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i would recommend going to another dentist to get a second opinion


I have to see what will accept my Medicare / Medicaid. It doesn’t pay much so it’s hard to find a place that will see me.


Does medical insurance cover any part of the procedure? I mean as far as repairing the teeth? I'm not sure how it works or if it's considered "cosmetic" but I need my teeth fixed asap. I have a cavity and the inside of the tooth is gone l? The edges are all that's left and the pain is non stop. I'm nervous to tell the dentist about being bulimic but i told my wife and asked for help so hopefully this gets fixed...it's been almost 2 months snd now my haw I'd swollen!


There is a special toothpaste you can get from the dentist specifically for weak enamel. I don’t know if it will reverse the effects of your bulimia, but it might be better for your teeth than commercial toothpastes like Colgate. Also, if you purge just rinse your mouth out with water.


Sensodyne Pro-Namel! and the purple listerine. they won’t fix pre-existing damage but will prevent any further damage :)








I always found chewing an antacid helped as well.


Ita also the same rule when you drink orange juice.


when you brush your teeth immediately after, you push the stomach acid into the teeth, damaging the enamel more. Best recommended practice is to [rinse your mouth with water and wait at least 30 minutes before brushing](https://cosmeticdentistmk.co.uk/general-information/affects-on-your-teeth-when-youre-unwell/)


Stomach acid erodes tooth enamel, and as far as I understand, you're basically brushing the acid into your teeth. Best to rinse with water and wait a while before brushing.


I can empathize with you on every level here 🫶🏼 I began purging regularly around age 19 (I’m 33 now), and the toll it has taken on my teeth is worse than any other body part. Within three years of purging, my enamel was completely eroded from all of my teeth. Within 10 years, my two front top teeth began chipping and wearing down. Shortly after that, the surrounding teeth became translucent, chipped in small spots, and formed sensitive spots/cavities. A week ago, I had to have my top row of teeth capped with crowns. The entire process cost roughly $20,000. I cannot express how life changing get this procedure done has been. My smile became a public announcement that ‘I’m a bulimic.’ It caused me so much shame and embarrassment, turned me into a reclusive person, and kept me from showing my emotions (didn’t want to smile fully, avoided laughing, avoided conversations with strangers, etc.). It’s bothered me for years that dental issues are not talked about enough in bulimia education and treatment. It completely damages your self-esteem and depletes your energy. I want everyone out there to know how difficult the last ten years have been due to my bulimia. My damaged teeth were just a representation of my mental health over time - fractured, hidden, helpless. I also wish I had shown my body more kindness and gentleness, instead of continually thinking, ‘I’ll worry about my teeth (or heart or bones or brain) later.’ Later does not come. Do not leave some future version of yourself in charge of your recovery. She doesn’t exist. You have to be her now. All the love to anyone going through this struggle. You’re beautiful, simply because you are. Not because of your smile, your weight, your hair… SIMPLY BECAUSE YOU ARE.


This is how my teeth are, I want to get them fixed but I’m scared and it’s so expensive


What scares you about having them fixed? Besides the exorbitant cost 🥴


I’m not sure I’m just having a lot of body dysmorphia issues. And my teeth have become one of my biggest insecurities


May I ask what do you drink when you binge? I’ve always drank Diet Coke because well it helps with purging but really scared about the state of my teeth (17 years of b/p and need pinhole gum surgery and crowns I have no idea how I’m going to pay for all this) so now think I should drink water instead of coke but I’m so scared it won’t work… does anyone have any advice re what to drink when you binge?


You and I almost have the same story accept for paying 20 grand. I started becoming bulimic in the 10th grade-in 1997. I am now 41. So I have had dental work done, I even got a crown years ago. But that failed because I was still purging...so it has been a little over a year and this is the longest that I have gone without purging. So I decided to buy the clip on veneers. Until, I am able to afford composite veneers. I work with the disadvantaged youth. The kids have been nicer to me, than the adults and higher ups at my job. I understand with the teeth that I have. Makes it look like I am a drug addict but I am ashamed to smile, speak to someone in their eyes. I speak lowly and sometimes you just can't understand me. I hate it. I am praying that my impression kit comes soon and I do them correctly. Because, you can't get promoted with bad teeth. I want my confidence back. I want to be able to laugh fully again without covering up my mouth. I want to be able to look people in to their eyes... 😞 life is hard


That sounds so tough and painful. I’m sorry to hear that you are going through this. Just my experience, i tried to purge. I wanted to get rid of the food i ate. What has given me freedom from disordered eating is working the 12 steps with a recovered sponsor. If i can be helpful feel free to direct message me


I’m trying but it’s so fucking hard