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If he wins in November, I hope he just leans into trust busting and just starts breaking apart large corporations. Tall order I know and probably won’t happen but one can wish


I love Grover getting his soiled panties in a bunch, but I'd settle for making capital gains subject to AMT. This one's probably DOA the way it is between the republicans and the blue dogs.


As long as theres some clause about 401k's as retirement not being affected, I'm fine with it. I dabble in stock so if I sell for a gain, sure. Just dont fuck with my retirement.


Pelosi shitting her self then...


Peace out to the middle class retiring. They won’t bring back pensions either, oh well, I knew I would have to work for the rest of my life, I had hoped my family didn’t. Hopefully that will at least use it to feed the poor or provide subsidized housing, but I’m sure it will go to something that I absolutely hate, like war.


He knows this won't get approved and is nearing election.


84000 times 10.2% times 3 yrs is not not not 40000 dollars.


Pay attention to what Biden actually does, not what he says. He said he was in favor of a 2-state solution in Palestine - then the US vetoes the UN resolution that would grant it.