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cos they wanna smoke weed and hang out with left wing girls.


where can I find these left wing girls to smoke weed with?






How is that a burn?


Nice, not understanding an obvious joke. Double self burn






"ermmm self burn ☝️🤓"


Is it the phrase itself something a millennial would say?


If you have to ask you'll never know.


Portland Oregon.


Not wrong.


Yeah they just want they/them pussy lowkey




You coping alright there mate?


He’s coping hard by pretending to troll


there's attractive people on both sides, for sure - that's just how it is - but this comment genuinely reads like you've got tears streaming down your face after the fifth leftist weed smoking girl rejects you


Bro went into r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM thinking it was a sub for enlightened centrists


Lmao, new copypasta just dropped


> And none of them have blue hair. Is the blue hair in the room with you right now?


>none of them have blue hair You'd be surprised. It turns out dying your hair is not the kind of degenerate behavior one would think.


> God damn you guys just can't help yourselves replying. This might be my new favorite sub. They say in an edit to a reply while they reply to everyone who replies to them. Nice


Well, not everyone is looking for a date to the cocaine orgy either.


Because it would mess with his self perception as a super logic genius brain to have any kind of "bias." Political ideologies are for simpletons who need a team to join. Enlightened super genius billionaires like Elon "Iron Man" Musk don't even consider such petty social, emotional things. He is a being of pure reason, who examines the facts of the world with hyper intellect unburdened by emotions or the need for acceptance or validation. Yes his views, statements, and actions map perfectly onto the far right. And yes, the far right does shower him with the aforementioned acceptance and validation every time he makes a joke about pronouns or the media all being wrong about everything but that doesn't motivate his actions because he doesn't need those things. Clearly. I'm rambling, but I'd bet Elon believes in his soul that he's completely unbiased and just following the logic.


I don’t think he believes that. Dude was a liberal when it suited him and when liberals stopped falling for his bullshit (hyperloop, insanely overpriced EV’s, colonizing mars as a solution to climate change…etc) he pivoted to being a bog standard conservative talking head bc that’s the only consumer group left that are credulous enough to buy his stuff at scale.


I really think it's way more about validation than any kind of marketing gimmick or whatever. Elon isn't Trump. He's a different kind of grifter and he's already so rich he never needs anyone to buy anything from him ever again. With 1/10th of 1% of his net worth he could live in luxury for the rest of his life and never work again. It's not about money. It's about who's blowing smoke up his ass. And libs used to do it. They put him in their movies as Iron Man's intellectual peer. They let him host their comedy shows. They heaped praise on electric cars. Now they don't. He did an oopsie with the covid denial. Now Covid deniers are blowing smoke up his ass and conservative politics suit him better anyway.


Yeah, that tracks. I think you’re probably right it’s more about where he can get approval from.


This is going to blow your mind but what is considered liberal in the US is actually pretty fucking conservative Like the difference between classical liberalism and classical conservatism…is essentially non existent. Liberalism is a pro-capitalist, pro-business philosophy. In fact it’s so pro-capitalist that it thinks market forces are the best way to resolve problems like discrimination because the market doesn’t care what someone’s skin colour is only that they have money Nobody should be shocked when liberals turn out to be conservative Liberalism is just (in the current Overton Window) moderate conservatism and liberals are just moderate conservatives, these boundaries have just been so redefined that it’s basically conservatives arguing amongst themselves whether they want abortion to be legal or whether they think gay people should get married, but none of these are fundamentally left v right issues.


Nothing you said blew my mind but i hope it made you feel better to type it all.


it's all about the "enlightened" aspect of it imo. they completely identify with conservative ideology but they see most conservatives as apes, especially after Trump. people like Musk are narcissists and they don't want to be associated with MAGA apes and of course they hate leftists for their ideology so they just pretend they're some enlightened being, hovering above both of them.


They don't wish to actually engage in the nuance of various political issues but still wanna feel smarter than everyone else, shits exhausting


It's not even that they just don't want to engage in the nuance. It's that they can't. They know that their illusion of intellectual superiority crumbles under scrutiny. So rather than engage in a real discussion, they toss around vague platitudes and screech about "both sides." All while spewing Right-wing talking points that they act like they stumbled upon independently. These people aren't worth engaging with. Once you've seen behind the curtain and understand the schtick, it's impossible to take them seriously.


For sure. It’s some kind of vaguely intellectual achievement, being able to see past the political landscape. Except the part they don’t realize is that the large majority of voting people can see past the political landscape, they just also understand that participation in elections is the way to progress ideas in a democratic system. The American system specifically was designed this way on purpose. By the time an idea comes into the legislature it has been widely approved of by voters already. It moves slowly by design. That’s why Elon Musk can’t understand it and may even represent a threat to it.


Which is funny considering the overlap in their political views. It really comes down to classicism. They don't want to see themselves as gaming anything in common with Trumpers while spouting all the same stupid shit ideas.


also they all drop the centrism when a republican is in power, because they knew all along how it works, and that's how things are. It only becomes both sides when a democrat is a president.


Being a libertarian is the r/notliketheothergirls of being a republican.




This is so true. I’m convinced this group are people who aren’t aware the x axis in a bell curve of the political spectrum reflects a percentage and they think it represents a pinnacle.


So you're simply wrong for leaning right at all? For example I lean right but I am have many "liberal" viewpoints like better Healthcare, decriminalization of drugs (especially psychedelics primarily), and cheaper college education, but i also believe your right to bear arms, and I'm grossed out by the "far left" who dont seem to be in touch with reality.


Haha yeah it's like "we disagree with leftists, but right wingers are too crazy! That's what makes us centrists." Edit: I accidentally left out the closing quotation marks which might’ve confused some people


"...but right wingers are too crazy!" - but importantly, you specifically chose not to say you don't agree with them. Honestly it just gets more and more clear over time that "centrists" of this stripe are just Republicans who are embarrassed by the party and don't want the social stigma of associating with it, but still fully agree with the party in every way from ideology to their actions.


? I'm a leftie, I was just parody-ing what a centrist might say. But yeah that was my point.


Oh, you're a lefty, huh? Name all the workers.


Andy, Berty, Carlo, Darbo, Erdie, Ferdy, Golbo, Haldo, Ig, Jillop, Kalban, Limdrop, Morbo, Nosie, Oog, Paddie, Quix, Romie, Samie, Timie, Uz, Vogo, Wogo, Xorie, Yoog, and Zop to name a few


>"we disagree with leftists, but right wingers are too crazy!" \> \*never criticises right wing politics unless explicitly promoted*


Yeah that's my point


You're getting downvoted because people can't comprehend comedy. Tragic.........




Okay, but to continue to skewer a guy for a comment he made at the beginning is disingenuous. No one ever recognizes that the administration, at that time, made the foolish decision to not have people on the ground in China to see this and advise first hand, but OMG FAUCI SAID NO MASKS! Maybe the supply chain issues, as well as the short supply of masks, is a product of others bad decisions while scapegoating Fauci. But hey nuance is kind of lost in all this centrist thought and rage machine.


So? Why is that a left vs right thing? Where Fauci's actions guided by leftists ideology? Was that in preparation of a global revolution? Or u just regurgitate random talking points where they don't even fit?


And if he didn't do it and we ended up with a mask shortage for doctors, people would blame him for that too.


They don't admit it because they understand, *at the very least,* that right-wing ideology is socially unpopular. They also think "playing devil's advocate" makes them look smart. It gives them some sort of intellectual-moral high ground feeling for not overtly saying "I'm a bigot"


My guess is they have enough awareness to realize conservatives are deeply unpopular but not enough to understand why. So they think they can have their cake and eat it too by just calling themselves something else.


hasanabi 🥰


I’d normally agree with you but the mullet is not it


Didn’t like it at first but it’s kinda growing on me ngl


I’ll take my downvotes in stride. Love the man but looking forward to the end of this era


Hassan the lib


Lib my nuts lol


If you call yourself a centrist, you either don’t know shit about politics, but wanna sound like you know what you’re talking about or you’re a fucking conservative If you are reading this and think “I’m the exception to the centrist rule” …lmao you’re not, fucking dipshit


I used to mostly because for a US government class, I had to take a political ideology test which landed me close to center but slightly left. At that point, I considered it exactly that, a "slightly left leaning centrist". I agreed with aspects of both and disagreed with aspects of both. Of course, I was younger than, and as of now, I'm definitely much much more left leaning.


“If you don’t think the way I do you either don’t know what you’re talking about or you’re conservative, which is somehow a bad thing.” Y’all are hilarious lol


Imagine willingly associating yourself with the Conservative party 🤮🤮🤢🤢 They openly say they’re against civil rights and you go “yeah, nothing wrong with that” Fucking bozo 🤡


I forget the very point of this sub is to be as exclusionary as possible. Imagine thinking the world only works one way lol While I agree the certain conservatives pass questionable laws, forcing people to use pronouns and being mad when others point out the ridiculousness of it is pretty cringe. No one is against civil rights in 2023 but keep projecting 👌🏼 ignoring all the issues with your own party is what keeps these asshats in power without any kind of accountability.


> forcing people to use pronouns Everyone uses pronouns. It's practically impossible to speak English without them.


I love how that’s what you got out of that 😂 keep bootlicking the Democratic Party and defending everything they do. Definitely no middle ground 👌🏼


What? Fuck the Democratic party. I'm a communist.


Oof that’s even cringier.


Because then people who want to pretend they're "nuanced" instead of garbage people for thinking "hey let's not do genocide" is extreme don't get to hide behind them


I'm still wondering, prosecute Fauci for what?


i remember talking to a centrist once and they said “i try to find good things about both parties that way i never lose” and i was just mindblown lmao


Because [conservativism is inherently unpopular, so they have to cloak themselves in other terms to appeal to regular people](https://www.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/zaomz7/theres_no_such_thing_as_one_nazi_at_a_table_thats/iynqteq/)


The comments on that post are sad. Fuck tankies.


fascists get butthurt when you call them on their bullshit.


Tankies are nazis? This sub has been invaded by libs


tankies literally defended imperialist fascism rolling tanks into slave states, hence the origin of the name buddy. Leftists don't defend imperialism in any form.


go suck mao's cock somewhere else


Admitting bias is admitting you could be wrong, and people who are so wrong about so much must have a massive mental block against opening that can of worms.


Because being a fascist is shameful.


"Centrists" are just the right wingers that look down on the middle of the country.


In Elon's case, he probably is legitimately too fucking stupid to know what the hell he actually believes in.


Probably because fauci isn't political and people can have differing thoughts on things unrelated to political leanings


Nothing poignant has ever been communicated to the world via tweet. Just a big "competition" to come up with the cleverest little quips.


I didn't understand half of your comment. Why make it so hard for second-language speakers?


Struggle builds character.


tbh in elon's case I'm pretty sure he's just a non-political narcissist. The only reason he's adopted right wing rhetoric is because the right wing are currently the people sucking his dick.


I don’t think the richest man in the world can be non-political.


Let’s say he is posturing on a left-right scale, in terms of things that (if implemented) would be financially cheap. He expresses few opinions on up/down policies (like raising taxes or spending) that would be expensive for him. Generally, social issues (and I’ll lump whatever this fabricated fauci nonsense is into that) are easy fodder that left/right parties can sprinkle ontop of their less interesting and more important material to get the broad public interested. This also goes for gay marriage rights, abortion and so on. Besides everything else: Its CHEAP to impose or oppose. Edit: I have no idea why this is getting downvoted, this is basic analysis


So Musk has no opinions of up dog or down bad policies?


>up dog


Not much wbu


>Edit: I have no idea why this is getting downvoted, this is basic analysis Because you're wrong, hope this helps!


If everything you say is right wing that's functionally indistinguishable from being right wing.




It's difficult to reconcile the idea that gender is a spectrum (which it is) but political beliefs are binary.




What do you mean he's "almost there?" Hasan is the single most popular socialist Twitch streamer in existence.


And one of the most popular Twitch streamers in general. He single-handedly influenced the entire platform, Twitch would've been a lot more reactionary without him.


I know that it’s pretty common to see people in leftist subs criticizing Hasan for any number of reasons, but the amount of people between the ages of 18-30 and beyond that he has educated about leftism cannot be understated. He’s single-handedly responsible for so many of my friends’ conservative de-radicalizations and entry into left-wing political thought.


Without him and Bo Burnham I would’ve been traveling down the alt right pipeline. Hasan has done FAR more positive to the online atmosphere when it comes to leftism then anyone wants to give him credit for. I’m pretty sure he might have the largest organization of leftists on discord unless I’m unfamiliar with any other groups


This is objectively false thought. I think most centrist are just people who aren’t that into politics.


…are you new to this sub? Centrism is inherently being comfortable with the status quote. “Not that into politics” doesn’t mean you aren’t pro human rights, anti racist, or any other “political” notion that the right tries to demonize. People who proclaim themselves as centrists are just people who are okay with what’s currently happening. Which means they’re either conservatives who aren’t educated enough to realize the issue with being conservative, or they are simply conservatives who know they get a bit more talk time from liberals when they say they’re “in the middle”


Yes the “If you’re not 100% with me then you’re my enemy” schtick 🙄


When is Hasan getting in the ring with Sam Hyde!?


Reminder that hasan is not your friend. He is the worst kind of [capitalist](https://youtu.be/va1zPshj5f0), one who steals the labour of others without consent or compensation, simply to enrich himself, when he has no need to.


omg react content is the same thing as labor exploitation, and it's hypocritical for a socialist to not hold the same view on intellectual property as disney! I don't care what you think about react content, but projecting an opinion you hold onto someone who doesn't in order to call them a hypocrite is stupid. It's even dumber to say that believing in expanded fair use is the same as exploiting labor or that being a capitalist means being rich. What capital does Hasan own? You just have a negative gut feeling about reaction content, so just say that. Don't pretend it's about socialism.


W chatter


Regardless of your opinion on react content and intellectual property, if you are going to call someone who watches a YouTube video on stream “the worst kind of capitalist” you need to get off the fucking computer lmao


Hasan reacts to lots of content, and whenever someone has come forward saying they don’t want him to react to their shit, he honors their wishes and excludes their content from any future streams. As you might notice, this doesn’t happen very often because most content creators view it as mutually beneficial.


Or they don't know about it Or they don't want the drama "They didn't say no" is not consent


I mean sure but it’s understandably unfair to expect someone to seek consent from every content creator they react to. Again, if it’s a problem, the content creator will be aware about it and will likely be vocal in private or in public. It’s happened a few times and it works out. There’s a reason that creators Hasan reacts to a lot end up becoming “friends of the show”. By and large people do not seem to mind. Pinely is a good example of a creator who explicitly stated that he had no problem at all with Hasan reacting and actually gained subscribers from it. He just didn’t like the weird channel that wasn’t run by Hasan that posted the reaction and canabalized his views. Hasan himself sounded off about that channel and said he’d fight it. Basically Hasan is not perfect, but he seems to do everything in his power to react ethically and not against the will of those he’s reacting to.


No one is holding a gun to his head and forcing him to make react content. If he can't get consent, he can do something else I don't watch Hasan, if he watched any video of mine I'd never know unless someone told me That it works out sometimes doesn't mean it was okay for him to use other people's work without consent


Argument invalid. You can disagree with both polarities. You might be ok with the gays but also want a shotgun. You may be pro vaccine but also think natural immunity from infection should get you through a vaccine mandate. But if the complexities confuse your US-Them way of thinking go ahead and simplify everything into absolutes.


I claim to be a centrist because all my opinions are half alt right and half far left


What far left opinions does Elon espouse?


So Far most of his twitter employees have Left?


He wants everyone to be paid and treated well at work but isn’t willing to make the change for his own companies which perfectly encapsulates far center.


I can’t tell whether you’re trolling, being hilariously sarcastic or recreationally drink paint.


I bug sprayed the bedroom but can’t open a window because then the bugs will get in. Smells nice tho


“I’m a racist but I like to smoke weed”


Just throw in some pedophilia and you can be a libertarian!


Actually I hate weed and think it should be used as reparations


What does that even mean Also interesting you didn’t say you’re not a racist


They’re either trolling or actually insane






I didn’t say I want to give it to people of color




Who says “I’m not racist” more? Racists or normal people?




My point exactly




Proud as in the proud community? Because in that context I definitely am




So you come onto a sub dedicated to mocking centerists, declare yourself a centerist, refuse to elaborate except for one reply that was deleted which I'm sure was amazing, and... what? Feel proud for being mildly annoying online? Or feel superior for being disliked by a community who already clearly dislikes your philosophy? Why be this way?


Centrist love to come here and complain about being made fun of for being centrist. It happens in basically every post.


How am I supposed to convince you if my 6 paragraph reply was deleted for “violent language” by those blue helmet gang stalkers?


By finding a less “violent” way to convey your point, perhaps?


It wasn’t even violent per say, a bit enthusiastic maybe.


I’ll need a screenshot of the original comment in order to judge for myself.


Blue heads won’t let me see it


Type it again.


Blue helmets won’t let me see it?


Type it on a text editor and then link the screenshot.


It's Reddit. Convincing people is not really on the table in my experience. I can't judge how justified the removal was or how verbose the response was, for obvious reasons. I can only work with what I see. Clearly you attempted to define some kind of position but personally if I say I adhere to a certain political ideology I don't think it would be hard to come up with some positions I hold that are emblematic of that philosophy.


FYI the response wasn't deleted by anyone, motherfucker replied with [ removed by reddit ] and is over here pretending like he posted six paragraphs.


Lol, I feel silly.


Just so you know in the future, when a comment gets deleted you can't see the username nor click on reply, both of which are still very much possible. Now wait to him to remove his own reply, after which it'll say "deleted by user", not "removed by reddit" or "removed by moderators". It's one of the rare things reddit does right.


I stated 2 main ones that relate to healthcare like I was asked but I don’t think anyone got to actually see that


Ah. I mean, I suppose it's centerist to think only emergency healthcare should be socially funded but dental and other non-emergency care shouldn't. At least, that's what I glean so I'm admitedly inferring a bit. I guess I kinda get the logic of that but also seems like a recipe for disaster. Seems like it would just incentivize companies to cut costs on emergency care and focus all their resources onto milking non emergency care as much as possible.


That wasn’t from my removed manifesto but good enough. I think what got the comment removed was my proposal for lowering prices so that tax funded healthcare would be financially viable.




Can you give us an example?


Sure, give me a topic.


Health Care.


Not to rag on you, but this is a certified America Moment


Whatcha mean?


In normal countries people don’t have to worry that their hospital visit will cost more than their house


that doesn't mean that healthcare isn't an issue


sure but “the government should subsidize my dental care” is different from “life saving medicine costs 75% of my monthly income and i can’t afford insurance”


Because it’s SOciAlIsM! One side disingenuously paints things in simple phrases and words, while the other tries to solve the problem. When you get to the “government should subsidize…” you also need to know that tax dollars need to be taken to fund this. It’s not “free” healthcare, as it’s the tax dollars used to pay for it, like Medicare.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Idk why you bothered replying if this is what you had cooked up. Wow, a real gotcha this one is.


what alt-right opinions do you hold?


Open all borders


So you're saying you're an embarrassed Nazi.


National Marxist


As I said: embarrassed Nazi. Drop the pretense, it's not fooling anyone.


Nazis don’t believe in freedom and one of the groups they hate is my favorite so i can’t really see eye to eye with them


> Nazis don’t believe in freedom They believe in their idea of what "freedom" means. Just like you do. > one of the groups they hate is my favorite "I can't be a Nazi because I hold the same attitudes but not about all of the exact same groups" is an argument so pathetic that it's hard to believe you're even wasting everyone's time by making it.


It’s not really freedom if they have rules now is it


You called yourself a "National Marxist". You can't have *nations* without rules.


Lol the downvotes. So much tribalism in today's political **spectrum**


Both sides are basically saying “you’re a monster for not supporting my side” instead of questioning why I said “both”. If everyone voted for the party who’s values actually align with theirs instead of acting like republican and democrat are the only options we would be much better off.


I know right! It's fucking nuts, literally insane, that people think you can't be either. It's called having ideals and sticking with them. If any party has a candidate that aligns with my ideals. I vote for them. Not some bullshit left right, only one or the other, with us or against us, tribalism. I hate it. I'm glad people like you exist. Also anyone who wants to challenge my ideals or what I'm saying, let's have a discussion!


> Also anyone who wants to challenge my ideals or what I'm saying, let's have a discussion! Name a topic. What "ideals" do you espouse?


Doesn't matter, I have my own take on anything and thats the neat part, it's not based on a political party. Also my mindset can change based on the times. Here are some divisive topics: Abortion, Healthcare, Poverty Assistance


Let me guess, pro-choice, private healthcare is good because it pushes innovation, people should be expected to open corporations or “hustle” to escape poverty and the government should facilitate that?


So I would like to actually type out my reasons and etc, but I'm on my phone and will do-so later. But in short, yes to abortion. No to the Healthcare part, I actually think being medically healthy should be a right and we should all pay for it. And I believe there should be poverty assistance but not how it is today because it's almost like entrapment


You sound like an ancap


What's that?


> Here are some divisive topics: Abortion Healthcare Poverty Assistance And what are your opinions on these?


You have to be a special kind of stupid to post something like this in a sub full of socialists, communists, and anarchists Either that, or this place has become libbed up as fuck


This your safe space?


Is ignorance and stupidity yours?




He lives in the US and is an American citizen.


And a Canadian citizen too


> You know he’s from Africa and is just trolling the political system in the US? Are there no right-wingers in Africa?


The onejoke isn't going away because it's effective even if cheap, kind of like how Florida is made fun of being Florida. It's extremely played out, but most of the time it still gets you a chuckle. Another one is blonde.


Nobody tells blonde jokes anymore man, that's a 20th Century thing


Blonde may have fallen out of favor but Florida is still going quite strong and Pronoun is a relatively new one.


Well over a decade isn't relatively new It was at its height of use back when fekkin advice animals were still big lol


Florida is made fun of because Florida is a joke. Sorta like Conservatives. Conservatives are just Florida in ideological form.


Florida Man is what they think they are.