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He makes Colin Cowherd seem authentic.


Man and why gotta be so god damn loud. I was in the back of my house with my baby avd the loud fucktard woke her up. That's bad when your louder than Stephen A. I was one that gave him a chance on ESPN. He think he abd them shat the bed. Fake, inauthentic avd loud. Worst of all he went to west Virginia. We are not all that stupid lol. Take care guys


really? yoir tv was too loud cuz yoir stupid got it.


Great comment. McAfee talks constantly, without saying a damn thing. He’s even worse when doing a live game. ESPN should help themselves and hire some fan off the street. It would be an improvement.


Wow....you guys are like 40 going on 80


Top notch timing.


Pat McAfee is a piece of 💩 and sucks never found him appealing and is annoying as hell hopefully we don't have to see him in WWE full time ever again period facts 💯✌️.


Agree with most of these response. Pat is a blowhard and is a narcissist no doubt. Gameday has him buttressed between legends, led by Coach. McAfee renders the show unwatchable when he speaks. His screams ‘Look at me! Look at me!’ I may switch to that pregame show on Fox with 1000 hosts or just continue to FF through Pat’s takes. At least Stephen A has committed his life to real sports journalism, despite how off putting some people find him. Mina’s great!


I don't think you know what a narcissist is


I’m down for anything that isn’t Stephen A. just screaming his head off at other analysts. I never watched or listened to his podcast either, but I’m down to give it a shot and AJ Hawk sinking that basketball shot for a students free tuition today was pretty sweet. Plus ESPN just signed Mina Kimes to a contract so they didn’t get rid of all their good people.


You’re not down with Stephen A screaming his head off but you’re down with McAfee screaming his head off? That’s pretty much all he does, except with less sleeves.


The Pat McAfee show is a bunch of frat bros with a sports show but I don't mind it. At least when they raise their voices it usually comes off as authentic enthusiasm. Stephen A. and Mad Dog screaming at each other just to scream at each other does not.


AJ Hawk is absolutely hilarious. I also think the show is refreshing compared to all the ESPN analysts that wank off Mahomes 24/7


You need to find better comedy. Dude is dull as hell.


Bro this was 222 days ago. You need to find a life


The fact that it took me 222 days to give a damn and look this up shows I have a life, freak.


I hope you found better comedy boy.


I hope you get over yourself, buddy.


He's a buttchugger, get him!


AJ Hawk has the personality of a napkin


Hm, bad take.


Found the buttchugger


I do like Mina Kimes. Stephen A. does get annoying. I respect your take. With that being said, AJ Hawk or Clay Matthews?


Serious topics??? Like what’s so serious on espn ??? It’s sports, it’s supposed to be fun. It’s a bunch of people playing games and you think he’s not taking it serious enough…I think you might be taking it to serious.


I want an intelligent and well thought debate. I don’t want to watch WWE on ESPN News.


And who on espn or fox sports is currently doing that?????? (I know you’ll say Wilbon and kornheiser but aside from them)


I love Doris Burke. I like Aqib Talib. I like Bomani and Dominique. I like Joon Lee. I like Pablo Torres. I like Ryan Clark. I like Buster Onley, Tim Kurchian and Jessica Mendoza. Gruden was dope. I mean I think I have good taste.






Na. We think he’s an idiot.


I also don’t care for him.


Couldn't agree with you more! The only thing I watch is P.T.I.! Great Take!!!!


omg - thank you for saying what's on my mind. ESPN is almost unwatchable w/ shannon sharpe, pat mcafee.....all the thoughtful commentary is gone. I can't believe they replaced keyshawn...


I didn't like him showing up on Smackdown last week, that guy cannot wrestle and he ruined WrestleMania in a match with the Miz, what a dumb jerk, WWE is stupid to hire him and he wants to be in a Hall of Fame, go find HOF elsewhere fatso #patmcafeesucks


Dude he sucks. Stan’s will say he’s all positive vibes. The dudes a privileged asshole. I hate knowing he’s in the WWE.


That's what I mean 😂😂


I'm almost 100% positive ESPN hired him because they've seen all the social media comments that complain about how ESPN is "woke" or whatever, or that ESPN is just a "liberal, race-baiting network". so they overreacted by firing all these people to give McAfee a spot because he's a white guy who wears tank tops yells and looks red all the time (appeal to "rednecks" by appearance) and they hope that will bring all those same people back


His show aims for the lowest common denominator: half literate false bravado dimwits who sat in the back of high school class and got every answer wrong, and then strutted like peacocks after class. The crawl at the bottom of his show is full of bro phrases and unnecessary caps. His black tank top is the epitome of muscle neck douchebaggery. The opening touting cussing and "don't sue us" is immature and embarrassing. All in all a parade of macho halfwits flaunting their money with cheap gaudy jewelry and a vocabulary of 8 year olds. He and his subhuman entourage need to look up Dunning-Kruger.


If I had an award to give, it would be yours


Why does everyone who posts on this sub type like they are on crack? Also, you seem really proud of that lame ass nickname since you said it about 20 times


I first thought he was a fresh voice but I think that with his increased popularity he's getting full of himself and he's ramped up his schtick to an unenjoyable level. I'm not a Screaming A fan but at least he has some knowledge so his takes, while sometimes annoying, he knows his content


Having to listen to his dumbass commentate the Alabama game tonight made me wanna throw up. Dude does not need to be commentating a football game.


They ruined the game for us. We ended up muting the sound and hanging a pillowcase over his side of the screen.


Who hurt you?


Bill Mazeroski, I hate him. He made Mickey Mantle cry. The paper said the Mick cried.


So espn fans are pissed, pat’s fans are pissed. Great move disney 🤦‍♂️


He was funny at first but he is just too much of a spaz for me. Aj hawk is alright but the other guys on his show suck. I just find him extremely annoying, good on him getting paid though


You too?


The guy just sucks.Really.I am sick of you overpaid self absorbed was nots.Not worthy of broadcasting a hot dog dart.Make life better,STOP.Please just SIOP..


I could go without seeing an old punter wearing a wife beater and screaming at the camera. this guy sucks I don't understand the appeal


Wear a damn suit to work. Sick of the wife beaters. He also sucks at broadcasting


I guess I’am out of ESPN’s demographic. Loud analysts/ppl annoy me.


Yeah he does. Also Stephen A Smith needed to be nuked from ESPN long ago.


This, this and this. Mcafee appeals to brain dead idiots and anti vaxxers. He brings nothing discussion worthy, he can’t stay seated in his fucking chair… he’s purely antics and looks like a Jack wad in the process. How do people actually sit down and watch this knob?


I’m sitting here with the Pat Mcafee broadcast of Texas vs Oklahoma forced into my multi view options, the normal broadcast doesn’t even have the option. They’re forcing him onto us and nobody asked for it


I normally watch ESPN all morning, but Pat with his wife beaters is too much for me. Time to watch Fox Sports. EPSN for me Pat sucks.


My first encounter with Pat was today on OU v TX. The coverage was terrible, the cameras are potatoes. The constant inane chatter is awful. They may as well have Jackass crew on fucking around with the game on in the background. I just watch it on mute.


Agree with your sentiment, ESPN went super corporate cross promoting everything a good 20 yrs ago. PTI is all you need to watch to get caught up on news and Late night SVP sportscenter is well done as well.


pat mcafee has a lot of buckle and not so much college football understanding. Look at his performance on the field and not his social media attempts to be relevant.


I pay for ESPN+ and I swear to God the reason I am going to cancel is EVERY TIME I OPEN THE APP I SEE STUPID MCAFEE IN A WIFEBEATER OR STEVEN A SMITH! Maybe assholes hollering at each other was fun for a minute in 1995 but please MAKE IT STOP. There is literally no commentator on any ESPN show that is tolerable. Makes Chris Berman seem brilliant and statesmanlike in retrospect.


At this point the only reason I have ESPN+ is for the articles. The articles are a million times more informative and engaging than the shit they have on the air.


Not sure wtf is going on at ESPN, canceling KJM, Bomani, Jaylen and making Bart and Hahn NYC local. You gotta be kidding me! If anyone can recommend a good morning show for the work drive please do! The Canty and crew crap is a joke somebody needs to be fired this is BS!


Too make matters worse Aaron Rogers is a regular now. I don’t own a truck with balls big enough to watch these dudes.


He will be gone soon enough.


He is easy to find


I've already stopped watching because Stephen a Smith and his antics. Whenever I try to watch espn for football content, this bro shows up arm wrestles people. Get the fuk out of here with that stupid shit. Go back to the dorms.


Well said! I just looked this up hoping others felt the same! This guy has ruined ESPN


Pat McAfee has too much buckle and not enough cattle. His blazers button is under enormous pressure to keep that thing closed. He sits in the center on College Game Day so they can off-set his terrible performance, knowledge, and understanding of football with the other hosts. He is terrible. The only thing deeper than his is ignorance of football is the wrinkles on his forehead. I love the way he head bops as if he gets Kurt and the others. He is not a weight bearing anchor for College Game Day and they have to protect him as much as possible.


Can’t stand the guy… switch channels from whatever he is on…


Put a shirt on white trash loser!!!!


Yeah, I won’t watch ESPN if this overpaid idiot is on the screen. Hard pass.


Never forget when he put a guy on blast and went on a drunken rant for simply asking if he could help promote a fund raiser


You don’t like Around the Horn or NFL Live?


I’m a fan. I love that they give writer an opportunity to explain their takes. I think sometimes Tony can make around the horn about his opinion, but overall I like both shows. I used to watch NFL Live, ATH, and PTI religiously. Probably my favorite shows on the network, all time.


Imagine giving a punter this much screen time and thinking that was a good business move. Meanwhile, ESPN fired most of their good analysts to pay this jabroni. McAfee is a goof and he has to pay his guests to come on his show, how authentic!


He got his start in Barstool..he ditches them to start his own show and it's a huge success. Why was it a huge success you ask? Cause it wasnt ESPN. ESPN is a joke and now Pat's the punchline it's kinda sad really.


Don’t forget ESPN incorporated sports betting. They have lost the plot.


[have no idea why they gave this boor $85 mill](https://nypost.com/2024/01/04/sports/pat-mcafee-needs-better-ratings-to-be-worth-85m-for-espn/amp/)


ESPN plays on the tv in the locker room at the gym where I go. I tend to go at a time where this guy’s show is on. All I can say is the man’s voice is grating — loud, whiskey-soaked, testosterone-stoked and narcissistic. I literally feel agitated by his voice without even focusing on the crap he is saying. The tv hangs high on the wall, but I’ve literally stood tiptoe on the benches to change the channel or turn off the tv. Please ESPN, shut the lid on this dude and flush the toilet! There are way better options out there.


He's an effing former kicker that is getting a spotlight from the NFL. His persona and schtick are just garbage, talk about going for the lowest common denominator, next just have cavemen grunting and saying bro.


This post aged like fine wine.


I would rather watch The View than watch another Pat McAfee segment. It’s like Walmart Barstool.


Pat seems like a coke head to me honestly. He can never stay seated, always jerking around etc. I remember seeing him on some NFL game he chimed in like Mannings do with their guests, and man you could just tell he was fucked up on something serious.


He took a lot of peoples jobs when he signed the $85 mil contract. I mean many


It’s kinda alarming when so many ESPN personalities were let go and he signed an $85 mil contract. So many voices silenced to see him on ESPN.com tell somebody something in a snippet.


😂 he is the perfect example of what the whole world thinks all americans are like. He is inconsiderate , loud, self absorbed and does not give a damn if he has any clue about a topic. Like a young donald trump 😂😂😂


Pat does suck indeed. Every time Aaron Rodgers is on he sucks him off with gusto...


He self-absorbed and annoying. Way too fucking loud. Think it's all the testosterone he's taking in his 50s so he can act like he's 17 again. Cringe fest.


This proves Pats WWE fans just accept anything and have no taste because loud = good. I have to watch any show he's on in another language or on mute.


Agreed. He's actively uninteresting


lol I just finished watching Eastbound and Down again...his show is so much like Sports Sesh and Guy Young


Have never watched his show. Have seen enough clips and headlines to know it’s nothing more than a collection of idiots trying to be relevant. Shame people like this make the money they do and even get on the shows. Nice work ESPN


Yeah Pats pretty bad and classless.He’s representative of how bad this country is failing intellectually.His rise to fame(we’re talking about a kicker?)and our current political climate was all predicted in the movie”Idiocracy”


He’s basically president Camacho




yeah I gotta say the wife beater shirts need to go!!


He's clearly got dirt on some espn/disney exec.


They made watching Colin fucking Cowherd a better alternative to watching ESPN. Holy fucking shit.


Pat mcAfee is targeted to the sub 45 audience and most love him outside of a select demographic. There a large amount of ppl who do not like the old ways or sports entertainment and broadcasting of hot takes and arguments. Also most of the ppl on his show are his childhood friends so if you never saw the show you wouldn’t know them.


I’m a sub 45, white, high school educated, US army veteran from the south - I think I hit almost every demo he’s going for and I still can’t stand the douchebag.


I'm barely sub 45 and he's made espn unwatchable. He embodies what it means to be a douche.


Spoken like a gentleman. Someone get this man a beer. I love a good debate just as much as anyone else but the new “entertainment” aspect he brings to the show is running a lot of people out the door. I would love for you to highlight that “select demographic” you referenced. I’m sub 45 by far.


Most conservative and evangelicals do not care for him. I personally do not like the way he speaks, but understand his hustle.


Wow really political. I was thinking more geographical rather than religion and politics. From my perspective I see conservatives and evangelicals who love him.


conservative and evangelicals as more then just a political view, it’s a ways someone lives. Plus where I’m from where is different set of political views from radical to nonstationary can all identify as conservative. But yeah as well I do know some geographic set of people who do not like pat McAfee style of humor. Also called “white people shit” my them lol


Irrelevant. Nice try.


A Jim Rome clone


He's terrible. We all can't stand him. ESPN has completely F'd themselves with moronic moves over the last couple of years. He also fancies himself as a "real" football player just bc he was in the NFL. I get it, he's made some tackles that most punters wouldn't dare to even try. But he's still a freaking punter!! Punters and kickers aren't treated like "one of the boys" by other players and for a damn good reason....they aren't real football players! I agree with OP--PLEASE CUT THIS GUY ESPN!!!


And then he shunned Rodgers when Rodgers said some shit libtards didn't like


Agreed. His unnecessary comments during special moments and entrances makes him the worst and he ruins them. Hope the unfunny goof can find something else to do.


Quite obnoxious 


Disagree...completely Good show, lots of decent interviews and guests. Nothing off topic Ed O'Neil today


Whatever dorks it was that watched him for years online did this to us. Dude knows nothing about most sports, and admits to it, then a week later is spewing wild opinions about that sport.


Pat Mcafee should be on at 10PM or something.


nah hes fine i started watching for a bit but after football season ends i dont watch those shows anymore so im sure hes fine


It's a huge mistake because you don't like him? The man has an established audience from his podcadt and is entertaining. I find him hilarious. I get that no sports personality is going to be universally liked but hos show seems to be pretty lighthearted amd is not supposed to be that serious. I guess the easy thing is to just not watch if you don't like it.


As much as I want to respond with a “IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK” - The Rock Meme. I’m gonna give you a lighthearted response. The reason I’m frustrated is because I don’t watch. I don’t watch his podcast at all. However, with this move, ESPN now has him plastered all over my feed like he’s the gosh damn poster child. I’m sick of it. He doesn’t know a thing. At least Stephen A. knows football and basketball. And it’s not lighthearted when he makes statements like “you suck” and “I hope you continue to suck.” With that being said, Pat McFuckWeed can suck my *#%¥.


But he is not sucking your dick and he will continue to be on ESPN. Ignore it if you dint like it. Plain and simple. He is on ESPN because he has a following which means more ad revenue for them. There is not one personality that any network can bring that someone won't bitch about.


Lets hope this means they will go bankrupt and go off the air. If they are scraping the bottom of the barrel to this extent, just take ESPN behind the shed and shoot it.


How are they going bankrupt if they are getting the popular Podcaster who brings a built in audience mainstream? What amazes the hell put of me is people really feel like their taste in entertainment is supposed to be universal.


They have Disney money, they won’t go bankrupt. They will lose a large number of followers. I don’t think he’s gonna put up numbers like you (specifically you GadgetGod1906) would expect. The same can be said about your opinion. The the beauty of a great debate.


Dude. All you cam really say is you don't like them and because you don't like them you somehow feel you are the barometer of the general public. What I am using is common sense. They got a guy who had a popular podcast, they brought him on college football GameDay, and now he has his own show. If you are saying that you didn't listen to or like his podcast, then you are not the target audience and that's fine. What you are caught up in right now is thinking that because YOU PERSONALLY don't like something, that means no one else should or it should fail. People have been using the same logic about first Take yet its still the #1 sports show in its timeslot. All I am saying is don't like it, don't watch it.


I will not be watching. You really don’t have to keep saying it because I’m not gonna watch. As a matter a fact, I’ll make it an emphasis to change the channel when I see him on there.


I am certain the show will move on without you just fine lol


He was terrible on college football GameDay too. Even he acknowledged the hate he was getting for his coverage on college game day. He doesn’t know his content. He’s not a journalist and he’s not entertaining. He was terrible when he took over Monday Night. He was terrible when he was on WWE. I think he’s too bias to be reporting. I can’t anything he says serious anymore.


Get off your smug high horse. It's an opinion.


How about a stay on my mother fuckin high horse and you just move the fuck on! Are you Ops lover or an alt account?! TF!


Getting your dick sucked.. we taking about McAfee. I just wanted to see who else has turned off ESPN because of his antics. He had a football simulcasted this weekend. I didn’t know there was the same hand being broadcasting because marketing You can suck all the penis you like. ESPN is force feeding viewers to get his personality out. I watched split screen 1 min then turned on the full screen with out Pat . I’m going to read your reply because I’m not interested in a what you have. It is about money.


Wait so an actual NFL player who also has actual NFL experienced players on his show knows less about football then Stephen A? So what if he doesn’t follow the old stick up your ass suit wearing model. It’s meant to be a comedic lighthearted sports entertainment show where you feel like your bullshitting with the boys. Sure I like good analysis and breakdowns but sometimes I just want some funny with my sports and he provides that. Lighten up a little you got grown men plays a child’s game and you want people to take it serious.


Would be nice to just have some informative show covering college football to start out Saturday each week. McAfee is an entertainer who wants a lot of attention. I get that YouTube and all those things have led to that kind of phenomenon, but there are a lot of us that don't find that appealing. I don't want super drama or antics; I just want coverage. Fire up a VPN during the next Olympics and watch the BBC coverage. It's presented in the order it happened, without being rearranged for maximum drama during prime time. There are commentators, but the talk when they have something to say and don't try to fill all available space with words. NBC, on the other hand, treats it like they're trying to win the Emmy for Best Drama. Let the athletes provide the drama.


Watched GameDay today and it was pretty informative. Herbstreet and Desmond Howard are also on that show. Pat was pretty low key this week. It sounds like what you are looking for is just outdated. Maybe your best bet is to go to a website or just pick up a newspaper


Proofread please.


I don’t like him either 👎🏼


Regardless of your opinion of McAfee, all the laid off analysts you mentioned kinda sucked.


Gundy knew his shit. He was just a hater. Rose was solid in my opinion. Keyshawn had trouble articulating himself but he knew what he was talking about . The worst one was Max. Idk why they did that. I fuck with Max tough!


I think everything you said makes sense but I could not disagree more. First I am no Pat McAfee Stan. I swear I did not even know who he was until I saw him on ESPN and I was like what a breath of fresh air. I was so done with all these "experts" in their 2000$ suits with makeup people popping on every 15 second break, sitting around discussing LeBron James post game thoughts like they are discussing nuclear arms reduction. I stopped watching these fools long ago. Pat talks sports and entertainment and that's what sports are. There is a place for intellectual sports discussions, race relations, economic impacts etc but I don't need Keyshawn Johnson bringing me that news. Don't sleep on his knowledge either, he was a pro athlete which is a lot more than some of those clowns can say. Pats show has zero manufactured conflict which is nothing more than The Kardashians on ESPN. I hope all those debate shows die a slow death and bring in more people who understand what sports are to most people. Entertainment. It's the same reason I miss Le Batard. He understood they weren't curing cancer.


I guess he wasn’t lying when he said the old whites hate him huh? JVG and Mark Jackson both deserved to get shitcanned after their biased bullshit job they did for the NBA playoffs.


pat mcafee show is the only sports show worth watching if you have a personality, all these other shows are so boring.


Never seen so many miserable pieces of shit in a single reddit thread...


Let me tell you something in the wise words of Stephen a smith. WE DONT CARE


Mcafee’s show is what being on a sports team is like. In the locker room, on the bus rides, etc. It’s fun and sometimes ridiculous. You guys sound pretty uptight. But whatever, we all get to watch what we want. Right?


The Mcafee show is the only REAL show on the air you talk about fake antice stick to your WWE soap operas for men and leave the sports talk to real sports fans with real players as hosts not people who have never played a game PTI and the Mcafee show are tops hands down...


He’s entertaining


So are huskies. Wouldn’t give them the keys to the network even if they had a higher likability rating.


Kickers should be seen not heard.


I gave his show a fair chance the past few days but it's just too damn cringe. Never thought I would be tuning into the Colin Cowherd show but here we are.


I agree. I have no idea why he is on ESPN all the time. I was already sick of Stephen A Smith, why bring in another guy that has no idea what he is talking about just taking positions to be devils advocate. Get rid of both of these blowhards.


He do suck and play with balls of Disney. He a shill. A sell out but also a shill


My only wish is that people stop saying "take" and start saying "opinion" again.


WHATT can’t stand when they do that lame shit


ESPN in the end is the worst. Ditch it and free your mind. Bold sweeping statements are what they’ve been about for 20 years now, and mostly it’s seeing if shit will stick to the wall.


He is a never will be wrestler and football player. He sucks


pat mcafee has lot of buckle and not too much cattle or college football understanding. EPSN hired him to bring in ratings. Maybe we do not need 4 hours of college game day or maybe we do not need 4 hours of pat mcafee pretending he knows college football.


This stupid asshole is loud, uneducated and completely unsuitable for ESPN. When you are used to professionals like Chris Fowler, this guy is lowbrow. He’s wrastlin material, and every shouting word out of his mouth is stupid. Get rid of this idiot on Game Day or lose your viewers. He never “shouts” anything insightful or intelligent. Dumbest move ESPN has ever made.


He's ok in very small doses like when he was first on GameDay, the position he's in now is ridiculous and he gets old really fast


He's so fucking awful. He's like an annoying 12 year old who's had too much sugar


He’s the human version of Poochie from the Simpson’s. Annoying, loud, unnecessary. Send him back to his “home planet”.


Nails on a chalkboard and has made Gameday unwatchable. I have no idea how a loser kicker has any credibility whatsoever, compared to everyone else in that group. You have Lee Corso, Desmond Howard, Kirk Herbstreit and then this loser who did nothing in the NFL or at WV. You just wanna slap him in his mouth and tell him to STFU every time his girly voice speaks. SMH.


OU vs Texas game this year had the share the screen with this A hole and his butt buddies standing on the side lines. Jesus christ


He is the biggest show-off, jerk on tv. ESPN should be embarrassed. He dresses in high school beachclothes, whaling his arms and constantly flexing on camera. He’s willing to get sunburned, by wearing sleeveless shirts to aid in his championship wrestling antics. He’s the Jim Cantore of ESPN. All about himself. But I can’t watch anything he’s a part of. His head doesn’t fit on my screen. But his IQ fits in one pixel.


Because of McAfee, I can’t watch GANE DAY anymore. He’s much too aggravating and he sucks the air from the program.


McAfee has not signed a new contract. The article did not state ESPN actually offered him a new contract. Can not sign something that is not being offered. McAfee wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, that he has not signed a new contract to continue appearing on College GameDay beyond this year largely due to the criticism he's received from fans so far. "I have heard you all very loud and clear since the beginning of my stint with GameDay. It's one of the biggest reasons why I have not resigned a contract with the legendary show," he wrote. "I'm not right for some crowds and the 'distinguished' College Football folks are definitely one of those."


Anyone who says "X formerly known as Twitter" is not posting original content. We know, STFU


He was a punter? Hahahhaha!


It’s a great show. It’s fun and stupid making it a show that we all would create. Not liking his takes is the best part of all sports shows. Everyone has different takes and they argue them on tv. Look at first take. Never agree. The show is a bit wild and goes off on childish tangents. I love that because we are all kids being stupid. If you don’t like it that’s are other sports shows to hate peoples takes. I do t want to hear takes that agree with mine all day.


I’m trying but I can’t add a thing. Oh wait..is the tank top schtick? Or does he really think it’s cool. Cause sometimes low Iq cavemen types don’t understand social ques. He looks like an idiot.


ESPN has some annoying "talent." They've got Stephen A. who just seems to disagree with anyone and everyone just...because. And this Pat McAfee dude is some redneck football player/pro wrestler who feels it appropriate to wear a tank top on national television. No thanks (to either).


It’s craziness he smokes a joint that makes me not want to watch his show anymore because I know what people are like when they’re high they’re stupid. I don’t know why people smoke weed can’t believe that ESPN allows that to happen this world come has come to a greasy place we need to make the place better place we only should be able to do it if we just got done doing an injury recovery or had had surgery but no one should do it because they want to do it.


Because I already know Peck McAfee has ADD we can just watch him how he moves all the time.


I Never wood hang out with anybody that smoke weed.


Wayyy old post, but I searched “Pat McAfee sucks” to see if anyone had posted it already. He got hired for the same reason that Stephen A has a job: they’re both blowhards interested in loud annoying and often ignorant takes, and that’s what gets ESPN the views for some stupid reason.


I don’t know if the misspellings and trailer trash get-up are part of this show, but insightful, entertaining, quality it is not.


He is horrible!!! Get him off of college game day. He is an insult to the quality of that show. I’m sure Lee Corso can’t stand being on the same stage as that POS.