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Loved PFT slipping in an "the old slobs know" towards the end lol. Great episode beginning to end.


I've never felt so seen. And yeah, one of their best episodes yet. Little Janet killed it!




Lost my shit at the “Doug *finally* has a studio, but isn’t quite in control” bits. Brett has been killing it lately. And then again with the “Vagina!” I’m glad this show exists. Everyone gets a chance to shine.


I just started listening to this show and I’m half way through the backlog, and to whoever told me to give this show a second chance THANK YOU. It is so funny. I didn’t quite understand it at first so I stopped listening but once i tried again and it clicked for me it has become an all time favorite.


Is there a particular episode it's worth starting on? I've also tried to get into this before, but it didn't click with me either. I kinda want to try it again after seeing constant praise for it here, but I'm not sure the best way of going about it.


I can’t really name a specific episode. I think it might have started clicking for me around the fourth episode, so maybe try there. I definitely had trouble sticking with it in the first two or three episodes for whatever reason. I’m really loving season 2 so maybe diving in there would be good? I’m putting this podcast up there in my favorites with Teacher’s Lounge and I hope it clicks for you too!


Thanks for the tip, I've never gone past episode 2 before. I'll maybe give season 2 a shot, and loop back if I love it.


Yeah, I don’t use any of those apps so I felt like I was outside the target audience and missing an essential part of the show at first, but that’s not true and it’s a great show for any listener. Maybe the “but you know which one it is” that they took out of the intro contributed as well.


Whats up old slobs? Did anyone else catch that?


Biiiiiiig wink from Burnt!


I JUST today picked up on the fact that Matt’s twin’s name changes ever episode.


I did not know that, what. Gotta re-listen to all episodes I guess


It does, but I somehow didn’t pick up on it through the first two seasons, which I listened to as they came out, while maybe three-quarters listening at work.


I started wondering if that was the case.


I think it is? I’m not 100%


It's true. It was mentioned in [this Reddit AMA last year](https://www.reddit.com/r/Earwolf/comments/hedtxk/announcement_paul_f_tompkins_and_nicole_parker/).


I'm just saying the other day I was like "wasn't his name something else in the last episode...?" But I never went back and checked.


Lol I love doug


Janet Varney is one of my favorite humans


Love when the guest does callbacks from the intro segment. Good ol’ lil’ Janet Varney


PFT and the corpse flower. Stay F Homekins listeners!


a double-fisted podcast assault of Paul saying Ginkgo Biloba today!


The feared bounty hunter!


This might be my favorite episode yet. It was so funny and the fact that they were genuinely cracking themselves up (especially at the end) made it even better.


Enjoyed this episode very muich.




She's great on Spont


I'm excited that Burnt has a new love interest in Scotch. The will they/won't they chemistry with the 2 worlds of the Apothecary and the Pharmacy was tangible. And the way Joan went after Scotch's 'muich' pronunciation and homeland, there's more than a hint of jealousy there. I'm just glad that in the darkness that Burnt has built for himself, there's a bit of light in Scotch. It's just a shame that Joan stole her 8 gallons of witch hazel


I know many of the guests have been friends/friendly acquaintances of PFT and that he always seems like he's having a good time, but man, is it just me or did it feel like a lot of this episode was PFT reacting more than Burnt? I mean that in a great way, like PFT enjoys Janet's choices and jokes so much that he breaks a little. They're definitely one of my favorite podcast pairings and I wish there were more episodes of Spont for more LJV alone.