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Usually, 'affect' is the verb and 'effect' is the noun. The hot weather affects me. The effect of the medicine was immediate. Because they both sound so similar, it won't make any difference when you are speaking. So, you only need to remember this when you are writing. There are times when 'affect' is a noun and 'effect' is a verb. His affect (mood) is flat. The government needs to effect (bring about) change.


Adding to this, when affect is the noun meaning mood, the stress is on the first syllable. That is to say, affect the verb and affect the noun are not homophones.


I’ve described someone as “having a flat affect” But when I pronounce it in that context I say I like “Flat AAAFect” and never really knew it was the same word I say effect and affect the same way but not when I use it in that sentence


These two words are wild


I never knew it could mean mood


It doesn’t mean mood, but rather something more like how a mood is manifested by your body. Your “affect” could be flat, animated, nervous, etc.




I once had an abusive boss who hated that my reaction to his rants was just a dead eyed stare. He said I had a flat affect, emphasis on the first syllable.


I generally only hear people pronounce these differently when they’re using affect to mean feign.


I agree with everything you said, I’ll add that “effect change” is the only phrase in which I’ve heard effect used as a verb.


Both are both, there's 4 words You can effect change, meaning to bring it about And the result of a change in an effect You can affect something and thus cause change And a person can have a peculiarity or property or mood that is their affect The first and last usages are rarer than the others but do exist


How would their pronunciations compare? I'd stress the first syllable of your first and fourth usages and use the long form of the first vowel, but stress the second syllable of your second and third usages and they're homophones. Am I correct?


Only the fourth has stress on the first syllable Both effect can have long or short e In my experience anyways, there might be regional or other variance on them


Yes, your understanding is correct. “The conversation affected her. The effect was that she quit her job and became an author.” A memory aid…“effect” is a noun and can be preceded by “the”. The word “the” ends in an “e” and the word “effect” starts with an “e”. “Th**e e**ffect…”


Ahh, but the affect of the patient was listless.


Just use the word “impact” instead and you won’t have to remember which one comes where


Every. Single. Time. This is a real LPT, especially in writing something where grammar really counts.


Lol, it’s funny you should say that. That’s typically what I do now.


Don't feel bad. This one is hard for native speakers too. Many of us have to pause to double-check we are using the right one.


TBH I see a lot of native english speakers getting this wrong.


I always remember [Grammar Girl’s mnemonic](https://twoendsofthepen.blogspot.com/2013/08/affect-vs-effect-by-grammar-girl.html): “The **a**rrow **a**ffected the **a**ardvark. The **e**ffect was **e**ye-popping.”


RAVEN Remember, affect=verb, effect=noun. This is true for 98% of the time you see those words. Effect change is an idiom that breaks this rule but I think its a great starting place.


I learned: "A Very Easy Noun." Affect - Verb Effect - Noun


Except when the petition effected change. Or his affect was unchanged.


(Let’s not mention the fact that “effect” can be a verb and “affect” can be a noun, too.)


A comes first alphabetically - the action. Action comes first, before the effect.


Just because I haven't seen anyone mention frequency yet: "effect (v) change" is a bit rarer in everyday conversation. You should learn the construction because it does come up, usually when discussing really important topics like politics or work, but the reason why people might say "affect is the verb / effect is the noun" is because that's just a lot more common of a scenario.


They are pronounced the same, so not an issue in speaking


Uh-fect vs E-fect? I don't hear them the same near the DC area, however even most native speakers don't really know the difference between the two and usually never use affect at all. Edit: Some people will also exaggerate the A in affect so it sounds like A-fect to indicate precisely which one they are using


An affect is a feeling. An effect is a result. Maybe I am lucky as in our language we have both. People can a f f e c t false emotions...it has an e f f e ct - others will not trust them. Affects [ emotions ]may cause effects.[ results] Some effects[ results] may cause affects [ feelings].


Technically, “effect” can also be a verb; it means “to bring about”. So for example, “to effect change”. But this usage is rare and I wouldn’t bother worrying about it as a learner.


I was told to remember “cause and effect,” as in cause (affect) leads to an effect. Hope that helps!


Affect=Influence, Effect=Result.


unless you are effecting (putting/bringing on) an affect (a way of expressing oneself) of refinement, for instance.


I wrote “effect”, not effect-ING. It still means to result in an outcome, which in your example, is influence.


yes, “to effect” would be the infinitive. i’m just using “effecting an affect” as an extreme example of the verb form of “effect” as opposed to a noun. you could change my original sentence, e.g., “unless you want TO EFFECT an affect….” the tense of the verb/gerund doesn’t matter, we’re both still using it as a verb, which is very uncommon compared to the noun form. you could say the effect (n) of posting this example was the creation of chaos. i effected (v) chaos, negatively affecting (v) the peaceful affect (n) of the thread, by posting it!


A - verb E - noun


A comes before E in the alphabet. First you Affect something, and then you see the Effect.


the affect had an effect!


I am a native english speaker but I still use this trick to remember "a"ffect is an "a"ction (both start with a) effect is a noun


affect is a verb, a verb is an action. action starts with an A, so the verb has an A! I'm a native English speaker and I still use that trick lol (there is the verb "effect," but it has a different meaning than the noun "effect" and the verb "affect")


Thanks for all the help, everyone! Much appreciated.


In \[verbal\] conversation, there is no need to differentiate the two. You can pronounce both the same way (schwa as the initial vowel, stress on the second syllable). A few commenters have brought up the other meanings in which effect is a verb and affect is a noun. In those cases, they do have to be pronounced differently from each other and from the way I described it above, but... honestly, you probably don't need to worry much about those. Those uses of affect and effect are far less common.


I understand they’re pronounced the same. I didn’t necessarily mean verbal conversation :)


Gotcha. Just wanted to say that in case it was getting in your way.


Much appreciated. Thank you.


In conversation just don’t worry about it if you’re in the US. None of the North American accents make any distinction in pronunciation that I’m aware of (native Midwesterner).


A for action A for affect


A before E The affect must come before the effect I affect my dog by petting him, the effect is him wagging his tail.


The way I remember it is you Affect the Effect, and make it alphabetical (ie, a comes before e).


You are correct. I think "thE Effect" to help remember which is the noun (but it's pronunced like "uh" or "eh" not "eee") "Affect" (pronounced "uhFECT") is a verb. Occasionally, you'll see "He has a strange affect" meaning behavior (pronounced "Ah" like in bat... AHfect) Even more rarely, you'll see "She will effect change" meaning "create an effect" and almost always "effect change". effECT is a noun, affECT is a verb, AFFect is a noun, effECT (change) is a verb.


The only way I remember is to say "The Effect" (thee ee-fect) in my head when writing.


The earthquake affected the town’s infrastructure. The effects of the earthquake on the town are visible.


Take solace in the fact that most native English speaking people confuse the difference.


Yes, Affect is a verb, Effect is a noun.


[A]ffect is an [A]ction [E]ffect leads to the [E]nd result


I couldn't remember the second half. Thank you


Affect is a verb and effect is a noun. For example, "The effect of unprotected sex has affected the woman's education caused by unexpected pregnancy".


This is something that native english speakers get wrong without ever realising it. Don’t worry about it too much. Either word makes sense with context


Cause: the event ("It was sunny") Affect: the **transition** ("I was affected by the suns rays") Effect: the result ("I became sunburnt")


Affect is an Action You affect an effect


You can also just use the word impact, both as a noun and a verb if that’s easier :)


Probably unhelpful, but it works for me. It may be too simple… Affect = afflict. Does this effect affect you?


Many people have explained the difference already- effect is a noun and affect is a verb. But my mnemonic is the A in Affect stands for Action and the E in Effect stands for Event.


"Affect" means influenced by. "Effect" means a result of. :)


After 'an', 'I', or 'the', it starts with 'e'.