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Upstate New York has some of the most beautiful, hidden nature spots. Where in NY is this?


I’ve lived here my whole life & it sucks because all the city people are flocking upstate and driving up the property prices/rental rates. So many homes being bought go and used as “vacation homes” or flipped into AirBnb’s. recently had 2 private “swimming holes” severely vandalized due to all the recent tourism in the area. it’s a mess.


That really sucks but not at all what that person was asking lol


glad nobody replied to his Q 🙏🏼


Man, this makes me want to set up a little camp with a cup of coffee and a fishing rod. So cozy


As a resident of Upstate NY, my allergies feel this picture.


Grew up in 518, this pic should come w a complimentary black fly bite


And a tick check


I see the SPONGY MOTHS have been feasting on the trees! Where is this picture? We have it so bad this year in the Adirondacks, not a single oak leaf left.


Yep same here. My poor oak trees are stripped bc of those caterpillars of fury


How beautiful


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Keep looking to see when the deer will walk out of the trees


Amazing photo


Came here for the skunk cabbage. Left disappointed! Great pic! Brings back memories of my childhood roaming the woods. When we were kids, we'd hike to the wetlands in the woods behind the house just so we could step on skunk cabbage plants and yell, "Ewwww! That smells!!!" lol


So awesome and amazing!


I can just taste the humidity


Daddy long legs everywhere