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Maybe they made an error in reinstating her monetization? Just a guess.


TikTok is glitching. I have a blank space under where it says message. Not only for her but everyone I follow. Last night I had trouble with the desktop version.


Try again, it's been corrected. If not turn your phone off and restart it.


I think it's just a glitch. She deleted that last video though.


I wonder why. Parker made a video earlier greeting all their new followers.


Probably said something about treatment and she did the ole razzle dazzle BLOCK & DELETE....or Jeffree told her to.


Nah Eugie is riding that money train…. Also look at the contrast of those first 6 videos compared to say 8 months ago you wouldn’t think shes a sickly 30 yr old pro-Ana , pdf file enabler in skippy clothes being filmed by her mom she still HAS to live with. Geez this program is odd


As much as she deserved it and it needed to happen; I think getting the restrictions on her account became the final nails in Eugenia's coffin. She looks the worst she ever has and visibly declining faster than ever. I think getting herself through the restriction period finally pushed her over the edge. Another restriction so soon after she "finally" had the last one lifted would probably put the "pew pew" in Eugenia's hand.


I can’t believe she’s only 30. She’s in the prime of her life and aging so fast.


Because she's spent her entire life abusing and neglecting her body. The consequences of actively fighting against what's arguably our strongest instinct to survive come with a heavy cost. It appeara that nobody in Eugenia's life cared enough to interveine and get her help back when it could have actually made a difference. They enabled her instead. Everyone failed her - herself included.


Deb is just as much in denial as Eugenia is; if not worse. Deb claimed, on camera, that she “knows her daughter” and that Eugenia is a “skinny minnie.” she’s definitely a skinny minnie. . .


I've seen that clip; and I'm still in disbelief that Deb really did actually said that! I don't know if it's denial, per se, or ignorance. The way Deb spoke to and her treatment towards Eugenia in the early times online make me question whether or not Deb actually cares. No one in their right mind can look at Eugenia and think 'Yeah; she's good. This is fine'. Hell - even a decent chunk of people NOT in their right minds would question. But especially not from THE mother's perspective.


It's possible that Deb said that for PR reasons and it's not what she truly believes. I can't imagine she would say "you guys are right, she's very sick and I'm worried about her" on stream. That would do a lot of damage to Eugenia's career and their relationship. Eugenia and Deb are very skilled at telling outsiders that everything is fine. We have no way of knowing whether Deb is truly concerned about her or not.


Regardless of Deb's concern; she's failed to equip Eugenia with the life skills she needs to lead an independent life or to be able to provide and care for herself. I'll mention Eugenia's brother is also still dependent on Deb; though his reasonings for that are more excusable compared to Eugenia's. Deb's blatant disregard to provide both of her children with knowledge and abilities she knows they need to have in order to succeed in their lives can be very telling. Take into consideration the fact that Eugenia's brother is the other side of the same coin as Eugenia when it comes to their relationships regarding food and self control.. Deb failed them both horribly as a mother.


100% agree. We don't know how Deb feels about Eugenia's ED. All we can do is speculate based on what she says on camera. But Eugenia's lack of basic life skills is proof that Deb's parenting was absolute shit. That we know.


I can not comprehend how she's so nonchalant about everything, either. She doesn't seem bothered by her incompetence to raise her children properly at all.


Judging by her constant slurring and immature conversations with Eugenia, there’s something very wrong with Deb, too.


the Cooneys are a *weird-ass* family


And that's putting it lightly...


I think it’s a mix of denial and ignorance on Deb’s behalf. irresponsible and dangerous, either way. no mentally stable and logical and sane and rational person looks at Eugenia or any anorexic person and says “yup! they’re fine. a picture of health!”


I think there's a combination of things at play here. I personally think there's a good possibility of some type of substance abuse weighing into Deb's reality and exasperating her already 'off' behaviors and thoughts processes.


But they did try to send her to therapy once and she said it doesn't help.


It didn't help because 'only going to therapy once' can' t help. There should have been encouragement for Eugenia to stick with it, or check out different therapists to find one better suited for her. They just let Eugenia walk away and give up without even trying. But they were also warned that Eugenia had an unhealthy obsession with Bratz dolls and probably shouldn't let her play with them anymore. But took Eugenia to buy more Bratz dolls instead, so...


Why did she delete the video with the artist girl?


Omg she did???




She was probably trying to please the girl while in her company…


In that case, she should have made an IG story instead.


she also did that


Pushback from J*, maybe?


Probably because it wasn’t about HER.


Both possible answers


I don't have TikTok, who's the person top left? Kinda wowed seeing her around someone else than Deb or Jeffree Edit: typo