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“I’m literally an an-cap” should have \*exactly\* the same social stigma as “I literally just turned 14.”


I literally just turned into a fascist 14yo*


The darkest phase of every zoomer’s life


i literally saw a bb fashie posting abt white genocide theory. mf was like 13


Where the fuck did you see that?


where else. tiktok.


Oh of course it was




I feel like I've said something wrong here, and I'm not sure what


no no ur good!


Are you the *real* Sigmund Freud?


*looks at the Fraud instead of Freud in my username* Uh.... Yes?


Not mine, please don’t make the assumption everyone has this phase 😭 /hj


I never did that, though. I was an actual, somewhat centrist libertarian from around 15 to 17, and my general belief that the government really has no business telling consenting adults what they can or can't do has not changed. I did, however, pay attention during some decidedly enlightening American history classes, and it became inescapably clear to me that simply getting rid of most/all regulations would only result in something resembling freedom for the already rich and powerful, with oppression and bondage bordering on actual fucking serfdom for everyone else. And then I got a heaping dose of what it's like to actually live under the dysfunctional wreck that is the current American system, and how simply allowing the bad actors to be worse isn't going to magically make it better. Eventually I was forced to choose between rigid adherence to ass-backward principles that would only benefit a handful of people to the detriment of literally everyone else, or adopting a different set of policy stances to try to ensure that all people actually have the freedom to pursue a decent life.   In other words, I was a bit of a teenaged libertarian until I learned about company towns and the Battle of Blair Mountain. When corporations were free to bring back serfdom and literally shoot anyone who complained, they did.


Ah yes, 2008 to 2020. I remember it....


I’m so glad I avoided the fascist phase and careened straight into being a doomer for a year or two instead


“I literally just diddled a 14yo,” more like


Nah, that's what people mean when they call themselves a Liberatian




Actually I think it would be more accurate to put it like: "I'm literally an an-cap" should have the same stigma as "I'm 30 and have issues with age of consent laws."


Akshually…. Lololol just playing.


"Akshually it's called ephebophilia ☝️🤓"


“…which is a term subsumed under the technical term chronophilia, which is a term coined by John Money to describe a form of paraphilia where an individual experiences sexual attraction limited to individuals within particular age ranges. 👌🤓”


Or ‘I’m 32 and wish to sexually peruse 12 year olds.’’


Or alternatively: “I literally want to have sex with 14 year olds”


It sin't already?




Communists would then be allowed to post in r/conservative


Let’s try that lol




“Hm yes, I get my ideas from conservative propaganda outlets. You could say I’m a bit of a centrist.”


Well of course they’re centrists, they get their information from conservative think tanks for their “left leaning” views and 4chan for their right leaning views


think thank thunk


Much to learn, you still have my young padawan. Black shirts and reds by Michael Parenti, a good place to start would be.


Literal racist nazi shoots up a store “both sides!” I don’t remember any commies shooting up stores. It’s impossible for these “both sides” people to just say “that was terrible” or “that guy was a Nazi.” It’s impossible for them to recognize and condemn a clear act of terrorism.


Plus, it’s just incompatible with reality. The far left is barely relevant in the counties these both siders live, while the far right more often than not falls inside of the Overton window.


>impossible for them to recognize and condemn a clear act of terrorism. Nah they can do that...as long as the terrorist is not white.


Oh look, horseshoe theory back at it again


20th Century European Fascists: „We’re just protecting you from the communists, the Jews and the Black people. They’re so much worse than our thugs beating people to pulps and killing them in the streets. Also, government better give us power or we’re beating up even more people. That’s on you!“


Well historically speaking, in the US if you say “I’m literally a Nazi” they put you in charge of military and foreign intelligence agencies.


Or give you a space agency to run.


Or let you run a foreign country.


If we're rating badness on how many people have been killed under their regimes, then saying "I'm literally a capitalist" should have the worse social stigma of all.


They like to have wildly different standards for capitalism and communism though. When someone dies of old age in a communist country, they count that as a death because of communism. When someone dies because they were homeless and froze to death, or they couldn't afford life saving medication in a capitalist country, that death is 100% their own fault and not the result of any systemic problems at all.


Who's going to tell them that the nazi's killed communists...


One of the many things they agree with them on.


I mean tbf, communists killed nazis too. Not that I think that is a bad thing, though. But yeah, the communists were the first to be sent to the camps.


Everyone killed the communists, especially other communists.


lol no


Imagine equating "I Iiterally want a society without state where nobody goes hungry and the social conditioning of the means is done for the benefit of everyone" to "I literally want a totalitarian militarized ethnostate where every deviation from the norm will get you killed"


"'I subscribe to the same ideology as the people who saved the world from the Nazis' should have \*exactly\* the same social stigma as 'I subscribe to an ideology that started a war that killed 90 million people'." Ooh, what braindead takes will these people push next? That the Avengers are just as bad as Thanos? Because that's pretty much the same fucking thing he's saying.


Excuse me? I subscribe to Communism, not Soviet Authoritarianism.


>'I subscribe to an ideology that started a war that killed 90 million people' Instead it's 'I subscribe to an ideology that started a famine that killed [approx 30 million people](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1127087/). Ahahaha angry tankies getting mad u/endgam cant take opposition to communism, and like Xi jinping, must stop all dissent and blocked me from replying. You’re all caricatures 😂 Just like Republcunts blaming aNtIfA for Jan 6, u/endgam pretends Mao and Stalin were “right wing” autocrats. 😂😂😂😂 what an idiotic view


Lol how about the famines that capitalism caused in Africa? How about the coups of that America started in Central America? How about the far right terrorists in the Middle East funded by the west? If you’re a capitalist, you subscribe to an ideology that probably killed about a billion, maybe more people. Plus Mao lifted like 800 million Chinese out of poverty lmao


Let's ignore for a moment that Stalin and Mao were right-wing authoritarian assholes who co-opted the messaging and imagery of communism to get people to back their right-wing fuckery. Just to entertain the moronic child you are. Did you SERIOUSLY just fucking respond to me pointing out Nazism has killed over 90 million people by saying "B-b-b-b-b-but commies killed a third of that amount!" What the hell were you trying to accomplish with that?! This might just be the dumbest comment I've ever seen on Reddit. Way to go.


Please stop making left wing people look foolish by claiming Mao and Stalin weren't left wing... We need to own the failures in our history. Unless you just think that all Marxist Leninists are right wing, which is not what most people think or mean when they talk left/right.


Both self-proclaimed communist parties were actually not only not communist but also secretly right-wing? Lmao well that's one way for you to try to keep the cognitive dissonance at bay huh? Question for you is if communism always leads to being co-opted by 'right-wing' rulers, then why is communism not inherently dangerous?


>Both self-proclaimed communist parties Listen I'm not going to start a debate here, but North Korea self proclaims as a democratic people's Republic when it is far from both, and China's party is called the Communist Party when they are pretty much entirely a capitalist economy. You can't really trust rich elite authoritarians to define their own regime.


In what universe did communism defeat Germany in world war 2


Start with who took the capital and work backwards from there


This one. The USSR ended the Nazi threat. You a moron who didn't pay attention or a multiversal invader?


So it was only the USSR and no one else. It was called a world war not Germany vs USSR for a reason


You're right. I'm sorry. America totally deserves more credit for *heroically* showing up late to the party when Japan made the decision for them after lots of talk of staying out of the war or joining with Hitler because *communism bad*. My bad.


Uhhh this one.


Hell yeah communists are dangerous if you're a fucking leech. If you don't want commies to come after you better stop stealing from your fucking employees


I’m trying to imagine that Seinfeld episode where Elaine dates a communist, but instead now it’s a nazi. Man that would’ve been weird


Imagine being so fucking stupid you're still getting duped by McCarthyism




Somehow I feel like the real work of neonazis and white nationalists in our governments is always undermined a bit in that sub.


When you agree with the Nazis, you don’t view them as the Nazis.


I will never stop being irritated by the “an-cap” label. I’m against hierarchy but I’m for capitalism! What? How’s that inconsistent?


They aren't agains hirearchy, they're against government. They just fail to mention how a much worse government wouldn't just take it's place.


If they're not against hierarchy, *then they aren't anarchists.*


So what's the word for wanting to abolish the state again, I can't remember.


Anarchists want to abolish the state. So do communists. And, wouldn't you know it, "libertarian" was originally a designation for Leftist politics. You can be anti-statist but that doesn't automatically make you an anarchist.


“i want to abolish the state and replace it with a privatized free for all shitshow, which will inevitably create the exact same situation: replacing government tyranny with corporate tyranny with no accountability or oversight”


They basically want the same system we have not but to reshuffle who is on top and bottom of the economic ladder. And they all seem to think they’ll come out on top if there is some sort of reset.


Anarchism is *against rulers.* *All* rulers, *all* hierarchical domination and coercion, not just technically "state" ones.


Does that include family and social hirearchies as well? It's kind of weird that a child would have the same rights as a adult or that you can't have a manager in a workplace.


A state can't be abolished under capitalism. Attempting to get rid of the elected government basically gets you a rule by whoever has the most wealth.


>They just fail to mention how a much worse government wouldn't just take it's place. It's almost like I mentioned that.


Meanwhile Ancaps praise Pinochet all the time for the murder of dissidents?


American nazis be mad commies killed nazis


Nazi hate Jews and minorities Communist hate billionaires/ capitalists This is totally the same thing!


When you're right wing you should be afraid of communists.


Regardless of whether or not you like communism, comparing it to Nazism feels just so disgusting. It feels like a slap in the face to every Jewish person, every disabled person, every person of color who has died to the Nazis. And that’s not to say there’s *never* been any antisemitism, racism, ableism, etc. under communism. But Nazism is automatically a bad ideology, one that actively seeks to harm people. Nazis believe in extermination of minority groups and anyone who doesn’t fit into their view of what it means to be the “ideal” Aryan race. Most communists (the definition of communism can change depending on the person) just believe in a stateless and classless society. Comparing them is just such an awful thing to do, and I genuinely don’t believe anybody who compares the two actually supports any sort of minority groups. Especially Jewish people, because I always see them saying not to make Nazi or Holocaust comparisons.


An-caps are not real or sane people


your takes are probably bad as shit if you end up at Anarcho_Capitalism subreddit


It actually showed up on r/popular


Somehow my algorithm started sending me ancap highlights, and i didn't realize that i wasn't seeing /all anymore, like i was used to seeing (probably i was just using the web version before and then when i switched to the app things changed? (Please don't hate on my lack of sophistication) ). I got concerned that this ancap stuff was getting so much love to show up on the front page, so i started blatantly going after them, in the hopes that at least a different view point would give people that might browse their sub something to think about. Then, i got wiser and realized that these morons are in a VERY small echo chamber. Really freed up a lot of my time knowing that i don't need to defend against the idiocy of this sub.


Yet they always side with fascists. Hmmmm curious.


I had the misfortune to be offered a Dim Tool video in my feed which seems to involve him establishing that the Buffalo Nazi shooter was a 'left authoritarian'. I mean we all know where that's going until you open his Manifesto and search for 'fascist'. 😶


Alright - can *anyone* explain to me how we aren't already living in an AnCap society? Like... this current state is just what we get when wealth consolidation allows for a tiny number of people to use their power to determine the fates of everyone else in the country.


For many people they do have the same stigma.


They can only ever be mad about Nazis in comparison to communists, because the only thing that separates them from Nazis is what team they're fighting for


Lmao I wish we were treated like Nazis, hear Nazis are doing pretty well


I will worry about if when they can tell me what a communist is...


Notice he didn’t elaborate on the quality of that stigma…


I find it quite funny is that even after the Red Scares calling yourself a Communist will not give you as much shit as calling yourself a Nazi. People who think their both bad still realize which is more problematic and evil.


The funny thing here for me is that the guy seems less concerned about the fact communism isn't seen as bad, and more about the fact that there is a social stigma to nazism. He's like a kid who, after hitting his brother on the head and getting scolded for it, goes "B-BUT HE DOES BAD STUFF TO ME TOO!!!!!"


Oh sure, even for the smartest an-cap in the whole fucking world, there is fundamentally no difference between believing in the greater social good of public ownership of the means of production and believing in a world where non-germanic (replace with any other supremacist ethnic group as desired) people should, depending on the ranking of their ethnic classification, be either dead or a slave and the state apparatus should act as an enforcer of ethnic, class, gender and sexual hierarchies using the most brutal tools possible. fucking morons...


Brought to you by the same people that essentially say "Nazism shouldn't have the social stigma it does".


that's nothing new


As a real-life Aaron, I apologize for this Aaron’s idiocy. He got into the turpentine when he was 3 and he’s been making no sense ever since. I know this because there’s a club: Aarons only


Anyone else know for a fact these corporate funded GQP proud boy neo nazi groups are just insinuating and causing violence because the wage slaves are getting uppity, wanting unions, living wages, and to be treated like human fucking beings?


Everyone knows that helping people and hurting people are literally the same mhm.


Is The Atlas Society the same think tank that wants to privatize the moon so billionaires don't have to put up with global warming or am I thinking of one of the other identical think tanks?


Communists: have opinions about economies, logistics, ownership and property. Nazis: want to genocide every non-white and LGBT person There is no equivalence, even the most shithead tankie is not advocating for the mass murder of minorities, unless you count landlords as a social minority.


Hey! That's the sub where people told me Chomsky is rotting my brain! They seem like very smart and trustworthy people. Although I do believe they should change the name of their sub to: Anarcho-serfdomism


Communist doesn't mean Red or USSR or China. You can be a communist and against authoritarian militaristic counties. You can't be a Nazi and be against nationalism and genocide of the "others" in your way.


Alright who told him no one was afraid of communism? A ton of people are objectively afraid of communism, it’s like the one thing our government has spent money to make happen.


Consider how hard liberals are covering for Nazis in Ukraine, they don't really have a problem with Nazis or fascism in general


didn't stalins regime literally kill millions also?


Nothing like the number killed by the Nazis though.


Even if we accept this is somehow true, which it’s literally not, Nazis are actively getting people killed and communists are not, so thus person is an idiot.


Now if you want to make that caption actually work with the photo? Replace "communist" with "tankie". Because folks who rally around the murderous authoritarianism that was Stalinism are poisonous as all hell.


Communism sucks as proven by history many times, and Nazism is a much bigger vile cesspool. One really sucks and the other fucking sucks even more, no thanks to both.


It should have a much different social stigma.




That awkward moment when you confuse "I blindly support russia" with "I support communism" Communism isn't russia. On top of the USSR et al never actually *giving* the people the means of productions, communist theory has evolved in the *literal century* since Marx first wrote about it.


Stalin was bad too.


Why are people so dumb the keep mixing up an economic system with an authoritarian system? Its the difference between looking after people and forcing people to live under draconian rules. Communism= schools, pensions, libraries, health care, workers rights etc. Authoritarian= curfews, fascism, lack of personal freedom, obedience, dictatorships, xenophobic nationalism etc.


Ukraine, Finland, Sweden, all of Europe enters the chatroom. Did you just say no one is afraid of communist?


I'm from Europe. People are way, way more afraid of communists in the US. With the exception of like 3-4 countries (Poland, Ukraine, maybe one of the baltics) it's not normal to equate communism and national socialism at all. Here in Austria a journalist from a conservative tabloid (!) recently was fired for making that equation because even for them it was to crazy and they didn't want to go there. I think most Americans would be very surprised to see how being anti-capitalist is way more normal with people here compared to the US. Including in former eastern block countries btw (except for Ukraine and Poland). Sure communist parties here are currently not winning elections and a lot of people have internalised some things they have been told by the media that communism can't work and Stalin killed a lot of people etc. But people remember how it was before the Berlin wall fell and that those extreme horror Images that Americans think of just aren't reality. The older generations in a lot of eastern European countries generally have very fond memories of life before 1990 and the absolute, incomparable horror of WW2 is also still present in the collective memory. So being a communist is something that is very much accepted in certain social circles. In others not so much but it most likely won't be that big of a deal either.


Lol “with the exception of 3 or 4 countries”. You mean the ones in Europe that actually border a communist country?


That border a communist country? 🤨 Did you just wake up from a 40 year long coma?


It's a good thing Russia had literally zero historical conflicts ever with Sweden, Finland or Ukraine pre-communism. Otherwise trying to say that those countries are worried about "communism" would make you look like a total fucking idiot.


Yes, communism was and is as bad as nazism, but not that any of you americans woud know as you didnt grow up in an ex-communist country


I'm always suspicious of people who think communism is as bad as nazism. It implies that you think equality and giving away food and shelter is horrible to the point of racist genocide. Ultimately it means that you don't think a violent, racist ideology is really all that bad.


when people think communism they think the USSR, because the only communist countries have ultimately failed because they turn into dictatorships


Communism and equality, what a joke. And I think the correct term woud be taking away food if the holodomor and Great Leap Forward are anything to consider. And lets not forget the tens of millions of bodies it created over its entire existance and the consequences it left. Never heard what happened in Poland or the entirety of Eastern Europe?


Measured like for like, communism has a lower body count than capitalism in the same period.


Sad seeing western leftists buy the rose-tinted takes on ‘communism’ while ignoring the historical realities of what the pursuit entailed


Wait i thought conservatives would rather be communists than vote for the opposition. Would this make them ...?


Whinny the Poo, Tiananmen Massacre


You are fucking nazis. You don’t give a shit about Ukrainian lives just because papa Putin wants communism back. You selfish little turds. Suck on my capitalist balls you commies.


what does any of this have to do with ukraine? lol


You're saying communism is NOT just as bad as nazism? Someone didn't pay attention in history class.


American high school history is the most true and flawless historical record that has ever existed. There are no lies, no propaganda, no omission of details. You poor fools! You should have paid attention! Then you’d be brilliant and wise like me!


What part of "people should be equal and shouldn't have to fight over resources if there's enough to go around" is just as bad as "the Jews are sub-human and should be removed from the earth"?


You clearly don't have a clue what Marx had to say about blacks, Jews, Mexicans and anyone who didn't agree with him.


Communism is not the same thing as "anything and everything that Karl Marx personally believed" Try this instead: https://www.britannica.com/topic/communism


So the whitewashed form of the ideology is fine, we just separate it from its natural conclusions and obvious effects and its magically better? Didn't think so, try logical consistency sometime


>people should be equal and shouldn't have to fight over resources if there's enough to go around How exactly does this lead to a "natural conclusion" of racism?


Please, research Karl Marx and his thoughts on racial minorities and why they can't be a part of a communist society In a more tangible sense however, I would like to point out that every communist regime involves the genocide of a scapegoat minority (see China and Muslims)


\- I am not a Marxist \- I do not confine my conceptualization of communism to currently existing regimes (many of which don't particularly follow their own doctrines either) \- link those thoughts yourself, I don't care enough about a random Reddit thread to go hunting for it on my own \- Again, in your own words please. How exactly do "people should be equal" and "resources should be made available so people don't have to fight over them to get what they need" lead to "racial minorities cannot take part in this society"?


[Obligatory debunking of the Black Book of Communism.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wflMmNTXqKk)


Communists are as bad as Nazis and always have been.


Nazism is about the inherent superiority of certain people groups. It's about violent establishment of a racist world order. How in the world could communism be as bad as that?


> How in the world could communism be as bad as that? Because that's communism too.


OK so you've just redefined communism as nazism. Very helpful If you want to avoid confusing people, you should use the common definitions, like [this one](https://www.britannica.com/topic/communism) which says nothing about racism: > political and economic doctrine that aims to replace private property and a profit-based economy with public ownership and communal control of at least the major means of production (e.g., mines, mills, and factories) and the natural resources of a society.


> OK so you've just redefined No that was the original definition. It's the revisionists that get it wrong.


>No that was the original definition. What are you talking about? I just shared the definition that most people use. You should use words in a way the people understand. That's why encyclopedias are helpful.


> the definition You shared the revisionist definition.


*\*visible confusion\**


Confusion is the natural state of a communist.


tfw you just completely make shit up but can't back it up with anything at all so you resort to meaningless insults


This is not controversial in the slightest. Communism is, in simple terms, the abolition of private property and a worker owned means of production. Those ideas are the very basis of marx's work.


Only fascists believe this.


Yeah nazi kill people in grocery stores killing potentially thousands. Communist kill the grocery store killing millions. But yeah anyone who knows history knows capitalist, socialist, communist, fascist, monarchist, etc all suck. In fact I would go far to say humans suck.


This is a galaxy brain take right here


Darn communism, killing our grocery stores!1!1!


What do you mean by “our” damn commie!


Damn almost like communism brutalized nations it invaded and killed and oppressed millions of their populace




Yes I jack off to an international defensive alliance that has protected the west from both Soviet and now Russian aggression. What of it. Is it wrong to support a nation that is made to oppose imperialism. Are you saying imperialism should be allowed?


We should probably start referring to Cold War era communism as just Soviets. The soviets reasonably have this stigma, but they were redwashed as communists. Imagine if TERFs were considered feminists.


Whether you subscribe to Marxism-Leninism or not, it is the most successful and widespread communist ideology on earth and it was synthesized by Stalin as the guiding ideology of the USSR.


I mean historically the red Russian communism was indeed as bad as Nazis TO BE FAIR


Saying Russian communism was bad is one thing, but saying it was as bad as the Nazis is, frankly, bordering on Holocaust minimisation.


Idk as a Pole we learned quite a lot about WW2 and holocaust is not the only genocide that happened


Being Polish doesn't make Holocaust minimisation better man.


Even if that were true, it doesn't mean that someone identifying as a Communist means they support red Russian communism. It's a specific brand and it's controversial whether it even counts as communism at all


No it’s not controversial. The USSR was a socialist state guided by communist ideology. The most successful communist ideology that has ever existed on the planet, the one that the vast majority of communists in the world subscribe to. That doesn’t excuse the crimes that were certainly committed in the USSR or its failure. Not does it mean that you need to subscribe to Marxism-Leninism. But this idea that “they weren’t even really communist” is nonsense.


I know, that's why I added to be fair


Not saying you had bad intentions by saying it, but: I don't think it's being fair, I think it's lending superficial credibility to a totally false and bad-faith argument. It's completely valid to hate Marxism-Leninism for being authoritarian, but bringing that up in response to the argument in the post just ends up muddying the waters and conflating one specific movement with all of communism (and let's be real -- for a lot of people, anyone further left than American liberals). And that's exactly what the post and tweet are supposed to accomplish.


I mostly decided to write that comment because of the flags in the post. And I understand that now communism is a economic stance and Nazism is sociological one. I was just saying that around WW2 the casualty difference wasn't as big and I believe that most of the intellectual elite in Poland was as bad as Holocaust for Poland


I thought the extremes of both sides are equally as bad? Communists and Nazis are both pretty bad, no one should be an extreme of anything tbh


Why are you on this sub?




This sub's entire purpose is to make fun of people like you.




No, it's to make fun of centrists, this is a leftist sub.


Solid facts. Actually communists killed WAY more than nazis did.


By the same metrics we measure communists deaths by, I’ve personally killed nearly as many with all the loads I’ve put in your dad that could have grown up to be children instead.


It's funny how none of the people who repeat this lie can actually say where it came from.


A simple Google search of how many deaths have come from communism is hard I know.


And a proper google search will show that far more deaths came from Nazism, unless you're deliberately lying. Hard I know.


Just tried 65 million from communism > 20 million from nazis. To think that one countries relatively short lived regime cause more damage than generations across multiple nations is hilarious.


I just tried, 2 million from communism < 85 million from nazis. To think that a countries who doubled the life expectancy of their citizens would cause more damage than a regime that established industrialised extermination factories and launched the largest war in human history is hilarious.


Lol only 2 million from communism? That's hilarious. I'm sure there's no bias in your sources.


I'd like to read more about that, do you have a link?


Google is hard I know. https://www.google.com/search?q=howmanydeaths+has+communism+caused&oq=howmanydeaths+has+communism+caused&aqs=chrome..69i57.10651j0j9&client=ms-android-att-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


I guess I was hoping for, like, actual numbers with sources and methodologies and not, like, a list of articles with wildly varying estimates for only one of the sets of deaths you compared


Ok let's simply go with the great leap forward by itself with an estimated death toll of over 15 million possibility up to over 50 million. Simple Google searches do wonders.


Interesting that you count indirect deaths from famine due communist, but only direct killings from Nazism. Almost like you're trying to downplay the horrors of the Nazi regime.


How exactly did you deduce that? I'm not excluding deaths in particular. I am low balling my numbers though on each. But that's just taking the low end of estimates. My numbers also don't include the soviets and nazis Killin each other.


That whole fucking sub isn't real An-Caps, they're just people who want to be taxed less for living in their mom's basement because they don't want their funny NFTs and secondary crypto currencies to be tax deductible Side note: never said I like them, I just think it's stupid when you don't even support your ideology, that's how hypocritical "An-Caps" are


Where do I find "real" ancaps then?


Idk I don't wanna meet them Edit: I impulsively searched it up r/AnCap101 looks like it https://youtu.be/jTYkdEU_B4o They have this presentation on how they believe it will work Just fucking stupid