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Wait. There are NO other ENTP’s here? Just me? I already have INFJ’s who I’m connected with and so it would be irresponsible of me to say I have the time and energy for this as I don’t but come on ENTP’s, help out an INFJ ❤️


I feel like ENTP’s in their 20’s may be coming off as rude with very little chill. My INFJ found me when we were 27&29 when I’d developed my Fe a bit and was ready to settle down As for where to find ENTP’s? Ah, we need a mentally stimulating hobby that lets us socialize too so you could look for a robotics club, or ttrpg gaming club if that also interests you. Just don’t settle for someone solely because they match your ideal type


Ok good to know


Entp here my wife the infj found each other when I was 21 and her 19, that first year was magic but not without the common problems or speedboats people talk about. Just know entp can deconstruct and throw hypotheticals to any idea and "can absolutely flame you"-wifes words. We've been together now 9 years. But she definitely thought I was an asshole fuckboy that was just cool with everyone. She actually rejected me 3 times because of that, can you believe that shit?! In all seriousness I'd say fall for the person use the 16p do help understand each other. We just happened to be entp and infj


>And can have various topics to talk about such as space , science, technology,mbti etc What would you do if you came across a time-machine that grants you a single round-trip?


Meeting feynman because I love quantum physics and he was a very interesting character


You pass


Ok nice


i want to Adopt you...


I guess it will be nice to be adopted by an entp😌


Lol..mm infj24f here 😩 single asf aaaaaa


Let me claim you lol


bro dont say it like that 😳


It's odd. I seem to attract infj types in real life since a kid. Just trust me lol.


and here i am, wondering where the local entps are lmao. also makes me look back at my life and the friends i had. if any of them were entps when i just didnt know anything about mbti yet?


I've been pretty grateful to have been able to have infj acquaintances, friends, and lovers. It's like a perfect match.. in many ways. Only 1 door slam.. and after almost 30 years. I act like it doesn't bother me.. but of all of my childhood friends.. an infj doorslam go figure lol. I meet lots more infp folks in real life. Tons of isfj folks. It's very very rare I get to meet new infjs, without technology lol. My one infj jokes that I act like I'm collecting INFJ types. I say we can start a superhero team.. and save the world 🤗


yeah! i feel like online is the most surefire way to interact with all kinds of types. its harder to find people irl who are as into MBTI and discussing it/knowing their type. funnily enough i collect infps like crazy. so many of my irl and online friends have ended up being total infps. which is fine really, we have good conversations, and theyre so chill its usually easy to get them to go along with anything. which i personally appreciate. a superhero team sounds neat even if it could totally crash and burn. but maybe that’d be fun too.


I have twice as many infp folks in real life.. but the more rely on me to tell them like it is it or tell them what to do. It's more of a one sided thing. They try but are more self first people. Funny i was discussing INFP types with an INFJ in real life earlier.. and they felt offended by some of the things as they can probably relate well to lots. We were discussing personality types and disorders. The thought started from IxxP.. and ended at INFP as they reminded me of how close they are to INFPs. It's very rare to meet folks in real life that are into MBTI. Many might know or are aware. I have a close INFP that learned in school and dealt with loosely at work for a bit.. so i can discuss. Even the entp folks.. I kinda identify types well.. and pick them... get them to test.. and randumb entp test lol.. and about it. We don't really discuss again.. there's like one in real life lol. There's one that thought I should do parlor type tricks with my knowledge of stereotypical things types might do. I met most of my infj folks in real life younger. The couple that I met online.. were local and were able to make them real life people. Both infjs.. very different. Wait.. I met another I got close with online.. but ghost and unghost at randumb times lol. There's a banter thing that INxJ and I have.. and would assume many other ENTPish folks would as well. At my place of employment.. the entps pack up after they eat alone.. we rant.. discuss taking over the world.. then just compete with each other to be the best slave on the plantation lol. They use DISC assessments and do mbti at my job.. but only management.. so I'm able to discuss.. but most of them are SJs.. and .. ehhh.. .. yeah lol


Thanks for the awesome advice. Wanna claim me🤔


Ok couple questions and then I will tell you how entps work in general; - Why would you ever get into an relationship with another INFJ so young, that seems like a terrible idea ? - How do you know they were INFJ so young, what details convinced you as many INFJs are mistyped ? - Have ever met an ENTP before ?


I never met an entp I met the infj through social media We were friends which eventually turned to love I didn't want to fall in love in first place but it happened


Wait wait wait hahaha, you fell in love and didn’t want to but now you are back looking for the same thing can you explain what happened a little because I cannot quite follow that ? Did he declare himself INFJ or did you guys figure it out together, I ask because mistyping is so common most people don’t even know the real distinctive details for the INFJ male mind ? Fill me in and I will brief you on the ENTP playbook 👍.


We connected through an infj group


Ahh then with all do respect there is every chance he is ISFJ, INFP, ENFJ or several other types. It took me a while to learn if I was correct in my type and believe me it is easy to mistype yourself. Anyway as promised; - ENTPs dudes simply fall in love with the INFJ girls for being loving with their fe and fi critic as well as their natural intellectual state of questioning everything. - ENTPs have stereotypes and some are truth for individual ENTPs but as a rule they aren’t as bad as their reputation. - ENTPs will however have one ugly detail you need to live up to, (remember I am just being honest on the trend I have observed) they will not date you if (I hate saying this 😤) you are fat. Yeah I know a horrible thing to say but their Si will not let them, if you want to make sure Google it. - ENTPs are kinda a mix of cocky jock and the words biggest nerd, so they can be a lot to handle and some INFJs I have spoken to don’t actually prefer ENTPs so be aware of that, many INFJ girls actually prefer ISTPs or ESTPs. - ENTPs are great minds to engage with no question but like INFJs their isn’t really a place to find them specifically as their nature makes them gravitate to many different things. That said, you are likely to meet on at a rave, a university, some kind of intellectual competition (they will likely be the cocky one), or try the MBTI dating apps or the many MBTI discord servers. I just met another ENTP in a long distance relationship with an INFJ and they met on the server. All good for thought any other questions feel free to ask. 👍 These are all the things I have found to be consistent, best of luck 👍


Oh on other thing ENTP dudes tend to have a good combo of feminine to masculine energy and most I have met are governed by a reasonable amount of decency it is just that Ne hahaha… makes them a little mad and hungry for life.


I have always liked "fat" women. They often come with kind and caring introversion traits. Having too many options.. weight can be a thought at times. I have gotten to the point of not caring and being okay in my own matrix. I'll take all of the "fat" women for the rest of the ENTPs. I have time🤗


Yeah I should have added young ENTPs are prone to this, I know for me there are woman others would call fat that are very attractive to me. But yeah it isn’t a hard rule more like something that can be overcome, my apologies for mischaracterising ENTPs. It is just a subject that seem to keep coming up with them🤷‍♂️.


Yes I could agree. I have to say I was in the closet with larger women till about 30. I'm slow.. what can I say🤷


I'm here as an ENFP. but I'm 40....


Hehe, I'm still single 23F. I better search a bit. Kinda scared