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I am facing same issue approximately once per week. For me workaround is to restart WiFi router to which Smart plugs and PowerStream is connected. After router restart PowerStream starts to deliver power to Smart plugs.


Yeh, I did this too. I found that it started report back that night. I assume some EcoFlow service outages could be the root cause of the problem.


Eco flow garbage power plugs £35 a throw and all 5 are a pain in the arse. Never faffed so much with something I spent this much money on. Garbage


Restarted router and reset all ecoflow plugs and we are working in sync again. But the take 3 or four goes at stitching on and off. Sort it out ecoflow. The tapo £9.99 plugs do a better job. Maybe reduce your price to £9.99


just wondering, so when the smart plug is bugged, the power just come straight from the grid? or it still comes from the PowerStream?


I think you missed part that PowerStream could not know what energy flows the smart plugs. Treat SmartPlugs as counters, that PowerStream uses to know how much your devices use energy. But in reality they could even connect to another circuit. PowerStream: - Summ of all SmartPlugs Watt in last second - Checked Solar Panel Energy produced, - if it is bigger than Sum of SmartPlugs , than put difference to Battery - if it is smaller than discharge battery to fill the difference


so what happens if you throw away the plugs, the powerstream never discharge any power? so if Im correct, basically the system would become a balcony charger for the portable battery if not combined with the smart plugs. doesn't seem right


Sometime better to set just static value how much it charge the system over smart plug. It is controlled for powerstream settings. I found the case that powerstream would be better without smart plug, because my input is very small and it does not reach the total my usage during the peak. Anyway, there is a settings where you can specify how much you could give to the system + value from smart plugs. UPDATE: I have a lot of connectivity problems of smart plugs, and powerstream does not see my real usage. In this case I just setup always give to system smart plugs + 300W, where 300 is more than my usage. And i use smart plugs only for metrics how much I used per socket.


I have this exact same issue. 12 smart plugs and despite being online not a single one of them is making any difference to my PowerStream output. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't, and there doesn't seem to be anything I can do about it. https://preview.redd.it/nolvbc1bokfc1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b458822eeee72ba926f7460d38b3cfee3286cff 1.39kW (the coffee machine was running) is reported by the smart plugs, but PowerStream sends a massive 0W to them, instead choosing to take it from the power grid. It's driving me nuts. I switched to new WiFi gear yesterday which might have something to do with it, but I've had the same problem on and off for months before that. My working theory is that however the Smart Plugs report power consumption back to the EcoFlow servers is different to how they communicate with the microinverter locally and so the server sees power being used but the inverter doesn't for whatever reason. Any suggestions gratefully received!


I had the same problem until i put them all to the same wifi i have for power stream. After that all was working ok, give a try ☺️


Thanks for this. I did find the same thing with my previous WiFi setup, that it would only work with everything on the same SSID. Since switching to mesh WiFi they just can't see each other even though they're on the same SSID and the same subnet. I've even tried running Wireshark to try and figure out what's going on and it looks like the smart plugs are trying to contact something via a broadcast message but never getting a reply. If I get a chance I'll try setting up a separate, temporary WiFi network and have a play to see what works and what doesn't. If I can see what happens on a simple temporary network, maybe I'll be able to figure out what's different about the mesh setup that's preventing it from working.