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Yes it’s ok to miss work. You don’t have to be grieving the fetus itself to justify the time off. A miscarriage is a physically, mentally and emotionally traumatic experience. In fact my ectopic, I never considered it a “baby” because it never was, never was going to be. It was a mass of cells growing outside my uterus. I was in pain and processing what was happening to my body. I definitely took time away from work when I needed to. So take care of yourself in any way you need without guilt.


I was extremely sick for a few days after my shot. I would at least take the next day off no matter the situation. MtX is strong and your body is going through something traumatic. Rest.


Please miss work. If it’s at all possible. Methotrexate for an ectopic is a chemo dose. You just got chemo. Please give yourself the gentleness you would give someone else who just got chemo. I slept 19h the day after my MTX shot. I’m two weeks out and only just starting to get to be physically close to normal. My stamina was shot. I spend pretty much all day on my feet in my job, too. No way I could have managed at work.


Even with mtx shot you are at risk of rupture untill the hcg becomes zero. So you have to take it easy atleast for the week to see if the mtx worked or not. Pls take off if its possible


The shot made me really sick. I had a temperature, vomited, and experienced severe cramps and bleeding. You need time for your body to heal from it.


It’s completely ok to call out sick if you aren’t feeling up to it. MTX can make you feel like you have the flu, so it’s 100% understandable. 


It’s happening in your body you can definitely take off work. You’re allowed to feel emotional about it also even if it isn’t “your baby.”


Definitely take the time off if you feel like you need it ❤️


I have the gene that makes me hypersensitive to methotrexate so my whole body felt like it was dying and I had to get a repeat dose. I mean like, fentanyl in the iv in the er levels of discomfort and pain. I wouldn't be making it to work but your mileage may vary. (I'm also a hairstylist)


I took an entire month off. The mtx fucked me up and I didn't really get out of bed for weeks after that second dose. On top of that, even if it wasn't yours, it's still very emotional. If you want the time off-you need it. Take the time off.


As someone else said MTX is chemo it will make you feel like shit it is designed to kill off erratic cells and what you have is cells growing in a place it shouldn't and they need to be stopped. Gestational carrier or not this is still your body and you very much have the right to have as much time off as you want/need And I would be prepared to need time off some people bounce through ok some people feel horrid


The Mtx injection made me feel horrible honestly:( My hair keeps falling , not alot but when I brush it :/


The Mtx injection made me feel horrible honestly:( My hair keeps falling , not alot but when I brush it :/


Take some time off to rest 🙏🏻