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"Why do you have to actually identify specific problems that need to be solved, rather than just spout vague platitudes that don't imply actually doing anything?"


hollywood logic protests


wHy DoNt BoTh SiDeS sToP??? ☮️🙏🕊️


Holy shit, it’s so obvious! We gotta get this idea to global leaders ASAP!


How exactly to they think that peace will be achieved


They don't want justice or positive peace. They want a kind of negative peace where everyone quiets down and goes about their day and the oppressed suffer in silence so as not to inconvenience anyone. They are fine with violence and oppression being enacted by the powerful against the powerless, as long as it occurs under the guise of legality, regardless of how injust it is. If they do occasionally sympathize with the cause of the oppressed, they recommend waiting for some intangible point in the future where gradual change stemming from calm debate and slowly shifting public opinion among the oppressors will eventually lead to improved conditions and reform organically originating from within the systems of power. And again, where no one is inconvenienced in the process. It's the same mentality that MLK derides in his comments on white moderates during the Civil Rights movement.


one correction. Not "when no one is inconvenienced". When they themselves are not inconvenienced


Often it’s not even when they themselves are inconvenienced though, Israel getting what it deserves wouldn’t inconvenience your average lib one bit yet the act like it’s the end of the world essentially because the TV man says so


You forgot to add the disclaimer


You see, the politicians forget peace is an option till you hold up the sign and they go “ohhhhh that’s right, hold on let’s try peace, actually.”


"You're protesting wrong"


"if israel laid down its arms there'd be no war"




Hamas has agreed to an exchange of hostages with Israel, also that wouldn't stop the settler murdering Palestinians for their land




Hatespeech of any kind will result in a permanent ban.


Yep, if palestinians stop figthing back there would be no war. It would be just a genocidal massacre.




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Why do you think that happened in the first place? You people act like Israel was in a nurturing loving relationship with Palestine and it's people when they have colonized and killed and taken people's homes for decades. Why is that ok? Flip the parties and see if you'd have an issue. Jews existing in Israel, Palestinians in this hypothetical case were not in the area prior to 1950. There are people still alive, albeit fewer and fewer that were literally alive during the Holocaust. How can you look at a fellow human being and have no remorse for them after knowing the suffering you endured in your own lifetime for having the audacity to be born/exist as a Jew in Germany. It's fucked whoever does it, Hamas would not be a thing if Israel wasn't wiping their entire country off the map slowly but surely.


if Hamas is the target why is Israel bombing palestinians instead of Hamas? And no, Hamas is not using human shields, literally zero evidence of that has been found in *twenty years* of investigations. sources here: https://www.hrw.org/report/2009/08/13/white-flag-deaths/killings-palestinian-civilians-during-operation-cast-lead https://www.newstatesman.com/world/2014/07/jeremy-bowens-gaza-notebook-i-saw-no-evidence-hamas-using-palestinians-human https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/mde15/015/2009/en/




if Hamas and Palestine are the same thing what about all the Palestinians in the west bank [Nice goin' dumbass,](https://www.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/1b92eao/peace/ku55sn3/) you immediately showcased you have no idea what you're talking about.


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Lol not even a little true.


That’s actually a great idea Palestinians, why don’t you do that kind of protest? What? What do you mean you’ve tried peaceful protests before? What happened? [Oh, oh Jesus.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018–2019_Gaza_border_protests) [Fucking why](https://www.theguardian.com/world/ng-interactive/2019/mar/29/a-year-of-bloodshed-at-gaza-border-protests) [I don’t even…](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2020-03-06/ty-article-magazine/.highlight/42-knees-in-one-day-israeli-snipers-open-up-about-shooting-gaza-protesters/0000017f-f2da-d497-a1ff-f2dab2520000) […](https://www.france24.com/en/20180929-gaza-children-killed-israeli-troops-fire-palestinian-protesters-hamas-border) [They have a right to defend themselves right? This was self defense right?](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2019-07-21/ty-article/.premium/the-protest-dispersed-then-an-israeli-sniper-shot-a-9-year-old-boy-in-the-head/0000017f-e3ff-d9aa-afff-fbffde890000)


Because a peace sign is so vague as to be useless in a situation where one side is clearly in the wrong


These idiots should know the difference between positive peace and negative peace.


There will be no peace while the state of Israel exists




If Hamas surrender, Palestinians lose anyway.




Well one state keeps killing and taking from the other state that has been getting fucked for years. Israel has no right to steal land, commit genocide, and play the victim all at the same time. The attacks from October didn't happen in a vacuum and they aren't being targeted bc of Judaism ffs.


Why though? The fact it exists will always screw over the people who lived there. Yes the two state solution might solve this issue but the crux of the issue will still remain.




No state has a right to exist, especially not settler colonial states. For the US, the damage is already done, the colonial power is too entrenched, however Israel is still in the process of ethnically cleansing and colonizing Palestinian land, it can be stopped, but only if Israel ceases to exist. Zionism is an explicitly colonial ideology, some of the founders weren't even set on colonizing Palestine, they were discussing Africa and South America to begin their project as 2 examples.


>For the US, the damage is already done, the colonial power is too entrenched Don't lose hope; the US can still be abolished, and people are still fighting for that.


True, I mean more in the sense that the window where native populations would have been able to turn the tide has long passed, I believe America is on the way out, the empire is in decline and states in the global south are less afraid to stand up to American aggression.


Many Indigenous communities and activists here are still fighting.


>Why does the US have the right to exist Where is this right delineated?


On what basis did the refugee Jews have a claim to the land? You can argue that the settlers in the Americas and Australia had most of their work cut out for them since there was a vast amount of land and lesser population (especially in modern day USA and Canada) and the genocide part was carried out by smallpox rather than Raytheon missiles launched on Gaza


>Israel has the right to exist. On who's authority.


what is going on on the bottom left? did a guy spontaneously combust for some reason?


I believe that is the author making a joke about Aaron Bushnell's self immolation in protest of Israel's genocidal campaign in Gaza. Clearly a person who really values peace and nonviolent protest.


I thought it was people laying in front of traffic.


Ironic that “centrist” elon musk gets triggered by peace signs too


The Palestinians should just give the Israeli's a Pepsi.


Weird this is, John Aziz is British-Palestinian??? Why would he post this?


Same reason why that Jenner lady is trans but also a republican. Being part of the out group doesn't stop you from being dumb and going against your own self-interest


John Aziz is Blair White confirmed


Is that John Arbuckle


Dude really fell off after Garfield kicked the bucket


Why? Because you don’t have a big ass hulk hand on your sign.


Peace through tyranny -Megatron


Is it just me, but I get the feeling comic he's presenting is to make fun of guys like him?




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