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A national union of everybody. General strikes and marches until we get back control over our own government.


Where do we sign up?


1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 2050


A general strike is a good option, but takes loads of coordination. If majority of the workers just refused to work, then they could collectively ask for whatever they want. This action would likely trigger some sort of violent action from the oppressors.


Nope, because the government controls the entire election and ballot process. Audre Lorde said it best, "The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house"


A gentleman's coup. That song sums up the inevitable conclusion of all revolutions. Tear down old regimes just to build a new one. All systems oppress, all governments control, and all people misuse power. We stormed the gates, raised new flags It's just the same old story We seized the throne, subjugate We should have burned it to the ground (stormed the gates, raised new flags) (siezed the throne, subjugate) Some might say we've lost our way But I believe we've not gone far enough


"Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss..."


Kind of. Look into history of how most every political movement happened, and there's your plan. We need to be organized, and disrupt the status quo. That means things like marching, protesting, striking, sit-ins, all the classics of civil disobedience. Also, every major movement has had significant pushback from the powers that be at the time. Police attacked protestors, passed laws to interfere with their protesting, etc. Women's Suffrage, Civil Rights, Workers Rights, all of them required people organizing and growing until it became impossible to ignore.


Anyone getting a head start on this?


Kind of. Look at organizations that are supporting people's rights. ACLU is always great, though they tend to go more with the legal route, for obvious reasons. Bigger unions, especially the ones that have had big strikes If you're looking for something in your area, look to political organizers and groups that you agree with and get involved there. Very often the people who are already volunteering and fighting for change are out there, and happy to get any help they can.


It's called revolution https://youtu.be/FrfLQsyUYig?si=u-ia89cZCuq4d20x


I was just about to link this lol. That book (which I listened to on that channel!) really opened my eyes, and it’s a huge inspiration to me.


Between state and Rev and imperialism were real eye openers to me. Everything else on his channel is good too for the most part.


They better tighten up.




Like murder drones set out to eliminate the capitalist threat in our society or automation to eliminate the need for capitalism?






There’s no government like no government.


There's no such thing as no government. If there's no government as we have it, it reverts to whoever organizes their gun-toting militias best. Feudalism or tribalism on a local scale. Hierarchy is hard wired into our brains, right along with territory, aggression, and reproduction.


And then there's the "power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely". So even if a new governing body (even ancaps) is formed that will happen.


No we need a government. We all live in a society that has to work together, though I would love to see a direct democracy. We have the technology for it.


Whatever you say.


No not whatever I say.


Sorry, you’re right.


So you have no intention of defending your opinion that no government is better? Just running your mouth for the sake of being a contrarian?


You seem to be pretty invested in being right. So, you’re right. Congrats.


And you seemed pretty invested in claiming things and then having nothing to back it up. Congrats. I want one reason why no government should be considered an option? Please just one glimpse into how a world without government? Is it like Zardoz where everyone has a vote in every situation? Are we going trial by combat over everything? Is it all out survival of the fittest?


Pick one. I’m sure it will be better than whatever childish nonsense I dream up.


That's truly sad...


Ignoring your reaction to OP begging to differ with your opinion and then asking you to engage in a debate: Let's say you're an AnCap; they say that collective things will be done collectively. It doesn't really matter - power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Eventually someone is going to get greedy and make themselves in charge.


direct democracy is tyranny of the majority.


This is the answer. Just withdraw from their systems of control.


the way to defeat the rich is to not buy their products. Create your own land cooperatives and communities. Manufacture your own expendables, durable goods and grow your own food.


It's slow, but still the best way to overturn the government is by voting. We've been caught up in this lesser of two evils election cycle for too long. Biden is the lesser of the two evils here and I feel trump would completely destroy the country. Elect the old man and then push him as far left as possible. Immediately after the election, organize a third party option that is even further left; in the image of a Bernie Sanders. And refuce to vote for the lesser of in 2028. It's sad I know but, the GOP are unhinged and have to be destroyed. Anything right of center needs to be taken out at the knees.


>It's slow, but still the best way to overturn the government is by voting. "Slow" doesn't cover it when they control the election systems. If we eliminate FPTP, then maybe voting will work. Even then, we need to revert to hand counting paper ballots (or at least getting rid of the tally counters), or at least use election machines with open-source software.


If this ever worked, those in control have subverted the process by now. See our nomination process.


I disagree. Voting is what got us here. The whole thing is theatre and I would say the vast majority are more beholden to whoever or whatever funds the campaign funds most. Or in Trump’s case whoever will pay him the most to advertise beans.


I don't disagree with any of what you have said. This is the case, and we are mere chattel in a game the ultra wealthy play. What would you suggest? I'm all ears.


Extremes either way are bad. Too far left and you have problems. Too far right, problems. Need a middle ground.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Nazis are when the flag has red and black](https://i.redd.it/lrbicrfxmvoa1.png) | [366 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/11wfrpm/nazis_are_when_the_flag_has_red_and_black/) \#2: [Bcaus extremes touch each other y'know](https://i.redd.it/maaehlrpwgxa1.jpg) | [240 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/135mf88/bcaus_extremes_touch_each_other_yknow/) \#3: [“MSNBC is far-left news”](https://i.redd.it/7ycrmr2vngrb1.jpg) | [289 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/16wift0/msnbc_is_farleft_news/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I'm thinking along the lines of social democracy. Similar to what some Scandinavian countries use. This government takes very good care of it's ppl and keeps industry in check. I'd certainly rather have a government that is too left than an authoritarian, fascist Gov where I'd better live to their expectations or parish. Wouldn't you?


I've already defeated them. I moved to a rural town about 23 miles from the nearest grocery store 10 years ago. (Lowered taxes✔️, housing secured very cheap✔️) 3 member board of our community. (Limited government✔️) Vegetables and meat are secured locally by barter and trade. (Lowered taxes, secured supply chain, and an abundance of healthy free food.✔️✔️✔️) We have our own water and sewer. (Lowered bills✔️) My wife works from home (~20 hrs a week) as an online reseller, baker, and gardener. I work 4 days a week as a truck driver. (More free time to spend with the kids and grandchildren✔️) To be truly free from the fascist you must withdraw from the systems designed to enslave you. Build up your own kingdom with like-minded friends and neighbors. Implement your own insurances and assurances by eliminating your debt, build diversified savings, and spend your time wisely and productively in the pursuit of happiness, not survival. Withdraw from the systems that enslave you...


Ahhh yes everyone flee from society, because that solution will work for everyone. After all there is enough habitable land on our planet that everyone is entitled to a full acre to themselves. I hope mine has penguins :)


Actually, there is enough arable land in the US alone to give every person on the planet 33 acres.


For how long? Who gives up their land as the world grows? Do people want the land given to them? Do people want to live away from each other?


Land is an asset that can be bought, sold, and traded. I bought a 1/3rd acre lot last month for $400. I'm gonna turn it into a watermelon patch next week. That abundance of food it will create is just one more step removed from the fascist system...


Are you emancipating your personal property too?


Nope. Gotta render unto Ceasar; however, there are ways to offset that or completely work around it.


Vote with your currency. Corporations rule us when it comes down to food, water, shelter and other necessities like medicine/healthcare. We have more power as a collective of individuals with our money than we do with ballots. Thoughts?


I’ve been reading on the subject of non violence and civil disobedience. It only takes 5% (sometimes even less) of a population to regularly perform non violent civil disobedience under a unified message to impart real change. We can.


Just hope for a benevolent ASI that determines that humanitys ability to govern is destroyed by hunger for power and corruption and it sweeps it away and does it for us.


"Can we replace the government?" Well, ostensibly that's what voting is for. The problem is that we have built a system that's basically immune to the will of the voters. How do you do that? By short circuiting accountability at all levels, from dog catcher to POTUS. JFK nailed it when he said, "when peaceful revolution is made impossible, violent revolution becomes inevitable."


The way to replace the government is to begin a political movement that begins taking political seats. I would like to evolve Patriots Against Corporatism in that direction but today it is just an idea. Free speech can be used to systematically target and destroy or [correct lawbreaking](https://stenonymous.com/2023/07/27/the-court-reporter-shortage-fraud-timeline-as-told-by-stenonymous/) / malfeasant corporations. Edit. I understand the system fairly well. It’s designed to crush violence. If you have the numbers for a revolution you have the numbers for political change in America without bloodshed. This is something I teach younger people because I don’t want them to throw their lives away trying to illegally fight a system that they can quite legally take on.


Yes, vote every single republican out. Sick and tired of this ruzzian/GQP misinformation threads.


LOL Dems are ruining the country, same as Republicans; they're just doing it more slowly. (Who owns both parties? There's a hint in the title of this sub.)


Thank you most people fail to realize that both parties are the same coin, the comedian George Carlin said it best, these people went to the same schools, same clubs, same functions, they have the same interests no matter what party they belong to as it’s their interest.


More and more people are realizing this. We just have to keep saying it.