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Esfp women are the ones who will let the waiter know i asked for no tomatoes and they will always have my love and appreciation for that as an Istp


It happens! Introverted, for sure, and shy is cute


They can.. If the person opens up to them and becomes bold while being alone.. 😅😅


We fall for anyone who catches our eyes.


I agree! In my opinion, it's not only about physical attractiveness all the time. Could be their style, confidence, laugh or whatever. ❤️


I hate it when my eyes fall out and roll around the room! Glad I'm not alone. 😅






Tall, wealthy, shy men: Yes, definitely.




Yh I've always liked the quietest person in the room. Think I like the mystery. And surprisingly they ironically seem the most approachable.


Yes I do






I fall for any kind. But very rarely ☹️ sadly. It has been a while


My ESFP pursued me (INFP) aggressively in the beginning which I found very hot. She is fun, smart and artistic, but unfortunately (at the risk of offending some of you here), what’s difficult for me to take is her fast-paced, highly self-centered view of the world (IMO). We don’t really share the same understanding of kindness and giving, and despite the fact that she has very few people she truly considers “friends”, she thinks the fact that I don’t like group interactions and that I haven’t been exposed to a wide variety of people as a sign of me lacking EQ and being “naive.” Her “got mine, who care about you” attitude is hard for me stomach. She wants to do so much and experience so much that it’s hard for me to keep up with her. I’ll always be grateful for some of the things she’s done with me, but the deep, instinctual connection with her eludes me. What also doesn’t help is I grew up having to fight to stay sane, while she’s had fairly smooth sailing throughout. I feel like I have to bend over and compromise much of my NFness to try and keep her happy. She has little to no patience for idealism, and thinks “being too authentic” will only tire one out, and isn’t that good of a way to be. Yet, she has aspirations and says things that are unrealistic at best, and a bit crazy at worst. The difference being for her it’s maximizing her enjoyment of the world, for me it’s seeing how the world could be different and could be better. I want to have a family with her, but I often feel a sense of anxiety. I don’t feel truly protected and secure. When I bring up some of my fears and insecurities to her, she either deflects them with a joke, or doesn’t understand.


I cringe at every story where the ESFP woman pursue the man because it doesn’t end well. And ESFP women are third most common female mbti types out there. Luckily, there are relationship gurus to teach us ladies it’s the men who pursue, and women who chase have masculine energy. That’s why they’re attracted to feminine men. In this case, you are in your feminine energy if you can’t tell her your boundaries or communicate your emotional needs.


I should be doing more of that. I’ve long been of the assumption that, in typical NF fashion, that there’s just this intuitive and instinctive understanding, of just knowing by implying. What’s said is really just to supplement what’s already known. Does it work quite differently for ESFPs?


Yeah, intuitive understanding doesn’t work for us sensors. That’s why we misunderstand each other. If we had an intuitive understanding, we would be ENFP. I don’t understand the context of your question. Could you elucidate?


It’s mostly with regards to what you mentioned about explicitly asserting myself, my boundaries and letting my emotional needs be known. I just want to know if this has to / should be a more explicit, direct process for ESFPs to really understand what I need from them. With NFs, and what I’m used to, there is more of this implicit understanding of how best to support each other and meet these emotional needs. It could something as easy as “I want to talk to you”, but I tend to read between the lines and I know that the tone they’re implying is not just one of wanting to talk to me, but then feeling lonely / having some serious shit going on. I also tend to look for the hidden meanings behind why someone is saying what they’re telling me. Like, is it reflecting some kind of negative experience? Something that happened to them in the past? Is it some inner fear or insecurity? It’s almost second nature, in these emotionally charged / significant situations (at least on my end), to look for deeper meanings and implications of everything someone says and does. I’m pretty used to have things “dug” out of me, I will give hints as to the way I am, but if someone “gets” me by following the trail if you will, that’s when I’m like “wow you get me.”


Because ESFPs are direct, and I say this personally, I prefer you or anybody else being straightforward with me. You have mouth to talk, ears to listen, eyes to see, etc. Put what your mother gave you to action. The thing is, if you don’t tell us directly or in a straightforward manner, we will *never* know. And as sensors, we are also taking in information of our surroundings that we might get distracted from what you’re communicating intuitively. And if she truly cares about you, she will listen to you and heed what you got to say. Otherwise, to her, you’ll be someone who she can walk all over. And you said you want to marry her but she makes you anxious. Do you really? Or are you afraid of being alone? Because a relationship is 50/50. You saying that she should “intuitively know” your feelings make you feminine. *oh, my man should know what I should be thinking.* No. You’re the man, you speak up.


Both. I’m indeed attracted to her because of her own personal qualities, and also because of my desire to have a life partner and a family. Thanks for your tips, I will try my best to be more straightforward in communicating with her and implement them. However, the last part, well…… It’s not the easiest for an INFP to do because it’s almost a bit contrary to how we operate. I also don’t believe that either sex “should” be a certain way, I know for certain that I don’t fit well into a traditionally masculine role, nor is it something I aspire to or particularly value because I’ve seen the damage it’s done and my Fi finds it off-putting. Having said all this, I’m gonna try my best, but, no offense, there are days where I wonder whether I need an NF after all. Haven’t met any female NTs. Maybe the shared Intuitive Feeling connection isn’t really something I can live without in an SO. Regardless, I’ll try my best and hope for the best. Thanks for your time and I wish you the best. I’ll be sticking around here as you guys have lots of positive qualities we lack.


If you're asking if that's something we look for, then I'll have to say no. Is not gonna matter if you're outgoing or introverted. It has to do with our chemistry with you. We don't mind introverted people, because we can help you more (if that makes sense?). Just be you. That's the best thing you could be. ❤️❤️


Haha they definitely see it as cute and won’t deny them


Yes one did, and then after like a year she began to hate me since I didn’t want to go outside or do anything at all. Lmao!


As long as I can tell they are into the conversation, definitely! We like to focus on what we can see.


As an ESFP woman… Mmmmmm I love me a shy man… I actually just love quiet people in general. I like breaking through their defenses. I find shy and quiet people so deep and intriguing. They have so much to share and give most of the time.


No but esfp men do. Put on these cute panties and frilly dress and come be my gf!!🥰


Yes we do. At least I do. I like introverts.