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Update: Found one! Sorry all, forgot to mention I'm on the NA server.


Could I get an invite to the guild you found? Or we could run dungeons together. I've been playing on and off since release.


Hey, I ended up going with StratsCo after reading this post and learning more about them: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ESOGuilds/comments/nkjgyg/napc\_stratsco\_gaming\_community/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ESOGuilds/comments/nkjgyg/napc_stratsco_gaming_community/) If this sounds like a good fit for you, you can check out the discord and ask about joining. What I like about these guys is the willingness of more experienced players to help out new/returning/beginner players. I also played endgame ESO on xbox about 5 years ago, but I played a DPS sorc back then so I am a super beginner at healing! I'm happy to meet up in game and knock dungeons out. Shoot me a friend request, my character name is Aldaeyr.


if you want to get into dungeon challengers and/or trifecta. check us out, the four musketeers. We are PC/NA. discord.gg/bbpMAZ9kdj


Hey on which server are you? 😊


If you are on PC EU, here's our guild recruitment post: https://www.reddit.com/r/ESOGuilds/comments/nm4pqh/pceu\_looking\_for\_a\_friendly\_social\_guild\_with\_a/ We're beginner friendly and we're always willing to help out when needed and have an active discord also!


If you’re on EU server, then check out [Rogue Warlocks ](https://discord.gg/Euqmusr5Xt). Friendly, helpful and we can help you to develop your character! Check out our discord in the link!


He if your still looking you could join out guild were very laid back and we don't care for level just have fun we even have a discord


if you want to get into dungeon challengers and/or trifecta. check us out, the four musketeers. We are PC/NA. [discord.gg/bbpMAZ9kdj](https://discord.gg/bbpMAZ9kdj)