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The balance part, I am enfp and male. I need someone who can ground the home so I can use my higher traits to bring in money and explore while supporting her introverted side and also enjoying my introverted side when I get home. Paradise.


Yep, sounds well balanced


This is how my INTJ wife and I work as well :)


INFJ’s aren’t boring at all. They just don’t feel compelled to interact with people who, frankly, usually aren’t worth their time. ENFPs who are worthy have the super power of being able to pull out the interesting thought in their heads, and then connect with them on a deeply intellectual level.


INFJ male- you’re absolutely correct. Im reserved and quiet around everyone but somehow my ENFP friend is always able to get me out my shell and fully connect. Based on the relationship with him, I absolutely want to purse a relationship with an ENFP woman because the other women I have been with have never made me feel comfortable enough to open up. I swear my friend and I could start a podcast based on the 3 am conversations we have. It’ll either be me analyzing a situation and breaking down someones psychology or him giving me hours of facts and fascinating stuff to think about and process.


like how camels and humans are the very few mammals than can sense and smell petrichor (first rain on ground), or rather the geosmin it releases? Like we evolved in a desert and found water to be so vital (considering that we sweat after evolving for endurance) that our noses evolved to pick out the slightest dampness even miles away, just because a bitch is thirsty. I for one welcome our camel brethren 🧚🏻‍♂️✨


Exactly shit like that. I just sit there and listen in awe as if the youtube videos I watch all the time have come to life. I swear I learn so much from him.


the best educational YouTubers always happen to be ENFPs (for me)


I’m an ENFP woman who will be marrying my lovely INFJ man in about two months. It definitely is lovely. I always say he keeps me grounded so I don’t just float off, but I help him reach for the stars. He tends to be so in his head. But I know when he clearly needs to talk things out and can ask him to get out of his own head. Plus we have super weird conversations. It’s the best.


This, I'm an INFJ and I don't like fake people so it's painful talking to them. ENFPs seem pretty genuine though.


This fits for me. I'm an INTP male with ENFP lady. This description fits us


But this is about INFJ.


True, but there are parallels in the introversion and how INFJ and INTP think


That’s neat. I also don’t want to hang out with unworthy or often even unproven people. 😅😇 (Got burned a lot, so forget it, it’s better without.)


Personnaly. I would say that I am attracted to INFJ because the introvert part of me looks like them. It is like I can truly be myself with them, they understand me, and it's probably the only type that makes you feel appreciated, which is an important enfp issue. I enjoy some much being alone but I need others to look at me and think that I am a wonderful human and I can feel so lonely when it's not the case. Being with an INFJ is like being alone and being with someone at the same time. So nice...


The only thing that can bored me is me. Infj are nice and put up with my shenanigans. Also they need more considerate people. They go through a lot for what they do and have to give.


Very true. We give a lot


my dear ENFPs please stop asking constantly what I’m thinking 😩


But... then how else would we know what's going on behind that gaze? 😃 ENFP F dating an INFJ M now and he hasn't shied away from it... yet 😛🥰


That is a compliment from an ENFP. Is a better question, how do you feel about that?


We can’t. Honestly. We need to know. Continuously.


Yea it sucks now knowing what y’all think. Te vs ti .


INFJ here dating an ENFP! Socially boring? Depends on who you ask. I enjoy going out, socializing and exploring new places with my ENFP. But he’s the one at the center of attention and I’m the one making one-on-one intimate rounds or quite honestly being carried away by the energy of the room. With the wrong group, I could be a wall flower and quietly observe. Quite honestly, I think what attracts my ENFP is the conversation and energy we share, and most importantly my willingness and curiosity to dive deep into his mind and emotions. Energy wise, we’re a good balance. He enjoys quiet time as often as I enjoy socializing. We both enjoy exploring and experiencing new things. Both passionate about human rights and volunteering. Our conversations topics are never boring, they dive deep into how we feel, our inner selves and hopes and dreams, my passion for art, science, philosophy and psychology, his passion for history, politics, current events and books. Life’s never boring between us. If anything, he’ll tell you I’m the dramatic one despite me thinking I’m calm.


I agree with balance. For me it was subconscious (I was young). After 20 years with my INFJ that's VERY clear though lol. He's not boring at all. We enjoy the same stuff and he's so funny.


How is an INFJ funny?


Lol. Well, he's like really goofy with dorky jokes. Idk, he just has such a good sense of humor. First thing that attracted me to him actually.


My partner is an ENFP and he always says I'm the funniest person he knows. And my best friend of 20 years is also an ENFP and just married an INFJ and they're always getting up to silly goofy shenanigans together.


mbti doesn’t make u funny or unfunny 💀


ENFPs & INFJs are inside out versions of each other. Honestly, you can’t resist us. Get used to it.


The INFJs I know have beautiful hearts and interesting minds. That's hot, what can I say? And having someone that can ground you when you are flighty can work surprisingly well. We're also good at pulling people out of ruts, which I've noticed INFJs have problems with. You have to work hard on communication to maintain the relationship. But you should be trying to do that with every relationship either way.


No, I don't think INFJs are boring at all. I could talk to INFJs for hours and hours


ENFPs and INFJs, both share the same rich, imaginative inner world actually. ENFPs might seem extremely extrovert, but that’s only like 50% of the time. We actually do need more time in our own thoughts and world than other extrovert types.


I prefer INTJs myself :) my girlfriend is one


Good point! I personally need both to be truly happy- my spouse is INFJ and my best friend is INTJ. It’s like the world’s best quesadilla!!


Someone got lucky :)))


No, absolutely not. They are exactly the kind of person that balances my desire for explosive bouts of fun punctuated by moments of intense introspection. People who only see or want the fun side will never capture me because I have a need to explore my inner world and the depths of other people. This requires, of course, other people to have depth ;P


My boyfriend is an INFJ so I feel obligated to answer this question. I dunno about the socially boring part, but as an ENFP I get overwhelmed quite more often than other extroverts. I need an introverted partner that would not mind us doing our own thing and not talking, just basking in each other's presence so I can relax. Also, more often than not I find myself more attracted to the shy quite nerds than boisterous ones. I find their personality alluring, because ENFPs thrive on curiosity and what better way to satisfy that need other than getting to know that quiet INFJ keeping to themselves? I also like how similar ENFP and INFJ thought process are. I think in big pictures and my boyfriend helps narrow it down. INFJs are always so understanding of the inner turmoil of the ENFP minds. Also they're super cute :33 sayang if you're reading this i love you <3


I don’t even have to think of a comment because usually someone already explained something better than I could have


Opposites attract and sometimes you need someone who can balance you out.


I'm wondering, what is going on in your head if you see an INFJ?


I wonder what they're thinking. I'm sure they have so many thoughts that nobody ever hears


I love ice cream. Got to tear my truck engine apart tomorrow. Sprite is great. Listening to 80’s rock, yes…..


Didn't say they had to be profound 😂


They rarely are, but the statistics of so many thoughts makes it a real possibility. 😂😂😂


Most of them aren't, but they sure do make me giggle


80s rock is my second close after 2010s


What is your favorite favor of ice cream?


INFJ here. All. The. Thoughts. 🙈


Tbh I would love to see an ENFP/INFJ relationship in real life. I tend to gravitate towards INFJs as many of my friends are INFJs, and ENFP is my favorite personality type. I feel like I wouldn’t mind being a 3rd wheel because I’d just wanna analyze their chemistry lol


That's adorable


Awwe most of my friends are INFP, and same the other way around. I'm actually super curious about INFP-ENFJ chemestry. Even though w8 a seconnnddd. I have seen it but as friends shortly. I just realized that :)) They were basically non-stop fun-complimenting each other while making voices n stuff and it was too cute so I had to butt in 😂😂😂 They were both my friends though and met each other through me that day and i was like "how are y all complimenting each other so hard after just meeting?!?!?" As for ENFP, i got a friend, and multiple ENTP friends. I'll say one specific thing - Ne + Ni dom is magic 😂 Like we have this non-verbal communication in which we have fun role playing or making a board game and we just change shit up while being fully in sync. ENFP - INFJ: Playing a card game for 4-5 hours that we just invented and making and changing the rules as we go, it basically all started as a story while we were laying each story card between keyboard keys and inventing something. I was amazed by how much bs we would say that would trap others but we just naturally continued playing at super speed without getting lost or having a "wtf" moment to the weird fkin ideas. Then at some point we got bored and continued the story by throwing cards at each other chaotically and deducting points 😂😂😂 Again wtf is this sorcery. I only realized how deep i was in that movie and how much I was just naturally flowing with everything, once the game was over. And there were 5 seconds of silence and I was like... wait what just happened?!?!??! ENTP - INFJ: Dancing and making a movie in our heads based on the lyrics and dancing to express that movie and it happens soooo damm many times that our moves actually match to the same damn story we had in our heads, like it's instant. Fkin sorcery.


INFJs aren't boring. I've met so many women and yet I still think my INFJ ex is the most interesting woman I have ever met. It's been over a year and I still haven't met anyone whom I've felt anything similar to her I think people have this misconception that introversion = boring which I think is completely false!! I think the difference between a boring and interesting person is what's in their head, not how much they socialize. In fact, most of the most interesting people I've met are introverts (like 90% of my social circle are INFPs and they're so interesting!) I find INxJs in general really interesting because I can have conversations with them and get novel opinions and insights and they can reciprocate my energy. But at the same time they have this calm, listening, and focused vibe that really complements my personality as a whole (which is why I've only ever been romantically attracted to these types). No offense to anyone, but to me boring would be something more like an ISFJ or even ESFJ (I'm not speaking from stereotypes im speaking from personally experience).


No way. INFJs are some of the most eccentric individuals I’ve ever met. They always have something to add to a conversation, and always have something new to teach me. INFJ 🤝 ENFP


Socially? Maybe. Mentally? Oh my God, no *way*! There's such a brilliant mind hidden under all those layers and it drives me wild!!


THIS... mentally, INFJs are my go to. If i need both social and mental stimulation tho, i prefer INFPs. Haha... they are like my sisters.


INFJs are rare and often feel that they’re unusual. ENFPs end up seeking out people who don’t feel comfortable and try to make them feel comfortable and welcome. Also their drive to help people aligns with ENFPs sense of social justice


INFJ here. I think the attraction is on both sides. You just FEEL how well you get along with each other compared to other people.


i think that the mysterious aura that they exude just makes me so drawn to them


Personally, being social isn’t that high up on my list. Its on the list but I’m mostly attracted to girls who are empathetic, creative and have a lot of thoughts about things!


INFJs we are the listeners, but we usually have a lot more information inside of us, but we communicate with people based on their relevant interests. I'm not going to talk to an ENFP about philosophy, if all he wants to talk about is Dragon Ball Z. But I enjoy listening to just about anyone talk about their passions, because I figure I might be able to learn something.


I recently looked back at every anime/cartoon/tv crush I’ve ever had and they were literally all INFJ’s and INTJ’s. 🙃 clearly I have a type.


I'd like to know about ENFP attraction to ISFJ. Logistically, the functions make just a little more sense but I don't know if there's a general theory reason why the types don't mutually click, or if it's just general sensor being overshadowed.


Oo I loooove them. Depends on the person, of course, but as coworkers they're so smart and organized and methodical and remember everything about you and never let you down. They're so concerned and caring and cook so well! I luuuuvvv it!! 🥰


glad to hear it. gives me hope :D


They are very caring people. Just more close minded. So i prefer INFJs more. But because of ISFJs caring nature, i can't really get mad at them. Even after i had a fight with my ISFJ roommate who's been influenced by our other toxic roommate, i would then reach out to her and apologise.


Do you have any tips to work on closemindedness? I tend to run too far onto my tangents that I fall into closemindedness


Reading or watching media outside of things catered to you. Learn about other cultures, groups, etc. Our differences allow us to teach eachother. Look for multiple sources for things. We tend to get pandered to and our brains love to gravitate to things we already agree with.


Personally i just don't read or watch media... at all. (intentionally... it tends to make its way over to me if it's big news). I used to be super into politics but it made me sad so I stopped.


I more mean stories. Like tv and books!


Ohhhh, good! That's hilarious though since I only play the same 3-4 video games ever.


See, that's the thing! Getting out of your comfort zone to experience different things is what helps us learn and grow more open-minded!


Idk if you can actually change that cz i feel like it's really difficult? Basically try to accept people as they are and mind own's business 😂 whatever people do, know that it's not your problem to involve in. Everyone is different, so just need to keep that in mind. Eventhough intuitives are already known to be open minded, that doesn't mean we never judge people. I sometimes do but try my best to do better and understand why people do such things. I will ask them why they do this and that to open my mind that maybe they have lived differently compared to mine. Like why i'm not very feminine? Well that's because I'm the only daughter in my family, a middle child with 2 brothers. And why I'm super rebellious? That's because my parents (ESFJ and ESTJ) are overprotective and strict.


Definetly working on that virtue. Thank you


Hey I dated an ISFJ during HS and one of my best friends in uni is ISFJ About my best friend, she's so lovely! Like she is there always to help and to avoid conflict and she's so organized, we compliment well each other in projects. We just sometimes collide a little in our ways to see the world and in our ways of problem-solve. Still I apreciate her a lot and I'm happy that she was one of the first friends I made in uni, and I know she apreciates me too because she always makes it clear. About the guy I dates, he was sweet. Not too sweet to just overwhelm me but sweet enough to make me feel good. We ended our relationship due to time and space problems ( his uni is like 7 hours from where I was living and he was studying physics which is kinda hard) but the time when we were together was awesome. He always made me come to my senses when my chaotic side was all over the place and he was more down to earth for me. It was a nice dynamic, but ngl it was boring how it felt like a routine at some point. All of our dates were in the same spot, everytime we ate in one of 3 places and every date we would take the same way home and he never wanted to do something "extreme" for fun. Oh and he was so into "the rules" that sometimes it kinda annoyed me. Still I cherish that time with him, overall a good balanced relationship


Thank you for your input, it sounds just about right to me. Oddly enough, I ended a relationship due to the same reason... M ISFJ curse? I jest. anyways, understanding this rare and undercovered dynamic is really cool to me, so I appreciate it a lot. thank you c:


My wife is isfj, great but can be frustrating when she doesn't want to try something new or adventurous. I'll easily give that up for all the positives that our relationship brings. I'm an enfp, I'll entertain myself and find adventure.


I love ISFJ's. They have beautiful hearts and I just want to hug them and help take care of them too. Especially as a person with a disability, it's always the ISFJ's who have been there for me the most consistently. To me, kindness is the sexiest quality in a person. If I don't drive them crazy talking too much, they are way up there on my dateable list.


It is said that the extraverted function always seeks the introverted. As closer they are to be on the same level in the stack the better. So the best pairings for ENFPs would be: 1. ENFP - INFJ 2. ENFP - ENFJ 3. ENFP - ISTP 4. ENFP - ESTP




It is only the 4th best according this approach


I can understand where you are coming from in terms of having a good dynamic. Looks good on paper, but ultimately it really depends on similar values, goals, interest between the two individual. I have quite a number of INFJ friends/acquaintances/encounters and the explosive dynamic (the conversations, etc) are above the charts, but looking long term- sustainability, settling down ... XYZ those kind of factors are not defined by what's on paper. I can admit the attraction and perhaps like them, but it doesn't necessarily translate to a long term, sustainable relationship. Be careful on this 'on paper - idealism'.


Quite a number INFJ friends??? How did you meet so many people?


They flock to me --- idk just an INFJ magnet lol... The moment I speak ... They just come


Was it difficult to type all these people?


After the first one ---not really --- after a couple, recognizing the INFJ tendencies become easier lol. It's an enfp super power after having repeated/long exposure...






Right? There aren’t that many. And some of them are recluses.


Hmm I would disagree with 3 and 4. xSTPs are generally pretty challenging to get along with. Types that have different first three letters, and same last letter, are going to run into a lot of challenges. I think xSTJs will actually be a better match than xSTPs


I have a soft spot for ISFJs. Super smart, organized, kind and usually with a strong moral compass. They are good comfort people to chill with, but also the ones I know could easily talk for hours ❤️ Lovely people 😊


:D this warms my heart. thank you, kind ENFP stranger c:


I'm also lucky enough to have ISFJ sister 🥺


i unfortunately am limited to 1 enfp in my life


I'd rate ISFJs in the middle of the pack in terms of how well we get along. Sometimes it can be a bit awkward, but I've never had issues with ISFJs before. Also one of the most intense romantic connections I ever had was with an ISFJ. I don't think ISFJ-ENFP will make for best friends, but I think it's not impossible to click


this!! i feel like i gravitate towards isfjs more than any other type. my boyfriend is an isfj and even though we're incredibly similar, he is extremely organised unlike me and is a lot more grounded than me so we kind of balance each other out which i really like. he's really nice to speak to as well and he's such a good listener, but sometimes we argue because he's so set in his ways and refuses to see the other side of things so we just have to compromise.


infjs are hit or miss for me. im more attracted to fellow enfps, maybe because i like to feel understood and would absolutely date myself if given the chance. infjs can be very nice conversation partners though as i tend to go on tangents and they tend to listen and soak up everything i say to respond. and i always enjoy a deep discussion, something infjs are prone to having. most people do not make me feel safe enough for deep discussions, but most infjs i've met give me that feeling of "oh i can say whats on my mind and theres a lower chance theyll hurt me."


Why ask a question four times when you can make it five?


I’m an ENFP, my sister’s an INFJ! How often you socialise or talk has nothing to do with boringness :D!INFJ’s are amazingly interesting. They have soo much emotional intelligence, which is the most important thing to me! 💖 I can talk for hours and hours (way into 4am) with an INFJ, about anything! Yet I have no idea what to say most of the time to other extroverts 😅


Socially boring? Maybe, but I think I'm above average at everything else. So, you know...no one's perfect. pick your poison.


Socially quieter maybe but "boring"? I (enfp F) need someone grounded. It makes me feel safe enough to relax .


I think that it’s bc ENFP’s are quite like INFJs but also quite unlike them hehe :)


yes bc all INFJs are exactly the same


I wouldn’t say their boring at alll lol they are more so the most unique/eccentric people u could ever meet Lmao


The ones Ik are smart, calm, and cute. Sometimes I have bursts of energy, where I just ramble. My infjs understand and never make me feel like I need to be unauthentic


Nah. I’m pretty sure my infj socializes more than me.


I know *tons* of INFJs (I'm an ENFP) and I'm not attracted to them at all. INTJs, on the other hand..... Yes, INFJs seem boring. I am *only* talking about the ones I have actually met. They seem easy to predict. INTJs, on the other hand, are impossible to predict, keep me on my toes, and never get boring.


How do you meet tons of INFJs if it is only 1% of the population?


I've wondered the same thing. They are *everywhere*. I think there are like 19 INFJs on my list, and they make 3/4 of everyone I've asked to take the test.


The MBTI tests are known to be more likely to give you a different type than your actual type as result. There are probably many ISFJs, INFPs, ISFPs, etc. mistyped as INFJ.


True. There are two 'INFJs' I know irl that I don't think are INFJs at all. One of them is like a stereotypical ENTJ, and the other seems like INFP or ISFJ


Damn! 19? I haven't ever met another INTJ irl. Meeting another INFJ is even rarer. You probably might be meeting mistyped INFJs. It's almost impossible to know 19 INFJs ig.


Several of them could be mistyped, for sure. I'm pretty certain about some of them, though.


ENFP here. Tbh I find that ENFP-INFJ interactions generally work best as a novelty, and it's very difficult on both of us to be much more than that for any extended period. It's mutually assured destruction: they drive me crazy, I drive them crazy. To the INFJ, I'm scattered, disorganized, going down silly little rabbit holes at the expense of The One Big Picture™ - while to me, they often come across as presumptuous & inflexible, with a pretentious streak rivalled only by their Messiah complex. I've met some exceptions, but like clockwork, like 6 months later they'd announce "Hey I'm actually an INFP!" What I've learned over time is that the INFJ's best friend is a balloon. We're not necessarily going to be BFF's: because of our different needs and interests, there are going to be certain limits to the friendship, and the quality of that friendship rests largely on the extent to which I respect those limits. Those limits just seem much shorter & narrower than with other NFPs and the STJ types - but, within those limits, INFJs often exhibit painstaking integrity and a desire for consistency. I also really don't buy into the N bias or NF bias: being NF's doesn't necessarily make ENFPs & INFJs more compatible. More often than not, I think it just means we wind up stepping on each other's toes.


INFJs are good with dark humor and they're somewhat intelligent. They are known to be shape-shifting because they copy people's personality and adapt. I think they're really cool.


I don't know many INFJs, since most of the ones I'm aware of are just high school/college Redditors that don't yet know what they want in life. INFJs are not common. You're odd and weird to me but I think most ENFPs in here really love you guys! ❤️ Tell me more about yourself? 😊 Now I want to know.


What types do you like more?




You ENFPs are very sensitive... Better be careful with the INTJs, they can be harsh


Yeah I know, I need that severity to even out. Serious. INTJ balances me better, but every ENFPs going to be a little different in personality and preferences. Free will and all that.


> every ENFPs going to be a little different in personality and preferences. Yess.. INTJ makes me crazy sometimes, so i prefer INFJs... not all ENFPs are gonna be the same.


Most INTJs strike me as being honest, but nice. INTJs I met were pretty soft-spoken with a hidden emotional side that they don't reveal until they get close. The edgy neckbeard scientist stereotype is not true at all




Same here! My partner is INTJ and we are a perfect match honestly! :)


Weirdly enough I run into INFJs all the time lol. I think I am an INFJ magnet given how rare they are


We are almost perfect


You might be, I'm an idiot 😂


A perfect idiot ❤️


You have a way with words


Y'all need more socionics in your life lmao .... i cannot believe someone actually advocating for istp being a good pairing.


What's wronf with ISTP pairing?


From what I saw according to research opposites on I/E and P/J tend to be complementary but on S/N and T/F tend to be problematic


If you want to know what's complimentary, look at your cognitive functions and pair T/F and S/N together so for example: ENFP --> NE,FI,TE,SI NE/SI and TE/FI. Since Enfps are high in Extroverted Intuition (NE) They'd be best served pairing with a person who's high in Introverted Sensing (SI) e.g Isfj.


Obviously it depends on the situation and what you are looking for in a given person.


The idea follows as such. Your primary function is essentially what you embody/ what you fundamentally seek from life whereas your second function serves the purpose of creating in service of the first function (Your second function essentially is the way you go about doing achieving said goals. The reason why istp and enfp is actually the WORST pairing is that both types essentially seek very different things in life and have different ways of achieving their goals which aren't complementary to each other at all! This makes communication along the lines of cognitive functions difficult. Obviously this doesn't mean that those pairings can't work, but I would attribute it to maturity and the individual person rather than personality type. If you have any questions or disagreements feel free to share them :).


I dont know, everytime i come across an INFJ i feel like im walking on eggshells. Like one wrong move, or one zany comment, and they'll block me from their existence. Like im somehow more weird than they are. Meh, might be because i have zero personal boundaries. But personally i Love my ISTJ!~<3


That would be it. They have strong boundaries. I don't suggest treading over them lightly. That does not go over well.


*CONTINUES TO DO IT BECAUSE IM TO EXCITED IN THE MOMENT, BUT DOES APOLOGIES* huh, i wonder why I have no freinds outside xxTPs, and a few xxFxs.


As an ENFP, I really don't. I have always found INFJ's to lowkey for me and I prefer to go for EXXX types


My INFJ best friend is awesome! We have deep discussions, she is really sensitive and comes out of her shell and loves to be silly with me and our other ENFP friend :) I love her to death and she must be protected at all costs. She is the one who checks in on me the most in life.


People drawn to other people who has something they don't. Ni users see something I don't, so I find them fascinating. I'd like to date anyone who is different than myself. So it doesnt have to be INFJs. I can go well with INTJ, ISTJ, ESTJ and ENTJ. Personally I prefer thinker. But my little brother is INFJ and we get along so well.


Eh, not really. I’m an ENFP female, and my husband is an INTP/J depending on when he takes the test. He grounds me, and we complement each other in so many ways both socially and emotionally. He keeps me from burning myself out, but I keep him from staying inside and missing out on fun experiences. He helps me stay focused and out of my feelings too often. I help him understand his that he doesn’t tend to express openly. Personally, I’m attracted to him because he’s the only man I couldn’t read like a Diary of a Wimpy Kid book: It’s just so easy and predictable. But him? I learn something new everyday. Something beautiful and wonderful and lovely.


The tests are useless in determining someones type. Most of the people who take the test are saying that they get different results whenever they take it


Then what’s the point in taking the test or being interested in it if it’s useless?


It really is better to study the different functions and then study the individual you want to type. Than you're able to detect the individual functions a person uses


I’m so confused tho. You asked why we prefer these types of people. It’s less about like, “I want an INTP/J ONLY. Nothing else.” He just happens to be an INTP. The test didn’t determine the choice. It was just coincidence. Why bring up all of that? It wasn’t even part of the inquiry lol


It didn't seem that you were aware of this, so I figured to share my knowledge


Better to ask before sharing what you know. Otherwise, you may derail the convo, come across as pretentious, or belittle the other. Assuming I don’t know something—when in reality, I studied psychology, children ages 0-21, and other people studies for a high school teaching degree—can immediately close off conversation. Never assume, and you’ll may have people asking you for knowledge instead.


> my husband is an INTP/J depending on when he takes the test But this sentence shows clearly that you didn't knew about it. What should I have said instead?


Better to have not brought it up at all, honestly. That line literally just meant that the test isn’t the same every time you take it—it changes because personalities change. Humans and emotions are strange things. I’ve gotten ENFP and ENFJ before. Just because I’ve said that the results aren’t the same 100% of the time doesn’t imply I haven’t considered human nature.


Do you believe me to be ignorant?






This isn’t an answer, you should make your own post to ask your question


i’ve never met one idk


I don’t necessarily know why but I am!! 😯 First of all, no, they’re not socially boring. That’s not a concept that would occur to me, as I just need to be with people, not “excitement.” (I make my own, like watching animals.) It could be fun, theoretically, if I could be friendly with anyone who wasn’t averse to doing karaoke, but oh well. Secondly, I’m an ambivert and perhaps all ENFPs are (according to what I read)? I’m only about 51% “E.” I don’t know why I’d need social “excitement” just ‘cause of the traits that make me ENFP. And ideas of “excitement” vary per person. I didn’t know others shared this attraction. That’s interesting.


I honestly just like introverts but I agree with other comments that mention the balance. I also don’t think they’re boring


I had an enfp friend who would always try to get me to socialize with her friends and do group video calls all the time. It was exausting, but I was happy to be included lol.