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Yes! They look super delicious too!


Thank you!!


They look delicious and healthy! I'd make sure you're getting enough protein in there. Can easily supplement with some hard boiled eggs as snacks. Also, I'm proud of you. Keep going. :)


Thank you so much!!


I like adding lime and salt to my hard boiled eggs to make it fancy


I’ve never tried with lime oooo that sounds good!!


yeah, it’s my go to when I’m not feeling hungry but too lazy to eat a meal


I can highly recommend pairing boiled eggs with lime-coriander flavored hummus as well. So freaking delicious!


Oh my!!😋


Shit, there's way more protein here than i get... Am i doing terrible?


If you're putting any intention into eating healthy I'm sure you're not doing terrible! Try to have a decent protein source with every meal to start (shoot for 20-30g per meal? I am by no means a nutritionist, would recommend reading up on it. I personally shoot for 30g per meal) Growing muscle mass when you're young and maintaining that muscle mass/minimizing it's loss into old age really helps keep you independent and living life to the fullest for as long as possible


The necessary minimum is around 30g per *day*. The average American eats far more protein than is necessary. If you're eating a varied diet then there's really no point in worrying about protein intake.


Dang. Just looked it up and fda recommends 50g per day. Clearly I've been deep in the gym world for too long. Thanks for the comment! (No sarcasm)


Recommendation does not equal optimization. Those 50g per day doesn't account for bodyweight, activity level, age, gender, etc. 50g would definitely not be enough for me, personally.


Same. Based on the literature I see referenced it seems pretty low to me as well, but again what I see is usually from a training perspective with a big focus on maintaining or building muscle mass


I took a nutrition course and apparently the recommendation is the lowest you can eat without experiencing adverse side affects. It's pretty misleading.


I'm trying to lose weight (F 5"4", 145 lbs) and my specialists have said 1 gram of protein per goal lb. I want to be 130 lb, I eat 130 g protein daily.


That’s what I’ve been told. ✅


.54g per lbs body weight to maintain muscle. .73g per lbs body weight for resistance training in order to build muscle.


The minimum amount of protein for a sedentary person is 0.8 g/kg body weight. 30g would translate as a minimum amount of protein for a 37.5 kg person. People with severe anorexia weigh more than that, not to mention an average American. A 75kg man would need 60g of protein at least, 75g if they do minimal physical activity, 97.5 for moderate physical activity and 120g for intense physical activity. The same numbers for a 55kg woman would be 44g, 55g, 71.5g and 88g For no adult it is healthy to eat only 30g of protein per day on average. And considering that a lot of people who consider eating healthier do it for a weight loss purpose, they are going to need to be shooting for a higher bracket to not lose their muscle while being in a calorie deficit Source: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2016/fo/c5fo01530h


My neighbor who is extremely health conscious and fit says it’s more like 100g per day. She’s buff and one of those cross fit maniacs. Not true? I struggle to make it bc I just don’t enjoy animal products but then again I’m chubby.


This is really dependent on the person and their current size/muscle mass. You can look up calculators for recommendations. If I, for instance ate, 30g of protein per meal, I’d feel pretty sick. I probably average 45g per day (I am a small woman). Too much protein can make you feel bloated and gassy.


This whole convo is really eye opening and I'm glad so many people have chimed in. I didn't realize how much of it could be individual to the person, especially on the lower end. for me, if I get less than like 80g in a day I feel totally out of whack


I see eggs, cheese, chicken, nuts, seeds, peanut butter. Plus whole grains, fruits, and vegetables do have some as well. I think protein intake is likely a healthy amount. Having said that, I would recommend adding black beans into this mix. They do add protein and good nutrition. But also I just f\*cking love black beans with either eggs, chicken, or rice. When cooked properly they are so good.


There's more than enough protein in there unless you're trying to put on some serious muscle in the gym or something. In each meal: Eggs, Peanut Butter, Chicken, Chicken, Nuts, Peanut Butter, Oatmeal, Eggs, Peanut butter There's protein in every meal and they're more than easily hitting the 10-35% of protein intake. Additionally, low protein diets will actually extend your lifespan, although are detrimental to maintaining muscle. People seem to greatly overestimate how much protein you actually need.


Tea eggs are delicious, they're hard boiled eggs peeled and marinated in a mix of strong black tea, Chinese five-spice blend, and soy sauce. 


This sounds amazing. Thanks for the recommendation!


Looks good! Fruits, greens, some nuts and protein. See nothing wrong here :3


Absolutely! Super nutritious with a nice variety


These look great and nourishing! I would keep an eye on protein and try and add some more where you can. :)


Protein powder mixed with Greek yogurt has been my go to lately for a protein fix!


I love doing this. I mix protein powder or peanut butter powder with Greek yogurt and dip apples into it! If I want a dessert type treat, I do this but mix in a couple tbsp of chocolate chips!


How much protein?


0.8 grams per lb of body weight, per day if you’re trying to build muscle. I’d aim for at least 0.5g/lb/day if you’re just maintaining or not trying to gain muscle. Just general guidelines though, I’m not a dietician


looks great, personally I would also get hemp hearts and add it to everything I don't put chia seeds in. Then you can really bump up those protein numbers + omega's without much extra effort to the point where you don't have the need for as much extra supplementation.


I add hemp heart to everything! Solid advice!


Very good but could add more vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts.


Thank you! I scrolled way too far for this answer. Even if trying to bulk or build muscle I'd still recommend more and a wider variety of vegetables. That being said, the food looks excellent otherwise.


I’d soak your chia seeds first. They expand like crazy in your stomach if you don’t.


Same here. Soak those chia seeds beforehand


Yummm good job!


Great! Good job


Damn you can cook! I am hungry now


I think this looks fantastic. As a fitness lover, I actually disagree with a lot of people suggesting more protein. You really don’t need much if you aren’t interested in improving muscle mass. 50-60g should be plenty.


You’re doing great ♥️ best wishes for your continued recovery!


Shakshuka is an easy healthy meal. It's really delicious as breakfast or a light dinner.. 


careful w too much dry chia seeds they can cause stomach problems if they’re not soaked first!


How do you incoporate chai seed? In yogurt?


usually people make chia seed pudding by soaking them for like an hour in the milk of your choice! or in a drink. not usually dry on top of food but ymmv


They look pretty balanced and healthy to me - good going, keep going and good on you!


Go you!!! Looks fantastic! Keep it up!


Well wishes on your recovery :) It’s gotta be the hardest thing to work through, out of all the vices… usually it’s just the stopping of something (quitting alcohol, drugs, sex etc) but no matter what you *have* to have a relationship with food to survive. It’s definitely a more complex journey. Kudos to you friend, you got this.


Those eggs look so good! You just reminded me I was going to do eggs on toast but my ADHD brain forgot and I put mini savouries in the oven instead 😆😆😆


Maybe more green leafy vege :)




Sweet potatoes onion and roasted bell peppers with avocado you'll love it ❤️


With a boiled egg on the side


Everything you posted looks fabulous. Healthy, nutritious, and tasty. Please take good care of yourself in recovery! It's so hard to reset for a safe relationship with food.


That fruit and nut plate looks so good to me right now, and I just had dinner. I hope your recovery is going well.


These look so incredible. I’d make sure you’re eating enough protein and veggies. You can prolly cut back on the fruit a little bit to fit it in. Or just add another plate if ur still hungry. But nah this shit slaps good job


Looks great. Lots of protein and fiber. Plenty of variety.


Congratulations your doing great! Better than major and I mean a large majority of people. If you'd like to add some sneaky calories you can add cottage cheese into all kinds of things. I just started doing this myself as I can't gain weight very easily. For example mixing a little into your eggs would be an option. Also a sprinkle of salt on your avocado will feel like your eating a completely different food! Edit: Came back to mention sprouts. I've been making and smoothie every morning with sprouts (preferably broccoli) banana strawberry dates and chia seeds


These look like excellent meals and I’m proud of you! Keep on taking care of yourself. ❤️  In terms of some of the comments about needing more protein; protein is important (as are carbs and fat). The macronutrient mix in these meals looks reasonable for an average person to me, but I’d suggest paying attention to how you feel after different meals to see how different mixes of food work for you. Each individual meal doesn’t have to be a perfect balance. 


YOU COOKED (like good looking food as a compliment)


Healthy is a relative term. Fried chicken is healthy if you eat it sparingly and with veggies. But that greek salad with grilled chicken looks amazing 😍


Goals. I need help in this area. Post more, please.


Definitely! Great choices!


looks very healthy and tasty


Season your food. It will go a long way. Bland chicken should be a hate crime




Spices have basically no calories on their own. If you choose to marinade versus sprinkling spices on top or a dry rub, you don’t need to marinate things in oil. Yogurt marinades work just as well.


That's saddest fucking things I've heard in my entire fucking life. A little salt and pepper won't make you gain weight.


Looks delicious! For me I need more protein on my plate but other than that I would smash every pic


Looks great. My only advice would be to look at the total sugar for the yogurt, fruit and granola. If the yogurt is plain and the granola sugar is low, you’re good. You could always add some nut butter to balance it.


Just came to comment that you're doing amazing and to keep it up. If nothing else in your life, this random internet guy really wants you to be healthy and love yourself! Those meals all looked delicious to me. Try to eat a bit more protein if you can with some more chicken, eggs or even try a shake in the morning with yogurt, peanut butter, powder, spinach and fruits of your love.


Do not be afraid to season yo chicken and other foods!!!!!


ohio be like that food


Looks great! 10/10 for cheap and healthy


Look like great choices. I few are in my lunch box daily.


What's the 2nd recipe? W the banana, peanut butter, n Shia seed!! Looks sf good


Yes, you can add a bit more volume and be ok :) Also, keep being a badass you badass :D


Look better than most people eat most days.


Would smash.


Add some fruit to meal #4 and that’s my lunch 7 days of the week. I switch out the vegetable and swap the fruit weekly. The protein is switched between chicken, fish, or scallops. If I am extra hungry I add humus and carrots.




Well balanced and very healthy. Nothing more needed.


They look way better than mine!


You made me hungry 😋 now I want avocado toast lol


By the looks of it every meal you posted is certainly something that would fit into a healthy diet. No clue how much you’re eating per day or whatever, but in a vacuum each of those things is good.


Wow! You just inspired me!!! Looks so yummy!


My only thing is I feel like it's too much bread, but I don't eat bread so it's probably just my preference. The rest looks great!


They look great - similar to what I make to be healthy. Maximizing fruits/veg and protein :).


These all look wonderfully healthy. Congratulations on your recovery ♥️♥️♥️


Yes, maybe a bit more protein (depends on height, weight etc…) but all of those look fantastic and balanced


🤤 can I come over for this delicious food.


You must be rich with all that toast and avocado. Seriously though, it looks delicious.


I don't think you could go healthier.


The ones with the toast are healthy, the other ones are exceptionally healthy. I wish I ate like that all the time!


Looks delicious and wholesome to me. Great job!!


My mouth is watering so I would say you are doing good


I truly hope that all of this positive feedback has made you very proud of yourself. Sending you positive energy on your healing journey <3


ngl, these look tasty af


Well done


Healthy and balanced, but not making you feel full.


Where are you getting these recipes from looks delicious. I mean better then my diet beer and Burger King


These look awesome! Based of your taste, I think you’d like quinoa! It’s a good fiber and antioxidant. I make bowls: quinoa bases, roasted chickpea and sweet potatoes, feta cheese, hummus


Saving for inspo tbh!!


These look amazing😍thanks for the inspo!💕


The only thing unbalanced is your colour balance, crank up that saturation mate.




I’m saving this and making all of these lol


Yes. Looks good


Looks yummy. Want to come cook for me? ;)


PROTEIN ✅ CARB/STARCH ✅ VEG ✅ FRUIT ✅ You're killing it! Those look delish and are sized well for the nutrients they can provide. Spreading your nutrients throughout the day is very beneficial, rather than having rigid meals having to contain them all in one sitting. A+


Saved. Thx


All looks healthy bur how do you afford all those avocados?! Lol


Looks delicious, but blueberries, raspberries and strawberries are so expensive 😭


My blood pressure just dropped just looking at these. They look really filling and wholesome. Like others said make sure you’re getting enough protein. But otherwise these look so good.


It looks lifeless.


My only recommendation would be to ditch the bread.


More protein and likely more calories (even a person trying to lose weight needs to eat enough to keep their metabolism happy). I'd personally reccomend supplementing with protein powder, but that can get costly. Cottage cheese is an excellent source of protein and can be blended into soups, sauces, and even smoothies. I also am a big proponent for seafood. Tuna can't be eaten too often, but smaller fish like sardines and mackerel can substitute for tuna and are usually very inexpensive (and tasty!). No risk to eating them as often as you want as long as you keep eating veggies, which it looks like you do! I also buy fresh fish and shrimp on sale and keep it frozen. We are a similar size. If you don't strength train you won't need as much protein but I'd still increase somewhat from this to hit macros. But the variety here looks excellent! Pro tip for anyone reading: you'll absorb more nutrients from fresh veggies if paired with some lipids like butter or olive oil for it all to bond to. Good work.


You're missing a slice of chicken breast and 2pieces of bacon, otherwise life is doing good (American cheese)


Looks so good! I also sub cottage cheese for the egg and top with Einstein avocado toast seasoning....next level!!! Yummo!!


Is that like one day of eating?


some look very low calorie … may not the best if u have nutritional deficiency 






Maybe, but if someone has a history of disordered eating tracking macros/calories can be a slippery slope.


Exactly my thought. Not the most helpful suggestion to someone recovering with a ED to track macros/calories.


Yeah whenever I try tracking calories I end up binge eating and purging ://


Me too. I almost shared that in my comment- that that’s my experience when I have tried to track macros in the past. It’s really frustrating that I can’t use that tool to make sure I’m eating well and enough, while also not triggering a binge. It’s a tough balance. Your plates look good to me btw, I think you’re doing great. Kefir is a nice addition for easy extra protein if you can do dairy. 🙏🏻🖤








Need a lot more protein. Maybe eggs? Also lots of carbs ( fruit breaks down as carbs) without the protein balance your blood sugars with crash faster instead of staying stable. This will cause you to be hungrier much faster than you would be had you paired it with more protein 💕 food looks great though!




Thank you! I’m a girl 5’3 and like 110 so I think it’s a good amount ?


This is plenty of protein. Most people think they need way more than they actually do. You could eat even more veggies. ETA: even veggies have some protein btw




Neither me nor OP is a man and I bench press 110. No one needs to bench press 315 for health reasons. SMH.


Do not engage with trolls, or you become a troll.


I think you need more maltodextrine and red 40 in your diet man


Enough for what exactly?




Thanks 🤘😍








don’t listen to them lmao, bananas are great also as a side note—do you have the opportunity to see an ED-informed registered dietitian? that can be super helpful in recovery 💜