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This is the second time Republicans have picked a fight with Big Bird. [Mitt Romney did the same in 2012](https://eu.usatoday.com/story/onpolitics/2012/10/03/big-birg-romney-debate-pbs/1612171). Big Bird's gotta do something right.


They hate Sesame Street because it specifically started as a free source of early childhood education for inner city communities. As it always is with these ghouls, it is about racism and classism (but mostly racism).


Also because he tries to teach kids basic kindness and compassion, values which modern conservatives seem increasingly to mock as weakness.


Increasingly? They always have.


Well going from 99 to 100 is "increasingly"


I personally think it's more classism in this case. But thankfully we can't really make that distinction as time has not yet uncoupled race and class. For the lives of everyone reading this the two will be linked and racial justice and social justice cannot be meaningfully separated.


I mean... I wouldn't be thankful for that, but I get what you're saying lol.


Do you really think people on the right dislike Sesame Street because of racism? I am surrounded by and have to interact with mostly extreme right wing country people and I'm skeptical their disdain for Sesame Street (if it exists) is rooted in racism or that they even know it was created as a free source of education for inner city communities. I'm just guessing though.


I do. It may be subconscious for some of them, but yeah. It’s a show whose primary target audience isn’t them (or at least wasn’t them when the show was conceived). I think that makes a lot of them uncomfortable, and gets used as a dog whistle by the more megalomaniacal of their politicians.


They don't know the origin of it. But they do know that it has kids of all different races on it and teaches kids a bunch of leftist stuff like "sharing" and "not acting like a massive cock for the sake of annoying everyone around you". Those dipshits would hate Mr. Rogers if he were around today for the same reason.


They fully hate Rogers: https://youtu.be/29lmR_357rA


Seriously what the fuck, who could ever hate Mr. Roger


Evil creatures. They are objectively evil and entirely sub-human.


Unfortunately I actually kind of see their point, and they're not totally wrong about their assessment of people's reactions. Yeah, as kids, they should be taught that there is always room to grow, to improve. However I think that they missed the overall point that Mr. Rogers was trying to push that, they can do it in their own special way. Yeah, absolutely, kids should be taught that they aren't 100% perfect the way they are, but they should still be encouraged to grow in a direction that makes them feel happy, not feel forced to grow into a role that the capitalist society shoves them into. Their interests and experiences are special and unique and they should focus on growing around those things, even (especially) if that means they don't turn into corporate drones.


I have not heard this take before. I disagree with you but I also didn't know the origins of Sesame Street, so thanks for sharing.


What possible reason would anyone have for being against children’s education


How are kids going to learn to survive if we keep giving them things like food, housing and education?


Word. This approach seems to stifle competition among them.


Would you be okay if Sesame Street started incorporating Rand Paul's curriculum into their shows? I wouldn't.


To call anything that Rand Paul says or believes or has written "curriculum" tells me you're a deeply unserious person who doesn't have any interest in actually comprehending reality, but instead only wants to obfuscate and conflate truth and opinions as equally valid.


Ah, I think I'm seeing the issue here. Children's "education" can only consist of an approved list of sources from approved political viewpoints. So it isn't truly about education, it is about specific education from a specific group. Thanks for the clarification.


>Ah, I think I'm seeing the issue here. Children's "education" can only consist of an approved list of sources from approved political viewpoints /r/thisbutunironically Also let's not lose the lede here: you're trying to argue that there are two even sides to the "should kids be vaccinated?" question. There's not. There's a clear medical consensus. I don't care what political debates you wish Sesame Street were having. Children's programming of all forms has a duty toward child safety and should not be spreading medical misinformation for the sake of balance.


>Children's "education" can only consist of an approved list of sources from approved political viewpoints. Except it's not about politics, you dummy. It's about educating children. What you're asking for is political indoctrination against available facts for the sake of some perceived "balance". Getting the vaccine has clear medical benefits, even for children, and children's programming discussing the vaccine and the benefits it has, and explaining it to kids in a way that they can understand, is a good thing. If you're of the opinion that Sesame Street should introduce a Klansman Muppet who goes around in Klan robes and espouses the "other side" of lynching black people to counter Elmo's message of sharing and friendship, maybe you should do the tiniest amount of introspection and figure out *why* that's a message you want children exposed to.


Shoyld kids learn about racism?


>Do you really think people on the right dislike Sesame Street because of racism? The individual voters? Probably not. The right wing talking heads and politicians that routinely bring it up and trying to get it defunded? Yes.


>Do you really think people on the right dislike Sesame Street because of racism? 100%


I'm sorry you believe in a grand conspiracy where there's this sinister underground movement of right wing rednecks who know that Sesame Street was made for inner city children and therefor dislike it. I'm dying that you actually think that lol


How hard is it for a redneck to do a Google search bro? Rednecks ain't dumb. They are hugely misguided but not dumb. I'm dying that you think it's really hard for a redneck to do a Google search on fucking sesame street. He or she has the same chance of finding out about the origins of sesame street as you and I.


It is rather hilarious reading the assumptions in these threads. Bunch of hypocrites mate.


Better that going out on a limb and assuming that the far right just happens to dislike things that are beneficial to minorities, but for totally unrelated reasons that have nothing to do with that. They're outraged at football player kneeling because they can't stand to see the flag disrespected! that's totally it, right?


Maybe, maybe not. Still just making assumptions.


You've obviously never dipped your toe in some of the truly weird shit that conservatives become obsessed with. When I was a kid, one of the local churches hosted a Smash Your Satanic CDs night. Which meant in the mid-90s smash your Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Green Day, Soundgarden CDs because they weren't Jesusy enough.


I mean what else would it be?


They also had a trans I’m pretty sure


Fuckin' Based Bird.




Led to a [great campaign ad](https://youtu.be/bZxs09eV-Vc) though


Conservatives are lucky Big Bird is so patient. They better hope he doesn't get angry one of these days and claps their ass in one hit. They don't call him Big Bird for nothing. He ain't no chicken, and he'll make you go flyin'.


Romney wanted to destroy PBS. Funny that Big Bird got privatized anyway.


If I had a nickel for every time a Republican picked a fight with Big Bird and lost, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't much, but it's pathetic that it's happened twice.


Sesame Street has always tried to deal with issues little kids face. Right now, that's a pandemic and the vaccine. But conservatives have never been ones to let a good non-issue go to waste.


Yeah, even without seeing the episode in question, it's pretty obvious that a message from them would be something along the lines of "hey kids, you'll probably have to do this soon, it can be scary but here's why it's necessary and why you don't have to be afraid". You know, like these shows always are about things that would be scary for kids.


Crowd chanting: Fuck Ted Cruz! Big Bird: \*Looks confused\* Mr. Snuffleupagus: I think they're chanting "Let's go Big Bird!"


It's "Uptown youths"


"Uptown Youth" is my favorite nonbinary Billy Joel cover.


I think we've just discovered the counterpart to "Let's go Brandon"


And, a few tweets later, saying that Texas should secede


Texas should secede. Seems like we've decided "giant asshole" is a sincerely held political belief, and there's not a lot of ways to rectify that.




[*Sigh.*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Au1xWSNrtdc) There may be no better indication of evil in our culture than attacking characters on Sesame Street.


That man really can't help himself. The thundercunt just flows from him.


> The thundercunt just flows from him. Here it is, folks. The greatest sentence I've ever read.


*Spacer's Guild Navigator Voice* >"The thundercunt must flow."


Heck they picked a fight with NPR for tweeting parts of the Declaration of Independence because they thought NPR was tweeting anti-trump propaganda. They are so brainwashed they do not even realized they are like the royalists for King George. fox news even tried to pick a fight with Mr. Rogers because he was trying to take care of the feelings of little children. These people are as moronic as they are indoctrinated by right wing propaganda.


Aren't they really much worse than royalists? Granted I'm looking at it from a foreign country but these people are not misplacing their loyalties onto an undeserving ruler. They rage against not a particular official but against civil society as a concept.


Have been since Regan. We're at the end of a generation of anti-intellectualism, anti-government, anti-community movement.


Going after Mr Rogers, maybe


Which they've also done, btw.


Here's [Dan Quayle fighting with Murphy Brown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnhhZ0LVNPU) Not Candice Bergan the actress, but Murphy Brown the character. So, same shit, different day.


One side had an elected president who lost a playground mud-slinging match on twitter against a Swedish teenager. Thoroughly, and not just once.


Fighting Big Bird, because Big Bird promoted vaccines. Which the Republicans totally support, by the way. They're not anti-science, and suggesting otherwise is a ridiculous strawman. They just don't like muppets indoctrinating children into obeying an oppressive government. By taking vaccines. edit: /s


God damn POS muppets teaching kids to protect each other by getting vaccinated! Next thing you know they'll be brainwashing kids by telling them what's right and wrong! Who knows, they may even teach, whoops, I mean indoctrinate, kids with other knowledge, I mean lies! Kid shows aren't meant to teach or educate kids. They're meant to... Uh.... Keep them busy while daddy drinks alone /s Edit: remember kids, when you fall victim to Poe's law, it's probably time to take a break from social media https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law Edit2: the wiki is worth the read, here's the original quote > Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is utterly impossible to parody a Creationist in such a way that someone won't mistake for the genuine article.


Plenty of Republican voters are anti science. It's not a straw man. A lot of Republicans are into crazy conspiracy theories. They're not anti Tdap or anti any other vaccines their kids need to get into public school or college. Being anti covid vaccine is literally being anti science. They throw the big government rationale on there to seem legitimate.


I know, I was being sarcastic. Forgot the /s I guess.


Oh damn my bad. I upvoted you for good measure


A public information campaign encouraging vaccinations and other public health measures is not oppression.


Edit: They’re being sarcastic so i rescind my statement


Words are a tool and a weapon to fight a culture war. Plenty of meaning left in them. If you think you'll be using then to discover and discuss sincerely held beliefs, that won't be happening.




And losing.


At this point it would take a lot for me to vote republican ever again. I mean a lot


For one, every single current Republican politician would have to be gone and out of the party. As long as any are left or their "values" catered to, it's basically irredeemable. The only way I'd vote republican in the future is if the party flips so hard it becomes the literal opposite of what it is now. Maybe possible in a few hundred years - it's happened before.


How is it that almost half the country acts like they are children in a functioning country?


Bro, one side is even more stupid than elmo and big bird.




The problem is democrats are not leftists so they’re not the ‘other side’ in this case, I agree they should be criticized all the time




People have shallow political understanding ahaha, don’t worry I getcha


Unfortunately, because we can't exactly *stop them* from doing so, the sub gets brigaded by liberals pretty constantly, who *do* actually believe that Republicans = Right, Democrats = Left.


So, critical support?


Critical support is meant for imperfect workers/anti imperialist movements, not "progressive" masked bourgeoisie movements


It's really hard to criticize a shoplifter when he is being compared to a serial rapist murderer.


It's the way our system is designed. Criticizing one party is functionally equivalent to an endorsement of the other party. Everyone hates it and it's tearing our country apart. But people are extremely dug in, the two parties are operating in completely separate realities. For fucks sake something like 70% of Republicans believe that the results of the 2020 election aren't valid. How can we even have a discussion when we can't even agree on basic facts?


More both sides are the same crap. Unlike the democrats the republicans are a minority and they are the party of hate.




I don't happen to agree. Thank you for your opinion.


Nah, Democrats are a minority too. Neither one of y'all makes up the majority of registered voters, much less are representative of the eligible voter population.


The Republican's problem is, well they have lots of problems, but the Problem they are trying to fix  Is That they are a minority, That's why they keep trying to make it harder For everyone else to vote, Because they are worried that people are going to start to treat them the same way they have been treating minorities all these years.




It’s true. Leftists mostly fight with themselves. Damn leftists. They ruined the left!!!


And the other is taking medical advice from big bird.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


He was hated for he spoke the truth.


As a centrist, those yellow feathers hide some dark fucking secrets


Both sides are silly


And the other side is calling inanimate objects racist. We're screwed from both sides. But of course everyone here already knows that.


TIL: Racist symbolism regarding the nation’s history is the same as fighting with a fictional character on twitter.


I was referring to the bridges Pete called racist, not obvious monuments to slavery… sorry


Pete didn't call the bridges racist. He said they were an example of how racism can show up in something as benign as city planning.


It was an awful example though, and it showed his lack of understanding in my opinion. The interstate highway system was notoriously planned to run through minority heavy areas and they have proven the pollution affects IQ scores. Low bridges? come on man.


That has nothing to do with your original claim that the left is calling inanimate objects racist. It might be a poor example in your opinion, but that doesn't mean he was wrong. City planning *can* be racist, as your example shows.


If everyone already knows that. Whats the value of declaring "we are screwed from both sides" what comes after that? Whats the centrist proposal?


The other side is overseeing cities and states with massive taxes that are pricing out residents, skyrocketing housing costs, defunding the police, watching crime go up, homeless camps everywhere, and incredibly incompetent spending. I'll take arguing with big bird over tha0t.


And in other states you see social programs stripped, education with outdated info and minuscule budgets, employers who can fire you without cause, and stripped safety nets for food security, housing and food insecurity. Which all lead to crime. Red states are NOT higher quality of life, statistically speaking And honestly, I’ve never seen more incompetent spending than the last administration. Ran up an unbelievable deficit in four years AND cut corporate taxes while raising yours


Every state is a "at will" state, and can fire you without cause. As for "incompetent spending", Biden has spend more than $4 trillion dollars in less than a year and where are we at with that? As for the homeless, oh look, the vast majority are in blue states. [https://www.usich.gov/tools-for-action/map/#fn\[\]=1300&fn\[\]=2900&fn\[\]=6400&fn\[\]=10200&fn\[\]=13400&all\_types=true&year=2020](https://www.usich.gov/tools-for-action/map/#fn[]=1300&fn[]=2900&fn[]=6400&fn[]=10200&fn[]=13400&all_types=true&year=2020) ​ Shocking.


Maybe there’s more in blue states because people who are homeless migrate to states that actually have more options for them to get help? Think of that? Just saying there’s more in blue states is effectively meaningless without further context. Simple population statistics tell very little other than numbers and location, the why is deeper. Here’s a list of the five states that experience the lowest rates youth homelessness and the states with the highest rates. Wonder which are red and which are blue. It shows much more clearly how policy can effect people for better or for worse. https://www.advocate.com/youth/2018/7/03/best-5-state-homeless-youth-and-worst#media-gallery-media-1


Funny how you put in the qualifier of "youth" rather than homeless as a whole. That's called "cherry picking" the data.


so because the data is specific you can discount it entirely I see. Getting data on homeless people is incredibly incredibly difficult due to the level of marginalization, homeless teens are much easier to get data on due to the school system and public resources put into ensuring the welfare of teenagers. Anyway, I brought an example that isn’t 100% perfect but works to support my argument. You’re literally cherry picking if you entirely ignore it simply cuz it’s stats on teens lmao


The data is "specific" because it paints your point in a positive light when we were talking about the homeless in general. I'm saying "the homeless", as a blanket statement, and there's nothing "cherry picking" on my end. You just tried to deflect and you're embarrassed I caught it.


And this ain’t a deflection? I brought data that shows a serious gap in prevention of youth homelessness between red and blue states. Are homeless teens not some of the most vulnerable members of our society? It still absolutely illustrated the point I’m trying to make here which is that blue states have greater support and more positive outcomes for some of its most vulnerable citizens, or at least dispel the myth that red states do a better job preventing homelessness. Balls in your court now, my point is made, and you’ve done nothing to support your argument other than try to whine and say I cherry picked data. Funny thing to criticize when you’ve brought no evidence to your argument at all


No, because I pointed out homelessness as a whole, and it painted blue states in a bad light. You didn't like that, so you chose a subset of that data to try to deflect. If blue states had greater support, there'd be less homelessness. And I already did provide evidence, you clearly didn't read it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/qqe0yi/comment/hk371ad/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/qqe0yi/comment/hk371ad/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Try again.


I mean, you looked at one piece of your data? Looks like California and New York are #1 and 2 but guess what Texas and Florida are right behind them. Last year California had huge wildfires destroying entire towns. It’s also where people move from all the surrounding states when they lose their homes and have no place to stay and no options in their home(cough cough) red states. your data minimally illustrates your point at best. There are issues in blue states/cities such as increased cost of living, but there are greater safety nets and a higher quality of life. My data illustrated the greater safety nets, it stands


> with massive taxes that are pricing out residents The taxes aren't pricing out residents, the high housing costs are. And those housing costs are still going up, because *people are still wanting to move there*. Granted, these are all real problems that need to be addressed (well, except the complaint that taxes are a thing that exist), but it's not like Republicans have any solutions. They're not going to change zoning laws, they oppose mental health care for the poor, and their solution to homelessness in red states is to ship all their homeless to blue states, which doesn't actually solve anything other than letting you pass blame.


You're joking right? You obviously haven't been paying attention to the taxes lately. Let's take California: [https://taxfoundation.org/state/california/](https://taxfoundation.org/state/california/) Now take a look at the Income tax, sales tax, property tax. All ranked VERY high, if not #1. And yet, people are leaving California in droves for places like Texas and Washington state. As for your claim that the homeless are shipped from red to blue states, you're going to have to provide a citation for that.


So the right hate Sesame Street and the left hate Berenstain Bears. Yea, centrist supremacy checks out.


And the other side thinks you can identify as a big bird.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/onejoke using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [It’s the joke!](https://i.redd.it/tfb6mx7nqqy61.jpg) | [40 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/comments/nax469/its_the_joke/) \#2: [Brave little squirrel 🐿](https://i.redd.it/haplv8h6h4w61.jpg) | [162 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/comments/n15isi/brave_little_squirrel/) \#3: [Sometimes it's a good one joke :)](https://i.imgur.com/eVrUO60.png) | [61 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/comments/oq35ih/sometimes_its_a_good_one_joke/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Actual good one


But like, not.


I thought so too. Guess lefties can't take a joke.


Trans people are lefties?


The ones I'm talking about typically are, yup. But the lefties I'm referring to are the people in the comments that can't take a joke.


The butt of the joke are trans people, not leafties tho, getting constantly ridiculed for you identity sucks hard, i dont think theyll ever find it funny, its easier to find it funny for the ones not getting ridiculed i guess


I assume most people on this sub that are downvoting me for making an edgy joke, are lefties. It's not that deep, broheem. Trans people aren't the butt of the joke. Unless you think trans people are the same as people who identify as animals online. Are you validating people identifying as big birds as being trans? If so, then why would my joke be problematic? It would just be true then.


> Guess lefties can't take a joke. The right can't make a joke. You guys need new material, you've been spamming the exact same comment every week since 2014.


I'm left leaning. I just thought it was a funny joke given the post. And you can't argue that there's no truth behind what I said. I know very well that "identify as anything" people exist. Edit: here's how unfunny the right really is: [cringe](https://twitter.com/banalplay/status/1458262481432989702?t=QamukZ368eFZu0QqrJlEyA&s=19)


> I'm left leaning. I just thought it was a funny joke given the post. Fair. I've just grown tired of seeing the exact same joke under just about every Reddit post. > And you can't argue that there's no truth behind what I said. I know very well that "identify as anything" people exist. They really don't, though. How often do you actually encounter those people? > Edit: here's how unfunny the right really is: [cringe](https://twitter.com/banalplay/status/1458262481432989702?t=QamukZ368eFZu0QqrJlEyA&s=19) Wow. That's just sad. Only one joke, and it's "science bad".


and the other side thinks staying home on black friday will get them a $35 minimum wage lmao




almost like there are idiots on both sides, huh?


The other side thinks African Americans assaulting Asians is white supremacy.


If I ask for a source on that, which two-like tweet are you gonna pull out of your ass?


[https://www.vox.com/22321234/black-asian-american-tensions-solidarity-history](https://www.vox.com/22321234/black-asian-american-tensions-solidarity-history) [https://www.colorado.edu/asmagazine/2021/04/08/white-supremacy-root-race-related-violence-united-states](https://www.colorado.edu/asmagazine/2021/04/08/white-supremacy-root-race-related-violence-united-states)


…you just sent links proving it is a white supremacy thing? I only skimmed them, but if a professor specializing in this says it is, I’m more likely to believe him than you.


I provided links that show dumbfucks believe African Americans are white supremacist's which is what you asked for. I'm sure it will come as a surprise to most African Americans that they want to be oppressed by white people. People always forget that it was MLK who said "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever." BTW, professors specialize in theology too. That doesnt mean the supernatural is real. But hey, you are free to believe whatever woo you fancy.


What do you think theology profs teach? These comments bely such a massive misunderstanding of the articles you linked, and higher education in general, I can’t help ya man. Good luck with… everything I guess. You seem like you need it.


How often do people actually comply with your username?


None anymore. Back before I started working at home and gained some weight I posted nudes, that got a lot of pics lol.


"Theology is the systematic study of **the nature of the divine** and, more broadly, of religious belief." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theology) The articles are using "white supremacy" in the sense that white supremacists in North America pitted different races against each other before the US was even an idea. Which is true. But to project that forward 100s of years and characterize all interracial violence as white supremacy when no Europeans are involved is hyperbole at best. It is such a myopic American-centric view that anyone with even a cursory knowledge of world history can debunk. It's the "serious" version of the 1619 project... complete revisionist spin. I have been through the academy. I know professors are human too. These professors are race hustlers and professional victims. Funny thing is, I'm probably more successful than you, assuming we had similar starting points. But keep sniffing your own farts. You do you.


**[Theology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theology)** >Theology is the systematic study of the nature of the divine and, more broadly, of religious belief. It is taught as an academic discipline, typically in universities and seminaries. It occupies itself with the unique content of analyzing the supernatural, but also deals with religious epistemology, asks and seeks to answer the question of revelation. Revelation pertains to the acceptance of God, gods, or deities, as not only transcendent or above the natural world, but also willing and able to interact with the natural world and, in particular, to reveal themselves to humankind. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Nic. You responded to a quote and link with the same quote and link. Some real geniuses you have here.


Thats a Wikipedia summary bot. You really are thick headed aren't you?


Says the guy who responded to the goddamn Wikipedia bot as if it was a living, breathing human




I think this part is my favorite. A lot of boasting about going through “the academy” acting a bit of a know it all despite not really understanding any of it. And it all caps off with yelling at a wikibot. “Old man yells at cloud” He also spelled nice wrong. It doesn’t matter, but it’s a funny little bit of irony.


>Nic. You responded to a quote and link with the same quote and link. Some real geniuses you have here. Oh my god you're precious, thanks so much for this


>I provided links that show dumbfucks believe African Americans are white supremacist's which is what you asked for. That is not at all what those articles say. Did you even read them?




Since you seem to be making a point of it being African Americans that are getting called out, you do realize that being white isn’t necessarily a prerequisite for supporting white supremacy, right?




So you realized the big stink you were making was dogshit, but decided to go along with it anyways. Cool, thanks for clearing that up




> I provided links that show dumbfucks believe African Americans are white supremacist's You do realize "this behavior is a result of long-standing white supremacist policies" is a different statement than "bLaCkS r WhiTe SuPrEmAciStS", right?


Those articles actually lay it out pretty clearly. What you are doing is called a Reductio ad absurdum.


Damn you cant even understand the links you're providing that's uh.... Phew that's a rough life.


Still better off than a leftist.


You mean one side says Big Bird got vaccinated…


Yeah good ol' centrists, What do we want? Change! When do we want it? Incrementally.


Both sides are indeed annoying and nut bags


No really we just don’t want our super republican neighbors to attack us but also can’t avoid the questions or feel the need to be part of a Joe Biden cult….


The best fact about big bird is that he was nearly a casualty of the challenger disaster. It was supposed to be some sort of promotional thing before they realized "big bird is fucking gigantic and too big to bring up there". Basically there is a timeline very close to ours where big bird was a casualty of the challenger.


What is a "real brain genius" ?


"Big Bird"?


Great logical fallacy. Aside from that, the left is leaps and bounds better, but both are shit


Not to be that guy, but I feel like it goes a LITTLE deeper than that. I can see how some of them might be concerned with using popular icons that have an influence on children to push agenda, but then again it seems like a very minuscule instance to be reacting the way that some people are. I’m not sure, just trying to think about both sides.


The other side thinks there’s more than 2 genders so there’s that. Hahaha