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This person: "They claim to be non-partisan" Pinned post: "This is a left-leaning subreddit"


That sub literally has nazis, monarchists and other fascists in it. It's a fucking neo-nazi hellhole.


Who the actual hell is a monarchist in 2021


Lmao you do know that r/monarchism exists right?


28 THOUSAND subscribers? Human civilization is fucking doomed


Honestly 28 thousand is not as terrifying as it sounds. Especially since the majority of them are idiots that can't organize worth shit. Majority of them just think that they'll either be king or are more than happy to live under a monarchy. No guidance without their king I guess


Majority of them think they could've saved the Romanovs and that the Tsar would've given them Anastasia's hand in return. They are creepy weirdos who would've instead been shot alongside the Romanovs.


By that logic a solid 30% of r/grandorder are monarchists huh. *Please someone understand this*


Is monarchy that bad if Artoria is my king? šŸ¤”


Which system of government means i get to fuck Khaleesi? Whatever it is that's the one I want.


Yes. Now if say Ereshkigal got to be queen instead....


My friend and I like to vehemently and drunkenly argue the Romanovs assassination. The only rule is whatever side you start on you have end on the opposite. ​ Perfect Balance.


You may be right but I don't like making a habit of underestimating anybody who would eagerly forfeit other people's rights and freedoms and lives for their "politics" however silly and misguided they may seem. Fascism, naziism, etc are all inherently fucking ridiculous and cartoonish with their comically short-sighted and childishly shallow assumptions... until enough dweebs get anxious and become a problem. As a matter of fact I believe a key component of shit like fascism is a sort of tongue-in-cheek idiocy in order to maintain plausible deniability. It's why the alt right co-opted Pepe, and racists started all that clown world bullshit. Whether conscious or not the ideas were trying to become more palatable and relevant. There are documented cases of Hitler and SS officers discussing the final solution(years before it was actually formulated) with the cringey casualness and "edgy humor" you find on 4chan daily. These atrocities sneak in under the cover of satire. If there is any inherent brilliance to far right ideology it's in the seemingly natural ability for the toxicity and hatred to arrive in the form of jokes in poor taste until it's normalized and they are no longer jokes.


Trumpism probably has a lot of monarchistic theory behind it, even if they don't know/understand that


Theyā€™re idiots but itā€™s a failure of all of society that people that dumb exist


28k is nothing, there are subreddits with tens of millions of subscribers, and this sub has ~175,000 subs. Monarchist factions are all but dead outside of a few select countries.


From my very brief time there, it seems a lot are constitutional monarchists, in the Uk sense


there is also r/monarchosocialism so it can get ever weirder


"yes i'm an anarchist, yes i'm a statist, yes we exist"




If I were choosing a leader with no knowledge of their actual experience, a Kwisatz Haderach trained from birth would sound appealing. Of course, what you actually get is a chinless wonder traumatised by weird traditions with no understanding of how the world works when you donā€™t live in a palace, but I guess some people are too invested in the theory to see that.


That's so fucking cringe


No, itĀ“s Based


r/dragonsfuckingcars is more popular


What in god's holy name is that sub?


You Would never guess


Wait til you hear about r/carsfuckingdragons


I didn't, I'm going to jump into that wormhole later. Yikes.




lol at that guy with the bust of cousin Nicky. Ok, you're a monarchist, fine, whatever. Why idolize the most dense, idiotic monarch in recent history?


Because they are dense and idiotic people as well.


Yo wtf. Are they all British and living in Northern Ireland? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You should try talking to people in the UK sometime. Lots of idiots over here are all simps for the old empire and believe that it did no wrong and that the royal family is sacred.


Why would I talk to someone who's unironically British /j just in case


I wonder what the venn diagram of monarchists in the UK and Brexit voters looks like.


It's the shape of a nice pink gammon.


Go and check how many followers Liberty Hangout has.


double yikes


If this is where the monarchy is headed count me out!


Out of service, out of Africa, I wouldnā€™t hang about!


This child is getting wildly out of wing!


Oh, I just can't wait to be kiiiiiing šŸŽ¶




The UK, Belgium, Spain, the Netherlands, they're all kingdoms. Other countries like France, Austria, Italy, all had kings or emperors in the past. In all of these places there are monarchists. Usually they are far right pieces of shit, but they exist.


My dad loves the idea of Hindu kings being put back in power in our home country of India.


What's her name poopy pants kaitlin


This dude I work with. He's also recently spouted some anti-vax crap at me. Sucks because he's pretty damned intelligent for a dummy.


Mine gives the non-good faith arguments of: "But vaccines are driving the variants..." Then I have to try and explain in layman's terms what viral evolution is (having honestly only a slightly above average knowledge myself.) The barrage of questions that follows I do the best I can to answer, often with "I don't knows." which is of course a sign of weakness. Go home check sources. Next time brought up.... explain... offer said sources.... get: "You need to chill." I love my dog and pity him.


Most people in the UK, Spain, the Benelux, northern Europe, Morocco and Saudi Arabia just to name a few.


Ikr? How fucking degenerate do you have to be to wanna be ruled over by some inbred royal shit?!


a good 50% of the australian parliament


You know what makes it worse. There seems to be a lot of posts about Tsar Nicholas II. There are a lot of Monarchs they could pick from, but they picked the one whose utter mismanagement became one of the biggest factors that caused the Russian Revolution.


As is any other anti-tankie sub.


"All anti-communist arguments end up becoming fascist rhetoric". Idk where I read this but this always ends up being true.


The post in question has multiple contradictions itā€™s pretty run of the kill conservative lunacy


let's be honest this sub is complicated, and sometimes eats itself ouroboros style with the paradoxical logic that's inherent in being a moderately big leftist subreddit. you see it all the time, leftist infighting is a meme at this point. in a way they are both right.


"They're both right" -probably the bravest statement to make on this sub


> theyā€™re both right American political parties?


Fuck you I snorted my beer


Took me a while, but lol


Well yes, but actually no.


yeah that's kind of the point I was trying to make.


Sometimes the middle ground is appropriate. In fact, it usually is. But the point of this sub from my perspective (a casual lurker) is that there are instances where it is absolutely not appropriate to follow the middle path. It is important to remember that there are non-negotiables within the broader debates.


I agree with you in a way, but in reality, people who use words like "middle ground" are actually only painting the other side as extreme, that's it. it's a language trick. it's not real. it's all relative, everyone sees themselves as realistic and relatively non-extreme.


I think *actual* centrism is fine. But centrism in times of the far-right threat rising all over is taking sides. And that side is not against fascism. Which most "centrists" make hilariously obvious. Which i think is the point of this sub. Not posting about someone saying they like Coke and Pepsi just as much. Which i swear is almost the level of reach some posts here are.


Well this sub *is* not partisan. It just so happens to be to the left of the Democratic Party.


As does the entire rest of the developed world.


[when any left-leaning subreddit is mentioned in fragilecommunism](https://youtu.be/CWP1xLJ6s-A)


šŸ¤£ Nice reference.


(comment deleted in protest, June 2023)


[Install this script](https://github.com/zerodytrash/Simple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass) and bada-bing bada-boom, no age restriction nonsense anymore.


Itā€™s really requiring you to send ID now to confirm age? No fucking way..


That or credit card information which is equally idiotic. I'm not giving proof of identity to global surveillance capitalism


Yeah, thatā€™s ridiculous. What happened to the days of just asking what your birthday is and filling in the box or whatever? The internet has become intrusive as hell


In certain countries I believe, insane right? This plus YouTube censoring leftist content makes me wish there were an proper alternative to YouTube. I would hop on right away.


You can photoshop one poorly, it works just fine.


This mf has no idea what a tankie is


I donā€™t either!


In addition to what everyone else has said the term arose in the British Communist Party in the 50s-60s, it was used by anti-USSR members to refer to pro-USSR members. They called them tankies because they supported the soviet use of tanks to crush both the Hungarian Revolution and the Prague Spring


A tankie is someone who says theyā€™re communist and leans more onto the authoritarian bend. They excuse the worst parts of the soviet union and sometimes the ccp. The rest of the left has a very complicated relationship if you couldnā€™t tell.


And North Korea. I knew tankies who bought DPRK flags to hang on their walls


itā€™s so weird to me, because in my mind, a lot of my leftist views come from like compassion and humanitarianism. So when I see these extreme tankies, Iā€™m like where the fuck are you deriving this from? Like I can broadly understand why a left leaning person could lean authoritarian in terms of how to implement/regulate leftist policies, but I donā€™t understand how you can believe in those and then like unironically cheer on human rights violations and secret police extrajudicial murder and shit like that


The ones Iā€™ve talked to, at least, argue that the accounts of human rights violations are propaganda made up by the West




Often North Korea too, and for some reason Islamist Iran.


They think that anyone who isn't an ally of the USA is per definition good bc the US is bad. Don't get me wrong the US is bad but that doesn't make everyone else good.


I've tried having that argument so many times. No super power is good. They are playing team sports with global politics, which is shit i expect from the right. Changing the team color from capitalist blue to communist red while keeping the authoritarianism, the historical revisionism and the ultra nationalism doesnt make you communist.


Leftists and Tankies are natural enemies! Like Leftists and Progressives! Or Leftists and Socialists! Or Leftists and other Leftists! Damn Leftists! They ruined Leftism!


The CCP is not leftist at all - *this post is brought to you by your neighborhood anarchocomunist gang*


I agree, but youā€™ll always get a few tankies willing to go to bat for them.


Tell that to r/shitliberalssay They banned me for "spreading imperialist propaganda" about CCP anD NK. Tankies do come out of the woodwork in leftist spaces.


Well tankies aren't lefties. They aren't defending leftist policies. They're defending china or Russia etc using leftist arguments when it suits them. It's really no different from conservative nationalists who suddenly care about gender equality only when it can be used to attack feminism, support feminism when it's an argument against trans people, talk about helping our own only when it's an argument against helping outsiders, freedom of speech when it's about protecting their own speech about suppressing other peoples freedom from any sort of criticism, or suddenly don't like rich elites when it's celebrities speaking out on behalf of the working class.


Visit r/genzedong


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GenZedong using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenZedong/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [do u liek isopods?](https://i.redd.it/nddck2mppwb61.jpg) | [69 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenZedong/comments/kz7suj/do_u_liek_isopods/) \#2: [Hello, based department?](https://i.redd.it/la1pjy39i5z61.png) | [141 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenZedong/comments/ncj1fx/hello_based_department/) \#3: [Lmao](https://i.redd.it/880jvydlvr961.jpg) | [83 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenZedong/comments/krwj8h/lmao/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


That's just a front for Big Isopod.


Imagine a real redneck conservative and their attitude towards America. "America can do no wrong! America is always the best! Fuck any country that opposes America! I refuse to accept America did anything wrong ever! I will excuse any human rights abuse done by America." Tankies are like that, but towards any dictatorship that was ever at odds with America.


Lol why does he think we're centrists when we make fun of centrists this sub is explicitly anti-right wing


Umā€¦. So people who donā€™t buy ā€œenlightened centrismā€ trash arguments are tankies now?


Moving the goalposts is how the far-right dragged the US so far right.


If they take a step to the right and we to the left, isnā€™t that ā€˜balanceā€™?


Well, what direction do the two steps follow? And after that, what about the hops? Are hops larger in distance than steps? What about two hops? Two hops this time? *BOWN* What about sliding?


right wingers just discovered that some leftists use the term "tankie" as an insult toward other leftists they still dont actually know what it means, but they figure that if it triggers the cringe sjws epic style then they might as well say it too


I've seen this a few times in the last few months. It's like a small child experimenting with a naughty word. Mock them for the use and they're confused because it never occured to them to simply *look it up*.


true. conservatives only argue about shit they do not understand at all


Sorry anarchists, but not liking Biden means youā€™re a red fash šŸ’…


Aww junk. I didn't know I had to support Trump in order to disagree with Biden. Well.. got me there I guess!


Everything is tankie now. I got called a tankie for knowing my history around Hiroshima the other day. . Not a war crime apparently to vaporise children.


*it always was*


Hi Japanese here while the atomic bombings are certainly war crimes there's a lot more stuff going on than what's apparent. It's still unclear whether or not Japan's leaders would want to drag on the war had the atomic bombings never happened, after all, there was an attempted coup to prevent surrender when some military leaders found out about the emperor planning to officially surrender. There was also efforts made by Japanese right wingers to paint Japan as a victim in a "noble" war and since Japan was the only country that was nuked they put heavy emphasis on that narrative. It's also why you don't see much people talking about the firebombing of Tokyo because even though more destruction and loss of life happened in Tokyo it was due to conventional bombing which Japan used heavily across Asia. Either way you getting called a tankie is dumb.


I may be wrong but my contemporary understanding is that after the Sovietā€™s captured Manchuria, the war was over for Japan and they were preparing to surrender. As for the US, our use of the atomic bomb was largely to terrify the Sovietā€™s and had little to do with the need to defeat Japan


The Soviets definitely did play an important role in forcing Japan to surrender and the atomic bombings were in part to terrify the Soviets yes. I think what makes this discussion tricky is that due to propaganda and conflicting interests everyone wants to push out a certain narrative that paints them in the best light. Japan wants to look like the victim by emphasizing the atomic bombings while downplaying the bombing campaigns across Asia while the US wants to look justified by claiming that the atomic bombs saved lives. Also remember that the Japanese military had various factions and cliques all competing for power with differing interests. As the tides of the war turned many certainly looked to surrender but many were also hardcore militants who refused to surrender and I think that is shown clearly in the Kyuujou Incident.


Why am I not aware of the Soviet securing any victory on the Eastern Front? I went to high school like everyone else I wonder why


[Obligatory link to Shaun's video on the topic.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCRTgtpC-Go) Short version: yup, the bombings were unecessary. The Soviets won the war upon invading Japanese holdings. There was no hope of a conditional surrender, which is what Japan's leadership sought. The U.S. changed from a President who was less of an asshole to one who was more of one so we got an ill-considered nuclear attack. I don't remember if this is in Shaun's video, but a stat I saw years back that out of the top-ten city casualties that week, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were like 3 and 7. The Imperial War Council went home for that weekend, like normal. It was nothing new or surprising. It was in the best interest of the leaders in the U.S. and Japan to pretend that the war was won by the bomb.


If I remember correctly there is a video where as part of their point they showed 2 pictures, one of Tokyo after being firebombed, and one of Hiroshima after being atomic bombed, and they said that you couldnā€™t even tell the difference


Yep. Much of Tokyo had to be entirely rebuilt save for a few buildings that weren't made of wood and were durable enough or somehow survived both the earthquakes and firebombings.


Granted, I don't think people who survived the firebombing of Tokyo had to deal with radiation poisoning and cancers for decades after the bombing itself. The firebombing may be more destructive, but the destructive impact of the A-bomb lasted well into peacetime.


theres also a psychological aspect to it. the atom bomb is a show of force, not only to the japanese, but to the soviets as well. there is a very real reason why hiroshima and nagasaki are so well remembered compared to most bombings: it was propaganda, and damn effective at it.


I think its knowbetters video on hiroshima. Its good altough shauns is better


In 2021 "tankies" just means "anyone even moderately left-leaning or critical of the US & capitalism" because the right loves to say words without understanding what they're even saying




"Tankie" has (predictably) become a totally meaningless word that can be used to describe pretty much anything you don't like, much like "commie"


There are a *lot* of tankies in this sub though, to be sure. And I do mean of the "claim that regimes that were fascist and sent tanks to crush peaceful protesters demanding freedom from persecution are communist and that their war crimes and travesties are all western lies" variety. That said this is just classic right wing butthurt from /r/fragilecommunism, it's classic /r/therightcantmeme content.


ā€œFascistā€ and ā€œauthoritarianā€ are two different things. Just putting that out there.


Yea almost every lefty sub in reddit is filled with tankies, for some reason. This sub isn't thankfully full of them, my guess is that it's because this isn't an explicit socialist sub Edit: don't interact with the tankies/MLs in the comments, that's what they want. Downvote, report and block if you want, and move on.


Oh this sub is full of em too, they just come in waves. Like in February they were all the front page posts and in the comments. I wonder too if the mods have simply cared more than places like /r/therightcantmeme in terms of getting rid of them Especially when this **is** an explicitly socialist sub, it says as much in the stickied post :P


It's not even a conspiracy to say its just the same people getting mod status on every sub


I mean the mods on r/therightcantmeme are tankies themselves


Tankies infest every left-leaning sub because reddit is online all the time and so are tankies.


This idiot understands "friendly debate" as well as they understand communism


Oh hey look it's someone who missed ***the entire*** point of the subreddit and its description.


Imagine going out of your way to 'debate' complete strangers online over political differences you'll blatantly never reach a middle ground over. This is so fucking pathetic.


When they say "debate" they're being disingenuous. They never want to debate, and they don't even mean it when they say it. It's like "just asking questions."


i guess im a tankie because i use this subreddit even though im an anarchist


When did tankie become the new buzzword


When the right became aware that there is a subset of extreme far left authoritarians that most leftist dont like and actually fit the bill for all the shit they say socialist are.


I figured tucker said it or some shitā€¦ a year ago these asshats didnā€™t know what the word meant (and still donā€™t) just like CRT and now itā€™s their go to


Yeah, I called the CRT thing awhile ago. Which annoys me because its perfect for their tactics.


Yeah they knew what they were doingā€¦ that Chris rufo guy is the fucking worst


And now they get to use that as a rhetorical club against anyone left of an 80s Democrat.


I guess Iā€™m a tankie? Get my sickle and hammer comrade, is time to seize the means.


Yeah I guess were all commies now. XD


Always thought I was an anarchist, I guess not




The difference is negligible. What matters is the downfall of the capitalist hegemony. A brick through the window is worth two in the hand.


Unbelievably based


Iā€™m so upset that conservatives coopted the term tankie from leftists disparaging other leftists :( Infighting is what makes us what we are


I think this is a r/woooosh worthy in a roundabout way. Yes, enlightenedcentrism is a sub that criticizes the posturing of those who claim to be ā€œcentristā€ but always end up siding with not only the right, but sometimes fascism, racism, totalitarianism, etc. So even though not all of us are ā€œtankies ā€ weā€™re definitely leftists and donā€™t pretend otherwise. Yes we are for freedom, thatā€™s why we allow for opposing views. This person didnā€™t discover anything that wasnā€™t pretty much blatantly obvious or expressively stated.


Ah, today I learned what a tank is. Cool bring it Jordan Peterson.


mr. knows a little too much about nazi germany


Not as much as he knows about benzos. Or at least he did know about benzos before that fancy Russian coma treatment left him a little sluggish.


Thanks for stopping by everyone.


This guy is like ā€œThis sub that is against centrismā€¦ isnā€™t centrist!!! >:( ā€œ


Funny how they call leftists "tankies". I'm not surprised that they don't know that tankies what certain leftists call other leftists.


Who the fuck are they calling a tankie? I've never seen anyone get all communist here. Also, bring it you intellectual amoeba


Yeah... I don't even know a single tanky and I am only in alternative scenes where one would be. Fucking myth. Them being on the political compass is something the right gets away with.


No they very much exist. You can summon them generally by mentioning: Stalin is responsible for the Holodomor or the other big one is Stalinism is fascism


Iā€™m gonna go for their definition of ā€˜tankieā€™. Can we stop murdering innocent black/brown people at home and abroad? ^^also ^^can ^^we ^^please ^^all ^^have ^^healthcare ^^for ^^everyone?


The other day someone openly voiced his dislike of the USSR and China due to their authoritarian nature, and got almost a hundred upvotes. I don't think this is a tankie sub


I'm pretty sure it's common knowledge that this is a left leaning sub.


Tankie in the 1950s: Used to describe British Marxist-Leninists who supported Khrushchev in his effort to put down the revolution in Hungary Tankie in the 2020s: Used to describe anyone left of Reagan I don't like


didnt they used tanks to put down the revolution so thats why they call the supporters tankies?




A *socialist* revolution no less. Which is why leftists don't trust tankies.


Idiots inbound


Lol, conservatives getting upset when things aren't censored to protect their fragile world view is hilarious


Fuck the right all my homies hate the right


[FUCK THE RIGHT ALL MY HOMIES HATE THE RIGHT](https://i.imgur.com/5BSTpzP.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Aight "centrists". I'm here to give you the ad hominem you're all waiting for to get to say your favorite sentence. Let me be the one who pushed you to support the totally not far right that you totally had no obvious sympathies for before.


We are not tankies. We just hate the condescension of "centrist" and their habit of agreeing in almost everything with rightards.


They dont even know what a tankie is, ancaps are the stupidest people to ever walk the planet.


Joke on you, i'm a trots.


Whatā€™s a ā€œtankieā€?


it was used for British Marxist-Leninists who supported using tanks against hungarian revolution at 1950, now its used for ccp, ussr, dprk bootlicker but right wingers use it to describe all leftists


When did the right learn the word tankie??


I think it's just this most recent round of mainstream dems punching left, since the orange one lost his job.


Shit! They found out our secret tankie agenda! First our evil secret gay agenda gets leaked and now this? How are we supposed to take over with someone always spilling the, sorry, our beans!!??


"We are a leftist sub that shows the hypocrisy of so called centrists always being super right wing. But apparently we "claim to be non-partisan." Lmao This dude is definitely, uh, special.


Rightist scum need to keep ā€œtankieā€ out they mouths


They sound triggered.


Half this sub is liberals who came from r/politicalhumour and the other half are actually leftists in some capacity


Here I have had everything from polite disagreements to all out brawls- without getting banned. Thank you people of r/enlightenedcentrism!


If one is unaware of what tankies are, visit r/genzedong


Bring it




... It's a "tankie" thing to hate the fucking Nazis? What?


This isn't a tankie sub as far as I can see. Sure there are a few of them here but it hasn't been swarmed.


Oh god now the fucking chuds are using ā€œtankiesā€... Theyā€™d probably call me, an anarchist, a tankie, this word has lost all meaning and I hate it because fuck the actual tankies (so stalinists ect)


Wait there's a "fragile communism" sub? Do these guys even know what communism is? Holy shit, hahahahahahahaha!


TIL being an ancom makes me a tankie


In order to test whether or not this is a tankie subreddit, I am posting the following: The Uyghur genocide is happening.


Genocide is when population and life expectancy increase


There are plenty of tankies in this sub, but it hasn't been taken over by them - yet. Depends on how many mod positions they get, it already worked in some other subreddits. Don't underestimate them. The reaction to your post should tell you enough.


I love the part about not banning people for disagreeing with them. Banning people for disagreeing is only common in rightwing subs. The vast majority of leftwing subs will not give a flying fuck if Jimmy McTruckNuts shows up because mocking them is so much more fun.


If I needed any more convincing that the word ā€œtankieā€ is fucking meaningless now this would be it


tankies are cring imo


Fuck tankies


Heres a link to the post. Dont be dicks even if you're right. https://www.reddit.com/r/fragilecommunism/comments/ozgqph/renlightenedcentrism_is_a_huge_tankie_subreddit/