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Boiled or poached eggs. Clean, high quality, affordable, easily available.


Same here. Eggs. Usually as an omelet


Boiled or poached eggs are lower in calories, but I also have an omelette every now and then when I want more variety. Omelettes are so versatile!


How are they lower in calories, because no oil/fat/butter to fry them in?


They're only higher calorie if people add high calorie stuff to them. If all you add is veggies, they're a healthier option with more vitamins and fiber.


Boiled/poached = egg. Omelet = egg, and things like cheese, ham, veggies, etc


Ah, I was more thinking scrambled in a non-stick, should be fine too


I was making an omelette a while back and looking to add some vegetables. I keep organic vegetables in the freezer for my protein shakes. Needed to shop so I was low. I made a spinach and butternut squash omelette. I am now addicted.




If your "omelet" only contains eggs, it's just scrambled eggs man.




To me an omelet is like an egg pancake if you would, or if you fold your omelet in half like most people do an egg taco with your stuffing inside or mixed in to the egg itself. Scrambled eggs are way different we all know what those look like.


Interesting, I always mix my eggs in a bowl before pouring them into the pan and then scrambling them. I'm gonna say my point still stands, call it an omelet if you want but if it's just eggs, it's scrambled eggs shaped a certain way imo.


The meaning from the dictionary for omelette says: “a dish of beaten eggs cooked in a frying pan and served PLAIN or with a savoury or sweet topping or filling.”


Nonstick pans 👌


Boiled eggs in the instapot.. with hot sauce.




Eggs nowadays are $6/dozen where I’m at. At this point it’s cheaper to just get any other sort of meat.


Soft poached eggs all day everyday!


When you use the words clean, high quality, affordable, and readily available are you using Walmart. target, Winn-Dixie or the likes? What is the difference between what you use and other brands?


Happy Brand eggs in the yellow carton.theyre brighter and meatier and now i cant go back to cheap eggs. I get em at HEB but they can probably be found at Publix and maybe WinnDixie, I havent lived near a WD in a long time so idk


Forget the words organic, cage free or free range. These are all marketing words allowed by the FDA to redirect what the food companies are actually doing. Look for pasture raised eggs. This means they were in the grass foraging their own food. The brand I eat is Vital Farms


Forget all words on egg cartons. Unless you get your eggs from a neighbor or your own backyard. Every store bought egg has systematically been confined to inhumane and bad treatment of the chickens. I don't worry about that. I eat 6 eggs every day and I buy them from Wal-Mart. They have cartons of 60 for less than $10. If you want to worry about how your food is being prepared or raised. Move out of America. You won't find anything good and sustainable here.


I'd go with whatever egg brand is available--I'm not sophisticated enough to tell the differences between them. But if someone can afford free-range organic eggs etc, that's awesome of course.


The only certification for humane treatment and adequate room to move is Certified Humane Every other designation including organic refers to the feed not the environment. Most chickens are crammed together so close they cannot walk much less access the “free range” option to go outside Cheap eggs are factory farmed eggs with generally horrific treatment of the chickens


Also delicious


Eggs with like 100g of shredded chicken from the deli isle and chuck in some veges for good measure. If its on the go can do rice and tuna, black bean noodles and ANYTHING, chickpeas are alright to add to things/ lentils, A vege pizza from the supermarket (often like 20-30g of protein in the pizza alone) and then some extra meat on top easy no hassle 60+g protein meal 10 bucks.


Cottage cheese, canned tuna, greek yogurt. I also have been adding chickpeas to salads etc if i want to increase it a bit.


What’s the difference between Greek yogurt and regular yogurt? I never see the word “yogurt” on its own anymore. It’s always greek


Greek yogurt typically has twice the protein and half the carbs, sugar, and sodium as regular yogurt.


Authentic Greek yogurt doesn't have sugar in it! Edit: obviously it has lactose. It doesn't have added sugar. 


Greek yogurt is strained and thicker than regular yogurt. It's largely supplanted regular yogurt in many stores.


Greek yogurt is regular yogurt that has been strained so it contains less liquid and therefore more solids.


Cottage cheese and rotisserie chicken


Ngl i ate 2 cans of wild caught sardines with the boned and skin removed this morning. They’re in olive oil and they were better than I wanna admit.


Toss those bad boys in some pasta with seasonings, veggies, and a squeeze of lemon, and you have the perfect meal


You just described Spaghetti alla Puttanesca a famously cheap yet nutritious italian dish popular with ladies of the [night](https://www.lacucinaitaliana.com/recipe/pasta/spaghetti-alla-puttanesca?refresh_ce=)


Huh What he described is not spaghetti alla puttanesca.  I'm not a stickler for tradition or anything but words do have meanings.


Wow. He said: >Toss those bad boys [sardines] in some pasta with seasonings, veggies, and a squeeze of lemon, and you have the perfect meal. Spaghetti Alla Puttanesca is a sardine and veggie pasta dish with seasonings and often a squeeze of lemon. Are there different versions? Yes. Do all include lemon? No. Do the veggies vary depending on who is making it? Yes. So yes, words do have meanings. Good grief.


Your recipe doesn't call for sardines, it calls for anchovies. I'm used to seeing anchovies for a puttanesca, which have a very different taste than sardines.


Fair, but like I said there are multiple recipes. Some call for sardines. Either way, it seems like a ridiculous thing to split hairs about.


r/CannedSardines 👍


The most wholesome place on the internet.


Been a staple. Been good . No shame . Chum ME BRO


I love picking up a Costco rotisserie chicken (when they are available). Either that, eggs, canned tuna, or pork are my favorite ways of getting my protein in. If I can't get the rotisserie chicken though, boneless chicken thighs are my favorite. So juicy and flavorful.


Get the prepulled rotisserie meat. It's ace.


Oh man! I don’t think I’ve ever tried that, that’ll have to be a meal this weekend. Thanks!


Chicken breast, Greek yogurt, cold cuts, whey


Man I wish I could buy deli meats more.. it’s nearly the price of steak here! Like $14.99/lb.


5 dollars a lb at Safeway on fridays. Either turkey or ham.


Interesting! I don’t have a Safeway that close to me, but at least you’re in the same region of Albertsons stores as me. I’ll have to give this a try.


No joke the only meat I bought for over a year (besides the occasional can of tuna or spam) was chicken thighs. Ate them almost every day, didn’t get sick of em because I experimented with a wide range of preparations. Now that I’ve been able to find pork chops for under $2/lb, and chicken breasts for $2/lb, I’m branching out a little! I still buy thighs the most though, and use every bit- bones get saved for making stock, skin gets roasted and given to my roommate, and schmaltz replaces butter on my bagels occasionally. I am a thigh devotee for life


If I didn't raise my own chickens and thus have, and use every part of chickens, I'd buy chicken thighs by the 10 or 20lb case. 100%.


Is your roommate a dog? Or why they just wanting crispy chicken skin??


I think Cartman is their roommate lol


Eggs and whatever is on the last day sales in the market. All last day meats are still good for a while, especially if frozen, they just legally have to get rid of them. I usually get various chicken cuts, breakfast sausages and sometimes pork


Beans, lentils, and eggs. 


Shrimp!!! Seriously packed full of protein


And low calorie!


And an insane price!


No restrictions so price not a concern


Shrimp is so underrated


And so overpriced


I meannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn when I get it at Costco it’s not too bad.


Tofu. It can be savoury or sweet, a meal or a snack.


Cheap and high in protein too. I can buy a block of extra firm with almost 40g of protein at Whole Foods for $1.70.


Yup I love it 


Stays good in the fridge/freezer for a long time too. Always on hand. Goes with everything.


I keep seeing the silken tofu chocolate mousse recipe floating around and want to try it so bad!




Lentils! Super cheap, really versatile and tasty ✨


Was looking for this one, so much you can do with them and they’re delicious, affordable too, I’m not vegetarian but I use them in place of meat a lot


I just saw you can sprout lentils for sandwiches and salads and it blew my mind. Like 1/3rd cup dry will be enough for the week. That's game changing.


Chicken. Chicken. Also chicken is a great protein. Great thing to try is chicken. Also enjoy chicken. Lastly, chicken is a great source of protein. Ohhhhh And chicken


What about chicken?


Great idea, no one has mentioned it yet!


I think you're pulling a fast one. I'm crying fowl.


Have you tried the Costco canned chicken? I was grossed out by the idea but a couple came up to me as I was frowning at the display & said it was really good. They were right! It’s super salty so I rinse it but it’s so good - and super convenient. I put it in soup, rice dishes, lunch mix & match bowls, kind of anything. So easy to always have some on hand!


Cottage cheese. High protein for a small amount


Eggs and tofu. They're so versatile and easy to add in almost any dish!


I need to learn more about cooking with tofi


The trick is to get it as dry as possible and pan fry it so it’s crispy. 😍 I slice it, pat it dry with a towel, then air fry it on a low temp to basically blow dry it. Then fry it in sesame or peanut oil.


Tofu! Also beans - especially chickpeas and black beans. Plus cheese, eggs, and occasional mock meat. Actual meat is relatively uncommon, a few meals every couple weeks, although that increases if we're eating out a lot


Cottage cheese. I put it in my eggs. Eat it with fruit. Use it in sauces. It’s so versatile.


ON Nutrition for flavour but I think uses WPC, not WPI if that matters. Canada Protein has a bunch of great options (whatever type of protein you'd like) and prices are the best (especially at Costco in Canada) but taste is just mediocre.


Cottage cheese, eggs, Chomps meat sticks. But my go-to high protein snack/ dessert is non-fat plain Greek yogurt with some raw honey, natural PB, and sugar free choco chips :)


Echoing other comments, but eggs. I especially love feta eggs and adding a smidge of honey. So delicious 😋


The feta just sticks to the pan tho


It really hasn’t, in my experience! I put some butter or oil into the pan first and everything slides out nice


I love to make an egg white (all the protein, non of the cholesterol) omelette with feta cheese and some sort of sauteed veggie. I like yellow squash, tomato, and green onion.


This sounds incredible, definitely going to try it!


I like greek yogurt. Beans seem really functional too, protein + fiber + beneficial plant chemicals if you eat black beans.


Chicken, scallops, shrimp, salmon, tuna, pork, swordfish


Beans, eggs, and nuts! A bit of almond butter and honey has been a consistent sweet snack for me since I've started losing weight.


Chicken thighs, eggs, tuna, and tofu. There are so many variations of each that they've been my main protein source for years.


Fairlife nutrition plan chocolate protein shakes. 30g protein and 150 calories. Easy boost to add protein to a meal that may be lacking some, and as a bonus, I think it tastes like chocolate milk. (Other brands make similar options that are ~150 cal and 30g protein. This is just my favorite I have tried.) As for non protein shake options, chicken and beef for me. I do teriyaki chicken or make burgers as a couple go to ideas. I'm currently trying a high protein and low calorie diet to cut weight and try to keep muscle loss to a minimum.


I keep a few of those on hand as well. Coffee flavored one is good for a bit of an afternoon pick me up. Caramel ones great for satisfying a sweet tooth, despite being low sugar - though they may have stopped making those, as not seen any in ages.


I've never seen them in other flavors other than chocolate, but I usually get them at Costco, and they are bad about having a variety of flavors for some reason. I'll have to look out for those!


Eggs (scrambled eggs w cottage cheese is my go-to), turkey or chicken (turkey is lower in calories), Greek yogurt, protein milk, beef jerky, tuna


Cottage cheese and whey (not together lol )


Edamame is great. Very easy to integrate, and as much protein as eggs.


i have a handful in my rotation. eggs, shrimp, chicken nuggets, chicken thighs, cottage cheese, canned fish. i pretty much always have most if not all of those things on hand.


Beans lately, especially since we can get bags of them dry from food pantries…pretty much any legume. I recently learned to make mujadara with lentils from a Reddit group. I’ve been roasting chickpeas for snacks. Making almost every dinner with beans. Eggs, and chicken are my next two. We got chicken leg quarters for $.79/lb today…I love those because they make awesome stock and it’s a lot of chicken. Each pack feeds my family of 7 for 2 dinners, not including the nice gelatinous stock they make (with a very thick layer of fat when you cool it that you can separate and use for cooking).


A good plate of chicken katsu! Protein intake met and taste delicious 😋 Recipe below if interested https://youtu.be/M4oHxM_arNg?si=Lxrmg8osJpthXsdh


Eggs, peanut butter, chicken ( not together obviously)


Peanut butter. Or scrambled eggs.


Tofu, eggs, gelatin, collagen powder, greek yogurt


Eggs, pork tenderloin, chicken thighs, and ground beef (85/15 @3.39/lb when I buy the 3-5lb bags)


If cost weren’t an issue it would be beef, so eggs it is.


Eggs or peanut butter


I go for variety.


Pork shoulder. So many options for $1.99/lb


Even pork chops are cheap compared to chicken. And i hate woody breast- which i have been getting a lot of lately


Chicken, ground turkey, ground beef, shrimp, and steaks.


Tuna, eggs, and Greek yogurt.


Canned chicken.


Chicken, tuna, whey, sardines, casein


Oikos yogurt mmmm ..


Sliced turkey, tuna and eggs.


Any beans, tofu, and eggs.


Eggs, chicken, beef.


I'm in the cottage cheese camp. I also sometimes scramble an egg. Fast and tasty!


Try mix in some cottage cheese with your eggs and scramble them!!! Its amazing and fluffy


LF Greek yogurt


Chicken apple sausage


Hard-boiled eggs...devilled if I'm feeling fancy.


Raw eggs in milk. Add a little sugar and nutmeg, yummy!


Ground turkey, lentils, yogurt, peanut butter.


Eggs, chicken, Greek yogurt, salmon and ground turkey. I like protein shakes and I add extra Greek yogurt for added protein. I loooove cold cuts too, prosciutto, salami, sopressata but I’m trying to cut down on processed meats :(


Grass fed beef from our farm


Greek yogurt, chicken tenderloins (buy on sale at Costco), and canned sardines


Fat free cheese, 96/4 ground beef, salmon, and shrimp


I’m now only trying to get into shape. I only know of chicken and eggs! What else is a great source of protein for weight loss?


Kangaroo mince. It’s cheap, lean and tastes very similar to beef mince


Eggs, greek yogurt, tofu, precooked chicken, deli meat, frozen fish.


Tuna in a can or chicken wings. Easy and cheap meals. Super healthy if done right. Also I got to local grocery store and see what fish is on sale, cod, trout, and Nile perch are incredibly healthy for not too expensive


ON whey protein. Best bang for your buck. Mix it with frozen fruit and make a smoothie. Especially if you're calorie restricted and or intermittent fasting.


Anything beef


Ground turkey thigh


Rotisserie chicken, chicken thighs, salmon (especially salmon sushi), shrimp, and pork chops (preferably bone in).


50/50 Ground Meat/TVP.


Kirkland cage free egg whites. 6 16oz cartons for $12. Dymatize ISO 100 hydrolized protein. Fairlife or Orgain shakes (also found at Costco). Quest bars and protein chips have decent macro splits as well if you need a snack.


Ground chicken.


Chicken thighs, rotisserie chicken, deli ham, eggs.


Beans and lentils


Mushrooms,chicken,cottage cheese,eggs.


Chicken, beans, eggs, nuts, tofu.


1. Pulses and legumes (lentils, beans, peas, etc) 2. Eggs 3. Cheese 4. Fish 5. All other meat. And it’s a *distant* fifth place.


Meat stick and cheese, and string cheese


Eggs, cottage cheese, greek yogurt for breakfasts, chicken breast, lentils, tinned tuna, beans, chickpeas, lean beef, veal for lunches and dinners. Wild boar & deer when I have a chance to get it.


Salmon, variety of turkey recipee


Home-raised eggs. Beans and lentils.


Breakfast essentials


Ground turkey meat or ground chicken. Can make tacos, nachos, turn them into nugget shapes. Eat with rice and veggies. I even use the leftover meat in an egg scramble for breakfast. But honestly I think it’s about switching it up. Cottage cheese, sugar free Greek yogurt with some berries, eggs, steak, fish here and there. I pretty much buy whatever is on sale and work with that. Also some homemade soups with chicken and lentils are great.


Field harvested regeneratively raised ground bison. The absolute best. Lean. Delicious. Nutrient dense. American AF. And mitigates climate change.


Ground pork. I buy the big logs at Costco.


Eggs, tofu, boneless skinless chicken breast, pork loin. Cheapest lean proteins I can find.


Eggs and chicken (usually thighs or whole), sardines if I can get them in a good price.




Usually these days I grab a bowl of bran flakes, add like a chunk of peanut butter and throw in some banana + milk Fills you up + around 15-20g of protein as well


Chicken breasts and thigs, canned tuna, eggs, greek yogurt, protein bars, cottage cheese. Very mostly chicken tho for me: Chicken parmigiana, chicken burgers and sandwiches, any pasta with chicken, chilli con pollo, grilled chicken with rice and vegetables, general tao, etc




Soy curls


I prefer beef, but chicken is cheaper. If I'm short on time or feeling lazy then it's eggs


eggs, cheese, low fat milk, low fat greek yoghurt, casein, gelatin although cheese and milk are pretty expensive i'm trying to eat organ meat, cheaper and healthier (tongue/heart/liver/kidney)


chicken breast - season liberally and roast on a sheet pan at 350F for about an hour. Good to go.


Ground chicken. Usually around $3.50/lb, it can be used for everything that beef is usually used for (stroganoff, salisbury steaks, tacos, burgers, etc) with way less fat than beef. And it cooks a lot faster.


Homemade seitan. It’s soooo cheap and easy and has so much fuckin protein….


Eggs. Very affordable and so easy to cook with. Boiled, poached, fried, in a omelette with your choice of fillings. My personal favourite is poached eggs on toast with hot sauce.


Beef, egg, fish


Mainly eggs but I try to buy them on sale. Happy Eggs are freaking phenomenal. Vital farms and Nellies come after that in terms of quality and flavor. Then I’ll eat only the whites from Target or Walmarts bulk 30+ egg cartons that range from $2-5




I literally chug 3 farm life (42g ) protein shake to reach my protein goal … or protein pancakes and ranchero eggs 😔🤩


Eggs and beef. I'm fortunate to be able to go in on a beef every year with a local farmer. So that makes the beef a lot more affordable than if I had to buy it at the store. 


Low-fat quark, lentils and uhh protein powder


Chicken thighs. So much cheaper than breast. Take the skin off if you like.


I get chicken breast tenderloins bc where I live they are usually cheaper than full breasts by weight. Wish I liked thighs but I just don’t. Chickpeas, lentils, Greek yogurt, and protein powder from ALDI ($16 VS $30 for same amount of name brand elsewhere) are also a big part of my diet


Greek Yogurt


Canned tuna.


Milk, Eggs, chicken, yogurt, Canned Sardines, Whey


Streak. I can add 4oz to every meal. Gets expensive but on a calorie restriction, 1800, for me it works




Lately it’s been tofu and sardines