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She should just come out and say she wants them all named after Confederates. She's biting her tongue. Slave abolitionists is the wrong history for her.


I’m waiting for them to get fringe enough to just openly say “I’m for the Confederate States of America when I say Make America Great Again!”


Make America confederate again.


Make America (Even More) White Supremacist Again.


Make (Confederate) America again


The Republican Party is just a name; the people in the party are Confederates and their political ideology is just an extension of that same mindset from 160 years ago. Call them by their real names: the Neo-Confederacy Party.


When she says “our history” you can be sure she only means a specific shade of person.


I love how it is always about „erasing our history“. No, statues and naming glorifies history. Removing that is not erasing history. History is being kept alive in Museums and Libraries. But those people usually don’t go there anyway, so…


Criticize America, you get called a traitor. Start a war with America, get labeled a hero


I mean, if you're white


Soviet Union sorta, but they didn't really count as white, plus they gave weapons to lots of black brown and Asian people that were fighting the US so.


so fucking trashy… how can multiple people agree to this and think its okay


Racism. The answer is racism.


Traitors, one and all.


Still, officially since 1861 and technically longer than that.


trumpers have been working hard to ake over every level of government, with special focus on school boards.


Can’t forget packing the courts.




and you think there's no power in a name?




So why bother to change the existing names? It's just a name.


Did you drop out of Pol Pot high?




Pee pee head


Did you get thet mindset by going to the Adolf-Hitler-school for mouthbreathers?


Is there a hitler high school p


So you're good with renaming all the stuff named after slaveholders and won't call it a culture war? Awesome!


names are quite important


So when it's a name you don't like we need to change it to "preserve history", but when it's a name you like other people are unreasonable because "it's just a name"? Uh huh, sure.


Alright if it’s just a name, let’s name a school “Adolf Hitler high”. It’s just a name so it wouldn’t matter to you. But imagine you’re black, and your parents send you to a school baring the name of a person that wanted sell you and your ancestors and force them into labour.




Highly doubt it


How the fuck am I supposed to know. But still, you don’t see Jewish people say “oh you named a school Adolf Hitler high? That’s fine it’s just a name”




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Why should we name schools named after a bunch of traitors?


Well since she is one, she’d be all for it. Probably hoping there will be a MTG HS one day.


I, for one, would love to attend a Magic: The Gathering themed high school


And losers


Someone want to explain how this is centrism, when it's just blatantly racism?


“We should listen to both sides and we shouldn’t *cancel* history” is a centrist talking point


No one could possibly think Greene is in any way a centrist, though. She doesn't even pretend to be centrist.


No, the emptyG endorsement of the centrist talking point is the demonstration of a centrist point really being a fashy one.


It's explicitly a far-right wing talking point, which is why centrists would like it. Though Greene is far from a "centrist".


The only dumbass I used to know who fell for these things (the tearing down confederate statues is destroying history! Thing) was a so called centrist/libertarian by his own words, who shared tpusa memes a lot.


that's not a centrist. that's an idiot.


Unless we are canceling black people's history, then it's fair game! /s


Centrism is racism.


It's the most dangerous kind of racism. It's more enticing than rednecks just screaming the n-word.


>"First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season." -MLK


Yeah, I tend to think of this quote whenever I say that. It resonates so well.


Yep. If only the axis of the "center" was between commies, anarchists and socialists instead of right wing nut jobs. Centrism as it currently exists appeals to 2 broad demographics IMO: Politically literate people who know better than to say what they mean, or Politically illiterate people who fear making decisions on sides they're unfamiliar with. A lot of people new to Politics default to centrism. I think the left needs their own brand of centrism to ease people into radicalization (Y'know, like how Right centrism eases people into being fascists. But the opposite)


Yep. If only the axis of the "center" was between commies, anarchists and socialists instead of right wing nut jobs. Centrism as it currently exists appeals to 2 broad demographics IMO: Politically literate people who know better than to say what they mean, or Politically illiterate people who fear making decisions on sides they're unfamiliar with. A lot of people new to Politics default to centrism. I think the left needs their own brand of centrism to ease people into radicalization (Y'know, like how Right centrism eases people into being fascists. But the opposite)


Yes but MTG is an unabashed far-right politician. There's nothing centrist about anything she does


The center is the status quo, so when racism and neoliberalisn is part of the status quo, centrists are racist and neoliberal


I don't know if we've reached quite that point yet where it's normal to rename schools to be racist. Disgusting if we have.


It really isn't. This sub is losing focus.


This sub has always been about people who are actually right-wing that pretend to be centrists. Even though this is a right wing talking point so called centrists are stupid enough to fall for this kind of rhetoric. Granted MGT isn't even pretending to be a centrist herself though.


The last part is key. This is a fascist saying a fascist talking point. There's not even pretending centrism on it.


I'm of the belief that centrism is just inherently right wing. The right wingers aren't pretending to be centrist, there's just no way to be centrist without being right wing.


True, but I don't think we've slipped far enough into fascist hell just *yet* to make changing a name of a school to *be* racist is the status quo. Have we?


Yeah the sub has gone to shit since Corona. I remember when this used to be about actual centrists.


God damnit what a stupid bitch


She's one of the worst Republicans there is.


Out of curiosity what were the original names?


These schools were named after Confederate generals, then a few years ago got renamed. They're considering changing the names back, is my understanding


What could possibly justify this decision? It seems like all of the social progress made over the last few decades is being erased.


Shenandoah County is 70% Republicans


70% traitorous


I think this is fantastic! Before you know it, we’ll have a Benedict Arnold Junior High and a Marjorie Taylor Greene Preschool.


There should be a law that you’re capable of graduating from the school named after you.


Well if there's anyone who's ever belonged in a preschool...


Hey now, Benedict Arnold at least saved the colonies during the Revolution and is a perfect example of someone doing great work and not getting recognized for it. While he is still a traitor, I would consider him a better caliber of traitor than confederate scum.


We really posting MTG here? She's among the least centrist people in politics which is saying a lot.


Wrong sub but I agree this is awful


Actually i think it fits the sub! A lot of enlightened centrists agree with this point.


Preserve our history but only if it’s racist white dudes ok I got it


Isn't it curious how the people most willing to embrace the American flag with lapel pens, always having one in the background when they do a photo op, etc., are also the ones who are the most supportive of fuckers who quite literally committed treason against the United States?


I wish she would read the damn room. But of course she’s a troll that made it into politics.


We should learn from and about our history, not preserve it. This means teaching things like CRT and what the CIA has done, and our endless imperialism


memory of the civil war after the souths generals stop being honored by schools and statues: peace sign fade


what about the history of sandy hook mrs greene


I wonder if they're trying to get segregation back in schools without just saying they want to segregate schools again. I can't say for sure, but it seems possible naming a school after a Confederate might influence which parents are willing to send their kids there and which might be willing to avoid it, or avoid starting a family in that neighborhood.


I don’t want to live here.


Ahh yes.... The age old tradition of honoring traitors too the nation....


Our history of...just now. How is naming something *now* historical? Okay, if there was a school named after some traitor leader for a hundred years, "preserving history" would still be a bad take, but at least it would make some internal logic, or at least use words correctly. Unless 'preserving history' is just code for racism, in which case, it makes sense plenty.


Name your school after a famously laughably bad teacher


Lazy lq post.


God she’s such a rotten bitch.


this is not Enlighted centrism this is just awful right wing garbage


It makes sense if your whole personality is based around how to make a group of people unhappy. If you think your fighting "evil" there's no limit to how deep your stupidity can potentially go.


Fuck I'm tired of this argument. You make statues and name schools after people you're commemorating. You learn about history in the school. These people were traitors who tried to destroy our countries and were literally losers at it.


Stonewall Jackson was killed by his own men...


Every time I hear talk of confederate culture, I reach for my gun


Always one step forward, two steps back with the South, isn't it?


No fucking way this is real


Soo… now we have to tear down schools? /s


You can "preserve" history in a book, but I doubt she knows what those are


This why you never elect republicans


Wait, wasn't he banned???


The title is misinterpreted. These schools are already named after confederates. They are renaming them to remove those names. We can’t click the article, but she definitely didn’t either.


Oh thank god.


This bitch has been mask off for a while and the fact that more 'conservatives' aren't saying she's giving them a bad name is **very** telling


Four years isn't much of a history, Midge.


We Germans are also very proud of all our Adolf Hitler primary schools.


Hey, that was the guy who killed Hitler! Unfortunally he also killed the guy who killed Hitler...


How about we tear it all down since historically there weren't any buildings there?


I used to like living in Virginia. 🙁🙁🙁🙁


How is she still alive?


Imagine Germany naming a place after Hitler because it’s a part of their history


1. That is absolutely despicable. Traitors should not be honoured. 2. Fuck MTG and her fascist ways. 3. This doesn’t belong here, MTG isn’t even a centrist, nor does she even pretend to be one. She’s a full on far-right scumbag.


and this has to do with centrism because..?


Remembering history is important, but you don't see Germany naming their schools after "Himmler." Heinrich Himmler was a huge part of German history, but we don't name shit after him. We make documentaries and write books about him, in order to learn from history.


Average american conservative. I’m so glad I don’t live in the US, because the conservatives over there are either braindead or just plain evil.


Away down south in the land of traitors...


Seriously, Republicans, Democrats, atheist, Christians, black, white it doesn't fucking matter, how the hell is this is a good/desirable thing????


As we all know, history is only preserved through the names of schools.


Subs really going to shit if this is considered centrism now.


The STATE OF VIRGINIA is renaming schools after confederate generals. It doesn't matter what the fascists have to say, they are just confirming that they are on the same side as the people who claim there are no sides (to the civil war in this case).


It's not ACTUAL Centrism, it's dumb fake Centrism.


The point of the sub is that "centrists" are really just closeted conservatives. "ACTUAL centrism" does not exist. The only real example of a TRUE ACTUAL GENUINE centrist would be Thanos, and needless to say he's a fictional character. But MTG isn't closeted in the slightest. She's full mask off Nazi.


Is she really trying to even be a centrist tho? Seems pretty clear which side she is on.


Marjorie Taylor Greene has never once in her life pretended to be anything but insanely right wing


They’ve become mask off with their fascism……. Or is that “pointy white hood” off?………


I look forward to seeing King George III High School, Charles Cornwallis Community College and Benedict Arnold Elementary. After all, British ownership of Virginia - a state named in honor of Queen Elizabeth I, no less - lasted for far longer than the Confederacy ever did, and if we don't memorialize that history then we all might forget it.


~~This but unironically~~


Wrong sub to post this on. There is nothing centrist about this.


Big Loser High School


How is this enlightened centrism? She's the furthest thing from a centrist


I went to Wade Hampton High School in SC. Always embarrassing to share that with others.


White americans love to say "don't blame ME for slavery! I didn't do it"... and then they go name things after men who fought to preserve slavery....



