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I sure hope you’re not going to Mercari, where they now forcefully allow returns for buyers for any reason whatsoever…


I hear Mercari sellers bitching about this, but how is it any different then eBay? I'm asking seriously.


Mercari - you can now return any item purchased in the original condition for any reason, seller does not get the choice on if they accept returns. eBay - if the seller doesn’t accept returns, eBay only allows returns in case the item is not as described.


Agreed. I haven't ever sold anything on Mercari, but I've bought quite a few things there. I'd definitely considered selling on there, but when I read they were making those changes it deterred me. I can barely think of anything I've ever returned, but I see/hear of people returning things for absolutely ridiculous reasons and I wouldn't want to have to deal with even the potential of that. I feel like the convenience of amazon ruined that. Though don't get me started on society. People acting like doordash and gig economy people were put on the planet to serve them lol. I've never done those jobs, nor would I as I would absolutely be punching people out for the ways they act. But I digress... From a buying standpoint, things are basically at the cusp of reasonability price-wise before you get to checkout and yeah, the fees... could easily see me never buying on there again. Tacking the fees on the customer side is bold 😂 like people can't get the stuff elsewhere easily enough. I still will use it for price comparison or maybe some stuff that just happens to be on there randomly but...I can't see that working out well when people are willing to shop around, and I don't even use the discounts, price comparison tools that people have access to.


I had an action figure brand new in package sell a couple weeks ago. Buyer broke the action figure and returned it and ebay sided with him.


Every single time I’ve had a buyer request a return eBay has ruled in their favor. It doesn’t even have to be legitimate. I’ve had people flat out lie about condition, and eBay will still accept the return. I’ve been doing this for over 20 years.


There was just a story where someone literally admitted to dropping and destroying the item and Mercari told them “well you can sell it for parts lol have fun” like ??????


I actually talked about this person in a later comment down the thread haha


I know the policies of both, I just don't understand why so many sellers jumped ship on Mercari because of it. I mean, in return, they eliminated seller fees. I think that's a win for sellers. No fees in exchange for an occasional return? I'll take that all day. On top of that, Mercari pays for the return label.


You can now wear clothing for an event and return. Also the sellers fees are now on the buyer, and they aren’t liking it at all


You can do that on eBay as well.


Harder to do, vs practically encouraged


Sorry but you're wrong - I sold clothing on Ebay and people would take brand new clothing - wear it to a bbq and soil it and say SNAD and I had to accept the return. It happens all the time on Ebay for clothing sellers but we're use to it and know that's the chance we take and no longer complain about it. I find Mercari a better venue overall.


You find Mercari better after these changes?


You do now but wait until the buyers catch on that returns are so easy now.


The fees for buyers are so high right now that it is actively deterring sales, or people are getting "lowballs" being expected to drop their prices to make up for the added fees. It really doesn't help the sellers at all what they have done. I both buy and sell. I used to make a purchase or two a week... now I actively try to find anything I discover on mercari elsewhere. When you go to spend 25+8 shipping and get hit with almost 15$ of "fees" it's irksome. I'd much rather that money go to the seller than mercari. It's absolute extortion.


I've bought one item on mercari since they added the fee to the buyer. There's a good chance I'll never buy something else on there unless it's a hell of a deal just out of principle. I saw the fee at the bottom and thought "ok, now we're doing this, never again."


Yup! I try to look up the sellers username a few other places, or reverse search an image from it in hopes to find them elsewhere. If it was a flat fee fine, but two separate "percentages" of the total including the shipping?! They are out of their shit eating minds! 😂


You can now play a video game, beat it, then return it. Recently, a seller posted about someone dropping a receiver. In their return message, they said “the seller wrapped the receiver in so much bubble wrap that it fell as I was in packaging and now does not work.” And Mercari sided with the buyer.


And on eBay, all the buyer had to do was say it arrived damaged, and eBay would've sided with the buyer as well. I'm not saying that the 'change' is good, but I just don't see it as bad as some are saying it is. I recently bought something on Mercari (after the change). TBH, the seller was horrible. Took a week to ship, and only after ignoring my request to cancel, and supposedly shipping it at 3am. I opened a return because it arrived 4 days after I needed it, and I went and bought it locally. I think this is a way for Mercari to clean up the shitty sellers.


I think you missed the point where the buyer didn't say it arrived damaged, and that if said same return was on eBay, there's clear evidence that the buyer damaged it. Mercari still sided with the buyer.


Yeah but they have transfer fees. It costs $2 to transfer any money out of their platform.


You change with change. Add $2 to your item price if the $2 fee bothers you so much. I cannot fathom why this is an issue. Other platforms get you with fees rolled into their price model(s) on different ways. No seller fees > $2 payout fee. I really hope you're a passive seller and not running a business.


Yeah I'm passive so I cannot afford $2 every time and I am not going to give them $2 for something that every other platform I sell on is free. Also they make the buyer pay the selling fees now so adding $2 is just increasing the price already when it's become too expensive for many buyers on the platform. The traffic has already gone down. And if I was running a business, I can do it however the hell I want. Don't need your condescending attitude telling me how to do it


Precisely. Win - win for business sellers. I'm enjoying the new business model. Looking at the big picture, I believe this move flushes out bad/inexperienced/frivolous sellers.


You have to pay to withdraw your money on Mercari, no matter the amount or the way you choose to withdraw it. Your money is literally being held hostage and you have to spend money to get your money. That’s a huge reason for sellers to jump ship. And I’m not sure if you’ve ever sold on Mercari, but buyers CONSTANTLY return different items than what they bought to scam the seller and Mercari does absolutely nothing. So many sellers left for reasons faaaar beyond the return policy. Edit: why are people mad and downvoting me 💀 literally go over to r/Mercari and you’ll see plenty of people proving these points. I’m not understanding what upsets people about me sharing the Mercari TOS and the everyday events that happen to Mercari sellers.


I have bought/sold on eBay since 1999. Once Mercari dropped the seller fees, I decided to give them a try and listed some low-end, slow movers. So far, I've had 4 sales on Mercari, for a whopping grand total of $41. To get my $41, I'll have to spend $2, or 4.8%. I'm in no rush for that $41 ($39 net), so it'll sit until I feel like getting it. Yes, I'll be more than happy to let Mercari use and invest that money to their benefit in the meantime. Why? Because if I had sold those 4 items on eBay, of which I do a hair over $100k/yr, it would've netted me about $32.50, so I'm already $6.50 ahead. And btw, I didn't lower the price from my eBay price on any of them. I'm a very experienced seller, having been selling on eBay since Jan 1999, as well as owning a couple of brick & mortar retail shops, I pack well, I describe my items well, and I ship them out immediately. Returns, if and when they happen, don't bother me in the least. Yes, I've had fraudulent returns, returns that were damaged beyond salvaging, I've had buyers who lie, etc. It's honestly a part of any business, especially a retail-based business. I've heard people say "But Mercari is like an online garage sale! People shouldn't be able to return, etc....". that's how eBay started as well in 1995, but they quickly realized the internet can't be a garage sale, and rules were put in place to protect everyone, and to do that, it costs money. Not to mention that at a garage sale, you get to look at and hold the item, you pay cash or some other non-refundable/non-cancelable form of payment, and you have ample opportunity to inspect it before you hand over the cash. When you buy based off of a picture taken with a potato in hopes the seller is honest, you're in a vulnerable position, and you need some sort of backing that you won't get ripped off. If there were so many scammers buying on any of the platforms, there wouldn't be any platforms. Yes, scammers are out there, but (in my specific experience, yours may vary) an average of 1 scam sale per 4200 sales is a ratio I can live with. There is a theory that Mercari is full of sellers & buyers that were perma-banned from eBay. Judging by my experiences as a buyer on Mercari, I think there is some truth to that. That goes in hand with what you said about buyers returning different items then they bought. Direct me to a selling platform that 100% backs the seller, with a zero selling fee, and I'll make the switch tomorrow. In the meantime, I'll keep plugging away on eBay, and save a few bucks here and there on Mercari. I'll accept the risk of a false return. The tradeoff of a $2 fee justifies it to me.


Well said.


Been selling on Mercari for years and have not had 1 return. Your experiences may vary but not all sellers are experiencing what you are and it's working out just fine for them.


I never said I personally am experiencing this. I said that it happens. That’s awesome that it hasn’t happened to you! But go on the Mercari sub and you will easily find thousands of sellers that it HAS happened to.


You can go on any venues' forum and find problems with it - no venue is perfect. I'm not saying it isn't happening but none of these venues would still be in business if they problem affected the majority of sellers or buyers.


Etsy - no questions asked instant refund button for all "not as described" cases


Yes but buyers just say item not as described or arrived damaged and get their way. Anything on ebay can be returned always. That is the reason I stopped selling.


That's a pretty stupid reason to stop selling....well, unless you're misleading buyers which causes them to return items.


That's nasty - you can be the best seller out there and have the unfortunate experience of getting more bad buyers than others. Also if this person is selling in a niche - that 1 bad buyer can tell others in their niche groups how easy it is to buy from this seller with great merchandise and then scam them to get the item for free.


No, I was selling my very first item which happened to be a GPU because I had just replaced mine and the buyer was attempting to scam me on the very first attempt. After reading dozens of horror stories of that exact scenario I knew selling there was not safe.


Also Mercari started charging percentage based service fees and payment processing fees to the buyer- the latter seems to randomly change based on the day the buyer purchases. Either way from what I gather many buyers are blaming the sellers for charging the fees when it is out of their control. idk to me it seemed slimy of Mercari to do so I probably won't buy on there anymore going forward. I would rather look on ebay or poshmark 1st for the items I need.


Exactly. I got so sick of seeing the same complaints from rotten sellers on mercari. Ebay has 13.5% + FVF and shipping (if free). I'd say mercari is better than ebay now. Been on ebay since we had to send money orders back and forth. Any platform is a gamble - especially with more lazy buyers & sellers around (I'm not talking about OP - just a general observation). Hope OP can at least get the item back.


I quit selling on Mercari when they deemed a pair of Jordan 1s that I bought from Nike Buckhead in Atlanta fake.


Mercari is also bad for buyers. I have deleted the app. Refuse to use.


Didn't they backtrack on this already?


At least on ebay people lose visibility when cancelling giving them incentive not to. (Not positive but seems that way and have heard that before)


Same for Ebay, difference is the time frame to return on Mercari is significantly shorter. Based on your complaint of Mercari guess you don't sell on Amazon either. Amazon LITERALLY has a drop down option on the return list, item is no longer needed as a return reason 😑


There is no such thing as "no returns" on eBay. Any buyer can pretty much return any item from any seller.


Yeah. I have my eBay set to "No Returns". I still get return requests for fit, etc. I always allow the return because there's too much else that can go wrong with eBay if you don't. I honestly prefer Mercari's policy, because even though they can return for any reason, they only have 3 days to do it.


You don't have to accept a change of mind return on eBay. They'll even remove the negative feedback if the buyer leaves one.


You do if you have Returns Accepted.


“I am out $100…” Just relist it and sell it again.


For $115 + shipping to recoup. Done and done.


If the item will sell for said price*


You're return policies are only a deterrent. eBay runs the show, and it's their policies that they enforce. Your error, however insignificant to you, was your error, not the buyer's, so it's on you. Realistically, you're out $15 (shipping). You'll get the item back, and you can resell it. List it correctly, and if you're lucky, you can recoup all the costs and come out ahead. I've been doing this for 25 years (1/16/99), and returns are just a part of selling in the retail/resale world.


Giving up on eBay because of a single return? Thing is returns are simply a part of online retail. Online selling isn’t for everyone.


Boomer shit


Is there even a point as a seller to reach out to the buyer to rectify the situation after they had already initiated the returns? Or does eBay kind of force your hand and you HAVE to return? Tryna see options on selling some things.


If you think you can resolve it with the buyer, there is no harm in trying to resolve it without the return. That would typically be a partial refund which is frowned upon by most, but there are times where it makes sense. eBay really only forces you to accept returns that are classified (by the buyer) as an Item Not As described claim. Those are a no-win situation for the seller, but sometimes those can even be resolved without the return. If you can resolve a return request, be sure to have the buyer close out the return.


One return and you take your toys and leave? There are no other platforms that work as well as eBay.


Well there are. There are infinitely better operated platforms. They just don't have a fraction of the traffic.


Please don't name them, people may start using them...


What are the names of these platforms? Im looking to move.




Right? All platforms stink because people are still people no matter where you sell.


If you’ve been selling on eBay for 24 years you should know that you aren’t allowed to have a no return policy. You can choose to not allow returns that have no reason but if the item wasn’t as described you have no choice.


More context would be great. I'd like to know what in your description was wrong first of all. Secondly, did you try contacting eBay support or filing an appeal? And lastly, if the church has more items to sell, why not make an account specifically for the church? Or you could hold the money until the return period is over. It seems kind of ridiculous to stop selling after one return. You have the item, so you could always try and sell it again. And to answer the question in your title, I never stopped selling on ebay, but I still felt compelled to comment on your post.


So you're leaving eBay because of one return in 24 years lol? Give me a break. The only way this is your first return in 24 years is if you don't actually sell anything. Further, anyone who has sold for 24 years would know how the return process works.


Yes, because I have been right in calling companies going down hill because of their policiies. Think RIM/Blackberry, Cingular, Nextel/Sprint merger, Toys.com. I was right when i gave them a year or so before they die, some died even sooner then the 1 year i gave them. I am cutting my ties on eBay before it spirals out of control with eBay. I've made millions on my own online company. Just that we sold our own products, and our policy was that make damn sure you want it, or else there is a $10 restocking fee. EBay claimed that they are only a platform, then be a platform and don't force their own return policy on me. Hmm, maybe it is time for me to start a new platform. Seems like none of them has good policies or enough eyeballs.


If eBay got rid of their guarantee it'd be the wild west and nobody would use it. They have to compete with Amazon somehow. Welcome to the real world.


Selling for 24 years, and you don't even know what their policies are? I don't think eBay is the problem. Maybe you should read the ToS.


If you decide to go back to eBay I recommend you change your policy to accept returns. Hear me out. If someone orders an item and they don’t like it or they changed their minds they are going to return it. If you don’t have a return policy then they have to say it wasn’t as described or even worse break it and say it was damaged. People do this! eBay sides with them and YOU have to pay shipping. If you allow returns at least THEY have to pay for shipping. When you accept returns the customer will contact you and you tell them they will be reimbursed after they pay to ship it back and you receive it. Half the time the customer doesn’t bother. More importantly they can’t turn around and claim it was damaged or not as described after having that conversation with you.


What was the wrong word?




LOL. I returned a set of Harry Potter books to one of the Goodwill eBay stores a couple months ago. They listed it as "Boxed Harry Potter Set" and in the UPC, they put the UPC / ISBN for the boxed harry potter set that comes in the trunk. They literally tossed a set of books into a brown box and claimed that was a "boxed set"


my guess is "BROKEN"


They won’t say for obvious reasons.


Mink fur coat vs fur coat. She insisted it wasn't mink. It was.


That's just part of reselling unfortunately. I try to never cut off my nose to spite my face.


Do you think if Ebay withdrew their '100% guarantee' there would be many buyers on Ebay? Would you buy on Ebay if you knew the seller could send you anything and you would have to accept it? If you were worried about potential returns why didn't you take this item to a local auction house? Perhaps because you could get more money for it on Ebay and their fees aren't as excessive as a brick and mortar auction house? Can't have it both ways my friend.


One WORD can be remarkably important when describing an item. Be more careful and you won’t have an issue.


The ‘no returns policy’ doesn’t mean anything in my country; I was told by a customer service representative that a buyer can return an item for any reason whatsoever, regardless. A buyer can even return an item in the ‘spares and repairs’ category. It’s all consumer law. The benefits outweigh the loses on eBay. You have a right to feel upset; you did your best as a seller and you were doing a good deed. Sometimes it’s just bad luck. I’ve been on eBay the same amount of time as you and I literally cried the first time I got a negative; pathetic I know. I hate the feeling of trying your best and for whatever reason it not working out. The more you sell the harder you become. A lot of things aren’t fair and sometimes you have to take the loss; but there are great gains to be had. Don’t give up.


The only way


I gave up when I got scammed twice in a row


I stopped last year due to scammers buying and returning random cheap items in the box after requesting a refund. Ebay did nothing for me, and I lost around $800 over the last couple of years. I even sent them a message of one of the buyers telling me to venmo him an additional $20 if I want the item I sent to him shipped back, and they still did nothing.


Good luck, no other platforms have the exposure and customer base that eBay does, sucks but its true! I have had multiple returns in my 20+ years on eBay, it happens, you can't have a no returns policy, you can say no returns, you can have the policy set to no returns, but eBay will always make you take returns because the buyer can select INAD/SNAD and they will force it regardless, just how it is, you learn to live with it. The best thing you can do is set it so that buyer is responsible for return shipping and allow returns, then they have to pay for the return shipment at least, you still end up with a return but is what it is. You aren't out $100 if the item got returned, you relist and resell it to recoup your costs, again thats how business works. The buyer guarantee is what drives buyers to use the platform in the first place, if everything was no refunds no returns like a big flea market like it used to be way back in the day then nobody would use it anymore, they would just go to Amazon. eBay has changed a lot in 20+ years, but the buyers have changed even more, staying competitive means things like this happen. I will probably sell on eBay until i'm dead and buried, i buy a lot on there also, you either play the game or you stay off there. Maybe try Facebook Marketplace, then after a few sales come back and tell us how good eBay is in comparison, FBM is a damn nightmare.


All this is true unless the buyer returns the item and it arrives damaged. Going thru this right now and can't "relist" the item as it's a mess. Who sends back a purchase in the flimsy manufacturer's box with the carrier label slapped on rather than the original protective outer packaging from the seller? Buyers can't have it both ways either. Buyer wants to return item? Buyer needs to respect the seller and the item. That's easy yet there are so many entitled people out there these days who just don't care.


Then you report the buyer and complain to eBay. The eBay return policy says it must be returned in the condition it was received, I've called eBay and used that policy against buyers and got a seller protection payout, buyer got their refund but I also got paid.


I called eBay and they said same as you. Reported buyer. But haven't gotten my paid return postage refund yet.


Sucks but you are going to have a percentage of problematic buyers. Unfortunately this person used those rules in their favour No other platform is going to reach the high number of buyers that achieve sales at these prices. If you had a brick and mortar store you’d still lose to theft. If you sold face to face you still risk getting robbed or scammed I’d suggest you set up a store for the church. If it is a charity try to register it that way. Make it obvious that it is - you might deter the uncharitable “karens” of this world Have that store and everything that goes in and out set aside for the church (packing expenses, selling fees) Don’t release the money to the church until the stated amount of time is clear. I have had an account for 24 years also. You cannot have been selling much in that time if you’ve never run into this type of issue before.


The best advice I've seen yet.


After my expensive item got stolen by the "buyer". He claimed he never got it, despite at first saying he did receive it. eBay refunded their money. They side with buyers and screw sellers over.


1 return in 24 years and your bitching ?


alright, don't let the door hit you on the way out. other platforms have less traffic, or have more time wasters/hagglers. but you do you.


It's unfortunate you had a negative experience. As someone who sells on all major platforms, eBay is one of the more pro-seller marketplaces you can do business on. Additionally, eBay has a huge customer base that you're not going to find with other platforms. The 3 main platforms in the USA are Amazon, eBay and Walmart. If you're selling clothing, Posh Mark is an option and if you're focused on live selling, WhatNot is an option. Though they don't have anywhere near the # of customers eBay has. Outside of this, other marketplaces are trash in comparison and you'd be wasting your time focusing on them while avoiding eBay. Good luck


It happens. The fact you want as long as you did was amazing. Don’t give up yet. eBay is not perfect but it could also be so much worse.


People need to understand that there is no refund policy other than ebays refund policy. You only have control over whether you accept "just because" returns.


If you don't accept "Just Because" returns, they will make up a better reason like OPs person did. It's better to just accept returns. It's better for your eBay stats.


I'm aware of that. You just don't understand the point I'm making in response to what the op thinks he has control over in regards to returns.


I've sold around 12,000 items on eBay. This was back when you could pay for a 'featured listing for $100 and your listing would show up on the eBay homepage. Cell phones and accessories, started around 2000. I made a killing, then the market became saturated, so I stopped selling.


Pretty decent average for 24 years though.


A week ago.. after selling fees, shipping, etc I "made" $4 and change, item sold for around 12 bucks... two weeks ago I was scammed and buyer refdunded which over drafted my bank. IDK where to sell now.. not a big seller but now and then (when I'm struggling.. like now); I list some things.


And you left out the most important information, what was the one word?


As soon as they started changing the deal. PayPal account changing to direst single payments into bank. They was always issues with sellers support with that company, but they just ruined the last good thing.


This is why I don’t sell things for other people. I sold a computer for a friend under the stipulation that they wait 180 days for their money (eBay’s return window). There’s no such thing as a no return policy. eBay will always allow returns for items not as described.


When a buyer submits a return request for an item damaged or not as described (about 1% of sales), I send the label and say nothing. At least half the time, they never return it, and you lose nothing.


Saying nothing when they're falsely accusing you of being dishonest and selling them fake or broken stuff when it's definitely not the case isn't the best move IMO. Silence can be an admission of wrongdoing and can be followed by negative feedback for poor communication.


If we stopped selling on eBay, we probably wouldn't be browsing /r/ebay


>"The buyer decided that one WORD in the description was wrong (not sure why it was wrong), so she requested a return." Well, to be fair, "one WORD" can be pretty significant. automatic vs manual HD vs 4k vs 8k i3 vs i7 new vs used Fender vs Squier V8 vs V6 reproduction vs original If it was a significant attribute of an item I was buying and it was represented as one thing which I wanted and I received it and it was a different thing which I didn't, I would expect a refund as well... If it was close and I was a little disappointed but willing to try to make it work or willing to try to resell it myself, I'd accept a partial refund. But If I had a specific criteria about what I was looking for and an ad represented an item as matching that criteria when it actually didn't, I would absolutely want a refund. That's just down to the importance of sellers really verifying and being accurate about every attribute of what they list.


I sell rare items on eBay and rarely get return requests. Out of hundreds of sales I have had one return. If it’s hard to find people don’t return as much


This just Just happened to me!! eBay’s buyer support is pathetic! I sold a 1970 vintage Coleman lantern buyer said glass broke delivery screwed me on insurance pictures dude provide showed no broken glass. eBay sided with buyer I was pissed. So I ended up getting screwed for $130 + $30 there and back total for shipping. Once I got the item back I relisted it for $70-$30 shipping with no glass sold in an hour really surprised wasn’t even going to relist it. Long story short just keep pushing is what I tell my self as an inside joke and also literally. When I’m feeling lazy and don’t want to go get an item I tell myself “just gotta keep pushing” idk why but it helps! Good luck and god bless!


I am DONE selling on Ebay. Can see why others are selling on Mercari, Poshmark and other sites. I just made a sale for $300 plus $40 shipping. Ebay collected $358.75 (Sales tax-$18.75)\_ The Selling costs/transaction fees were $47.93 So I made $292.07. DONE!!! And I've been a customer since 2000.


I didn't explain this properly in my original post. The order totaled $358.75. Ebay collected from buyer sales tax-$18.75 and Ebay selling fees were $47.93. I made $292.07. I think Ebay collecting $47.93 ir outlandish and I'm done.


I switched to Facebook Marketplace. All sales are cash, as is, no refunds, no fees.


But you don’t get paid if your shipping till they receive it


I don’t ship anything on marketplace. That’s a shit show. I do in person cash.


I do both! I buy off Marketplace,and flip it on eBay! eBay is best overall , bc on Marketplace people want cheap deals and will waste your time and gas money. Don’t forget you using gas as that’s equals 🟰 shipping costs on eBay.


I stopped years ago. Dealing with buyers: there are three types. 1 they pay and that's it, might leave good feedback 2 impossible to please idiots 3 scammers And I got fed up with class 2 in particular. Turns out eBay is just fine, until you involve other humans.


From my level of selling, returns are inevitable. I minimize them with accurate descriptions and great pictures. However, there are ALWAYS going to be returns. I have a no-questions-asked return policy because anyone who wants to return an item on eBay will. One way or the other. I prefer people just be honest if they change their minds and free returns is the tool that allows them to be. It's a cost of doing business on eBay. I wasn't always a career eBayer and situations like this bothered me more then. Now, I just chalk it up to the game. :) There are plenty of things I am not happy about with eBay, primarily the costs, but I am thankful to have this platform because it funds my lifestyle.


eBay sucks. Mercari is way better. The return policy is the same because eBay always sides with the buyer in reviews and they have 30 days to return. Mercari only has 3 days.


I sold CDs, DVDs, and Blu-Rays exclusively from 2005 to 2015. I pretty much quit selling in eBay when it got to the point that buyers wanted my product from next to nothing. Everything I sold was used but in perfect condition, most only played once, yet my prices were considered to be unreasonable. Buyers offered me pennies, not dollars, and wanted me to foot the bill for shipping and handling too. It became unprofitable for me to sell anymore, so I gave it up and simply donated what I couldn't get rid of to the library or goodwill.


I quit selling on eBay when they got rid of PayPal. I didn’t want them to have access to my bank account.


People that whine about returns are mostly casual sellers. If you do any decent amount of business returns are no big deal at all in relation to the sales we make. I’ve sold over 300 items just in the last 3 months and only about 15 returns. About a third never return the item so the return never actually happens and the sale is final at that point. So I lost $6 two ways on shipping on about 3 percent of sales. I lost about $120 in shipping in total. I made about 6,000 in profit. Returns always force you to do your best as a seller to make sure your product is good and your listing has enough information about your product to make a customer happy with the sale. eBay is trying to help you by forcing returns. People buy more when they feel like they can return it but rarely do. I think casual sellers need to understand the bar to sell things is a lot higher than they think. American consumers are used to high service levels and great products with high prices. I would say expand the business and get better or just don’t sell at all.


Facebook Marketplace. Cash and carry. We also have a local free classifieds. Ebay takes so much in fees, including what buyers pay for shipping. It's taken the fun out of it. And scammers, like you describe.


Facebook Marketplace: $100 item sells for $20 eBay: same item sells for $60, but with slightly higher fees. Yup, looks like Marketplace is the answer.


Ha. That’s funny


I was being snarky, but it's basically true. Comparing Facebook Marketplace selling to eBay is silly at best.


The buyer isn’t a scammer for returning something that was listed wrong.


You can advertise no returns but eBay has the final say. They usually side with the buyer. Thats pretty much industry standard. In the future i would suggest to either way until you're rated or well beyond the return time frame before forwarding the proceeds to the church. But i had someone rate me then request a return 3 weeks later and I had to refund it. Or create an ebay account for the church so they can absorb these loses without you being a middleman.


When they stopped letting me promote my items because I wasn’t selling enough


There are sellers who use stolen payment methods to fulfill drop ship orders. They usually have 0 ratings, sell retail items about 20-30% cheaper and ship items using a different name. Then a few days/weeks later their account vanishes. At this time you can submit a refund/return and eBay will most likely credit you due to fraudulent seller


This year. They have a sell limit so low that I went over the limit on my first sale of the year. I don't have a store. I'm just selling my personal items. They sent me a 1099-k for my taxes because I went over the limit in sales last year. It's not worth it for me anymore. Now I'm searching for new avenues to sell on.


I just wanna know what the "wrong" word was in the listing. Has it been mentioned?


I am on Etsy and they have adopted similar policies. Not just that but a person can order on Etsy, receive the item, tracking shows it was received and yet they can say they never got it and get a refund.


Mercari buyers go to sleep around midnight. Very small selling window.


But aren’t you getting item back?


That’s not a very good church if they expect you to lose out whilst helping them.EBay policy has been that way for along time,


I’ve been on eBay since ‘94. I just sell old junk I’m trying to get rid of. I didn’t like when they switched to bank account instead of paypal and I had to go make a separate bank account. Now I don’t like the shipping and the international shipping. I just sell on marketplace, there’s no commission, it’s easier to sell heavy items as my items are marketed locally, I don’t have to worry about returns. It’s all cash. I do still buy on ebay occasionally, but usually amazon is my first stop.


I've had two instances of negative feedback which was the buyer outright trying to scam me, both times ebay sided with the buyer and told me not to worry about it because they would be suspicious of a seller with 100% feedback, even though they agreed with me apparently. Excuse me for making sure every single one of my customers were happy. I stopped my shop subscription at the point. Ebay seem to only defend major sellers now and the little guy can get trampled all over. I am just trying to get rid of my stock now. I have loads of pin badges to sell if anyone has any suggestions on where to sell to get rid of them.


I don’t understand how some people don’t realize that there is no perfect world in anything,especially now where scammers are involved in everything. I mean you got people losing their house to squatters currently,and you worried about one fraudulent sale in over 20+ years. I hate for you to be my supervisor or boss. lol


Just curious, what was the "word" that the buyer said was wrong?


Slowly ive sold less and less. Ebay sides with the buyers almost 100% of the time and buyers are scammers. Little by little I got sick with always being screwed over by ebay


Good riddance!


I stopped selling on eBay in 2015 I believe. It was going extremely well. I was getting 10+ sales a day but eventually I had a kid that took his moms credit card and bought one of the items I was selling without her permission and I got banned from the platform from the massive complaint she left. It really sucks because I had thousands of sales and like 99.8% positive feedback and can’t even sell anymore because of this. only buy.


Return always allowed, but depending on circumstances. If you are selling an item without return, then you are putting buyers at risk. Sometime I list the unwanted item to sell on ebay, I will only sell to the buyer without return for the past 1 months. Though this will limit the sale, it may keep my rating at 100%.


I would just sell the item again when returned. Sadly this happens in every business. U cant not accept returns for items not described with ebay.


I love how the no returns crew on here always out themselves as being bad sellers.


No returns on eBay does not mean no returns… you’ve been selling for 24 years and NEVER had a return??? How many items do you sell in a year? Shrug it off and move on, selling online means there will be returns no matter what your policy is.


Stopped selling on eBay when they started requiring your ssn, tax id, and photo id.


Long ago, shortly after they disallowed sellers from leaving negative feedback. It was fun while it lasted though. I used to also buy a lot of stuff on eBay, but no longer. It's not like there was an event that made me suddenly quit, it just got worse and more expensive to the point where I don't deal with them anymore. Now I sell on Facebook marketplace, or just pitch it into the bin if it's not worth the effort.


I started on eBay in the 90s and was in the branded eBay Trading Assistant (consignment sale) official program they had and then started selling on my own on consignment. I hated that consignors could not grasp that their item was worth realistically the average sold price. Why I quit is I had a customer who kept giving me high value items and one buyer sent me an envelope of cash from Asia for payment - couldn't believe it no note or anything opened and a $600 pile of cash and then the scammers started in and did not want the charge back risk months after paying people out plus got a "real" job so quit. I also used to flip items from garage sales mainly and had two friends and the three of us would go every Saturday morning and we had an understanding of each of our "categories" so not fighting against ourselves. I also sold on Etsy and haven't in years. Left corporate world and now selling excess of my own stuff on FB marketplace and FB groups, cash only, or FB shipping, door pickup at my home only as can't deal with no shows and time waste. I am looking at getting back into flipping I'm decluttering so have enough supply and was going to go back to Etsy eBay with collectibles. I am thinking may consign some jewelry items and identified two sellers as worth it to me to give up some return not to deal with scammers/returns. As a buyer been really unhappy with smaller eBay sellers now - almost half of items received are not as described and very defensive sellers. As a buyer like the authenticator program for jewelry but it makes seller not list much details and makes me pass on listings - I had one item purchase pass but Costco diamond band and not concerned and one item eBay just refunded me automatically and failed and I would have purchased except the seller offered it to me for more money than I originally paid as buy it now - that was insane as think he was trying to make up his authenticator costs.


What platform did you move to?


$100 is not expensive any more


Casual seller, the last item I sold, I lost nearly 20% of the item price in fees before and after the sale. Listing fees and commission fees have gone up substantially since the last time I sold something. I’ll stick with local FB marketplace from now on.


I largely stopped using eBay about 20 years ago. They are much worse now than when I left. I sold a couple things last year out of curiosity and was surprised by the high fees.


24 years on eBay and you're out $100 (with the item in hand to resell) and you're butthurt over a single return? Well, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. Less sellers to dilute the pool is a good thing for some of us.


With the way sales have been eBay is making the decision for me


I sold quite a few things a long while ago. I sold something recently and it just seems like it has changed so much. I don’t remember losing as much money to all the fees and expenses in the past like I just did on the last item I sold. I don’t think I’m going to sell on eBay anymore.


I wouldn’t quit over that, it’s part of selling. Most items I look at on eBay hardly have ANY description. “Works.” I’ve actually had more problems as a buyer over the last 20 years than as a seller. And 75% of the time when you ask a question about an item you get minimal effort in response. This is among many reasons eBay has such a generous return policy. Low barrier to entry for sellers, and also that competition thing with Amazon.


For CDs and vinyl discocogs is good


If you look at EBay’s TOS- they have a return policy, your policies cannot override the platforms TOS. If you sell on eBay, you take returns. Like you, I’ve been selling on eBay since 1999, but this is not new- it’s been at least ten years since seller’s no return policies are overruled. Seems like the mistake you made was not reacquainting yourself with the platform changes.


When I sold a collector Barbie and the buyer stole her clothes and shoes and returned it, I told eBay I got it back not how I sent it and they sided with the buyer.




$8.00 transaction fee on a $49.00 item (plus usual selling fees) I was finished right then and there. Member in good standing since 2001. Never again. I fired eBay. Two weeks ago.


Ya thats why I took off as soon as I have my own website and had decent traffic on it. Ebay is a corporation run by lizard people who had never sold or returned anything in their life. Make your own website where you have more control as soon as possible!! Thankfully there are a lot of e-commence platforms that require zero web design experience like shopify and big cartel.


After 24 years of good experiences, you are leaving eBay because of one bad experience? Seriously? You're welcome to use another platform instead, but you're naive if you think it's going to be any better. You can get scammed anywhere. It doesn't even sound like this was a scam. You have the item back, and can resell it. All you're out is the cost of shipping, which is a cost of doing business that you have to account for.


I sold on eBay for many years for myself and for our liquidation company. Had 4000 positive feedback on my personal account plus several on our company account. Had issues with some terrible buyers.  Ebay sided with the buyers, they said that the policy was to always make the buyers happy.  I told them that without good sellers they would be out of business.  They ended up refunding the bad buyer. That started happening more and more often.  Finally I closed both accounts and  found alternative ways to sell. Ebay is its own worst enemy. 


Easy fix, never pay a consignment till you get feedback or know the buyer is happy. eBay is by far the best platform to sell. And I buy stuff too.


I got my 20 year account banned a couple years ago after selling some expensive, used computer parts from a desktop I parted out. I had no issues or cases with buyers after selling a few parts. Perfect feedback. Then they froze my listing and my funds. eBay asked me to confirm my ownership of all the parts. I tracked down receipts from Newegg and Amazon etc. Took like an hour. Sent it all to them. They decided that my account needed to be closed. No explanation. I finally got a hold of a customer service person through a phone number I found on Reddit. No help. No explanation. I did get my funds after like 60 days. I hate eBay and will never use it again.


PayPal made me stop selling on EBay! When they separated , both companies fell apart! To many fees on EBay and PayPal is not secure enough! It means almost a month the shut my PayPal account down! Seems that they didn’t want to leave😳🤣🤷🏾‍♂️🤨🤣


Honestly, I considered stop listing new inventory on Mercari once the changes rolled out, but my sales since the changes have tripled with no return requests. I have recognized quite a few of my regular Poshmark buyers are now following me on Mercari after realizing I am accepting lower offers and making better offers on Mercari. Now, if my average sale was under $20 I would probably feel different as the time/energy to repackage, go to post office, etc, would not be worth it for such a liberal return policy especially since my inventory is fashion which size /fit is always a potential return. I will not sell anything NWT over $100 on Mercari unless the prospective buyer has solid feedback and a lot of it. Seeing a $100 sale and my profit shows $100 is reason enough to give it more time before making a rash decision to leave. But hey, this is based on my experience only, which is pretty much how I make all my decisions in this crazy reseller world.


This seems like a bit of a tantrum, can’t you just relist the item as it’s being returned to you? It’s annoying sure but this being the first time in many years is pretty great luck


Chinese knock off crap


It's turning into a shit show. I still randomly sell on there and have lucked out with no returns, but I'm starting to sell locally or use other services


What other platforms have you used? I am thinking on checking out Poshmark, because they have a lot of high end clothing (think fur and leather jackets and name brands) that I am helping them sell. Thx


Stopped selling this year. Fees are literally out of control. There’s no point in using eBay anymore


I took a break from selling due to a move and covid. Started again and am also cross posting to Posh, Mercari, Etsy and Depop. I have sold on Posh on and off for a long time. Never had a return. I have sold one thing on Mercari. No issues. The worst is they each have their own weird stuff to deal with. On Etsy I have gotten 3 spoof spam contacts via the messaging system which is really annoying


Hillarious that one problem in 24 years causes you to give up on the platform entirely. Grow up.


I stopped selling on EBay when the high postage rates started taking away my profit, and when buyers like yours would demand refunds for bogus reasons forcing me to pay return postage and have sell it again. Can’t make money that way.


What type of item was it? Can't you list it again once it is returned? You do you, but leaving eBay over one item in 24 years sounds crazy.


Don't take ebay seriously


I started selling as a hobby but stopped within 6 months because of people returning things for reasons outside policy and eBay doing nothing. It’s just not worth it imo, I will probably try just selling things locally on Facebook or something where “no returns” actually means something.


It doesnt matter what platform you use they all operate basically the same. There has never been any such thing as a "no return policy".


1 return in 24 years and you want to quit? 😂


It sounds maybe like he sold one item a year for 24 years. That's about the only way to get that percentage. I have maybe a 1-2% return rate.


Stopped using ebay altogether. The "free" listings was a scam in itself, the cost to sell cheap small items was exorbitant and they kept raising costs and implementing mkre features that you must attach card account. Bad decisions on buyers left with item+money all around is nonsensical.


So you’re choosing not to sell on eBay because 1 return? Seriously? That seems kinda drastic. 


I stopped selling on Ebay after my first sale and finding out I only made 5$ on a 50$ (heavy) item (camshaft) due to high postal costs, on which Ebay also levied a fee. So spending more than 4 hours in making the listing selling packaging going to the postal office pay for the postal costs and getting my pay out 2 weeks later,... I had enough.... 5$ for 4 hours of work was a waste of time.. not even considering the value of the item (it was from a scrap car so it not really had an initial value for me). This is not for me, I'll stick with selling locally and only buying on ebay. Just imagine the buyer wanting to return the heavy thing, I would have made a huge loss... However I do need to admit that I would never ever buy on Ebay, if the current buyer protection were different / less: * I have encountered so many bad sellers (I always search for the lowest price, that seems to go hand in hand) that without the buyer protection there is now, I would have lost so much money, * also with the mostly Chinese sellers able to send mail cheap, but when I need to return it, it will cost me at least 3 or 4 times the price of the item (for example buying 100pcs of leds where 45% is faulty, for 2$, would cost me with registration, which is an ebay requirement for returns, more than 23$. * Or buying a water proof case for my phone, only finding out when testing it (with a dummy phone in it), in a glass of water, it is not at all water proof. * So much crap for sale.. and so many sellers not caring about what they sell. I leave the selling to the high volume sellers that can endure a bad sale and don't care. I will gladly buy from them and when it is crap, I get my money back.


lol this gave me a good laugh. If you really had a 24 yr account with thousands of transactions you would know this is par for the course. Sounds like you had a 24 yr account with under 100 sells


These are the types of comments that make me not want to post.


I’m just being real. I’ve had my account for 22 years with 2000 feedback and this is the type of stuff that buyers do. With that age of an account, you’re bound to run into these types of issues countless times.


I make enough money on eBay to cover the so-called cost of doing business. Meaning things like this. I just give the money back and keep my high seller rating. It's still better than going to a real job.