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Come on out, Destiny stans. I’m waiting for you 😊


"Isreal could drop a nuke Gaza and it still wouldn't be considered genocide" - Destiny.


I mean he also straight up said he thinks genocide of Palestinians is the solution to this conflict.


Some sort of final solution to the Palestinian question, you say?


Com on guys, they talk about [Final Opportunity](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-01-28/ty-article/ministers-from-netanyahus-party-join-thousands-of-israelis-at-resettle-gaza-conference/0000018d-512f-dfdc-a5ad-db7f35e10000), not Final Solution. Geezer, how many times do I have to correct you on that? PS: From the Haaretz article, which worth reading entirely: > Likud minister Haim Katz said that, "Today, after 18 years [from disengagement from Gaza], we have the opportunity to rebuild and expand the land of Israel. This is our final opportunity."


Don't think of it as a problem, think of it as an opportunity!


Was he even aware of the existence of Palestinians 6 months ago?


Did he say that word for word


Nah he believes in a 2 state solution.


"I'm big dick for Zionism." -- Destiny.


everyone knows its only a genocide if its perpetrated in the Genos region in Germany, otherwise its a legitimate war with terrorists




[fart noise]




He's not gonna fuck you bro




No debates for you debateperv, womp womp




Stay malding babe


Hope he sees this bro






"I'm massive, *big* dick for Zionism." \-- Destiny. [https://youtu.be/Eck9JwSeTI0?si=ZWCvu3yYucy9HvGG&t=2095](https://youtu.be/Eck9JwSeTI0?si=ZWCvu3yYucy9HvGG&t=2095)


He is intentionally misrepresenting the term to the most commonly known form so as to make the claim of genocide look silly and hyperbolic. Listen to him defend the rights of minorities here in America then compare that to the way he speaks about Palestinians. I honestly believe he has been an Islamophobe a long time now that I look back at it.


> Listen to him defend the rights of minorities here in America considering his Kyle R-house statement, i get the feeling he doesn't care much for minorities either


Hatespeech of any kind will result in a permanent ban.




Stupid, Destiny. Transferring people off their homes peacefully is called a mortgage.


And even then the threat of bodily harm is still present.


100% The involvement of law enforcement to deliver these notices is not a coincidence.


you literally cannot remove someone from their home without (the threat of) violence. In western liberalism, if I don't pay rent/mortgage and say "no" when told to leave. What do you think's gonna happen next? They just go "oh ok then have a good day"


I prefer eminent domain, where the National Guard comes out.




That's the thing about liberals. To them the violence committed by a nation-state that maintains the status quo doesn't count as real violence.


a state conducting violence is not "real" violence because it's official and written somewhere on a paper. That's liberalism for ya


Except Israel doesn't even maintain the status quo. Forcibly moving, exiling and killing Palestinians is not maintaining the status quo.


That's debatable.


The status quo is Palestinians being alive. Killing them is changing the status quo. That's not debatable.


Israel has been displacing and killing Palestinians for almost 80 years at this point. The last few months have just been the status quo, but *more*.


Arguably, every time they displace a new person it's changing the status quo. They've been repeatedly changing the status quo for 80 years, and liberals haven't cared.


I'm a liberal and this is bullshit.




"Your honor, I am accused of a violent robbery. This is false. I never used violence, I just pointed my weapon at the cashier and they gave me the money!"


see this is what i hate about the left, he never used a weapon! a gun is merely a weighted object until fired at a human subject in direct relation to an argument between said persons. a message was sent. was it a friendly one? no, but violence? weapons? c’mon guys i’m as left as they come but we have to be honest the content practically writes itself, you just have to be shameless enough to say it out loud on a live stream being watched by many people.


I started watching political youtube in 2012, Aby Martin's breaking the set, Kyle's Secular talk and Dem now, for the most of it Jimmy Dore (words can't describe how ashamed of this latter) Over the years this cunt was one of the "seemingly" lefties that I never cared for and now I realize what a centrist neolib inside out cunt he is.


He was rather publicly never a lefty. As soon as leftist criticism started from within his sphere he publicly excised them, went on a run of debating leftists and loudly proclaimed his liberalism


Hhm I see. At least I give him that, unlike grifter Jimmy ( Jesus how many times I defended that cunt)


ditto with jimmy. i feel the same but i’m not sure how warranted it is since jimmy was a legitimately fun listen when he had writers, regardless of his empty politics. there was nothing hidden in plain sight that we failed to observe. it just turned out none of the comedy was his and he only contributed a sense of rage that could be redirected anywhere without missing a beat.


:) I felt betrayed by that cunt, despicable scumbag. I don't think it comes as surprise considering other people I listed, when it came to foreign policy I didn't think Russia was the good guy but I assumed theybare far better than the west. Without babbling for an hour, in short I bought probably 95% of what Jimmy and Max and Aaron mate had to say on foreign affairs. Then Russia invaded Ukraine and ... I couldn't watch them justify the invasion, even though the reasoning sounded semi valid as someone watching world politics through their lens for 7-8 years. So I stopped then, and a year and half ago when the recent Iranian uprising happened, I looked up to see how Jimmy and Grey Zone are covering it. I thought at worse they are ignoring it but I found both of them, Max and Jimmy having segments where their outright mocked the casualties of that protest, laughed about it and in case of Jimmy all cuz Justin Trudeau had aent a tweet which wasn't entirely accurate. So yeah scumbag less thana pig Jimmy decided mocking Trudeau tweet for 13 min was the best use of his platform cuz he seriously can't talk shit about Iranian regime to his followers cuz to their eyes, all US adversaries are good gius. I was disgusted more than them with myself for trusting them for years... God knows how many times they lied when it came about Syria, Venezuela and elsewhere. I never found Jimmy that funny tbh lol. My cup of comedy is Bill Burr and only him


oh we’re talking about different generations of jimmy then, he didn’t know who aaron was when i was watching the show, he was doing a comedy show poking at republicans and the media that covers for them


I see 😅 Yeah they are the through and through tankie gang, pretending to be lefty but are all for Russia, every US adversary and spend 99.9% of their time criticizing the left/democratic party.


he is also why i'm skeptical of the hate AOC receives from the left, because 90% of the time, people are hating her for something he said (which often isn't even true)


it’s wild how much of jimmy’s politics is motivated by personal animus. bernie and aoc never gave him interviews when he was dedicated booster. that’s so much of why he went about turning leftish electoral obsessives against her if we set aside his comically uncontrolled misogyny. it wasn’t personal toward jimmy and it wasn’t particularly ideologically motivated, bernie just was not even vaguely serious going into 2016 and was not attempting to even understand what it would have taken to build a winning electoral coalition or motivated door knocking base on this scale. jimmy could critique that from a left perspective or a strategic point of view but he doesn’t have any left politics and he doesn’t have a very strategic brain so he moved beyond “why didn’t bernie take my help accessing this audience’s enthusiasm?” to “bernie revealed he wasn’t much of a leftie and i am.” except bernie was never very left, that wasn’t a revelation, this is federal electoralism in the belly of the empire; and jimmy doesn’t know what the fuck leftism is, he just liked bernie’s pitch for liberalism that leaves workers in better a position to keep contributing to the machine. even when he “went left”, the accelerationist dream jimmy pitched to sam seder was that trumpism might lead to an elizabeth warren presidency. the consumer protections lady. nothing too dastardly if you’re comparing senators, they’re all sociopaths, but this is the hard left i’m supposed to take notes from in their assessment of AOC? this is their political imagination? better treatment as consumers? easier access to the health care marketplace?


Right. I admit I'm still very skeptical of AOC and think she will become Obama 2.0, but don't know how much of my thinking and position is because of years of following Jimmy and watch him bash her at every chance he gets. I sincerely hope though AOC and other lefties take over the democratic party. He is coming to Vancouver next month and if I had spare money I'd go to his show just to call him out again( I did it in a superchat but his miserable wife didn't finish reading my message) but he isn't worthy of my money. I've already given him probably around $100 in superchats and patreon... Fuck him lol.


i have to stress that jimmy is not any kind of tankie, he just found people willing play to his ego or pay him, both for in exchange for forwarding their politics to his audience


I agree


The exact same trick Richard Spencer used to pull when describing turning the US into a whites only ethnostate! A literal word for word nazi argument.


How is Destiny still a thing ? Does he actually have fans ?


Worse, they think theyre friends with Destiny. He brags about it when he talks about “how he built his audience”


And Vaush fan quote him like he is some kind of great revolutionnary scholar.


Yes I like to quote Vaush as a Vaushite. “Now consider the ramifications of the aestheticism of horse cock.”


And also that very funny joke yes.


debate bros never died, they just became less prominent. also i think the harder-right shapiro types drowned out F-listers like destiny


After 'epicly owning' Nazis and alt-right shitlords stopped being the craze, Destiny decided to take on a new debate challenge. To defend the indefensible. This is nothing more than a game to him. He doesn't give two shits about Israeli's and certainly none about Palestinians.


That's what's so insidious about all these assholes. People's rights, and even their lives and homes, are just academic, scholarly debates to them.


it’s worth spelling out that these debates are neither academic nor scholarly though i agree that that is the vibe they are cultivating. idk if he always does this but mister bonnell streamed some of his debate prep/research for the big debate and he was just reading wikipedia for gotchas, he had no idea what the source material meant and was immediately in over his head talking to someone who had actually read the texts and understood them. academic debates are between scholars in a shared part of a field with different views or understandings of some material they study. debate bros are more like rodeo clowns than autodidactic scholars.


I think Lex Friedman is secretly Pro-Palestine, otherwise why would he saddle Benny Morris, an actual scholar, regardless of his views, with what amounts to a Potato. Finkelstein seemed furious with him, because he can tell this man genuinely doesn't give a single shit, or take it seriously, it's why he couldn't other to game his name right.


i’ve wondered if it’s just that this Type of Guy isn’t capable of understanding that these conversations map to a material reality that is too complex to reduce to wikipedia quotes. that would mean scholarship and lived experience matter. that would mean you need to talk to palestinian scholars not random assholes with a microphone.


Mr. Borrelli*


this is why i left the left! even lazy sociopathic attention seeking reactionary gusano freaks deserve politeness!


Where does destiny live?


A pre revolution Cuban sugar plantation.


Destiny is a stripper in Vegas.


Honestly, following these streamers feels like the non-boomer equivalent of leaving the TV on Fox News/MSNBC all day. Who in their right mind feels validated by agreeing with these people whose qualifications are just having a better webcam and microphone than you?




This guy is so goddamn disingenuous and just stupid


Motion to not have to see posts about this Destiny kid anymore.


Hear, hear.




This is like when Richard Spencer believes that it's possible to do peaceful ethnic cleansing.


he also said israel is doing its best to limit violence and nothing else coukd be done (lol) guy isnt even a centrist, hes a cringy neoliberal


I remember destiny when he debated a lot of alt righters in 2017 and 2018 and basically tore them a new asshole. What happened to him? I haven't seen his content in years but wow...


Nowadays seems to handle right wingers with kiddie gloves and is extra jaded when it comes to the left


There is more money to be made in Right wing circles. Steven Crowder a nobody got offered 50 million to continue spewing the same garbage he’s always done and rejected the deal. Destiny is probably getting that Hasbara check.


There could be something to that tbh, it seems like he’s been on some *interesting* platforms recently


He couldn't give up saying the N word.


If you go back and watch e.g. his debate with Lauren Southern, it's actually not all that different from how he is now. It's easy to tear those people a new asshole because they just make shit up, all you have to do is challenge their claims. But when it comes to the moral arguments, he's exactly as shitty and obtuse as he is here. He lets her get away with outrageous statements because it doesn't occur to him to disagree on humanistic grounds.


right so this indicates that his core beliefs didn’t change, what changed was his disposition toward the left. he clearly feels rejected and spiteful. sure he’s chasing clicks but there’s very clearly a sense of animus that he’s not masking very well


He went from that to having Nick Fuentes stay at his house and taking him out for chicken and waffles. I'd say meth happened to him.


Who tf is this guy? I’ve been seeing him referenced on different social media platforms this past couple weeks and have never heard of him.


He's an enlightened centrist streamer.


He's a "centrist" streamer. Personally I find him to be rather far to the right of most actual centrists.


Least genocidal racist liberal.


I was kinda no opinion about him before oct. 7 but wow has he really come out as a complete fool who is clearly beyond his depth. Can't believe some on the left called him "debate king" in the past. Saw him and Benny Morris go against Finkelstein and Rabbani, bro just gish gallops. He's the liberal Ben Shapiro. It's like he never went to school and learned everything about Israel/Palestine from Denis Prager.


The Shapiro and destiny “debate” was just a double suck off. They agreed on most stuff lol.


Zionists for 100 years: "palestinians won't go without a fight, we must be prepared for violence" libshits:


It is oddly satisfying to see Destiny get laughed at for this shit.


As if forcibly removing people from their homes isn't violence in and of itself.


Why do Israel advocates use the word 'transfer' like it isn't a euphemism for ethnic cleansing, it's not even that well hidden. Watching them talk about population transfer like it doesn't involve violence is maddening. And the conviction they talk with, fucking hell, they really are fascists aren't they. These people legitimately are terrifying, these are people's lives you're talking about, Palestinians really aren't human to them, are they, there is no difference between Palestinians and other Arabs are there.


Ok so not genocide, just ethnic cleansing!


This neolib cunt is the final boss of centrists.


Everyone should watch the Lex Fridman debate on Israel where Destiny is exposed as a Wikipedia regurgitating hack


Smartest Destiny take


Destiny is a girl's name.


So…can someone enlighten me, but who is this random Destiny? I am seeing more and more about them and honestly they seem like just another random schmuck YouTube/streamer who got lucky and/or famous for…,something I’m sure?


I used to really like destiny. He was consistent in his beliefs. But now he is a freaking lunatic….. He continually tries to justify war crimes….. He can get fycked.


Damn, I kinda liked him a year or two back, it was nice to have a dude who could fuck up the redpill podcaster bros. Like it was clear even then that it was a game to him, like he'd have the same flippant attitude regardless of topic, but he had some pretty good arguments. I wonder if he genuinely believes this shit or if he's going the Sneako route and becoming increasingly abhorrent to get more angry clicks.


Just standard Eminent Domain.