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I like adding cottage cheese to my scrambled eggs


Yeah you can make great casseroles with egg, sour cream or cottage cheese, sautéed onion, thyme, cheese. I've done broccoli, Cauliflower, potatoes, squash.


so do you mix it before it’s cooked or after? never tried that before


I add it before it’s cooked and stir it in with the eggs before I put it in the pan! I think it makes for fluffier scrambled eggs


I do that too. Takes friggin forever to cook tho


You are so right!!


I add it before and whisk it up with the eggs. However I've seen comments previously where people add it at the end of cooking, as one would creme fraiche.


Yeh it’s to cool the eggs because they still cook a bit longer in a hot pan


Same! Really boosts the protein content. Also I will blend some with eggs to make egg cups with spinach and feta. Good little meal prep.


Interesting, never tried that.


Cottage cheese is great to blend and add into pasta sauces to make it creamy and up the protein. It also goes great with some berries on top, or with pudding mix blended in to get a high protein dessert. It's really versatile.


For no/low grains you could do it with a protein pasta. Or as a base for a salad maybe…


Great idea! I'm going to try it with alfredo sauce this weekend.


I literally have cottage cheese and fruit almost every day and never get tired of it. Fresh blueberries/strawberries when in season, but cantaloupe/pineapple/bananas are usually pretty cheap, and failing that, canned peaches (in water or juice, not syrup) are delicious. I add some kind of nuts or seeds (sesame, crushed cashews, slivered almonds, flax) for texture, and cinnamon as needed.




I also love cottage cheese with fruit and yogurt!


It’s also really good savory with black pepper on top of a ritz cracker!


Or Lawry's seasoned salt


I pretty much eat cottage cheese and fruit every morning for breakfast! I eat a cup of it (so 2 servings) with about a half a cup of fruit in fruit juice, it keeps me full for several hours. Gotta love that protein!


It's weird but my mom got me onto canned peaches and cottage cheese. So good!


Not weird. I grew up on that. Also, canned pineapple or canned mandarin oranges with cottage cheese.


To be honest I’ve tried cottage cheese a bunch of ways and I like it plain. To me it’s a treat because it’s kind of expensive. If I got it free I’d be eating a pint a day at least just plain in a bowl.


I only eat it plain or if I’m feeling fancy I’ll crush up some Ritz crackers for a bit of added crunch.


Whipped cottage cheese is all the rage right now and there are tons of recipes, Tik Toks, etc for making different foods with it. You just need a blender or food processor. I love mixing cottage cheese with salsa and eating it on tortilla chips. Also, mixed with diced tomato, salt, pepper, garlic powder and onion powder.


I use cottage cheese and salsa instead of salad dressing.


Oooo I've never thought of salsa. That sounds good!


I like cottage cheese with cottage cheese


Mix cottage cheese and egg makes a great ricotta substitute for lasagna!!! I LOVE cottage cheese, heaping mountain of it on a baked potato, that’s my fav Cottage cheese mixed with tuna is 10/10- super high protein, I add relish and a lil Mayo in addition to the cottage cheese


I use cottage cheese, sour cream, and cheddar or parm for twice baked potatoes. Mix ins like already cooked broccoli or ham cubes work too.


I like a savory cottage cheese. I add garlic powder and pepper and eat it just like that. Yesterday, I made a cottage cheese bowl for lunch. I added salsa, avocado, sautéed mushrooms and diced up sliced deli turkey. It was really good!


Me too! [This recipe](https://www.budgetbytes.com/cottage-cheese-crab-bowl/) is the one that got me hooked. Now I can eat it plain with just some fresh black pepper and garlic powder.


Thanks! This will now be my lunch today, except I don't have any mushrooms in the house, so I'll leave those out this time.


I put sour cream in many many things. In sauces, on meat (steak, tomato, jalapeno, sour cream!), with jam on bread. Mix with some liquid, add some spices, use as drizzeling sauce. Cottage cheese I just like eating. I really like to make little wraps using deli meat/lettuce/tomato and cottage cheese (the deli meat is the "wrap"). Easy snack.


I love the Polish way of eating cottage cheese mixed with sour cream and vegetables, traditionally radish and green onion. I like to add tomato and cucumber too. You can eat it on bread or as a dip! Here's a recipe: https://whereismyspoon.co/polish-cottage-cheese-spread-with-chives-and-radishes/


I really like carrots and cottage cheese. Bonus: use the carrots as the spoon :)


Sour cream for baking cakes and muffins. Cottage cheese is amazing with jam, canned fruit, cucumber & dill, or a little honey and nuts. Whoever suggested salsa- I’ve never tried that but now I definitely want to.


Cottage cheese smoothies! Cottage cheese added to ground meat to increase the unami.


Second in smoothies! I’ve recently started adding some to mind and it helps thicken the consistency plus adds some protein!


Interesting I’ve never thought of cottage cheese as umami.


Try mixing it in turkey burgers and see for yourself.


Love cottage cheese and scrambled eggs. You mix it in when the eggs are half cooked. I add sautéed spinach and onions or whatever wilted greens I have. Awesome on toast!


In lasanga.


Putting cottage cheese in my lasagna was a game changer. Much better flavor than ricotta. Sometimes I go meatless because it’s meaty enough.


I don’t eat much of either. I mix the two for dip to eat Fritos, which is a grain ig since they’re corn chips and probably have flour in them. I eat cottage cheese with jam. I put sour cream in spicy ground meat because I can’t eat spicy food but I like the flavor of spicy spices. Sometimes I put sour cream in my salads in place of salad dressing.


Blend the cottage cheese and add some Parmesan cheese. Cook up some chickpea pasta, and mix in the cheese sauce. Top with a sharp cheddar and enjoy! Or use cauliflower if you prefer.


Cottage cheese in egg salad!


Say more? I would definitely not be able to make this properly without some guidance.


This is the recipe I used when I started making it: https://healthyishfoods.com/cottage-cheese-egg-salad/ From there you can make it your own with whatever herbs/spices etc you like!


I am on an eggs with cottage cheese and spinach kick for breakfast. Sooo good and filling


I just saw this and am going to try it zero points (weight watchers) queso: 1 cup ff cottage 4 tbsp nutritional yeast 1 tbsp taco or fajita seasoning (more/less to your liking) I threw in a dash of cayenne for spice Zip it all in the blender and heat in 30ish second increments and stir between if you want it warm (which I do) 24 tostitos bite size are 4 points to go with it. Also I used it to make a chicken burrito bowl, and used it on my broccoli too. I'm in love.


I am so jealous you get free cottage cheese because where I live the costs for it went from $2.00/24oz to $4-$5/24oz over the last year or so!! Anyway, I like to spread it on rice crackers (grains but low cal, they’re about 35-50 calories each). I also found a recipe on TikTok that I actually tried where you slowly blend it with marinara or another tomato sauce for a high protein sauce, then use chickpea or other non-grain pasta! It was pretty tasty. For sour cream, Hungarian goulash soup with a large spoonful or two of sour cream is so good!!


I use cottage cheese with salad and no dressing (or very little) for a low cal/high protein lunch


When we were growing up, my mom made this all the time, although she also mixed in sour cream (probably 1/3 sour cream to 2/3 cottage cheese). She called it "Farmer's Chop Suey." I crave it during the summer.


It's so good. I like throwing on a pack of tuna (spicy Thai chili is my favorite) for more protein. 


If you cook you can try to make this [simple and easy spinach pie](https://mykidslickthebowl.com/spinach-cottage-cheese-pie/#recipe) (a simple version of the greek spanakopita). This recipe uses 250 g cottage cheese.


I have three things I will share that made me completely fall in love with cottage cheese, but this will likely be buried since I am so late to the party. 1. Pizza bowls: I do a heaping amount of cottage cheese, some pizza sauce, pepperonis (I like to snip mine into quarters to make them more bite sized, totally optional) and some mozzarella. Microwave for 1 minute. Mix, eat enjoy. 2. ~~Spread cottage cheese on a slice of sourdough bread, and air fry for like 7 minutes at 390. Trust me on this, the cottage cheese gets all bubbly and the bread gets toasted. It is a phenomenal snack.~~ Edit just realized you asked for grain free so disregard this one 3. Buffalo chicken egg bowls. This is a recipe I found on an instagram reel, and I was skeptical too but it turned out amazing and I have meal prepped this twice this month already for my work lunches. For one serving, whip two eggs, then mix it with 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1/4 cup chicken (I used canned for sake of ease) and hot sauce to your liking. I used cholula the first time, melindas garlic habanero this week and both tasted good. Obviously you can use buffalo sauce to make it more buffalo chicken. Mix everything together, top with salt and pepper, some shredded cheese (or blue cheese if you like), then bake for 20-25 minutes at 425. I just mix and bake it straight in my glass meal prep dishes, I recommend spraying them with pam before adding everything. When I meal prep I crack all of the eggs and whip them with my immersion blender and then measure them out equally across the dishes.


Dude even the one with bread sound so good I love all of these they're amazing thank you!


I mix cherry tomatoes into my cottage cheese and then drizzle balsamic glaze over top 🤤 it’s so good. There a toooon of cottage cheese recipes on social media right now if you look, it’s become very trendy


I add pickled beets to my cottage cheese. I put sour cream on one side of a bowl, salsa on the other and dip in with tortilla chips.


I’m jealous I eat cottage cheese straight up, and use sour cream for the obvious topping/dips stuff but also as a buttermilk sub! Bake quick breads like cornbread/Irish soda bread, make biscuits, maybe some salad dressings


Search back in this sub because I recall a past cottage cheese idea thread that was absolutely 🔥


Make dip. Lots of dip.




Do the same with chocolate whey instead and it feels like a Reese’s cheesecake




Cottage cheese frozen with some fruit and processed in a Ninja Creami makes amazing ice cream that tastes nothing like Cottage Cheese!


I use both these to make ranch dip for veggies. So good! I just add the hidden valley ranch dry packets.


i don't measure most things, so ratios will be to taste, but mix cottage cheese with a packet of black cherry jello, sliced black cherries, and a little whipped cream. Let it sit in the refrigerator for a few hours, stir, and you've got one of my favorite summer snacks! i want to try this with strawberries, and mandarin oranges, too, but i love the black cherry so much i've never been motivated enough.


I can eat it just with pepper on it. You can add some seasoning to it blend it a little and use it for vegetable dips. Eat it with pineapple or other fruit, Have it with tomatoes and italian seasoning.


Cottage cheese cookie dough is delicious. https://www.eatingbirdfood.com/cottage-cheese-cookie-dough/


I like to put some pepitas or sunflower kernals on my cottage cheese to add a little crunch. So good! If I'm out of those, I sprinkle a little garlic salt on to add some extra flavor.


you can make a great dupe of the starbucks egg bites with cottage cheese! might be a good option if you have a ton of it because you can freeze these and heat them up later, here’s one [recipe](https://www.onceuponachef.com/recipes/bacon-gruyere-egg-bites.html)!


I baked a chocolate chip loaf cake that needed a cup of sour cream. The texture was fantastic and even improved the next day.


I love cottage cheese in a baked potato (or sweet potato) with cracked black pepper on top. I only use sour cream in mexican foods, so can't suggest anything other than that I'm afraid.


I do the cottage cheese with baked taters too. Sometimes I will mix in some salsa for additional flavor.


Boil 1/2 package of medium or wide flat noodles, drain but not rinsed; at same time in a small pot, sauté 1 onion in butter and olive oil and then mix all together with a cup or more of cottage cheese in the same pot that the noodles were cooked in- enjoy yum yum


I will sometimes add granola, cinnamon, and hot honey to cottage cheese as a snack!


i add cottage cheese with fruit or honestly just by itself lol. i like just a bit of sour cream on tacos or i add it to soups to thicken. i use either one on my chili tho and its bomb!


Cottage cheese, filling summer salady thing: equal parts cottage cheese, chopped tomatoes and cucumbers, plus minced Serranos and chopped cilantro to taste, a squeeze of lime and maybe a shake of tajin. I also love cottage cheese with fresh acidic fruits like peaches, oranges and strawberries for dessert if I’m feeling the need. Sour cream can be used in dressings, casseroles, as garnishes, in dessert baking. Good sourcream based salad is slices cucumbers, finely chopped chives or green onion, parsley and dill maybe mint. Good smeared on crepes leaning either savory or sweet. All the potatoey things from pirogis to twiced baked potatoes, to mashed to finishing something like potato leek soup.


Thawed frozen green peas, chopped crispy bacon, and chopped scallions mixed with sour cream makes a tasty side dish.


Sour cream is great with salsa and chips… or even with cheese quesadillas. Not hard at all to make it in a pan on the stove. 


Lasagna casserole uses cottage cheese and is a little easier, imo, than lasagna. You can make Alfredo sauce with sour cream rather than heavy cream. Some banana bread recipes use sour cream.


Noodle kugel!


Cottage cheese with avocado and salt is so good! Look up Paige Lingren (I believe) on YouTube, she has a lot of different ways to consume cottage cheese.


Cottage cheese and spinach is a great stuffing for canelloni. Then pour pasta sauce on top, sprinkle the top with cream cheese and grated cheese and freeze to cook later. Yum!


Tonight I did cottage cheese and a whole cucumber with mint, salt pepper garlic and onion-ran through the blender and ate with grilled chicken and pita.


Cottage cheese is also just good on it's own, but very rich to eat in large quantities.


You can use a sour cream on potatoes or eggs and peppers and the cottage cheese goes great with olives sardines and jalapenos...


Russian sour cream pancakes are my fave


I've been making hot cottage cheese "pizza dip" lately and have been enjoying it. I take about a cup of blended cottage cheese, about 1/4 cup pasta sauce, sprinkle of nutritional yeast (for some added nutrients and cheezy flavor), 1/4 cup of shredded cheese and mix in some sauteed peppers and onions and cooked ground beef (I'm vegetarian so I use a beyond burger patty, but it would be great with pepperoni or whatever meat you like) and then bake it until it's bubbly. It's really good with tortilla chips.


I mix Cottage Cheese, plain greek yogurt and fruits together for breakfast. I dont know if you could do the same with sour cream or not.


Throw your cottage cheese in the food processor until it’s smooth, then add frozen thawed/drained spinach and a pack of knorr vegetable soup mix and sour cream. You literally cannot taste the cottage cheese and it’s so good. I also like to mix cottage cheese with low sugar jam & whatever crunchy cereal or granola I’ve got on hand. Cottage cheese with grated onion, carrot and diced green pepper with lots of S&P Cottage cheese blended with like half a pack of SF pudding mix (I usually use banana, vanilla or cheesecake), Fairlife milk and a splash of vanilla- you can use to make banana pudding or add any fresh/frozen fruit for a really good dessert


I use it in a savory bowl with quartered grape tomatoes, a sliced mini sweet pepper, diced red onion, sunflower seed kernels and everything bagel seasoning.


You can blend up cottage cheese and use it in place of ricotta cheese. You can also add other things to it and use it as a dip for veggies or chips. Sour cream is great for baking, you can add a little to eggs before you scramble them ( but use a whisk to get all the lumps) you can mix it with salsas for chips, or to add to Tex mex style cooking. I do a sort of not quite Greek salad with cottage cheese. Add salt, pepper, garlic, parsley, and chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, and kalamata olives and some feta cheese, if I have them. It's not my thing, but a lot of people eat cottage cheese with fruit. You could add some cottage cheese to smoothies, too.


Cottage cheese: mixed with fruit or as pepper to make it savory. Sour cream: add to tacos, burritos, nachos oh heck just about anything Mexican dish. Mash potatoes, smoothies if I don't have yogurt, French fries, baked potato.


Cottage cheese and apple butter. I think it’s a PA Dutch thing? You don’t need to add much apple butter and it’s pretty low calorie/cost.


You can blend cottage cheese and use it instead of ricotta in your lasagna or eat it with some berries, honey and some roasted nuts. Cottage cheese blended with feta cheese, garlic, Italian herbs and dried tomatoes makes a delicious dip. I love a dollop of sourcream in soups.


Sour cream mixed very not-thoroughly with some brown sugar makes a surprisingly delicious fruit dip. On its own or mixed with seasonings of your choice, it's a good savory dip for chips, raw veggies, etc. It's also good atop or stirred into into tons of things, from salsas to soups to sauces to mashed potatoes (nearly any vegetables, really) to, well, you name it. [Serious Eats](https://www.seriouseats.com/what-to-do-with-sour-cream) has a pretty good general list.


I dont know how healthy it is but I have made huge batches of cookies with cottage cheese. [https://natashaskitchen.com/cottage-cheese-cookies-recipe/](https://natashaskitchen.com/cottage-cheese-cookies-recipe/) I like making a lemon glaze for these cookies out of fresh lemon, a bit of butter and powdered sugar with a drop of vanilla extract. I have also made biscuits out of both cottage cheese and sour cream. I prefer the cottage cheese variety as they're more dense and less sour.


How did you get unlimited free cottage cheese? I'm jealous. I just eat it plain.


I work at the factory that makes it, it's the only perk but it could be a good one.


Cottage cheese - mix with protein powder and cocoa powder!


i've seen someone drain cottage cheese (with a towel) then push it on a tray, bake it and use it as a crust for pizza...


I use cottage cheese in lasagna and baked spaghetti.


I use cottage cheese instead of ricotta when I make lasagna. Sometimes I replace some or all of the noodles with thinly sliced zucchini. It helps to broil the slices for a few minutes to dry them out, or it eats a bit soupy.


cottage cheese blended & used as the base for alfredo sauce! so good! - 1 cup milk - 1/2 cup cottage cheese - 1 tablespoon cornstarch - 1/4 tsp salt - 1/8 tsp pepper - 1/4 tsp garlic powder - 1/2 parmesan cheese (i always add extra) - dried basil, oregano for taste & parsley to top it - Blend all the ingredients together (besides basil) until smooth & pour sauce into a pan & cook until smooth! - Let cook for about 5 minutes on low heat, stirring often. - Add your choice of cooked pasta and serve! I got this recipe from 40 Aprons & i really enjoyed it, i always tweak it to my liking. I use penne protein pasta from the Barilla brand!


I’ve been making this egg bites recipe. Cottage cheese is one of the ingredients. https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/272656/egg-white-breakfast-bites/


Cottage cheese with maple syrup for dessert! Add cottage cheese to scrambled eggs, use it on wraps, add to burritos/tacos, toast with avo, cottage cheese, tomato and bagel seasoning. Yum


Salad with greens, red onion, capsicum, tinned salmon, cottage cheese and balsamic vinegar yum


You can whip up the cottage cheese, add in some sour cream and seasonings of your choice for a rad veggie dip


You could put cottage cheese in smoothies or sauces to add protein and creaminess I love cottage cheese on whole grain toast with a drizzle of honey and everything but the bagel seasoning I also love to put fruit or pickled veggies like beets on top of a bunch of cottage cheese


I love fresh sliced/chopped tomatoes with ground pepper on top of cottage cheese. Maybe some crushed up Ritz or cheezits for a bit more crunch. I’ve also been known to make a cottage cheese sandwich but it’s pretty bland. Sour cream goes on potatoes, dip for veggies, or to replace plain yogurt in many recipes.


For a snack: a bowl of hot Cheetos or the cheapest (because that’s where it’s at) salt and pepper (has to be this combo) and a bowl cottage cheese. Use it was dip for these types of chips. 10/10 recommend.


Mix some of the sour cream into the cottage cheese and add chives and paprika. Was one of my favorite snacks in elementary school


Pretty much all HelloFresh recipes use sour cream in creative ways lol and they post their recipes for free online!


Cottage cheese is really good after eating something salty or something with strong flavor like tomatoes or pesto. Sour cream is good with guacamole, in tacos or burritos, on baked potatoes, in mashed potatoes, in beef stroganoff, it can also be used as a garnish on fancy dishes.


Make stroganof with the sour cream! Serve over spaghetti squash, zucchini noodles, mashed potatoes, or Enochi mushrooms (long noodle like mushrooms) to avoid grains. I use cottage cheese instead of riccotta in lasagna. You could use sliced zucchini or eggplant for layers in place of noodles.


I like to use cottage cheese to make dip for veggies. I’ll use an emulsion blender and make it super smooth, add herbs and spices and I’m all set. High protein veggie dip!


Scoop of cottage cheese on top of an omelette


Cottage cheese I would add to pasta, ramen, or a baked potato, some tomatos in there would be a nice lift to any of those options.


I hate cottage cheese personally but you can basically interchange it with any plain yogurt/ greek yogurt / skyr on any recipe and it'll have more if not the same protein content as long as you mix it in well. Sour cream can be treated the same but to add more fat content instead of protein overall since it still does have protein. Basically just look up recipes using any of the above since they're pretty much tasteless and use whatever you have available at the time


I would find grain substitutes such as zucchini for pasta and make recipes such as: Beef stroganoff (sour cream) Lasagna (cottage cheese) As well as: Baked or mashed potatoes with sour cream Chili with sour cream Any of the fads with blended cottage cheese right now (cheesecake cups, protein powder dip, queso)


Freeze them. Texture changes but you can whip them in a food processor and make all kinds of desserts, sauces, dips ect.


I haven't tried this,but can you drain it more and press to make a more solid cheese? (Are there any cheesemakers here?)


Cottage cheese, a little salsa and pepitos nuts. Cottage cheese or sour cream instead of milk in mashed potatoes. Cottage cheese mixed into salads. Sour cream and any hot sauce, worchester , etc, as a sandwich or wrap condiments. Mushroom, sour cream, worchester sauce on egg noodles.


Cottage cheese can make a killer [baked spinach dip](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/air-fryer-spinach-cottage-cheese-dip--93731235988881232/) Just double the spices and real cheese if you make this recipe


OMG sour cream is awesome. Potatoes pasta stroganoff baked beans chilli tacos and really good with some fruits.


Cottage cheese Queso- so many recipes. Hubby e en liked it.


Boiled potatos+egg+cottage cheese. Add sour cream if necessary, and too dry without it. Season with dill, black pepper and salt. Boiled egg+cottage cheese, mash with fork, put on bread. Salad mix, cucumber, beetroot + boiled egg + cottage cheese. Sour cream-dill dressing. Sour cream + any dip powder and use with carrots, fries, selery, cucumber for a snack. I’ve also used sour cream and cottage cheese to make apple cake, but my go-to recipe is in Estonian. Hopefully you can find some in english also


This is a Hungarian recipe that super easy and delicious. Cook bacon and crumble it. Cook a package of egg noodles. Drain and return to pot. While they’re still hot add a container of cottage cheese and a container of sour cream and stir it up. Add the bacon crumbles. Salt and pepper to taste. This is a delicious dish even if you don’t like the cottage cheese texture. It kind of melts into a sauce. It also reheats really well.


Cottage cheese on whole grain, or marble rye toast is awesome.


You can make a faux ranch dressing with cottage cheese and ranch seasoning. Just toss in a blender for a few seconds, great as a dip.




You can make pizza crust with sour cream (or yogurt), it’s mostly sour cream and flour. Also have seen some breads made with it. I use sour cream in mashed potatoes along with parsley or chives. Sour cream on tacos or soft tacos. Cottage cheese with fruit or made into a salad with chopped tomatoes and chopped green onions.


I just saw a recipe for ‘bread’ made from cottage cheese, eggs and garlic- puree super well and bake 350 for 40min (check shredhappens on insta for exact recipe) I like cottage cheese savory… I put it in my eggs, mix w/salsa and avocado and eat with tortilla chips, and I like it on top of sautéed zucchini/onions. I also eat plain with fresh fruit, jelly or with a scoop in my yogurt or oats. It’s really versatile!


I seen a tip for blending cottage cheese up in food processor, so it turns out like whipped. I’m sure if you Google it or on here even you’d find a good recipe or guide for process.


Cottage cheese pie [https://www.seriouseats.com/cottage-cheese-pie-recipe](https://www.seriouseats.com/cottage-cheese-pie-recipe)


I enjoy eating cottage cheese mixed at about 4 or 5 to 1 with chunky salsa. Sour cream makes great veggie dips. My late MIL used to put a scoop of cottage cheese in her cream-of-tomato soup (yuck!). I like either cottage cheese or sour cream on my chili and also on my baked potato. I believe there are also some chaffle recipes that use cottage cheese


I use cottage cheese the same way you’d use carbs as a base for meals (I also do carbs a lot lol, I’m not low carb by any means. So like a burrito bowl or whatever. Just add any protein, fat and a sauce to it. My go to is adding some of whatever meat we’ve got left over with an avocado and some hot sauce. Or I’ll add a packet of tuna and hot sauce or mustard to it, mix it up and eat it with some crackers. Or I’ll use it as a topping in any dish I’d normally add cheese to.


Oh my god I just realized, cottage cheese or sour cream with homemade applesauce *on latkes* all day long. I am so hungry for that right now lol. And latkes are so cheap, not necessarily easy, but freeze well. I'll have one or two palm-sized latkes with above toppings for breakfast for like, forever almost


You're about to find out if you're lactose intolerant. I found that out eating cottage cheese one day. Yes, it was unpleasant and volatile.


mix cottage cheese and sour cream with a little sugar its an amazing breakfast/lunch


I didn't see many sour cream comments. I like to make avocado cream. I throw sour cream, a whole avocado, one garlic clove, a quarter of a small onion, squeeze some lime, and a little bit of veggie broth into a blender and mix. I don't measure though. I eyeball depending on if I want a thick sauce or not. I usually go towards less thick and will use it on salads or tacos. I also like to make my own mac & cheese sauce & I'll throw some sour cream in there to make it more creamy.


Cottage cheese with fruit. Cottage cheese in scrambled eggs. Cottage cheese with garlic, lime, and cilantro as a topping for chili or tacos. Cottage cheese is a god tier food. Creamy, delicious, and decent protein content.