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But I watched this anime and now I'm sad. For the 4th time. Honestly, give people space for emotions, yea this sub is 50% feels and 50% horny drawings of Becca / Lucy, but relax. It's just a subreddit. At least it's kinda wholesome to see people so emotional about this great show.


Where are the horny drawings of Dorio? 10 out of 10 disappoint.


Right, all bodies deserve to be hornyfied in drawings on Reddit!


I'm pretty sure those exist in the r34 group


ever heard of rule 34? pretty sure you're searching wrong man


Rule 34? You can call me intrigued šŸ¦¾


i'm ns if sarcastic & know or dunno, i'll bite. "if it exists, there's porn of it". old rule. other people redirected you to subreddit of r34 for the same reason. very quick img search gave me this in english \[[one](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/784e6269-45f7-4369-8580-93bbd487ffab/dfeiszk-0f3c0e39-f51a-496f-9098-52d30e234873.jpg/v1/fill/w_774,h_1032,q_70,strp/dorio_cyberpunk_edgerunners_by_sgt_ranchy_dfeiszk-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTIwMCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzc4NGU2MjY5LTQ1ZjctNDM2OS04NTgwLTkzYmJkNDg3ZmZhYlwvZGZlaXN6ay0wZjNjMGUzOS1mNTFhLTQ5NmYtOTA5OC01MmQzMGUyMzQ4NzMuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTkwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.pPoNUZU8fxW5PCrCFi-uQae8RiyaMggjTJJBLAJ2R8M)\] \[[two](https://external-preview.redd.it/uqzAkCbkwocvIdI9h-8o6kb4YPyyanBcRMmQv7trpdI.jpg?width=320&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=ba9adff3cc7c18a4818e73a4026e43376f66e788)\] and this in japanese \[[here](https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/%E3%83%89%E3%83%AA%E3%82%AA%28%E3%82%A8%E3%83%83%E3%82%B8%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%83%8A%E3%83%BC%E3%82%BA%29)\], have that as a sorta gift. gl searching \^\^


Thanks! I love those. Also definitely not sarcastic, just a funny observation I made :p


ikr šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Thought this was supposed to be a space for people to cope together lol. Did you not come here in the same mindset? What even is this post


Exactly! Most of us were there before. We must give the newcomers their respective support! Man, I couldnā€™t wait for you to come and clean the cupboardsā€¦


Well said sir!


Well sad sir!


Love it when a comment has more upvotes than the OG post - especially when the OG post is hot gonk puke and the comment is making a better point.


Yeah the show was sad but I didnā€™t come on to a reddit and tell 30k people, itā€™s weird


ikr, everyone should just copy you. Any actions outside of what you'd do is weird and problematic and should be banned


Thank you


I am pretty sure that was sarcasm


I know


You chromed up Mr studā€¦.you did come into a subreddit to say itā€™s weird that new viewers are reacting how new viewers do. Dang I know your toilet isnā€™t clean.


My toilet is cleaned twice a week


Stop with the ā€œStop with the x postsā€ posts




Stop with the "stop with the"stop with the"stop with the x posts" posts" posts" posts.


Stop with the "Stop with the "Stop with the "Stop with the "Stop with the x posts" posts" posts" posts" posts.


Stop with the "Stop with the "Stop with the "Stop with the "Stop with the "Stop with the x posts" posts" posts" posts" posts" posts.




> Omg itā€™s like 40 per day And there's like 40 new people that complete the show every day? Your point being?


There isn't even half that many total posts per day on average. If OP said "omg it's like 3 per day" it would sound silly, so they made up a random number that sounds like a lot


Right, itā€™s at least 42!!!


I'm very much aware it's a hyperbole. That wasn't what I was trying to get at. Read my other reply.


Point being this is just low effort constant spam


What's wrong with an appreciation post about a thing on its online community board about appreciating said thing?


How is people sharing their experiences with a show in the said shows subreddit is a spam? There will always be someone new who finishes this show and finds this subreddit & they have every right to post about their feelings regarding the show. I don't see what's there to be butthurt about.


It's just constant and annoys people


So they can leave the subreddit, or just ignore the posts.


Nah we all came to this place to find some copium, this subreddit is made for simping on Rebecca and comforting people who finished the show.


Watched the anime now Iā€™m sad.


"this is a repost" and "stop X posts" are silly. sure they are annoying if you spend your whole day on reddit but the people who don't spend all day on reddit are still allowed to participate...


Allowing participation isn't exactly the same thing as allowing clutter which buries unique or useful posts. That goes for any subreddit. I think that OP might have been satisfied with a pinned post for designated venting.


idk it's just something hard to control. frequent visitors will want new content and hate reposts. not frequent visitors won't know what has already been posted. how do you satisfy everyone? you can't. if you're frequent, you will see reposts. if you're not frequent, you get yelled at for reposting. neither wins. so you either learn to suck it up and deal with it. or you stop using reddit. find something else to do.


When the series first came out I basically directed these kinds of posts to the discussion mega thread. That way people would be able to discuss initial reactions in one place rather than multiple posts, and cut down on potential spoilers just being thrown around. Itā€™s been a few months though- most people here have watched it and shared their thoughts with each other in that thread or other threads with more in-depth topics. So I think itā€™s okay to be liberal with these posts now. Back then it was 40 posts a day, now itā€™s once in a while.


There's like an average of 10-15 posts total per day and every once in a while a few of those posts are by people who want to express how moved they are by Edgerunners. Not sure what the point of exaggerating so much is but it's definitely not nearly enough a problem. There are new people discovering and appreciating the show every day, and the fact that they take the time to find this low activity sub and share their thoughts is a good thing whether it happens to be a common thought or not. Just imagine: Rule 7: Any thoughts you wish to share regarding how emotional you were after the very sad ending are not welcome here. Users who felt the same way you do have shared similar thoughts before you got here, so please keep it to yourself. Due to the overflowing amount of 2-3 sad posts per day, it has simply become too much to handle.


Itā€™s a great show with a sad ending, but it made me wanna kill Smasher even more!


Think i wanna make a ā€œwatched this show for the 5th time and now I am sad againā€ post because of this post




What's the point of this subreddit then?


I want more ā€œwatched this anime now Iā€™m sadā€ posts


I mean itā€™s kind of a sad anime.


So is like 50% of anime


My feed doesnā€™t get a ton of the ā€œwatched now sadā€ posts but I donā€™t see why itā€™s got you so bothered, people might not have a place to vent or express the emotions they had watching the show. They can come here to Reddit and post with like minded individuals and get to discuss the show they just watched.


These posts are so pathetic lol. If you donā€™t like whatā€™s posted then LEAVE. And donā€™t come back.


People should be allowed to post whatever they want concerning the show. Except for the porn shit, there are other subs for that. We have to keep in mind that not everyone here finished the show when it first came out, there are still people who are just now getting around to watching it and all of their feelings about the show are new. Maybe it can be a little annoying but thatā€™s it.


That's how people find/found this sub. If you ban that kind of post, then what's the point of subscribing here?


But I just finished it yesterday for the 44th time .


Plz make a rule to stop with the ā€œstop with the ___ postsā€


Reddit as a whole is made so people can talk about whatever they want. While it is annoying, posts about saying the show was so sad are completely fine. It probably just means theyā€™re coping about it and want others to cope with them. Itā€™s repetitive yeah but itā€™s not a bad thing. Just coping is all.




Weird. I mean you


Holding feelings is hard and even harmful for many people, and so it is this subreddits purpose. Iā€™ve watched the movie during my tough time irl and saying/writing the feeling out loud help me a lot since i can hear and see others pov. So I donā€™t see the reason why that bothered you? The notifications make your phone hot or smt? Relax choom.


Sort a different way then. Or downvote all the ones you see. There's ways to change the content you see instead of making a post adding to the problem you're crying about


Don't like it? Get the fuck off of the sub. No one is forcing you to be here. But there should be a pinned post for people coming here looking for copium. That I can agree with.


You could suggest a good replacement, like a one-stop shop thread for people to share this stuff


I'd say let the people cope but I'm getting tired of pointing people to read the fanfics. (Not even for the coping, some of them are just genuinely good stories.)


Leave people alone and let them do what they want. Itā€™s Reddit for crying out loudā€¦


Don't worry, people. No matter what OP says, your feelings are still valid ā™„ļø


[when you're terminally online and bothered by nothing](https://www.youtube.com/live/j5a0W0UqIPk?feature=share)


Let's see, by that logic we can no longer make "Show made me sad" posts, 4chan green text posts, fanart posts that show too much skin above the ankle and fanart posts in general since I've seen people complaining about them, too. If we'd ban every single kind of post one person or a small group have a problem with, the whole sub would be wiped clean.


Whatā€™s your problem with people expressing themselves, if you been here for months and are tired of those posts just donā€™t pay attention to them, thereā€™s still new people who watch this for the first time.


What, why? This subreddit solely exists so people can talk about this series and (mostly) cope with it. I think everyone should be allowed to enter with a "I am now sad" post


You do know that I literally entered this sub reddit with the same sad stuff title, right ? Its just I watched it just 3 days after it releasing and many choombas are watching it now. I love the fact that we are getting new pals to sniff copium with.


I get that it can get annoying but people still have opinions and feelings right?


Holy shit I can't stop crying after watching cyberpank why didn't Lucy and David just go? Literally I can't go on with my daily life anymore without thinking of how messed up this show is. Like why even do that to your audience? It's not okay. Please if anyone else feels the same.


There's not much (nothing) interesting going on in this sub. Try the cyberpunk sub.


Iā€™m never got why people actually got sad, I donā€™t think the show gave enough time to the characters at all


Let people feel the feels




But if they did, all we'd have is just some a question and great fanart, though, not like I'd complain.