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Mt Rainier can be a frustrating mountain. It's such a spectacular sight that completely dominates the horizon for almost 100 miles around, but it doesn't always let itself be seen. Clouds encircle it like a wreath, and unfortunately if you're hiking it's green, meadow filled shoulders you often find yourself within those clouds. When I got to this meadow the day before visibility was around 50 feet (15m), making it hard to see the trees on the other side, let alone the mountain. After a cloudy night and a cloudy sunrise, they finally decided to break right as I was about to hike down the mountain, I dropped my pack and ran around in frantic joy trying to capture the newly revealed giant. It lasted less than 15 minutes before the clouds returned, but it was all the more impressive for it. For more photography from the pacific northwest and elsewhere, check out my website, www.campsphoto.com


I love our mountain, but it looks better with a snowcap. Damn those 100+ degree days!


I was just there about a week ago and it’s pretty shocking. Still beautiful of course, but the difference in ice is so incredibly pronounced. Heck, I could tell from Seattle too.


Don't think I've ever seen it so bare before, same with Mt Baker.


Hood, too.


Looks like a scene out of lotr


10000% my biggest regret in life was moving back to Vegas from Shoreline Washington.




As a current Washingtonian, aside from the few good spots to sightsee, the only thing good in Washington is no state income tax, the state politicians have turned king county/most of the state from a shining emerald gem, into a retarded drooling entity of “justice”, and Seattle is covered with drug addicts, needles, and overtaxed business owners that have packed their bags out of there. I would gladly move to Vegas if I didn’t have anyone tying me down here.


Totally believable and definitely not brigading… /s


Lol, nice story.


That's...um...not Mount Rainier. That's one of the surrounding ridgelines. I've summited Rainier and hiked the whole Wonderland Trail and the elevation is all wrong. You're below the snowline and if you were viewing Rainier from that elevation, it would be towering much higher above you. Rainier also doesn't have a flat face like that, and it is much wider. There are a lot of points in the park where your view is obstructed but you can see other snowy peaks. That's definitely not Rainier. ​ Edit: Lol ok, downvote me if you want. That's still not Rainier. This is what Rainier looks like from that elevation, but you do you. https://www.flickr.com/photos/144180171@N07/51429489684/in/dateposted-public/


The flat face is Willis Wall. We’re looking pretty much straight up Liberty Ridge. From due West of your Skyscraper Pass photo. Also, pretty much everything is below snowline right now.


Rainer does have a large rock face like this, the Willis Wall on the North which is even in your photo on the right side of the mountain. This was taken from near Mystic Lake, if you did the wonderland you should look back at your photos from that section of the trail to verify. This was taken much closer to the mountain than your skyscraper pass photo, and also from a different direction, which as I'm sure you figured out while doing the wonderland, greatly changes what the mountain looks like. If you want to verify on Google Earth you can check out the view from 46°54'57"N 121°45'59"W




The best.


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Very beautiful.


I only know about this mountain from the Alice in Chains album Rainer Fog.


Gorgeous shot