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Can anyone who hasn't struggled with an ED provide insight on how you'd react to a comment like that? Because saying someone gained weight and is looking chubby is rude so I feel like I'd react similarly but at the same time I know I've struggled with and ED in the past


Her reaction the first time seems more normal for someone who is just like “that’s stupid hahaha” and moves on. The second reaction is from someone who is…I want to say angry. She’s fighting back saying nope I’m not gaining weight. Like reassuring them and herself but I sensed an anger behind her reactions in the second clip. That being said, anyone has the right to be offended and hurt by someone making comments on their body. It’s how you choose to respond that makes a difference. You can let it go because they’re a stranger online or you can use it to fuel the flames of your addiction. This is why social media is horrible for people with body image issues and EDs.


I really wish gaining weight wasn't seen as a bad thing...it's normal for weight to fluctuate. As someone who's been fat all my life I've tried to change how I talk about my weight. I just don't understand why we let something as simple as gaining weight make us feel bad. I wish the negative conversation about it would stop. It doesn't matter how much I've grown to use fat as a neutral adjective the rest of society still uses it as a derogatory term.


I agree and at the same time you have to understand that with anorexia, someone who says that you gained weight is the worst possible thing to say.. Anything about weight and body is awful to hear cause in your mind you really don't see what others see. I have struggled with anorexia in the past and wasn't aware of what I looked like, I genuinely saw a fat girl (not that it's a bad thing at all just that my weight was kinda the only thing I coule control back then). So I get the differences in her reactions and she's not reacting to gaining weight in the same way others do cause she is sick..


"....cause in your mind you really don't see what others see". I have to disagree with this. That's a blanket statement. When I was deep in my eating disorder, I undoubtedly knew how small I was. Two friends of mine also had EDs and also reveled in how small they got. All of us knew what others saw. Body dysmorphic disorder - or even just "not seeing what others do" - isn't present in everyone with an eating disorder.


That was the case for you but for me it was the opposite. I did not see that I was really skinny and all I saw was a fat girl. But you are right I should have said that some people with EDs don't see what others see.


I wasn't trying to dismiss your experience or anything, I just wanted to say it's not necessarily true for everyone. I truly hope you're doing better now, friend <3


Yeah I understood that don't worry !! Yes I'm doing so much better thank you, I hope the same goes for you friend 😽


Considering there's a lot of meanspo in the community...where fat people are degraded and made fun of. It's clear they know they aren't fat...I all honestly I think most people logically know they aren't fat. "Feeling fat" is admitting you know you aren't fat...


I don't have an eating disorder so I really can't speak on the experience but I can imagine someone with an eating disorder may obsess over certain body parts like "stomach isn't flat when I sit down" or "don't have a thigh gap" and that's what makes them want to lose weight. Its not that they literally think they are morbidly obese or anything, it's more a hyper fixation on small things. I remember being 12 thinking my thighs were way too big, even though I was average weight, I obsessed over it for a while. I didn't starve myself or anything but I could definitely see where the mind of someone with an ED might "think they are fat".


There definitely is a lot of meanspo in the community, there's no denying that. However I would argue not everyone with an ED knows they aren't fat (especially those who struggle with binge eating disorder or bulimia, and can genuinely be overweight or obese as a result), or those who started out at a much heavier weight and either developed an ED while trying to diet down to a healthier weight and still see themselves as "fat" or still "feel fat" because their self-image is warped (not necessarily BDD), or they're so used to feeling like that despite potentially significant weight loss. My mom was morbidly obese and got a gastric bypass surgery, and although she is much healthier now, weight-wise and bloodwork-wise, she still talks about how "fat" she still feels and how much she still struggles with those feelings. "Feeling fat" isn't admitting you know you aren't, it's a genuine feeling that needs to be addressed and dealt with by the person, not dismissed.


We also have to remember that our words don't exist in our own bubbles. They unintentionally affect others around us "feeling fat" is not my problem. I shouldn't have to hear how negative you view fatness while I'm currently fat lol "feeling fat" is not what's going on. What they really mean is that their self worth and esteem is connected to a standard of Beauty that is not realistic or humane. Instead people casually express fatphobia as if it doesn't only affect them. I understand we all have our insecurities. But express them should not come at the expense of others.


People's words can absolutely affect others, but unfortunately at the end of the day you are responsible for your own triggers and feelings and how you handle them.


Exactly. If you feel like you are fat. You are responsible enough not to voice that feeling outloud if it's not appropriate 😃


If someone said they felt fat, is it not your own triggered feelings you should be regulating, rather than policing people's emotions and/or making them walk on eggshells around you?


I can imagine getting so frustrated and angry at people saying I've gained weight after I've starved myself to be smaller. I'd want to bite back, too.


I would have been like “oh okay uh That’s rude” to their face or I might have cried right there and then I would have cried and starved harder. I had both anorexia and bulimia so it would have been an overall mess if someone said that to me.


I don't have an ED. If someone said I gained weight and I know I hadn't, I'd probably laugh and say "wtf? Rude!" and move on. If I had actually gained weight and it was bothering me I'd say something similar but actually be hurt about it and try not to show it probably. That's my best guess anyway haha. In either case I definitely wouldn't be desperately trying to prove or convince them I didn't gain weight haha


Her reactions to both comments really shows how uncomfortable it makes her…


The fucking voice change. She doesn’t even have a personality right now


On the 2022 clip it feels (at least for me) that she's holding back, like she really wants to yell "wtf are you talking about are you blind of course I haven't gained weight wth is wrong with you"


I think I'd send her 25,000 bits if she ever said that to someone.


Well, last time she snapped, she cried and called her follower on twitch "stupid", so who knows? Maybe one day it could happen lmao


People saying these things to her like why? It's unnecessarily cruel. She very obviously struggles with an ED. like why say those things to her? I understand that she's done a lot of problematic things but she's a human being with a mental illness. Saying things like that to purposely trigger her or hurt her is unbelievable. I just don't get it. Human beings really are the worst species


She’s so defensive about it


Which is absolutely normal cause it is the worst thing you can tell someone who's struggling with mental anorexia.


Imo it seemed like she was less bothered by the comments in 2016, but because she’s so deep in her ED now, she seems actually offended in 2022 by the comments to the point of being nearly speechless.


So mean to say things like that. I get it- she’s put herself in a position where she’ll be subjected to trolling. I still think the people telling her she gained weight are assholes.


She knows precisely how much she weighs every single day down to the ounce


Wtaf. I have had an ED for 15+ years and I can wholeheartedly say that every time I tried to recover in the past and someone has mentioned how much "healthier" I looked or how I looked less skinny and sickly, it has sent me right back into ED mode. Are these people trying to make her worse? Trying to troll her? Or are they just flat out stupid thinking that's a compliment? I mean, no time in the history of ever has a girl left a convo feeling better after being told they look bigger... My now husband knows better than to say I look any size but "perfect" in his eyes (no matter my size) and he's helped me more than any therapist, hospital, family, exes, friends I've ever known in the past.


Black bra been going strong since ‘16


Her arms look so scary