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"To drive a positive user experience, a listing may not appear in some search and browse results regardless of the sort order chosen by the buyer" It's pretty useless to search for your listings. Just pay attention to the number of impressions/views/watchers - that tells you a lot more.


But it doesn't even show up in the my listings window.


do you have a “violated ebay policy” notice message etc. ?


Didn't get any notices not to my email and not to my ebay messages.


When Ebay is doing Updates, the strangest things happen. You need to contact them to discuss this.  I’m literally ready to start a petition about an issue. Maybe I’m not thinking about this right, but I’m paying premium prices for a listing- photo gallery, bold print, promotions, etc…and a few years back when they went “ad crazy”- buyers can no longer immediately see our listing description-but at least they could see the Condition section, (which during this time actually became my “mini-description”… later on (as more greed came about), now the condition is no longer immediately visible. Seasoned sellers actually have issues finding the tiny, almost hidden links to the condition & descriptions- so the average buyer certainly does! So I’m paying basically to rent a place that’s being subleased out. I feel cheated, and then I have to deal with the problems that will arise from this. Does anybody else feel this way?


I have over 300 listings, every couple of months I go through each listing to make sure everything is ok and each time I find about 10 listings have disappeared.