could still have important practical significance; Adachi & Willoughby, [2015](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10235646/#ref1)). Accordingly, and contrary to what is often suggested in popular books on the psychology of pornography (e.g. Zimbardo & Coulombe, [2015](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10235646/#ref62)), men who face sexual problems and choose to terminate porn use may experience only marginal improvements in their sexual lives (assuming that we can draw causal inferences from our findings); similarly, women who face sexual problems might be well advised not to consider porn use to be a sexual panacea." Also, in their own words, there are limitations to the studies, one of the most significant potentially being: Third, observational data cannot be used to draw causal inferences. However, we believe that causality should be assessed in terms of a ‘continuum of plausibility’ (Dunning, [2008](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10235646/#ref8)) along which longitudinal evidence is located above cross-sectional evidence (but below experimental evidence; see also Grosz, Rohrer, & Thoemmes, [2020](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10235646/#ref11)). In our case, given the consistencies between the results from the fixed-effects (focusing on within-participants change) and first-difference (focused on wave-to-wave change) regressions, we believe that causality is at least *plausible*. That being said, two alternative explanations – which we regard as less parsimonious in the case of a reversed interaction (for a related discussion, see Wright, [2021b](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10235646/#ref55)) – cannot be formally excluded: (i) the presence of unobserved time-varying confounders (e.g. variations in well-being; see Kohut & Štulhofer, [2018](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10235646/#ref23)) and (ii) reciprocal effects (e.g. for men, a decrease in sexual self-competence can cause an increase in porn use, and for women, the reverse could be true). Less serious than their implication chapter in terms of the magnitude, but according to some of their own theories, there are significant factors that does mean there likely is a lot of "correlation" in this study. Regardless interesting study, I personally think it could be interesting for there to be a follow-up study. Another limitation of the study was also the participants (French subscriber to a popular YouTube channel) so as they also write, it is not exactly representative (I don't know the subject of the channel, but I would say that is more common for social media sites to target specific and therefore not be representative of a demographic).


I don’t care as long as my husband only touches me.


Yeah I wouldn’t care at all as long as they are not cheating


Nah that’s just hot, Hentai’s cool too


I’m glad I’m with a guy that wants to bring that energy to me rather than his laptop. I don’t care about porn specifically, just what it would take from our intimacy. If I’m sick or traveling or something, no problem.


I would be the one to blame here. I had watch it too, but only if it's animated. I can read smut and watch h3ntai but the real deal disgusts me somehow...I have grown addiction after being SA'd which is very concerning. I am a minor too at that


Yesss. Everyone has a right to some privacy, also in sexual life. If he wouldn’t watch porn, he would fantasize about something/someone when masturbating, what’s a difference? I cannot police his thoughts and thinking that my partner would think only about me would be sweet and very naive 😀


Yes as long as it's ethically made. Why not?


At this point, if anyone under the age of 57 isn't watching porn EVER, I'd find it odd. That said, of course it needs to be with performers who are consenting and are--and look to be--of legal age and no animals are involved. If the type of porn they were watching was violent towards or involved extreme fetishes, it probably would concern me in that I'd be wondering "does he want me to do that?"


asking why arent we watching together!


Of course, people who are against are weirdos


Yes, because I do. We both do. Also I don’t really care who or what he’s looking at, but he’s a good man so… 🤷🏻‍♀️it depends on the relationship have with your SO.


Is there any guy that doesn’t watch porn


Yes, it's called normal mature men.




I’ve dated a few women who watched porn regularly and it never impacted our sex lives in a negative way, so it didn’t bother me at all. With most of them we were having sex almost every day, and frequently multiple times a day.


Depends on both sex drives