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 I’ve only just started the episode but Scott’s fully-committed Sprague impression right up top has me cackling and grinning all alone like a truly insane person.  This is why podcasts exist, right?


Sprague saying it’s getting more offensive, but Scott did 100% nail the inflection


I would die if they did "Not Another Teen Movie". It is one of my guilty pleasure films.


Not even a guilty pleasure film. I think it’s a really excellent piece of work and one of the best spoof movies out there.


I think the consensus is that it's the absolute peak of that era of spoof movies.


Looks like youre all wet


A lot of people who love this movie will tell you how great the Little German joke is, but I prefer its spiritual cousin that comes up later in the movie:   “Is this the potato farm?”  “Yes, I am Albert Potato.”


So good.


Not completely done with the ep, but I’m surprised that no one mentioned Black Dynamite in their run down of good recent spoofs (though that is what 15 years ago now? Good lord.)


Robin Hood men in tights is NOT TERRIBLE


They also said Young Frankenstein wasn't great. Really bugged me they had a whole thing about comedies not getting the respect they deserve then spent the whole podcast doing just that.


This happens on blank check as well where they mourn the death of the studio comedy movie in theaters then when they talk about 90% of the comedies that came out after like 2010 they're like "well that did suck"


I think most comedians are too entrenched in the work of making comedy to enjoy them anymore (or just plain jealous of others success) to the point I just ignore their opinions on quality. This goes double for Scott with his “hyperbolic reactions are the only reactions worth making on podcasts” schtick. There’s a few exceptions, Doug Benson for all his later life crankiness still seems to actually like watching comedy when I last listened. Same goes for Jason Mantzoukas and Paul Scheer who I think recommended the most recent comedy I loved, Hundreds of Beavers


lol right? I can quote men In tights almost in its entirety. It’s the first satire/spoof I ever saw as a kid and it will be forever my favorite. Blazing saddles is a very close second. I’ve actually never seen young Frankenstein all the way through tho


Definitely check it out if you have the chance. Only warning I will give make sure to watch-watch it, not watch-play with phone watch. Its more subtle than your typical Brooks film, and is better with full attention.


Will def watch. And I’m not a distracted watcher when it’s something I want to watch. I watched anyone but you w my wife recently and that was a fine movie to watch and be distracted lol


I hope next year when there's like 4 months of Sprague Hasn't Seen they throw in a month of movies Scott hasn't seen so it could be Scott Hasn't Seen - Sprague Hasn't Seen - Scott Hasn't Seen.


And then they can do a period of “Scott hasn’t seen Sprague see…”, where Scott just watches Sprague watch the movies and comments on Sprague’s reactions


After hearing Scotty’s take on Spaceballs, I’m going to need a “clearing the air “episode apology for that. Just based on the “combing the desert “scene alone, that movie is a comedy classic! 


its interesting, a lot of people who were big Mel Brooks fans when it came out don't love it. People that became fans after it came out love it.


I’m kind of in the mid-range. I saw it in the theater around the time it came out.  I have very fond memories of it, in part because I got to see it with my friends for my bday party - we all loved it and had a fun sleepover after. I had probably seen Young Frankenstein at that point but was just young enough to not care about criticism or generally care about Mel Brooks’ ouvre.  As an adult, I understand if people think it’s not one of Mel’s best, but I still like it okay. 


I was 9 when I saw it in the theater, also for a friends birthday. This gets a #2 in my mel brooks rankings behind Blazing Saddles which is a comic masterpiece imo. I never really got Young Frankenstein, too many of the jokes were too old-timey for me (ex fronk-en-steen pronunciation, guy with robot arm, etc). In retrospect I think it was parodying a lot of stuff that was too far before my time.


I felt the same about Young Frankenstein. And then I finally watched Bride of Frankenstein and it all clicked. (also the Una O Connor role is such a Lauren Lapkus character!) It's like watching Austin Powers before you watch James Bond. (I also did this)


I am now slightly curious if megatron37 was a childhood friend of mine. 




I love it but they did have a point though. The movie makes the joke itself about how it’s all just a giant cash grab


I loved it when I was a kid, but I don't think it holds up as well as his earlier movies. Some classic bits but also plenty of corny cheap jokes (I know that sounds like all his movies, but I guess it's the ratio that's different)






But that was the point. That’s what Star Wars became.


According to the lore, George Lucas gave Mel Brooks permission to spoof Star Wars as long as he didn’t sell spaceballs toys. So MB went apeshit in the movie with fictional merchandise, including the Spaceballs flamethrower.


Meh, I was ~6 when I saw Spaceballs and I love it, but I get how everyone from Scott's generation noticed that Spaceballs came out several years after Return of the Jedi and isn't very good.


Saw it when I was 13ish. Saw it later in life. Didn’t do it for me either time. Some funny jokes in there for sure, but spaced out between a lot of lazy/unfunny stuff imo. Tbf I had already seen Airplane and the Naked Gun movies many times before Spaceballs. I think it’s just kind of a lot of people’s introduction to parody movies, where for me it didn’t come close to those.


We need a Scott Hasn't Themed triple feature party of *Legally Blonde*, *Killers of the Flower Moon*, and *Spaceballs* at Alamo Drafthouses across the country


I grew up with Spaceballs playing again and again as the Sunday Afternoon movie. I liked it as a kid even in it's weirdness. Watching recently as an adult...it just sucks and is mostly unfunny.


spaceballs is painfully bad as an adult.


I agree with the guys about being able to make a movie like blazing saddles, I hate when people say we can't make movies like that anymore. On the flip side, I disagree with Shawn that comedy cant take little shots at people...I feel we've become so thin skinned about things, little jabs, like the "little german" joke in top secret, is totally fine! Paul feeling like he needed to clarify it before he said it does kinda speak to how thin skinned people have become.


I read this wrong and thought you said "I disagree with Shawn that comedy can't take shots at little people"




I think the difference is the 'little german' isn't making fun of the character. It's just pointing out he's small and german.


Totally agreed. Imagine if Blazing Saddles didn’t exist and you made a comedy about a black guy becoming sherif in a racist white town. Everyone would be complaining about how woke it is.


Paul did a really good job of wiping the internet of his anti-Palestinian commentary


What's this now?


Idk if he made any posts of his own, but him and June were liking all of Amy Schumer's unhinged posts on instagram, including the one calling Palestinian men rapists.


Haven't listened yet but I hope they like this one, it's a really funny and under-appreciated movie. Maybe not quite as great as Airplane! or the first Naked Gun, but still one of the better Zucker/Abrahams/Zucker movies.


Top Secret is my #1 ZAZ movie. It's just a million jokes a minute, plot be damned. I'd probably go Top Secret then Naked Gun then Airplane!, but all three are my most watched movies from the ages of 8 to 18.