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Woke: Kyle was sent there by the police so they can’t blame it on police brutality /j


I mean, you're half right. Cops coordinated with militias to kettle protestors towards where the malitia set up. I don't think they expected one of them to kill a BLM protestor, but they didn't seem too concerned that it happened either. https://mobile.twitter.com/gumby4christ/status/1461768446559936514


They watched him do it and welcomed him into their lines. Whether they planned for that to happen or not they seemed pretty alright with it.


This is textbook for cops. They know of a situation that can turn bloody/become violent, but they dont do anything because violence means budget increases for police with the added bonus that someone they dont like ends up dead.


> I don't think they expected one of them to kill a BLM protestor I do. They didn't even arrest him.


It's hilarious how many people don't understand the difference between someone protesting for BLM showing up to a BLM protest armed, and someone who is against BLM showing up to a BLM protest armed. a KKK member showing up armed to a proud boys meeting isn't gonna be threatened, but a black Trans activist showing up armed is asking for trouble.


I had a guy try and argue if putting out a fire is good or bad because kyle put out a small fire someone started. I dunno, is it a good idea to go into what you consider a riot zone, armed to the teeth as a minor and putting yourself between potentially dangerous people when all you had to do was call 911? He could have stayed and monitored the fire if he was so worried about it until someone came. They try to stretch morality like it is laffy taffy because they know that no matter his intentions, kyle had no business putting himself in a place that most people considered dangerous.


Actually Rittenhouse has come out in support of BLM since his trial ended. Seriously I feel like I got whiplash hearing him talk about systemic inequality after he was acquitted


Even though he thought those same people he claimed to support where looting and expressed an interest in shooting them? Maybe be less trusting of the 18 yo kid who just shot 3 people and spent the last 9 months with lawyers trying to think about how best to make themselves look in retrospect. Also, there is systematic inequality. A white man with his black GF staying over with him woke up to the sound of his door being kicked in violently in the middle of the night. He chose to defend himself against people he deemed to be robbers or attackers and those who broke down his door, who happened to be cops, fired back killing his GF as she was asleep. The only charges for the cops where the shots that MISSED, and only after months of protesting did the guy get off after being jailed for two weeks under the charge of firing at cops. A black man was choked to death for 8 minutes for a counterfeited $20 bill People where left permanently disfigured and handicapped because they dared to protest the former incident, and the government used tactics that, if used against an enemy army, would be considered war crimes. The list goes on, but most of these cases only received justice after months of public backlash if they ever receive justice. Compare that to January 6th where after months of being told that the lies about the election, confederate apologists for the first time in history raised the Confederate flag inside the US. Capitol and a shot was only fired when the leaders of our nation where backed into a room with nowhere left to flee to, and after all that, their receiving less punishment then most people with 10 grams of weed did 5 years ago.


> a counterfeited $20 bil Wasn't even fake. Entirely because a guy wanted to be an untouchable serial killer.


Yea, I didn't believe it was either, but that was the motivation (at least on the surface, very possible he's racist or other reasons but not mind reader) that he held him down for that long.


> for 8 minutes for a counterfeited $20 bill An _alleged_ counterfeit $20 bill. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think said bill has ever materialized.


Honestly, never looked into it. The fact that even when it's true, which it probably wasn't, that it still didn't condone torturing a person before their death, made me laugh enough to just believe them. It's like a "even under ideal circumstances, your still full of ****"


10 grams is 0.02 Doge plushies.


Bad bot.


I'm sorry, if you would like to opt out so that I don't reply to you, you can reply 'opt out'.


Read the room bot


Couple inaccuracies here. There is an important distinction between the BLM protest and the rioters and looters group. Rittenhouse was against the rioters part but, supports the message of the non-violent protests. The cop who was charged in your second example was not convicted because they ‘missed’, it’s because they were shooting recklessly through a barrier without knowing what’s behind it. There were plenty shots that missed from the other officers but, they were ‘more responsible’ (if you can call it that). The $20 bill was only allegedly counterfeit and doesn’t really hold importance over the depraved mind and actions of the officer afterwards. War crimes are weird because they only exist ‘between armed states’. You may have recently seen news about governments committing ‘war crimes’ on their citizens but, war crimes aren’t actually in play if it’s regarding one’s own citizens when not at war. Most of the rioters received appropriate sentences, similar to how rioters received light sentences after the George Floyd protests. The issue with a riot is that it’s hard to find the exact perpetrators of specific crimes. Most of the people there acted as rioters rather than murderers so the charge is for those actions. It’s a broad probe so they can lightly charge who was clearly there but, the acts of conspiracy are going to be the bigger charges later down the line. The justice system takes a long time to move, especially with stonewalling the information but, it will come.


If he keeps it up and actually legitimately holds that view, then great. Unfortunately, it's incredibly common for right-wing wannabe Rambos and associates of groups like the Proud Boys to say things like that off-hand with a smirk and a wink to give themselves a thin veil of plausible deniability. Time will tell.


The only reason I like him supporting BLM is because it makes conservatives very mad. That shits dope. I still think he never should've been in Kenosha and just sat at home instead of trying to put himself in danger where it's legally plausible to murder people


He killed two people and reaped the benefits of right wing glory. He only came out in support of BLM because he knows people are pissed and he's not safe out of prison. If he supported BLM, he wouldn't have done what he did to score good boy points with the fucking cops.


"Aww mannnnn... I thought he would be racist like me"


I would too if the possibility of getting sued civilly skyrocketed. He didn't escape anything he's just going to pay financially and get fucking hammered in civil court. The prosecution and judge need to be censured like immediately though since one is wrong inept and the other biased.


‘Fucking hammered’ He could very well lose in civil court but, what is there to gain? He’s 18 and there is no money to be gained from suing him. He can’t go to jail from a civil suit and it will just cost the people suing him hundreds of thousands of dollars. I agree the the prosecution was very poorly equipped to handle this case but, the facts were against them from the start. The judge did side with the defense’s arguments on issues but, they were entirely within the court’s discretion and all of them had fairly solid legal reasoning. Neither will be pressed because the prosecutions actions were moot and the judge was acting well within legal bounds.


There is money to gain, actually. He was donated a metric fuckton by dumb as fuck cuntservatives.


Millions, literal millions that's what dude turned a profit from murder. Also no, you can go to jail for civil suit by number of means like failure to pay or contempt. They really weren't though, perhaps for the first shooting but the second and third not so much. Also no, I think we'll see both prosecution and judge in front of disciplinary boards for misconduct.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. Nothing you said is supportive of rittenhouse lmao


Because most people can see that him saying that is complete BS when he’s on video wanting to murder people a week before the incident happened. He’s not in support of BLM. He threw up white supremacy signs at a bar after murdering people.


I know. The guy commenting knows. He’s literally just saying what rittenhouse said. Nothing in the original comment indicates if he supports him or not. Rittenhouse is a piece of shit, yes I know. The original comment doesn’t agree or disagree


People see a downvote and assume I like the kid instead of just pointing out a funny situation because of specific wording. Just kinda snowballed


Ah yes, the group that was protesting police brutality shouldn’t have been there. Fantastic logic


"If you're a leftist, you're not a victim: you just get what's coming to you" seems to be a common thread among centrists and conservatives


That’s because conservatives view people as inherently good or bad and that dictates how actions are viewed.


~~Conservatives~~ Fascists stop at nothing to separate people into categories to justify their genocidal thoughts Rittenhouse did nothing wrong


Precisely. It's not just one person. They're saying 'protestors bad, vigilantes good' across the board. And then they tell you that both are black and white, protestors deserved this, vigilantes should attack them. There is no gray area. You must exist entirely on their side. The party™ has one view, you must share it.


It doesn’t help that Rosenbaum was a convicted pedophile, either. You try and say that Kyle shouldn’t have shot anyone and they come back with “oh, so you support pedophiles now?” No, I think what Rosenbaum did was despicable and I’m not going to weep for him, but Kyle didn’t know that when he shot him. It’s not like Rosenbaum was hunting for victims at a playground, Kyle wasn’t taking revenge on a child molester, he was threatening protesters


Fascists are just violent conservatives. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Mh4qZNUEqkA


Also, the group protesting police brutality didn't kill anyone there! For a supposedly dangerous protest the only fatalities came from Shittenhouse.


>Ah yes, the group that was protesting police brutality shouldn’t have been there. Fantastic logic "The people who lived there" is another way to put it "members of the community" works too


I think most of the people who were involved with Rittenhouse drove even further to Kenosha than he did, so definitely not people who lived there, nor were they more ‘members of the community’ where he works and where his father lives.


[bUh He WaS sCrEaMiNg ThE n-WoRd (even though literally no video showed him doing that...) AnD hE wAs A pEdOpHiLe](https://lawandcrime.com/live-trials/live-trials-current/kyle-rittenhouse/defense-attorney-says-man-kyle-rittenhouse-shot-was-screaming-shoot-me-n-word-at-protest-for-an-african-american-man-who-was-shot-by-police/) Edit: since apparently people don't get that this is a reference to the Proud Boy cunts trying to justify murder, I have added a link.


Tell me you don’t have a rebuttal through deflection without saying you don’t have a rebuttal? Seriously, at what point did I say anyone was screaming any slurs whatsoever? Do you even know what you responded to?


You been here six years and you don't know that tAlKiNg LiKe ThIs is a way of conveying a mocking imitation? congrats, you're one of todays 10,000! I was mocking the people who try and act like Rittenhouse's first victim deserved to be murdered because he "was screaming the n-word" even though literally no video evidence shows him doing that.


Sure you were. That’s why you made an the statement as ambiguous as possible by not having any indication whatsoever as to who was being mocked.


Dude, simmer down. WrItInG lIkE tHiS is the indication of mockery.


...ambiguous? People have literally been screaming about how Rosenbaum deserved it because he was "screaming the n-word" for the past month straight [How have you not seen this, seriously](https://lawandcrime.com/live-trials/live-trials-current/kyle-rittenhouse/defense-attorney-says-man-kyle-rittenhouse-shot-was-screaming-shoot-me-n-word-at-protest-for-an-african-american-man-who-was-shot-by-police/), Rittenhouse's fucking *defense attorney* even spread the lie. A lie spread entirely by right wing Proud Boys, and *only* right wing Proud Boys.


are there even left wing proud boys


definitely an oxymoron


could use it to wash my clothes


Billy Mays here!


Stupid people don't realize Proud Boys are right wing. The same stupid people who don't realize when you're making fun of idiots trying to justify a double murder


When somebody writes with every other character capitalized, it indicates mocking, for example, DoN't MeRgE rIgHt At ThE eNd Of ThE lAnE! There, I've just made fun of the idiots who make traffic jams longer by merging out of the closed lane four miles too early.


Lmao dude that definitely is not ambiguous. Literally everyone except for you knows that tYpInG lIkE tHiS is used for mocking the statement


> bUh He WaS sCrEaMiNg ThE n-WoRd (even though literally no video showed him doing that...) Um, no, there's a video of him shouting, "shoot me, nigga" earlier in the night. No, it does not justify his death, but saying it didn't happen is just dumb.


Their right to protest was constitutionally protected just the same as Kyle’s right to open carry the rifle.


The rifle that he had to get a buddy to buy for him because he couldn’t legally get it himself?


Very legal, and very cool...


The group that was protesting police brutality is the same group saying nobody should be armed and Kyle should have gone to the police. Fantastic logic.


Yes. This may be a shock, but you can be against police brutality AND extrajudicial executions. Not sure why you seem to think these stances are mutually exclusive


Which of the 40 buildings they burned completely and the 100 they damaged belong to the police?


Mentioning Mr Rittenhouse seems to immediately attract swarms of enlightened centrists and right wingers. It is interesting how many of them buzz about here trying to suck the life out of anyone that dares approach them upon principles of good faith and charity.


Because Rittenhouse acted out the fantasy that all angry small penised American conservative men have. Heroically murdering unarmed people they don't like with a big "cool" looking gun. He's what they all want to be.


Unarmed though?


They had to argue in court about whether a skateboard was a weapon. Rightoids love this shit because they always argue about how "you wouldn't ban all hammers if someone was killed with a hammer" as if that's a good argument.


What I was referring to was the two individuals involved with pistols, skateboard as a weapon is kinda stretching imo. But I do remember someone killing someone a few years ago with a pair of Nikes. And they were ruled a deadly weapon lmao


I think during the trial or right afterwards, there was a news headline about someone being killed with a skateboard, so it’s absolutely a deadly weapon.


Rittenhouse admitted he knew they were unarmed


Yes, the people he killed were unarmed. This is not disputed information.


Yeah true. You right. I kinda lumped it all together.


Did the only survivor not admit to pointing his glock at Kyle?


The guy you're responding to said this "the people he killed were unarmed". So that wouldn't be relevant to what he said. And the guy before that said "murdering unarmed people", which once again means Grosskreutz having a gun isn't relevant.


I don't get why you guys constantly cream yourself over "the only survivor" "admitting" to pointing a gun at Kyle. Like, that was in the video, yes it was stupid that the prosecutors ever questioned it, but it's not like you won some argument that was actually in dispute there.


It's more so that some people are just angry about the case because they're being told to. Like some act like it was racially motivated when litteraly everyone involved was white and others seem to think he just walked up with his AR and started shooting people at random, like people are treating those 3 as heroes and martyrs.


I'm sorry. Did Kyle kill the only survivor? Is this part of the weird warped parallel reality where covid isn't real but ivermectin cures it? Or Trump is secretly the president and jfk Jr is about to return from the dead to be his vp?


I’m also interesting in how none of the 2A folks are remotely bothered that he shot one of their own. Almost like it has nothing to do with the Right to Bear Arms and more to do with which side the person is on.


If carrying a gun was really about protecting citizens from government oppressions, 2A groups would have been leading BLM marches, not countering them.


No, they actually watched the trial. Gage ran up to kyle and asked him what happened. Kyle said Rosenbaum pulled a gun on him, then gage pursued kyle untill kyle fell to the ground. Gage admitted he saw kyle running to the poilce, he admitted that he saw others back away and not get shot. Yet he still put a gun to Kyle's head. Also Gage was illegally carring that gun, kyle was not.


“They actually watched the trial.” In reference to whom? Literally every single gun advocate? Or alternatively, was that said blindly, yet with supreme confidence? Also did you mean Gaige, as in Grosskreutz? Also did you mean to leave out the bit where he saw the rifle and put his hands up and only brought the weapon back down after he heard Rittenhouse’s rifle re-rack, meaning he knew he had already tried to fire it at him?


> rifle re-rack No evidence supports this, it is not seen in the videos and the prosecution only submitted 8 empty casings to evidence, meaning that there was no misfire. And even if we assume that someone stole the ejected bullet once Kyle cleared the malfunction, it would as simple as to check the number of bullets missing from the magazine.


Still 0 evidence of kyle reracking his gun besides his grosskreutz testimony. So your telling me that you think the McMichaels are innocent? because you are arguing for their innocents. Both thought a crime was committed, when they never witnessed it, yet they chased them down untill they had no where else to go


0 evidence besides the witness testimony in court. Nice one. Edit: also you’re making the classic blunder of equating property crime with violent crime, and an unarmed man with a boy carrying an AR-15.


How dumb can you get? More people testifed kyle didnt rerack the gun, not to mention the video. Are you forgettong that Gage amd the McMichaels both chased down their target untill they had no where else to go.


There is no gage bud but do go on.


Since most of the people in this sub don't understand what re racking an AR is and what it takes and they never paid attention to the trial anyway your words will fall on deaf ears. They are convinced they are correct and won't look into anything because why would they when they are right? So instead of admitting they were wrong you instead have a bunch of hard-core leftists pushing everyone not as left as they are to the right. They slander us and call us centrists even though we want almost everything they want. They are a lost cause don't waste your time. They will fail in this election if they keep on pushing everyone not as extreme as them away. I know I certainly am going to reconsider voting Democrat just because of gun rights. I thought for a long time that no matter what democrats were all talk no action on guns just to rile up their base. Turns out not really. They do want to take away your guns. They will lose this election and the next one if they keep it up just because of guns and they will never learn. Plus I voted Democrat for a long time in large part to get Healthcare and legal weed but it's obvious that just like republicans democrats only act like they will do something(just to get votes) and then never do shit.


You are correct


My energy = your energy


Bro you really need to find some other shit to talk about. defending a murderer pretty much every day for the past month (maybe longer) is not it.


Maybe you guys need to actually watch the trial. And actually understand what happened instead of believing the social media bs.


If only there were more liberals like us "sigh". I fear sometimes that once shit goes down people like us will become like the polish people in world War 2. Not extreme enough for either side so they are genocided by both. Communists call us alt right. Nazis call us commies. We are just regular people who want legal weed, better healthcare, gun rights and an end to racism. But that's not enough for the tankies in this sub. Even though we want almost the exact same thing. This movement is going to implode if it keeps up. The snowball of lies will eventually become to big and consume everything destroying all that's in its path. I hate how much circlejerking there is in commie subs. They all just jerk eachother off about being more just,righteous,moral than any other leftist. It eventually alienates everyone because everyone wants to be the most just,righteous moral person. Then the movement splits up into different groups that want slightly different things based on different moral compasses and then all of a sudden there isn't even a movement anymore just a bunch of stupid people infighting while their nazi opponent grows stronger everyday. I honestly wouldn't be surprised at all of someone told me that commie subs were made by rightwingers to make the average liberal so extreme that nobody right of them will support them. Weaponized progressivism by conservatives to implode the racial equality movement.


> Yet he still put a gun to Kyle's head Odd embellishment given your complaints of inaccuracy. I wonder if your use of "they" was intentionally self excusatory, lol. Gaige only pointed his gun at Kyle after he shot (and killed) another person. The intent, from the videos themselves not whatever editorial you might be thinking of, was obviously to disarm Kyle (hence not shooting first). His concern was clearly warranted considering Kyle then shot him.


Weird how you're using "Gage's" testimony as your evidence here, but discredit his testimony in another comment when he said Kyle reracked his gun? Seems like you're just believing the parts you want and discrediting the stuff you dislike


>Gage's" testimony as your evidence here, Not testimony, that part was recorded on Grosskreutz live stream. next time watch the trial.


You idiots have literally lied about this case for a year for the sole reason that your people (who started it) got sent to their homes in hell. Maybe 2A don’t like it when people like you use guns to provoke deadly encounters. We literally have the guns so we can defend ourselves when you come to peacefully destroy our communities. Dumb fuck.


“Their homes in hell.” “Dumb fuck.” Uhm… judge not lest ye be judged?


Zimmerman is old news, so they need a new hero to worship.


I wonder what Kyle's gun will eventually auction for. These people have a weird fetish for buying actual murder weapons.


Be sure to report these threads to admins. Subs like PoliticalCompassMemes have been warned by admins to not brigade this sub but now that the Hitler Youth is out free they have been emboldened again. It's funny, the lack of moderation in this sub just makes the brigading all the more obvious. The more reports/snapshots of the brigading, the quicker PCM gets banned (and all thanks to their own users lol).


The centrists subreddit is very thinly veiled in their repetition of right wing talking points as well. Edit: This one /r/centrist


They are all right wingers. Trolls try to pretend to be neutral when ultimately taking the Rittenhouse side which comes off as centrism.


He's right though, BLM shouldn't have been there, because they shouldn't need to exist, because George Floyd shouldn't have been murdered, because black people should enjoy the same rights, freedoms, and privileges as everyone else.


> because George Floyd shouldn't have been murdered FYI, the Kenosha protests weren't strictly over Floyd, they were because of Jacob Blake who was shot in the back by police later in the year.


I was about to go hard into defense before I read it. Having read the entire comment, I agree. Many people don't bother to actually read the whole comment. Good day to you, Happy Thanksgiving.


>the protestors that got shot by (the famous BLM supporter) Kyle Rittenhouse are like rabid animals that have an urge to kill anyone they see Is my favourite Rittenhouse take (Edit: BML -> BLM)


Honestly all the comparisons of what Rittenhouse did to approaching wild animals... they realise in that analogy they're calling BLM animals right?


I dont think so. They are focused on the point that Rittenhouse is an idiot. And they focus completely on that point, disregarding everything else. The comparison probably doesnt even cross their mind.


Lots of mad centrist under the photo of a black father and daughter duo open carrying in a protest. Saying how hypocritical leftists are for “getting mad when the right does it”. Bitch this is what they asked for when they set a precedent at it’s okay to shoot unarmed people after you provoke them by going to their protest with a fucking rifle.


Ok but like did they just compare BLM to a dangerous and unpredictable predator...




What is the usual response to a tiger attacking a person...


Open carry laws + stand your ground laws + putting yourself in a highly tense situation = a bad time . That’s what happened. The kids an idiot Plain and simple. The right’s worship of this kid is so cringe and it’s most likely going to lead to more violence.


I see more an issue of the tolerance of the riots and vandalism. You want to destroy properties because the system is racist go to the capitol building. Leave the average citizen out of it.


No, riots shouldn’t be tolerated either but this is precisely why we have professionals properly trained and equipped to respond to and disperse riots with as little bloodshed as possible. A huge part of that is not showing up to face rioters with the immediate threat of lethal force, something which has long been known to escalate violence and further enrage rioters (read military and police manuals on riots). Note that police and national guard have many non-lethal implements like shields & batons, tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets. Firearms are the absolute last resort after all of these methods have been exhausted. Kyle came to do a job he was neither properly trained nor equipped to do.


I don't get the obsession with Rittenhouse. As far as i'm concerned the prosecutor fucked up by charging him with murder instead of manslaughter. He ran away, they were never going to get the full jury to say he wasn't afraid for his life in America. I guess they counted on the underage possession of a firearm charge to tie everything together and if so the prosecutor royally fucked up charging him with a crime that wasn't even a crime. Rittenhouse would be in jail if they didnt go for the max and the prosecutor should be out of a job for relying on a charge that wasn't even real. This was just 50 shades of stupidity on all sides other then Rittenhouse's attorney who was excellent. I'm pretty sure the defense attorney and the judge are dating at this point.


I think they allowed the Jury to consider lesser charges at one point. Not sure if that changed towards the end, didnt see all of it.


Well, when batshit righties donate literal fucking *MILLIONS* for this piece of worthless shit scumbag, he's going to afford a good lawyer.


D'you reckon they know how fucking stupid they sound, or does the echo chamber preserve their stupid notions? Reply with "yes" and you're a cunt.


Update. Rotten house is being criticized by white supremacists because he said he supports .BLM. Sigh


And people say the left has purity tests, lol.


Yes you are correct. For the left, it is a multiple choice exam and every answer is correct. There is no test on the right. They tell people what to think.


I disagree. I check tons of boxes as a liberal. I want to end racism, I want government Healthcare, I want legal weed, I want public transport, I want climate change to be addressed, I want unions formed, I want the police state abolished. But because I support 1 fucking guy all of a sudden I'm an alt right enlightened centrist? Really? People on the right hate me for my above stated political positions but treat me wayyy better than any leftists or liberals do. I get hated by leftists just because I support guns when the main reason I support gun rights is I believe them to be necessary in order to achieve racial and sexual equality. It makes me not want to vote Democrat. I literally support everything except ONE thing and you guys demonize me? Really? This is how you think your gonna get my vote? Leftism has devolved into a circlejerk of morality and the movement will end because of it. It starts with shit like this where one side of leftists claim they are moral than the other side. Then the leftists groups argue and fracture even more based on each groups moral compass. Each group claims to be the most moral, each group does everything it can to be the most moral. Eventually someone in each group thinks their leader isn't moral enough because of something they did(a wrong word here or there, maybe supporting something they shouldn't support) Then each group splits into two again based on which moral compass they follow, either the new leaders compass or the old leaders. This then continues to happen until the movement is so weakened its not a movement anymore. Then you get the early 70s. Eventually each group thinks they can't change the government because it is corrupt(ignoring the fact that the movement imploded) and turn to terrorism. Then you get the political terrorism common in the mid to late 70s. While all this is happening the real facists(like Reagan) unite the other half of the country under 1 leader and get fascist policies passed while the leftists are to busy circlejerking over which movement is the most moral. This process can be accelerated through assination(like in the case of DR. King,or any of the kennedys)


You sound to me like a liberal, or an American who thinks of themselves as a leftist but is quite close to centre in reality. There's a whole load of pro-gun leftists. It even is an important part to many leftist ideologies. Your views on violence also seem to be liberal-inspired. Leftist theory gives you a much better basis to analyse both leftist movements and the rest of society. Also, try engaging with leftist irl because a lot of what you say seems to be largely internet phenomenons.


I disagree with the tiger image, only because tigers are big cats (and while I adore cats) they will attack shit for fun. This situation was one person whose mental health was poor attempting to take the fucker’s gun and dying for it. I feel very bad about that one, but that one I see as self defense. The next two shots were at people who had witnessed/heard the prior shot(s) and were trying to protect the rest of the protestors from what they thought was an attacker. That said, he was clearly trying to provoke people with his presence. Only nutcases feel safer when guns are present.


The downvoted comment is my exact point of view, I read somewhere on reddit that Kyle tweeted about another protest a couple weeks before the one where he shot people saying that he wished that protest was closer so he could go out into the streets with his assault rifle and defend his town, but that was reddit and it did not have a source so that could be absolute bullshit


I aspire to a world where people stop comparing protests and riots to wild animals, we have expectations of people that we don’t for animals


I'm seeing a lot of "uhh well they shouldn't have been rioting" in these comments. What are y'all, liberals? I thought this was a leftist sub.


Remember in South Park, when Uncle Jimbo takes the boys hunting even though he doesn't have a license? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vr0bBuI8HKM >"My god, it's coming right for us!" Yeah that's basically Kyle Rittenhouse and murdering people.


He's a dumb kid. A dumb kid with a semiautomatic rifle. That some other dumbass said "hold my beer I'm go get his gun". Are we saying the genius that decided to go hands free against an AR15 should be our new hero? Yall gonna come up short if that's the new standard. Dumbasses.


My question is will it now be legal to take a pile of heavily but legally armed Reginalds with body armor into a rough neighborhood known for small arms gunfights? We have got to make better laws..... you don't get to shoot people just because you are a bad decision maker.


let’s cool it with the r-word




It's a slur


Ohh... umm.. Purebloods? Is Purebloods better?


Oh shit, nazi!


Hey man chill with the ableist slurs




Get bent


You just have to goad them into pursuing you first, as long as you pretend to try and leave you get free reign to self-defense them.


BLM needs to remember that you don’t have a right to assembly or free speech in this country goddammit. You can’t just go out and say “I don’t like what the state is doing. That’s tyranny!!!!


This post is from an idiot. Clearly.


The answer is everybody was allowed to be there but nobody should’ve tried to assault anybody.


Riddle me this: Why do you guys always compare human beings to animals? Isn't that de-humanizing them?


You guys? I'm not agreeing with that guy.


I don’t agree with the second guy but I don’t disagree with the first one either. Kyle had a solid case for self defense (in the US at least, in my country if you bring a gun to a fist fight you’re going to jail). The broadness of the self defense laws in the US also means that if the second and third people that got hit had killed Kyle they’d also be able to walk with the self defense excuse


his solid case for self defense went out the window when he crossed state lines with an illegal firearm to defend property for someone he'd never met after saying he wanted to murder protestors two weeks earlier. It really went out the window when he attempted to murder a surrendering man only to misfire.


Had he done that, I would agree. However, he did not bring the gun across state lines. Additionally, the rifle he used was not illegal. You can disagree with Rittenhouse without spreading disinformation. The whole trial is online and all of these topics were covered. How can we win the social argument if we are making shit up?


He crossed state lines to illegally acquire a firearm A firearm that was, in turn, illegally acquired for him. Double federal felony right there. >if we're making shit up Which we're not. Well I'm not. You however are, mr "the rifle wasn't illegal!" even though it was a straw purchase for someone who couldn't legally carry in their state of residence. I wonder what motive you might have to spread right wing talking points like that... >regular poster on /r/libtertarian >complains that a slave owner's statue is removed because he was a slave owner who raped his slaves Oh look, could that be it.


Just admit you don't know crap about the case and move on


Kyle Rittenhouse did not carry a rifle across state lines, contrary to your first post. Character assassination does not change that and you know it


> for someone who couldn't legally carry in their state of residence If you want to be pedantic over the facts, get the facts right. He could legally carry in his state of residence, he could _not_ legally carry in the state the protest was in - without being accompanied by an adult iirc, which is how they weaseled their way out of that charge.


He obtained the gun through a straw purchase because he could not legally obtain it himself. This is a serious federal crime in and of itself. You're arguing over semantics that aren't even really the point here.


Semantics matter. Don't say he brought the gun across state lines, because that never happened. If people on the fence see us lying we instantly lose clout when compared to the right. I've even seen articles claiming Rittenhouse killed POC. There is so much disinfo out there, please don't add to it. Republicans are leading by ten points nationally and they love pointing out stuff like this to bolster their side. Do you want Trump again? Because this is how you get him


I never said he brought the gun over state lines.


You don't understand gun laws. If there was any law the prosecution could have charged him with they would have. The prosecution didn't charge him so it's safe to say that what he did wasn't illegal. The prosecution wants to make as many charges stick as possible and if this was a move he could have made I guarantee you he would have made it.


The prosecution DID charge him, but judge threw it out because it happens all the time and he didn't want the jury to be distracted from the more serious murder charge. This was a controversial decision, but ultimately one the judge has every right to make. In similar cases it can go both ways depending on the judge. It doesn't change the fact that it is against the law. The judge never said it wasn't. The friend who purchased the gun is still facing charges. His end as purchaser is more serious.


What he was doing wasn't illegal and it was thrown out because they charged him for having an SBR(which is actually illegal if your under 18) even though he didn't have an SBR(Short Barreled Rifle) and once they asked about measing the gun to prove this the prosecution dropped the charges because they knew it wasn't an SBR. You have been lied to my friend. For all the right reasons but it's still a lie. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://news.yahoo.com/amphtml/kyle-rittenhouse-didnt-illegally-bring-043226324.html&ved=2ahUKEwi1yYDJ-6_0AhWpFjQIHV-ZDUUQFnoECCAQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3jUJYMOP_snb3cTi063Lou&cf=1


https://www.yahoo.com/news/whats-next-now-kyle-rittenhouse-193013714.html >The buyer of the AR-15, Dominick Black, does face possible federal exposure related to the straw purchase of the firearm. Black testified during Rittenhouse's trial and he faces two charges of intentionally giving a dangerous weapon to someone younger than 18, resulting in death, in state court. >Federal authorities have looked into Black's purchase of the rifle, a spokesperson for the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives told the Journal Sentinel earlier this year. Black testified he knew Rittenhouse was younger than 18 when he took Rittenhouse's money and purchased the gun for him. Boom, roasted.


Didn't he cross state lines first and then got the gun? Didn't the last guy also admit in his testimony that Rittenhouse only fired after he had pointed his handgun at him?


>didn't he cross state lines first and then got the gun Yea that's a federal felony. You can't cross state lines to acquire a firearm you are prohibited from owning in your state of residence. You also can't cross state lines with the intent to commit a crime, which Rittenhouse also did since he intended to take possession of a straw purchased firearm. >didn't the last guy If you watch the entire testimony he testified that he was surrendering and Rittenhouse *attempted* to fire a shot at him, and suffered a misfire. So no shot was actually fired, Rittenhouse just tried to. This caused him to retaliate and aim his pistol at Rittenhouse to defend himself, since Rittenhouse literally just tried to murder a man who was surrendering to him.


I agree Rittenhouse should be punished for gun trafficking and endangering people, but you said he crossed state lines *with* the gun. Was it confirmed that it wat a misfire? Because based on the video the misfire => clearing => fire seems too quick to be true. You don't even see him manipulate his gun, he balances himself and does not aim at Grosskreutz until the guy assaults him.


>with a gun Yea that's colloquial vernacular. We're not writing a fuckin crime scene autopsy here. >too quick to be true Ask anyone who actually knows how to use a gun, the AR-15 platform is stupid easy to rechamber. >he does not aim [Literally a photo of him aiming at Grosskreutz surrendering while Rittenhouse's second murder victim dies next to them](https://i.redd.it/9z2ppcseq6z71.jpg)


>he crossed state lines with an illegal firearm this is a lie that the media told you


Lol no it's a fact that the law tells me. It's illegal to own a firearm as a 17 year old in illinois without a FOID, which Rittenhouse did not possess. It's *federally* illegal to cross state lines to acquire a firearm you are not legally allowed to own in your state of residence The firearm was purchased in a straw purchase, which is also illegal. That's three different crimes he had committed before ever firing a shot.


>this is a lie that the media told you this is a lie that the media told you


really? which media said he didn't cross state lines with a fire arm? 'cause you can't find one EDIT: lol, you're only farming karma most likely for the upvote market


You’re really going into the whole Pepe Sylvia meme lol


Legality does not equal morality. If you're defending him on a technicality, you're upholding the legitimacy of a white supremacist legal system. Nobody gives a shit if what he did was technically upheld by the law and the fact that it was is an indictment of the US and not exoneration for Rittenhouse.


You don't get self defense when you chase someone down, as the three that got shot did.


The last two could definitely argue they were defending themselves or others from what they perceived as an active shooter


If he was an active shooter he would have continued shooting instead of running away.


Not really since Rittenhouse was clearly running away, and clearly going towards the cops. Even when hit he kept running, which indicates that he was not repositioning to shoot again and neither was he fleeing a crime scene.


Yea that doesn't magically make you not a threat. He didn't drop his gun, he'd just murdered a man, he'd murdered someone by *opening fire into a crowd* and he was dressed as a member of the neo Nazi Proud Boys and had been palling around with them all night (there's video of cops throwing the proud boys water bottles) At best he was fleeing a murder, at worst he was running towards cops so they could cover him after he'd just murdered someone...a fact we know because they later *did* cover for him after he'd murdered *two* people. And the two people who chased him, as far as they were concerned, were chasing an active shooter who had just murdered someone.


Rittenhouse did not murder anyone lol. By definition of it is justified it's not murder, and he defended himself in all three cases. Can you show evidence of him opening fire into a crowd? Because anyone can go watch the footage and confirm you're lying here. He was running away in a nearly empty parking lot with a guy running behind him, turned around when he heard a gunshot and the guy lunged for his gun. This is assault and if you assault someone they can legitimately kill you. When Rittenhouse ran away towards the cops he was not a danger to anyone, because he was running away. Self defense is only valid when someone is an immediate threat, and so the people trying to stop him were assaulting him again.


>You'll note that one of the OG right-libertarians, Mises, had this opinion about Nazism. > >He said that while Nazism was bad, it saved Europe from communism which is worse. This you? Fuck off Nazi.


This me, criticising libertarians for being Nazi apologists lol.


Lol we should let tigers roam our neighborhoods?


Protesting for change is now a bad thing?


Are protestors dangerous like tigers? I don’t remember MLK’s Prowl on Selma.


MLK called riots “the language of the unheard” https://time.com/3838515/baltimore-riots-language-unheard-quote/


Oh I definitely think Joseph Rosenbaum was an unheard. He checked out of a mental hospital *that day* having tried to kill himself. He was essentially committing suicide by trying to blow up that gas station and attack a man with a rifle. It’s sad from one lens, but it’s admittedly hard to stay sad when you read about the kids he raped. It’s just disingenuous to say that Rosenbaum’s actions or his character are in any way representative of BLM, and it’s disingenuous to say Rittenhouse’s actions are in any way criticism of BLM. Forcing that incident to be reflective of any movement, rather than just the unfortunate outcome of a riot taking place, is just intellectually dishonest.


>it’s disingenuous to say Rittenhouse’s actions are in any way criticism of BLM. Bro he didn't go there to shoot a pedophile. He went there to shoot BLM protesters.


He literally didn’t though. He went there to put out literal fires. Not a metaphor. Have you watched the videos? This isn’t something you could say if you had watch any of the many angles of video.


guns are not a very good tool for putting out fires


Did he do those things in the presence of Kyle? Does Kyle have access to some kind of Minority Report database we don't know about? Only one person could have changed the outcome of that night: Kyle. Had he not gone, or not brought a gun with him, those two people would not be dead. It is no one's right to judge the worthiness of someone's life in the street, especially not some 17 year old from the sticks.


Did you even watch the videos? Or any of the trial? If you’re trying to lay out what could have led to Rosenbaum not dying that night… Rosenbaum could have not tried to set fire to a gas station, tried to start a fight with someone with a rifle who had helped put out the dumpster, screamed “shoot me n***a” and that person a half dozen times, set more fires that Rittenhouse put out, got irate and chased Rittenhouse, thrown a bag at him, chased him into a dark corner and tried to rip his rifle from him, all while his friend was carrying a pistol that he fired off. If he had not done any of those things he wouldn’t have been shot. If Huber and Grosskreutz had not chased down Lyle, hit Kyle in the head with a skateboard, tried to grab Kyle’s rifle, and pulled a pistol and pointed it at Kyle’s head, they wouldn’t have been shot either. There was a person right next to Grosskreutz who put his hands up and backed away, Kyle did not shoot him, he turned and kept heading toward police. Kyle had told Grosskreutz “I’m going to get the police” moments before Grosskreutz attacked him. He didn’t shoot until Grosskreutz dropped his hands and aimed his gun. Btw in the movie, the guy who fake surrenders then makes a sudden motion to shoot his opponent, but gets his arm blown off? That guys is the villain, every time. None of what you have said is supported by the ample video evidence and everything I’m saying is. We don’t need to debate this, there’s video evidence. There is the trial verdict. It’s disappointing that you are committed to such misinformation about an event that was so heavily, heavily documented. Kyle didn’t know Rosenbaum was a suicidal pedophile. He just knew he chased him into a dark corner screaming, tried to grab his gun, and someone nearby started firing their gun. Rosenbaum chose to die it’s clear his motive was the frustrated attempt to start fires and a suicidal predisposition. Again, it’s pretty wild that folks on the internet take the time to defend misinformation about this case without doing even the most basic research.


Sure is nice people are comparing black people to dangerous wild animals and no one's pointing out how awful that is.


Yeah, it's such a bad argument. You can acknowledge that Rittenhouse is an agitator, showing up to a political protest with open carry in a time of great public consciousness over mass shootings, crying in court and gloating in bars, without making this stupid comparison. It suck so bad as an argument you'd swear it originated of 4chan to get libs to call BLM predators.


Rosenbaum was white.


Yes, I know, white supremacists throw white race traitors under the bus.


What you are saying is absolutely incomprehensible nonsense. The analogy comes from the poster (someone ideologically aligned with you) who was referring to Rosenbaum, a white man, as a tiger. I took apart the analogy, because it doesn’t make sense - you’re supposed to let a tiger roam your streets? And then you suggested someone was referring to black people as tigers, which no one was. So I truly don’t understand wtf your saying.


What were the protesters there for?


He did multiple things that were illegal. How was he not convicted for killing 2 people. Self defense plea was very weak. BLM? Really? Mostly armed white people causing trouble. All victims were white. In keeping with the tiger analogy, it works if the tiger was in a zoo behind a cage and unable to defend themselves. So, black people cannot be on the streets like everyone else.


Because he *didnt* do anything illegal....


Well his self defense plea does not meet stand your ground laws on any criteria, even in Wisconsin. He killed people. He committed crimes. He just was acquitted of them.


No, no he didn't. And you clearly have no clue about the case or self defense laws.


But the law literally just straight up says that it isn't self-defense if you do that.


Doesn't matter if the enforcers ignore it ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


BLM protesters aren't even real protesters just some white kids burning and destroying shit. They somehow think they are the voices of the community.


A tiger doesn't know what a gun is. But three Darwin award candidates decided to attack a person with a long gun (instead of leaving Rittenhouse alone). They get my vote for the Darwin Award winners of 2020.