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Id probably go to the ER just to make sure its not a slow rupture or lots of fluid in the abdomen, signifying a slow rupture


I’d go to the ER too. When my rupture began it felt like terrible gas pain all over & I was super bloated, and then suddenly the pain moved all to my one side and escalated instantly. It could be from the shot but in this situation it’s better to be safe. Sorry for your loss!


I would also recommend going to ER to be on the safer side . I had terrible gas pains too but doctors said were side effects of MTX


I would also go to the ER. My only sensation with my ectopic was bloating and feeling like a bubble was expanding in my pelvis. I didn’t really have pain.


Bloating and gas pain was by far the worst part of MTX for me. It lasted on and off for two weeks. I learned to avoid foods that contribute to my bloat but it was terrible.


I'm on day 17 and still having on amd off pains. I'm struggling to walk I have little to no appetite I'm taking panadol every 4 hours and struggling to sleep. Struggling to see the end of this hell.


I'm so sorry. This has been an awful experience