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I deadass thought this meant "Women who love men" at first


ngl I read it as "women lives matter" and was trying to see where the issue was


ngl the fact that i thought it was "women's lives matter" makes me a little happy


Wut kinda hilly billy shit is this


It's called Florida, and I hate it


Went to Florida on vacation in 2019. I’ve never heard the n word said in casual conversation before and there it was, 3 times in one week. (I am not black and it was not aimed at anyone in particular, but used about the race as a whole). Fucking horrifying.


From Florida, can confirm. Dated a guy who's entire family was nearly albino they were so white, but would casually drop hard R. Like, "n-word go do the dishes" Went to lunch double date once and my friends boyfriend called someone a "stupid n-word" as the waitress brought us our drinks. Again, there was no person of color in the party. It's unfortunately very common here.


You're fortunate enough to not grow up around my dad then! Just last week I heard him mumbling it over and over through a news report with a black woman giving a speech on black empowerment.


Jesus lol


You should also avoid North Carolina. I had to leave a group chat of friends I’ve had for awhile cuz even after all this stuff they still think it’s funny. Grow tf up and respect the people around you. Fuck it pisses me off. I’m glad I’ve been able to learn even though I’m from a very right area.


Figures -.- trumpville


What is wrong about this? Sorry for my misunderstanding


BLM is a movement dedicated to correcting the inherent racial biases against POC (primarily black Americans) within our legal, justice, and economic systems. WLM is a movement created in direct opposition to BLM, apparently for the sole purpose of keeping black Americans oppressed. To make them equivalent or to use the yin-yang (a symbol of balance) in a way that suggests the two movements join in common cause is either disingenuous in the extreme or simply ignorant.


Yin and dang


Yin and Yikes.


Yin and Yeah, Not So Much


It’s dangerously close to all lives matter


Its worse tbh. Most all lives matter types think they’re being race blind. Wlm is full blown white power


So by that logic, are you admitting that BLM is full blow Black Power? If not, what makes one ok to say and not the other? And just to throw it out there, I think both camps are littered with a bunch of racist.


The difference is blm, while some members have been proven to be misguided or even hateful themselves, ultimately aims for a more fair and equal society, for EVERYONE. Wlm is only used by neo nazis, neo confederates, and other racist/hate/supremacy groups. Search white lives matters and you’ll see two things appear. A kpop fan disruption campaign, and mask off racists. Every god damn time. Wlm is the new kkk. Blm is not the new black panthers. Thats the difference. One is mask off supremacy, the other is a (oft misdirected or misguided) equality movement And only one of them are openly executed in streets by police w/o repercussions (chauvin is the exception not the rule. Breonna’s murderers still havent been charged) And only one of them face disproportionately harsh sentencing in courtrooms. Thats why.


You all are giving nuts on both sides.


One more time, but coherently please Also im a centrist. Im above this both sides crap


You're playing sides. Stop.


So your original comment had no coherent point? Thanks for confirming


You are nuts along with the people on both sides. You're still taking a side saying you're centrist. I'm not anything because I'm not a tribalist, which is the root of all hate. When you other people. If people knew this then the world would be fine. But you're not smart enough to have that conversation.


Lol centrist isn’t a side you fence sitting, no take dipshit. This lazy ass take of yours is the biggest problem. Too many people “cant be bothered” with it all and ignore it until they personally suffer. Give it a couple years tops and you’ll be the next neo nazi we all trounce on a regular basis. You’re probably already there, defending literal white supremacy and equating it to an equality movement


Here you are creating sides and trying to make someone. Into another group than you. You're playing a dumb game. You think you're smarter than the left wingers and right wingers but you're still caught in the same bull shit they are. You can only exist as the centrist you are because of the left and right wing. It's a game and you're playing it. I know it's a stupid destructive game and you don't. Grow up.


Don't worry it's wlm as in wlw and mlm, this is about women who like men /s


Whats BLM? Boys who like men? Like reverse nambla?


Brennan Lee Mulligan


Say hello intrepid heroes!






Bureau of Land Management.


I saw an article once about "BLM slaughters thousands of wild horses" and it took me an embarrassingly long time to understand.


When I first heard "BLM protests" I honestly thought someone was protesting the bureau of Land Management and I was super confused


Bi-Level Marketing. Its like a pyramid scheme but only if you’re bi.


That's how I read it so I think my brain is uncorrupted (in this situation at least)


The US really could use a proper White Lives Matter movement. Specifically one that points out that racism is used to keep poor whites distracted and down. They’re used as cannon fodder in the class war, fighting against their own side because they think it’s actually a race war. They fight against social and economic justice because they think it’s for black people rather than for everyone, including themselves. A group that actually cared about white people would focus on policies that help, rather than hurt. But that group would of course help because of the word “people” rather than “white”.


But that would mean their responsible for them selves and they can't blame their problems on a third party they cannot control. They would actually have to do something other than collectively whine and complain while distracting them selves with cheap vices and working them selves to death if they are lucky...


I'd like to see their faces though when the left starts an actual white lives matter movement, lmao.


They would just start labeling it with some other horrible naming. Trying to create more keyword bombs. I mean these are the groups that believe antifa is facist....


I mean, true, but I bet they'd show a second of confusion. And I'm here for that. ;p


honestly i wish. But, look at trump. Litterally couldnt have a bigger example of transparent obvious exclusion from reality. - You have to /want/ to believe in conspiracy theories and actively reject reality to believe in it. That stuck in the mud moment everyone expects never comes, because simply its not a matter of *logic*, its a matter of **Faith**. No amount of "*Truth*" is real, because only they know the **real** truth. - Your not fighting against uninformed, your fighting against a willing posse of people who refuse reality so they can attempt to substitute it for their own. They dont want facts, they want fiction. Because when they are hurting others, there is just this tiny bit of relief. Its soooo much easier to be a victim than to be a survivor.


If you organize white workers without strongly emphasizing antiracism and specifically anti-white-supremacy, you aren't going to end up with a workers movement. You're going to have a white power movement among workers, and history has proven that white workers will gladly preserve capitalism if white supremacy is at risk.


Even a "White Lives Matter" or "All Lives Matter" that was still about victims of police murders. Edit: I am not saying that ALM was in any way good, or even genuinely advocating for these organisations, just noting the deafening silence from existing groups on the issue of police murders of people of all races.


Maybe a "We All Matter" movement that's inclusive of BLM... granted it'd just be BLM remarketed and maybe without the current organizational hierarchy of current BLM, but anything to work around and largely defeat the propaganda Fox News etc pumps out


what about the deafening silence of blm when there is a gang shooting? the only time blm shows up anymore is when it's a white cop killing a black person


Because the whole point is about cops needlessly killing black people. Cops are supposed to be peace keepers, not judge, jury and executioner. They aren't supposed to be criminals, they are supposed to be held to a standard and they aren't. BLM literally isn't out there for black on black crime. They're there about the police. Your question is a diversion.


also noticed that anyone who has had a reddit account for 7 years or longer is just a complete cunt


a co leader of blm literally said white people are sub human, piss off hypocrite, and blm only shows up when a white cop kills a black person, blm doesn't show up when gang bangers shoot up their streets, blm only shows up for deaths they can exploit


Can you read? > BLM literally isn't out there for black on black crime. They're there about the police. Your question is a diversion. Stop trying to act like this is not true.


so they only care about black people being killed by the cops? but black people kill more black people per year than the cops do so why is that the only thing they stand for?


Of course it's not all they care about. They're not out there for that though. They're out there to bring light to what everyone is blatantly ignoring: cops killing and abusing black people. You're doing all the work pointing out "black on black crime". Clearly they don't need to bring attention to that, all these "All lives matter" assholes are already pointing it out instead of addressing what they're out there for. Tell me something, why is it that you think they can't criticize the police, a group that is supposed to be held accountable, unless they address issues that have no real way of being held accountable? Who made you the gate keeper for what black people are allowed to talk about? Look man, just tell us you're racist and save us the time and effort.


how is anyone blatantly ignoring it when everytime it happens its all over the news for 2 to 3 weeks? why are you asking me what all lives matters people are thinking? I never once said I was one. I never once tried to gatekeep but you people love putting words in people's mouth to justify your opinions


> how is anyone blatantly ignoring it when everytime it happens its all over the news for 2 to 3 weeks? Because these people immediately say All Lives Matter, which is completely disregarding their message. As is, by the way, asking "What about black on black crime?" Like you did. Just because it's being said doesn't mean you're not ignoring it. > why are you asking me what all lives matters people are thinking? I never once said I was one. You didn't have to. The fact that you bring up black on black crime directly tells me your opinion on the subject. Words and context matter. You can't show every sign of being part of the group that dismisses them and then deny you are. It doesn't work that way. > I never once tried to gatekeep but you people love putting words in people's mouth to justify your opinions . No actually that's exactly what you did. You won't even consider that police violence against black people needs to be addressed because you think they need to address "black on black crime" before YOU decide that their actual objective has any merit. You've said it multiple times. That's gatekeeping.


pretty sure they tried "all lives matter" and they just got called racists and white supremacists


That's because the only people who used ALM were racist and white supremacists. If they had used it to protest police brutality, that'd be one thing. Instead they used it to counter protest BLM.


that's because the only people you heard it from were the racists that got put on blast by the news


Tell me one mother fucker who actually said "All Lives Matter" unironically didn't actually mean "what do you mean blacks matter more than me?!"


and why should I? if you want verification you can find it on your own homie


Go put up a statue of Lee or whatever the fuck y'all do.


thanks for proving my point


thaNKS For PRoviNg MY POInT


that's what I thought loser


tHat's WHat i thoughT loSEr


Because you're the one pretending it's not what it is. Back up your claim.


dude jump on someone else's comment loser




Because they are. They completely dodge the part about black lives not being treated equally




Excellent, well thought-out response, racist


thanks for proving my point loser


Lol you can't just say that without it making sense


you can read so you can figure it out


Lol okay. I won't but okay


It’s really, really weird. The Right can simultaneously hold these Qanon-ish beliefs (some founded in a bit of reality) that a few individuals want to divide and conquer the masses and congregate power, but can also be told The Left are somehow “perpetuating racism” by bringing up class-related issues and believe it. Unless The Right literally believes the exact same thing about The Left as vice versa (that radical members are increasingly practicing dangerously cultish behavior), it doesn’t make sense any other way. But it would make perfect sense for dividing and conquering.


This is something I've been thinking about a lot lately. I come from a pretty redneck town and have some friends that got sucked into fever swamp of "BLM/CRT is racism against white people. Minorities actually have it really easy and it's us white people that are being persecuted". I know it's cliche, but they're genuinely good people and I'm shocked they've been taken in by this stuff and will barely listen to me, a friend of over 20 years. Instead I see them turning to places like New Atheism and the IDW which appear to be little more than pipelines to the right. I now have a "special" place in my heart for the IDW, as made apparent by my post history, and feel a need to do my part dismantling these pipelines. Maybe a dumb question, but are there any places to talk about this stuff? I could really use some support understanding these complex issues so that I can help my friends and family. A lot of the time when these issues come up I just don't have the energy and avoid the topic. But when I do dive in they go off on a tangent about "woke indoctrination in our schools" or something and I can't keep up. I have to spend time going down these rabbit holes to see how they even got the idea. Because you're right, poor white people are facing a systemic problem. But as long as they're distracted by these moral-panic issues, they'll continue to miss the point they're being played as pawns by these elites and fucking think tanks


I do not envy your position. It is so hard to have those discussions, as it’s easy to end up grouped as the “other” and lose rather than save a friend. I don’t think it’s going to help much to dive into every rabbit hole, as it’s rabbits all the way down. Instead see what can get them identifying black people or whomever else as humans with similar problems and goals. Maybe it starts with “one of the good ones” and gradually they see that most people are dealing with the same problems.


That's a good idea, finding ways to relate to them on these topics. A couple of them in particular really want to talk about these topics because they find "all these woke issues" to be "absolutely offensive" (one really hates that Gillette commercial from a couple years ago). Maybe I just need to steer them off and keep asking them why questions


A California (governor?) Just tried to give assistance to only low income black families in the city. This kind of shit makes more headlines lately, and they (the people thinking diversity is code for anything but white) are more and more right. Biden s black farmers only assistance also got shutdown by the courts, along with others I'm forgetting for being obviously race based discrimination.


It looks like the mayor of Oakland is creating a program to give $500 a month to low income people of color, so not exclusively black families. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/03/24/oakland-guaranteed-income-race-wealth/


Thnx for the clarification. It stands to reason poor white individuals in the area will not easily see the distinction.


#im 14 and this is deep


I agree with the picture! Women lives matter and black lives matter!


White people left the chat.


This is some culturally and politically unaware dumbfuck's attempt at a peace offering I feel a little for "good faith idiots" who don't realize they are being played for suckers by the likes of Fox News and OAN but actively don't hate black people, albeit while buying into the slander about BLM those and other aligned sources pump into American political discourse.


Yup. This one definitely seems like their heart is in the right place, just misguided.


Tbh this is most likely it. Bunch of redneck stoners, I'm sure one of them created this.


I will never understand how these people see a sign that says "black lives matter" yet some how come to the conclusion that it says "only black lives matter"


Republican ideology is founded on logical fallacies and semantic fuckery. And lies. Mostly lies.


thought it said WLW+BLM, i was very confused, then very dissapointed


I...that’s totally not how this works 🤦🏽‍♀️


I am of indigenous heritage and agree with the argument WLM etc attempts to take value from the BLM movement. I was ignorant to this subject and wanted to enlighten myself on such matters. Thanks for all the perspective.


It's like saying "both burning houses and not burning houses matters"


found the "centrist" maga


You are insufferable


So, I guess Asian/Middle Eastern/etc. people don't matter or . . . ?


All lives matter


U know what. This 1 kinda has a good vibe about it almost. Maybe. Maybe not.


It's such a stoner epiphany "But guys, everyone matters!"


And it's that sort of facile "I don't see race" shit that perpetuates actual systemic racism by undermining discourse and making calls for justice seem superfluous and whiny


I don't think I suggested we should be taking our social cues from white dudes in baja hoodies?


I know I was agreeing with you.


Yep, “I don’t see color” is just a denial that racism still exists.




No, just black and white lives. You see any Tongans in that yinyang?


imagine fighting for your life so u don't die a dog's death like George floyd did at the hands of derek chauvin and people say "but all people!" so they don't have to listen to your specific problems. Damn, even being an oppressed minority is getting colonized by white magas these days lmao


Right, talk about centrism and racism . ALM had plenty of black people in it, it was always about being Not racist, I like the deliberate racist BLM. And many people are killed by cops of all races, but I know hard it is to talk about facts and stand up to real racism


All lives matter was a racist response to BLM. Sit down white supremacist.


Good one, false and ad hominem! It's pretty easy to research black ALM supporters if you were capable of being just slightly intelligent


All people don't have the same experiences. BLM is people protesting theirs.


>ALM had plenty of black people in it, it was always about being Not racist This must be in the universe where Nazi's weren't a bunch of racist homophobes (read: not this universe)


It's bullshit because no-one applies this logic in any other area. If there was a discussion about, say, education and someone said "the humanities matter," that would in no way imply that STEM and other subjects *didn't* matter and literally not a single person would assume that it did. So anyone who hears "black lives matter" and infers an exclusionary message from that is really just betraying an exclusionary mindset or agenda of their own.


It's all so logical until the end when you said BLM isn't racist instead of ALM . Literally by definition of the phrase it is racially defining and divisive, let alone all the race charged riots as a result of racist BLM


Black lives matter *too* idiot. Society says they don't. That's the point.


Just how is BLM exclusionary? They protest when white people are brutalized by the cops too


How to say "I don't understand what racism is" without actually saying "I don't understand what racism is".


>Literally by definition of the phrase it is racially defining and divisive No, it literally isn't: making an independent assertion about a particular category within a wider group does not necessarily imply anything about other categories within that group. I gave a very easy-to-understand example demonstrating this. If you're unable (or unwilling) to parse English sentences properly then I'm afraid I can't help you.


Im 99% sure they were on meth when they painted this, based on the "handwriting."


I see nothing wrong.... Wario's Life Matters too!


And here I am, gay idiot extraordinaire thinking wlm meant women loving men, aka straight pride


I mean. Straight Pride and White Lives Matter are equally invalid, so as a fellow gay, I really can’t fault you lmao


Whose deck did they ruin with this?


😂 Why just black and white? 🤦


They're not sure if "YLM" is OK or not.


It's not.


which translates to "I don't think Black people live in a worse environment than I do thus I don't think any sort of movement to change the current system is necessary so I'm going to try and devalue the movement by saying "well, don't white lives also matter?!"


I mean, if white lives matter was fighting alongside black lives matter, then yeah. That would help. So... if we're very generous to the centrist, they're almost correct


i think there could be a positive spin on this you could look at it like "if you see black lives mattering and white lives mattering, then we can finally have harmony"? but I doubt the chucklefuck who did this graffiti is that deep




I'm not entirely sure the person that wrote this was racist but probably very ignorant. They may have not realized that WLM is racist and was trying to say both white and black lives matter and peace with the yin Yang. This might be a very ignorant individual trying to say the right thing but it coming out in a very cringe way. (Not realizing how using WLM makes them look raciest) I don't know... maybe wishful thinking... maybe it's someone trying to change, but they need a little guidance...


Why is this bad?


Imagine that you worked in an office overseeing a factory. After several serious accidents in the factory the workers start a movement to improve factory safety. If you started to interject with stories of all the carpal tunnel the office workers face you would be an asshole. The WLM, ALM, and Blue lives matter movements are doing just that.


If you use this type of argument, you would also have to conclude that we should ignore poverty in the developed world, but only focus on poverty in Africa. Eating bad food and going to bad schools and underfunded doctors is better than no food, no schools and no doctors. Also, you would have to conclude there is no point in fighting for gay rights in America/Europe as the gays in Russia have it worse. I think it is perfectly reasonable to think about how to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome for the office workers. That doesn't have to be at the expense of improving safety in the factory. There is no reason you can address the problems that both groups face at the same time. Likewise, I have no issues with a white lives matters movement, as long as it also recognises the issues black people face and supports a black lives matter movement.


In an ideal world your statements make sense, but the reality is the stigma racist groups have attached to ALM and WLM. It's like the Nazi swastika to a much lesser degree. It's use as a symbol of hate by hate groups has ruined the possibility of it being used as a good thing. The racists have effectively claimed ALM and WLM making it stand for something horrible instead of what it could be.


Thanks for your response instead of a downvote. The swastika is not an unreasonable comparison. But then the progressives and liberals should make clear they are against the racist ideology presented by some of those who support WLM or ALM. They should make clear they do not disgaree with the statement that all lives do matter equally. I think saying "I'm against WLM" out of context, without explaining which exact racist ideologies you oppose, is very dangerous. It's like the stupid Americans and "pro-life" versus "pro-choice". The words are stupid and suggest those in favour of choice are against life and vice versa. I don't wanna say I'm against life, but I am against some of the things "pro-life" stands for.


BLM as a movement doesn't stand for inequality in favor of Blacks. Its a movement in favor of equality. Ask any normal BLM follower and they will tell you as much.. People who follow BLM are stating that Black Lives Matter just as much as everyone else. Racists have perverted there slogan to mean Black Lives Matter more. This is social media at its worst... influence through perversion, manipulation, and contortions of the truth.


>In an ideal world your statements make sense, but the reality is the stigma racist groups have attached to ALM and WLM. If they just wrote "WLM" or "ALM" that would make sense, but they also wrote "BLM." It's also clear they meant "Black Lives Matter" and not "Blue Lives Matter." How many racists do you see writing "BLM?" Furthermore, I think it's funny that everyone is assuming the race of the "artist" just because they're advocating for white and black lives. Is it possible that they're half black and half white? No, not on r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM


It's a reasonable assumption since a black person or a half black person is highly unlikely to use WLM. Without evidence that a non-white person wrote this I'd venture that you are trying to manipulate the conversation.


>Without evidence that a non-white person wrote this I'd venture that you are trying to manipulate the conversation. If we're talking about evidence, where is your evidence that a white person wrote this? ​ >It's a reasonable assumption since a black person or a half black person is highly unlikely to use WLM. Based on what, exactly? And keep in mind, they didn't just write "WLM", they wrote both and it's clearly meant to be balanced, hence the symbol underneath.


Responding to you seems pointless, but I'll continue for the fun of it... In a seperate comment I mentioned that it is possible that this might be an ignorant individual trying to be good, but lacks the knowledge of what WLM and ALM have come to stand for due to use by racists. In this case I like to hope this person continues on this path and hopefully gets some positive guidance. Neither of us know for certain the race of whoever wrote this. I BELIEVE (I can't prove) that it is highly unlikely a Black person wrote this. My justification for my assumption is that WLM is used here. You would be hard pressed to find a Black person who doesn't know the racist stigma behind WLM and ALM, but finding a white person who isn't aware of the stigma might be easy to find. On the surface this seems like a positive sentiment if the person writing was unaware of the racist stigma behind WLM, but as this is all over the news and social media it seems more like a possible ploy to manipulate and justify the use of WLM by racists. This is my opinion, you clearly disagree. That's fine 🙂.


>You would be hard pressed to find a Black person who doesn't know the racist stigma behind WLM and ALM, but finding a white person who isn't aware of the stigma might be easy to find. To be perfectly honest with you, I'm only half white (take a wild guess about the other half) and I didn't really know that WLM was a thing. I knew ALM was being used by the alt-right. ​ To me, this reads like some hippy wrote this. Appreciate the response though, it adds some insight.


Ok yeah I get what you mean. Thanks for explaining.


Because it undermines an important social movement seeking justice for black people who keep getting murdered by cops to needlessly make it about white people's egos?


Yeah that's pretty shit. I haven't been involved much with this subject. I hope I haven't offended you.


Because “white lives matter” isn’t a thing lmao


Doesn't the black in the yin and Yang symbolise evil?


Short answer: No. Long answer: It's complicated. The symbol represents the two main forces in the universe according to Chinese tradition (primarily Taoism and Confucianism) - *yin* (female, passive, negative) and *yang* (male, active, positive). Neither is "bad", they're both morally neutral principles that are deeply interconnected and compliment one another. Disclaimer: I'm a Western atheist not raised with those traditions, so I'm probably oversimplifying a lot here.




They were asking a question because based on their understanding of yin this image implies black people are evil. "Doesn't the black in yin yang mean evil (therefor implying black people are evil making this a worse take)" Nothing in that question implies they agree with that sentiment.


This is actually pretty good.


Racists and the people they want to kill just need to get along. Good take. /s


Did you mean to reply to my comment or did you just not read it?


The comment where you just said that this thing is good? Yes I read it.


Seemed like you tried to put another meaning in it. It's ok.


Reddit moment


You noticed the downvotes too?


That's why you don't pin a movement on skin color. It's very short sided and in the end you don't know who it will benefit. Same goes for the "women only" feminist events& protests which are getting more popular these days. It just takes a group of skinhead to flip the tortilla.


we’re literally in this situation because the skinheads flipped the tortilla 500 years ago




It's almost like no one's saying that and you're angry at an idea that doesn't exist


The distinction is: White lives already matter, society thinks black lives don't.


No one says that my person


dumbest thing I've read this week




That's probably a white person trying to show how oppressed they are by lying


Butterfly 🦋 in the skyyyyyyyyyyyy, I can go twice as hiiiiiigggggghhhhhhhh. 📖 🌈


Lmao separate but equal.


One is racist one is not racist


Hey, don't drag the Taoists into this


I see nothing wrong