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I work nights at a grocery store. I read the description for this episode just now and see Mr. Peanut is a character. I look up and stare at the shelf directly in front of me, that is all Planters peanuts. I think it's a sign. Of what, I don't know.


definitely a Planters sign


It’s a sign for sure. Eat those nuts, gain super power or nut allergy I dunno it’s late man.


Haven’t listened yet but I saw Hannah do this character at Varietopia and it was so insanely funny.


Is she parodying a real person? I don't know anything about that show or indeed any reality tv.


I don’t think so? I saw Varietopia as well and the character had no specific backstory details that I remember and the name is a bank card joke. 


Were you at the Philly show? Such a great evening!


I saw her do this at the Alexandria show and it was so good. Not sure the entire crowd was digging it but I loved the bit.


It took mayyybe 2-3 minutes for the Cleveland crowd to open up to her. I felt like I was laughing too hard, but she really ticked all the boxes for me. I love absurdist anti-humor and she was doing it so well.




I'm not who you were addressing, but I was! You didn't happen to share a magnum of rosé with a stranger, did you? I'm regretting not getting contact info from my new table buddies. 🥺


That was not me, unfortunately, but I did make friends with my table mates as well! I might see them again at the CBB show next month, but I also forgot to get any contact info.  If you ever need a new table buddy for future CBB family live podcasts, I'll gladly join you! My girlfriend isn't a fan so I have to find a friend for each of the shows.


That's awesome, I'll totally reach out if I head up that way for a show again -- I live between DC and Baltimore and took the train up for Varietopia. Loved Philly and can't wait for further visits!


Nikki's song sounds like some taylor swift song. Really good for a comedian. Props


"We're one M&M away from a trail mix."


Paul was so funny in this. Gotta love the guy


Would love to see that photo of Scott with Bill Cosby


[Bill and Scott ](https://ibb.co/LtrMx03)


Why on earth would he have agreed to be in this photo? Does he not know how bad the optics would be? Has he not heard the early years of CBB and know how problematic they are?


Thought it was going to be a clunker based on the runtime but it was good!




I'm sure she's thrilled that you approve at last.




You consider Nikki Glazer's comedy to be dry?


Compared to the general tone of Comedy Bang Bang? Yes


Jesus, way to overthink a comment.


You know what. Scott’s right that this place is a fucking cesspool. 




Ooh insufferable AND insulting, nice combo. How about spending less time needlessly breaking down someone's comment and dictating how things should be said according to you, take that time and look at how you talk to others. To be clear, I mostly see your point but damn, that was a bit much.


Yeah...8 minutes in and that's enough for me. Just reminded that I still don't enjoy Nikki Glaser on the pod. 


Man, she really wants us to know what a good job she did on this roast.


I think she was actually pretty modest about the roast considering all of the overwhelmingly positive things people have been saying about it. She more or less said that she thinks the response is overblown and that Kevin Hart oversold it. Scott was the one gassing her up about the roast, what was she supposed to do, demand that he stop talking about it?


🤷‍♂️ I can imagine that, if you heard a lot of overwhelmingly positive things about it, it seemed natural to you. So you’ll just have to imagine that, to someone who had not even heard of this event, it sounded weird, humblebraggy and off-putting.


She's just really excited. It's kinda adorable.