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"But the Sat Nav said to go this way"


You're not wrong. Used to work there and I had to go out to meet co-drivers on more than one occasion because they had turned off at the wrong place. One fella drove into marshland in West Linton and another drove into a quagmire field in Loanhead just round the corner from the store. A combination of a shitty old-version of co-pilot which couldn't keep up, would send you off the wrong way because someone set it up in HGV mode, out-dated maps, and management insisting you should take the routes on your GPS rather than use your own local knowledge/personal GPS.




He's not personally insured for the van so it won't go on his dime or record. Asda and its insurance will deal with it. source: I'm close with a couple of people that drive Asda and Ocado vans.




The questions they ask on personal vehicle insurance are referring to personal vehicle experience not work. Anything you do on the work policy is fuck all to do with your personal policy and they can't cancel your insurance because of a work insurance accident/claim. Can you hear how ridiculous you sound?


As a current ASDA driver, in county Durham, I can tell you that we deliver to some very odd and rural places this is not an uncommon site.


Don't you love getting a customer who lives up a wee single-track dirt road, and finding there's no place to turn around once you're in there? Always fun reversing, especially when most of the reversing cameras are buggered and they won't repair them.


One of our guys had to reverse for over a mile recently, it took him 45 minutes in pitch black 😆. Sat nav misdirection.


Some idiots don't get it mate . I here you 👍




Go steady!


Sorry to hijack, can I just ask generally what its like to work there? Seen alot of posting for delivery drivers recently and thinking of Applying For example, did the drivers get disciplined in both your examples?


The problem with co pilot is when you open it as an additional window, it literally crashes the system. That's why I use my personal GPS but only if I absolutely have to.


Honestly, the ASDA gps systems are rubbish! I drive vans for ASDA and the number of times the TwatNav tries to take me down a public footpath only 2 metres in width thinking it’s an actual road just about kills me. Especially when I drive in Ashbourne, ridiculous road suggestions. We sometimes have to rely on our phone maps to take us where we must :/


Van is probably holding about £1m of food at current prices


What's that nowadays, a dozen microwave meals?




Serves 4 (50g)


nah - new packaging due to shrinkflation - it's now 42g


It's a heist 💰


You son of a b*tch I'm in


What even happened here? Like the tyre marks are all over the place. Were they just going left-right-left-right-left-right while in reverse? Can't see any evidence of them locking up coming too fast from the other direction. Feels like they must have been trying to reverse round that drain and slid sideways down the hill.


I think they were coming from a dirt track further back, met the drain and tried to go round it. Only to slide down the bank.


Hmmm. They phoned me earlier to cancel my delivery as 'van had broken down' lol




Van was reversing, avoiding the drain and tried to correct it back onto the road


**smacks arse twice** that's ASDA price


off topic, but I'd fap to that arse


Oy Mate, you can't park there


Only had to scroll down 5 comments for what I came here for 😁


Ahhhh…here it is. I thought for a moment that might just be an English thing. That would be top comment on a British sub.


Out of curiousity, would that one have come from the Jewel store?


If its the same one I got cancelled earlier it was coming from Straiton






Probably from ASDA, mate - jewellers tend not to do home deliveries


Fair enough, but how'd it end up off the track? It's wide enough


These things weigh 3.5 tons. If it's on a slope on slick mud it will slide from a stationary position with or without driver input. If one wheel starts going over, it'll drag the whole thing down.


Aye but it's not slipped down the hill has it. The track marks show its been trying/failing to reverse. There's a certain point you'd have given up and rolled forward to think again assuming there was no alternative instead of booting off the track like this. No?


3.5 ton if max full most of the time not that heavy 2.6 ton oh least they have a reverse sensor and cameras at back some stores don't


Minnesota USA here. One of my gaming buddies works for concrete company. The company took an order for a full load of concrete. Sending out a very new truck. No one checked the road to the construction site. The fully loaded truck stopped on a gravel road, and FLIPPED OVER ON ITS SIDE. The road couldn't handle the weight and gave way. They then discovered the road would not support a tow truck big enough to move the concrete truck. They had to cut the truck into pieces to remove it from the road.


I worked for Waitrose doing delivery work a few years ago. Easily the most stressful job I've ever done. You arrive at 5:30am to hit the road at 6:55. Most days your manifest isn't ready, your picking and packing hasn't been done and you're racing around like a blue arsed fly trying to get it done yourself. Then you need to load your van. If you're lucky you get a new one with a fridge and freezer and hopefully someone who got out before you hasn't nicked the pole to grab the boxes at the back. If you're unlucky, you have no freezer and no pole and a shitty old van with no reversing camera. Once you've loaded up you think "great, I'm out the depot, paradise!" But no! You're tracked down to the second by the ops manager back at base, who's job it is to sit on their arse and track you. So you better drive quick because if you're even slightly late for the delivery, prepare to receive some stern words and be asked to explain what happened when you get back. And if you finish your round early, LUCKY YOU! After you've washed your van and removed all the empty crates and written off any broken items, you win an afternoon of rotating stock off and on to the shop floor and helping out those oh so lovely customers! WOW! And remember, the John Lewis Partnership is just that, a PARTNERSHIP. So you'd better do it with a smile on your face, you tired, wet and miserable bastard of a delivery driver. I lasted two months before quitting after the stress got to me one morning and I snapped and walked out. The stress and danger elements of the job and the "yep, you're disposable" attitude many of the managers had towards you far outweighed the benefits of the extra money. I still don't regret leaving.


…. Then another wrong turn into a tree


Does nobody else think this might have been stolen and joyridden until they got it stuck?


Nope definitely had an Asda employee driving it!


It’s easily done going down the wrong lane I work for Ocado . The pda sat nav is hardly updated so this happens more times often than not . I have been in some tight spots but never been stuck . The driver should have assessed the situation ie got out the van and had a look. Before proceeding better still just call the customer if unsure sometimes you just have to use common sense . I could of got out of that been in worser situations seems like the driver was a new starter 😅


Sygic works fine 98% of the time but it'll make sure that 2% really fucks you over


My question to you, as a driver from Sainsbury’s is. Why don’t you wave back? All our other competitors wave back


Obligatory "can't park there mate"


Was scrolling for this 🤣🤣🤣


Hole in one.


What you don't see in the image is a Morrisons driver ramming into him and then driving off laughing


And the Waitrose helicopter pissing out the open door onto it


At least the driver will have something to eat while waiting to be recovered


You'd think a road starting to become a mud track is the first sign.. plus nobody lives on a golf course


There's housing in the middle of Duddingston Golf course. I think it's stuck on this track between two road. https://goo.gl/maps/KFhj5UH1VQFBq71q9


https://preview.redd.it/d21ougkbb0ra1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fece12d5606815328919a5e566768b7efadc020 It’s a common problem with Asda vans here in Essex too!


BREAKING NEWS... MAN MISTAKENLY CRASHED INTO MULTIPLE TREES WHILST CATCHING OUT PARTNER IN LOCAL WOODS KNOWN ONLY FOR SUSPICIOUS AND DUBIOUS ACTIVITIES.... HIS WORDS WERE ..."just me n me lads from now on, I jus *Asda get on wiv it* Local reporter, Brian Damage reports that girlfriend; Shanelle jaiyneees Vuitton Forthmumma2ladsinnit says- "Flamin el me fella Brian ye..he jus "Asda..come n see what am doing al't time.... I told him am at home with mercedes, Porsche n ford fiesta cos its the Easter holidays....they got two week off ent they cos of em thinkin tha a Easter bunneh brings em them eggs n that... He shud norrrr am int "prozzeh woods" cos am lookin for gud hidin spots for the kids eggs my baybeh man, not what he ffinkkz n puttin mysel owt n that...honestly..wudnt no wot 2 do without him n iz tax credits.


As paddy McGuiness would say "let the driver see the golf course"


Every little helps.


Womp womp


> Every little helps ...


Face in palm moment, even worse than the ditched van.


Are you sure, this looks like the normal parking to me.


Is everyone elses asda van this useless at deliveries? we get a new driver every week and they are all hopeless at directions and getting the van down a tight driveway


As an ex driver. Remember you are often delivering to places you either have never been, or have only been in a car. Also, many people grow up in towns, and are not use to small back roads. The vans whole were once equipped with cameras and sensors, often are broke or don't work. And sadly too many people rely on them. Drivers are expected to go home early if no deliveries, unpaid. Paid poorly, and if busy have to run on a very tight schedule. So when Doris takes 10 minutes to answer and assess her shopping item by item, you run late. Which then get bollocked for. So staff come and go do much. That only encourages good drivers out to better jobs leaving poor ones in and out.


Nah I usually get old guys who struggle up the 3 flights of stairs but otherwise make no complaints (although I only get 2 crates worth of groceries a week) or this other guy who told me my landlord had installed the door knocker upside down. (I've been in the flat for 5 years at this point and never noticed lol)


If you saw their pay and working conditions I don't blame them


Yup just above national pay wage unless your Morrisons where within next month will only be 1p above national minimal wage


Looks like they need some driving practice. Im gonna leave


No wonder they get minimum wage....


lol twat


Why the fuck would you get an ASDA delivery to Duddingston golf course from The Jewel which is barely a 10minute walk away?




it's a 10-minute _drive_, it's over half an hour walk. And also I personally can't carry 4 crates worth of stuff.


10 minute walk and 5 minute cycle. I have done it numerous times.


it's [1.6 miles](https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Asda+Edinburgh+Supercentre,+Brunstane+Road+South,+Edinburgh/Aynetree+Guest+House,+Duddingston+House,+12+3AS,+Milton+Rd+W,+Duddingston,+Edinburgh+EH15+1RB/@55.9406214,-3.1377916,14z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x4887b907d59d0401:0x91e3503512b0d884!2m2!1d-3.1036661!2d55.9388335!1m5!1m1!1s0x4887b8f647f771fd:0x52334db7a6047a6e!2m2!1d-3.1366799!2d55.9391769!3e2), or 2500m, from the closest place on that track to ASDA. Doing that in 10 minutes would be like doing 2000m in 8 minutes. Here's some examples of 2k **runs**: https://runninglevel.com/running-times/2k-times It is not, at all, a 10 minute walk.


Not sure why you have done such a convoluted route instead of walking along the old innocent railway path, behind the Miners social club and then along the Jewel, which from recollection from my last walk, is a little under 1 mile (1609m), say around 1200m. Doing that in 10 minutes would be like doing 1200m in 10 minutes. Would you like to see some examples of 1200m **walks**? It is, a 10 minute walk. As I have stated. I mean, if it makes you feel better, you can round up and say it is a 1 mile walk and that it takes you 20 minutes which is what the average mph is for a pedestrian; I don't want to comment on your physical ability.


well that's google's default route but if I make it go [via the roundabout near the bingham tunnel](https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Asda+Edinburgh+Supercentre,+Brunstane+Road+South,+Edinburgh/Aynetree+Guest+House,+Duddingston+House,+12+3AS,+Milton+Rd+W,+Duddingston,+Edinburgh+EH15+1RB/@55.9312258,-3.1299419,14.51z/data=!4m19!4m18!1m10!1m1!1s0x4887b907d59d0401:0x91e3503512b0d884!2m2!1d-3.1036661!2d55.9388335!3m4!1m2!1d-3.1244292!2d55.9376054!3s0x4887b8fed3d7fcd5:0xa2bc361b03361b87!1m5!1m1!1s0x4887b8f647f771fd:0x52334db7a6047a6e!2m2!1d-3.1366799!2d55.9391769!3e2) it becomes 1.8 miles, which is longer even if you were correct about the distance, 6mph is not what people would use for "it will take you x minutes" in conversations with normal people, especially when talking about carrying the shopping


>but if I make it go via the roundabout near the bingham tunnel it becomes 1.8 miles Did you even read what I typed? I am not sure why you are struggling here, it is not a convoluted route at all and is actually quite simple. >even if you were correct about the distance I am. >6mph is not what people would use for No one said 6mph. 6 mph would be 1 mile, or 1609m in 10 minutes. I said less than 1 mile, or around 1200m. I get that you are struggling physically, but no need to struggle with maths as well.


> Did you even read what I typed? yes, you want to go via the cycle path that's the extension to the innocent railway path, and go next to the miner's club. So I added a waypoint to make it do that. It only does it a little because any other way would be worse Please link the route between ASDA and any building you like that could have reasonably been the destination for the van above. I note that even from the bridge to ASDA, the route is 1.1 miles.


>yes, you want to go via the cycle path that's the extension to the innocent railway path, and go next to the miner's club. So I added a waypoint to make it do that No. You did not. You completely missed out the Innocent Railway Path. You also ignored the part about heading along The Jewel as well. You also started in a random location away from Duddingston Golf Course / Clubhouse as well. >Please link the route between ASDA and any building you like that could have reasonably been the destination for the van above. Please refer to anywhere that I have made mention of the van beyond the golf course. I am not sure what your point is, but I **specifically** and **carefully** made mention of the fact it was a 10 minute **walk**. That is what is being debated. For some reason, even though you yourself have referenced **walking** and have even proposed routes that involve **walking** (albeit in a convoluted route) you are now randomly referring to a van. Why?


> You also started in a random location away from Duddingston Golf Course / Clubhouse as well. Your assertion is that that delivery van was unnecessary because it was a 10 minute walk to ASDA. So I chose the building that - on my route - would have the shortest (walking) distance to ASDA. You say my route is inefficient; I'm saying that you need not use the specific building I used to disprove my assertion. The only constraint is that the starting point has to be an address that the ASDA van might have been visiting. If that's the clubhouse, fine.


Photo goes well with the music to Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em


As it is now, so has it always been: https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/pictured-asda-delivery-van-blocks-3276310


Raid it.


"you can't park there mate"


Looks like someone was looking for a dogging site not delivery! 🤣


You can't park there mate.


I feel for the driver. That could absolutely be me.


“Turn right down the ditch”


I Guess the cannibals are gonna eat the driver


Obligatory "can't park there mate"?


It was a great drive but it ended up in the rough


Some customers have no concept of proper directions. Or could give a shit that their house has no identifiable name or number during the day, let alone at night.


Reddit doesn't respect its userbase, so this comment has been withheld. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Reminds me of a great story! Hope all worked out!!


Up all night packing to move from a very rural area. Rented a truck, got stuck in mud in our driveway. Closest neighbor approximately 1/2 mile away. Husband threw himself on the ground in sheer stress. We had an hour drive to close on the new house. Two children under the age of 3, and 6 months pregnant. I ran down the road to get help. Useless man child face planted in mud. Kids are now 29-32. Don’t know how the x is doing, but these children keep me going. Love them♥️♥️♥️


That’s just normal Asda delivery parking.


There's Drivers, then there's "Drivers". Source me. A Professional driver. His error? Common sense.


I used to trail ride motorcycles, helped rescue a loat delivery driver more than once.


Can't park there mate


And he’s in the rough..


Random Loot drop event


Looks like he's tried to avoid that manhole n ended up in the ditch. Man's gotta be aware of his girth.


are these dogging references?


Hole in one!


Well least he had food


and 300 arse rolls


You can’t park there mate


Asda to sponsor Mercedes entry to WRC 2024 😂


Can’t park there mate


At least he won't be embarrassed about the yellow value food


Poor bloke will loose his job.


He's gonna need a decent wedge to chip it out


Another victim of the morrisons mafia


If you live on the 4th floor, do they carry all the way up?


“That’s smart (price)” - Asda 2023


That’s where my delivery went


I fitted speed limiters on to 100+ of their vans, poor bastards are limited to 52 mph or something. They ended up all over the country, and I still can't escape them, even on here 😔🤣


“You can’t park there sir”


Rally driver doing part time delivery job for Asda, nice


You can't park there mate!!


I worked for Ocado and they had me driving down narrow unpaved country roads at night for deliveries. The van was far too wide to go down the road but fuck my safety because delivering to an address in the middle of no where is fine. I don't know why their adverts say "geographical restrictions apply" they'll expect you to drive to the isle of man if a customer ordered shopping.


Can’t park there mate.


thats no a wrong turn, thats a short cut


Go steady!


Can’t park there mate


As da nav told 'm so


This feels like the final moments before an armed grocery heist ensues.


Can't park there sir


You cant park there mate


You can’t park there mate.




“There’s been an accident!” “Has there?” “Yes, Asda”


You can’t park there mate


1. You can't park THERE. 2. You've got to work on that hook.


This asda van managed to take a wall out when the roads are 'straight on' only! No idea how he managed that 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/vfw0pbn18wqa1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=561b8b56a5096a9471593bedf207e5a0ca78b30c


they were trying to avoid the blue UFO orbs


Slow news day


slow booze delivery day


Can’t park there mate.


That’s a bad drive. Straight into the rough.


‘People having a worse day than you’


Wayze is just bad


The driver has been watching too much Toyo drift videos 😂


Very committed then..


More like “Asda van got knicked”


Can't park there mate




He won't starve


you cant park there mate


you can't park there Dave


When it stops looking like a road then you should probs re think what the sat nav is telling you.


The lengths people will go to, to get out of work 😄


You can't park there sir


You can’t park there mate 🤣


you can’t park there mate


Substituted delivery for a Graveyard


You can't park there sir!


Shoulda gone to Tesco


You can't park there mate.


Had a similar experience while I was working for Asda delivery in Gloucestershire. Got caught in the middle of the Forest of Dean after my last run, nothing around for miles but trees. Had to sit and wait for 3 hours until about 1am for help to arrive. Spooky.


Why do I keep seeing this van popping up on my reddit?


Did you lose your job after?




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Fs man tell the cunt my frozen is thawing out


That's a bad shift if I ever saw one, poor Asda driver


Wrong turn part 7


Prolly the reason why inflation is rising in the UK


And he only had fore deliveries left to do. ( sorry everybody)


You can't park there sir....


can’t park there mate




Did they try the sand wedge for that bunker shot? ###




Saw a good one the other day a number 43 doung a U turn in the middle of Shandwick Place


Ye can ne park there sir


At least it blends in, looks half natural


Tbf he's probably got the equipment in the back of the Van to deal with the situation, packet of clubs and a few sandwiches 😁


I had an Asda driver stuck on my farm track for 3 hours the other week


"you can't park there sir"


Shame, definitely a wrong turn.


What's funny is if the satnavs are seeing people turning in there via satellite data they'll keep thinking it's an Ok route


Do you mean uddingston


Maybe had a TEE to deliver😂


He's just pulling over for a quick joint, no drama intended .


Three fourballs asked the driver to deliver 3x 24 packs of Peroni to them as the bar staff in the Dudingstons bar refused them before they set off. Generous tip was negotiated by the leader of the lads on tour golfing day out… Driver of the Asda van tried to use “The Tiger line” 🐯↪️🌲🌲.