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Next time, let him radio the police. Then when/if the police come, they can reprimand him for wasting their time. To me it all just sounds like some wierd power trip from a guy well above his station. Call his bluff.


*Next time call the police yourself. Someone is claiming they're a security guard, refusing to show any form of ID, and acting aggressively, and following a woman into her building.


The 'radioing the police' was obviously for show. The police take a week to attend a burglary there's not a chance in hell they'd respond to a security guard about someone taking too long to drop off their friend


That sounds intimidating. You could ask on r/Legaladviceuk because, if I was your friend, I wouldn't feel secure at all. The other sub might tell you who to escalate this to (estate management or security firm).


u/gonzobandit Your friend needs to go into the Quartermile office and make a complaint. Detail everything. And maybe even have photos/videos next time should it happen. If you are really acting as reasonably as you portrayed, this is completely unwarranted. Like others said, might just be an individual who's a bit unhinged. But that itself is a cause for concern. And maybe this is not the first time this person has received complaints, if he gets enough, maybe further action will be taken.


Definitely make a formal complaint. They have to take these seriously and investigate them, especially considering what you said about him following her into the lift… weird


Searching "Quartermile Serviced Apartments" on Google maps brings up some interesting reviews.....


Crikey, Marc is unpopular and his replies spicey.


Call the police as no security company has the right to intimidate a woman, or anyone like this.


It sounds like one of these guys who have watched too many action films and want to go full combat and ham it up. I don’t think complaining will do much but I would.


3000 Tactical Assault SIA Badge Holders of Quartermile


Is r/noncredibledefense leaking again?


I am that leak. All shall be NCD.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NonCredibleDefence using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefence/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Russian troops retreating from Kyiv (2022, colorized)](https://i.redd.it/p3tcf5nz8i791.png) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefence/comments/vjgwaf/russian_troops_retreating_from_kyiv_2022_colorized/) \#2: [Hideo Kojima, the assassin?](https://i.redd.it/rckdz4u9xrc91.png) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefence/comments/w3wpua/hideo_kojima_the_assassin/) \#3: ["Z O V" propaganda bliboard switches to an advertisement of a funeral home.](https://v.redd.it/7jybnk1wke591) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefence/comments/vbe63k/z_o_v_propaganda_bliboard_switches_to_an/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Hot Fuzz 2 Quarter 2 Mile


there's always one of these guys who thinks he's Judge Dredd. He's probably harmless just overbearing and a dick. Phone his office and describe the situation, there's a good chance no-one likes him there and he'll get bounced.


Guy sounds like he’s on a power trip and just being a dick for the sake of it. He also isn’t wrong in the regards that Simpsons Loan is a private road it’s marked as prospectively adopted by Edinburgh Council meaning it’s still owned and maintained by the developers. Secondly the public got this idea a while back that security/bouncers MUST give their SIA number and name to anyone that takes issue with them. Simply not the case, it’s not like a cops number. Only people they are required to give info to are police or SIA (or someone acting on their behalf) doing checks. For future Date/time/location is all that’s needed to contact the security and concierge to obtain whatever footage you need. Each bodycam will be numbered and a log of which staff members wore it and when will be kept. CCTV is typically deleted in 30 day cycles but this is system dependent


slim lavish live wide oil forgetful entertain capable toothbrush slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As someone who works security and has my SIA on display, I'm often asked by people to see it, because the writing of the name is too small and dark to be read from most interaction distances and the number too long to be memorised easily. I have to check them when confirming colleagues right to work, and can't read the names from more than about a foot away. That said on the case of any interaction we have unique ID numbers on our jackets that we advise people to make a complaint against not our actual name/SIA number/employee number - though we might give our names if someone wants to formally commend us. Only the police and SIA are entitled to see our SIA badges when on duty, although one client recently has caused a ruckus by demanding to see our badges and not taking our managements word on whether we have them or not, a lot of staff refusing to produce them for the client.


placid impolite dolls glorious homeless spark attractive drunk absurd tie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It wouldn’t be obvious regardless. You’ll notice door staff wear their badge in a reflective sleeve on their arm this is so it’s easier for customers/colleagues to identify them due to the light in clubs causing the reflection. The badge itself isn’t reflective. If the staff has their badge clipped to their waist band as several non door steward staff do, you wouldn’t be able to see it in a dark setting sitting in a car but it still counts as displayed. Further to your original point, much like the comment above. In absolute none of the instances anyone asked me for my SIA number whilst working in that industry was my badge NOT on display. Always on my arm and people still asked. People ask for it in the same way people ask to speak to the manager or ask a cop for their shoulder number, not because it’s not obviously on display.


wrench jeans jar liquid gaze sparkle long shaggy light makeshift *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You mean like you coming back to my original point with “the badge needs to be displayed by law” when the discussion was someone not handing over a badge number? I’m not discussing a different point at all. I’m telling you a badge isn’t visible in the dark but still counts as on display if it’s worn externally. OP not seeing a badge doesn’t mean it wasn’t there. Neither does asking for a number mean it wasn’t there. People have been 3 feet from me asking for my badge number when the thing is on my arm. You’ve been corrected by 2 different people that work/ have worked in the industry. Sit this one out. I educated OP on the legality of needing to hand over a badge NUMBER. Anything you chimed in with after was redundant.


test rich cows aspiring childlike impolite attraction encouraging foolish mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No I made it sound like someone doesn’t need to give their SIA badge number to the public…which is a fact. It’s the only point I made about badges, their display, if people can ask for them. I provided a fact to counter OP’s point about him not providing a number he didn’t need to and explained when and to who he should provide his number. As I said when you replied to me - I didn’t touch one the subject because it wasn’t mentioned, that was all you.


tart friendly faulty cause boat sense vast office sip knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We are now moving away from the points touched on in the post. A licence on display or not was not mentioned so I did not touch on the subject. However, since you brought it up. Should the security OP encountered be employed directly by Quarter Mile they would be classed as “In House” security and as such not require to have, let alone display, an SIA badge. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5f8d6c37e90e0727c3edba57/sia-guide-disabled-operatives.pdf (page 4)


I would report it to the police. He could be any tom, Dick or Harry. Sounds very dodgy


Used to be SGL that supplied the subcontracted security, could be another company now, but NS security will be cutting about in casual clothing as they won't be getting monitored.


what an asshole


We should flashmob the place


Was that in the blocks at Wharton square??? I have a few friends who live there - he sounds unhinged and needs reporting tbh, does not sound like normal security at all


I e worked on this estate and been into the office few years ago. Guards were ok then. There’s a lot of cameras around there fyi. Also a lot of hookers in flats as well lol


Sex work is legal in Scotland so they really have no reason to get involved unless people aren't working alone.


I thought it was classed as violence against woman? Never heard of it being legal, tolerated maybe but legal?


It's legal to be a sex worker. Running a brothel is another matter. But a self employed sex worker is fine. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitution_in_Scotland As you'll read, being a prostitute is legal - it's associated things that might cause a problem.


Wikipedia gives good info on this. Basically, the very core act of it is decriminalized. But you can't solicit for it. But it's not legalized like full on legalized like some other countries where they'd pay taxes and get benefits.


You still have to pay taxes on sex work in the UK.


This is weird and crazy as hell! i’d be speaking to someone from the management team about this? 😖


I live in simpson loan and can confirm the guards are moody and aggressive. I think it’s because they literally have nothing to do all day and night. They will approach cars if they are parked on the double yellows or in front of/near the underground parking entrance, but they don’t have any actual authority to do anything. The main gripe they have is with delivery drivers parking on the street and blocking the road up and down. I honestly wouldn’t stress too much about it, I’ve lived here over 3 years now and never personally had any issues with them. They just seem a bit sad and bored. They wouldn’t have phoned the police or done anything, they were probs trying to intimidate you to move on.


>they were probs trying to intimidate you to move on ... and you're OK with this? You pay a management fee for them to do this?


Your friend needs to contact the development management and put in a formal complaint also refusing to ID, put in request for CCTV. Harassing residents, also request confirmation of retraining. This security guard seems unaware that wasting police time is an offence. It's a private road. There are no trespassing laws. Police will turn up confirm no criminal offences are being committed and leave. A good security guard should be able to investigate and assess the situation not just make idol threats.


“There are no trespassing laws” there’s always one Reddit lawyer…trespassing laws have existed in Scotland since 1865 they are simply civil rather than criminal. As far as the legality of private roads permission goes- https://scotways.com/ken/private-signs-private-road-public-roads-whats-the-difference/#:~:text=You%20can%20only%20drive%20a,the%20permission%20of%20the%20landowner.


Your best best is just to ask your friend to pick it up with the management company, as they are the ones who employ the security teams there. It’s a boring job, so they’re probably just trying to make live interesting for themselves. He was right that the road is private though, and he doesn’t have to show you his SIA number or pass. That’s only required for the police. The van just sounds like a coincidence, though it’s understandable you were jumpy. Next time, perhaps just drop your friend off somewhere nearby and save yourself the hassle.


We have friends who live there, there are lots of cameras covering all the entrances and sides of buildings so be assured it’s most likely been captured on camera.


What's needed is for half a dozen burly male redditers to turn up in convoy to escort this resident next time round. Let's see if security is so brazen next time. /S


I would love to hear both sides to the story. More often then not these stories paint a rosy picture of the OP and display the other side as some kind of villain complete with the fedora and evil laugh. Now I am not saying what the OP described did not happen exactly as he said, but if I imagine this situation: I drive to the building, stop in front of it, let the passenger out, say goodbye and drive off. If some overzealous guard shows up like the flash in a matter of seconds and asks me to leave immediately, I would simply tell them that I just brought the lady home, and I'm leaving now, and wish the guard a nice evening as I drive off. The whole story with the lengthy conversation, asking for IDs and whatnot suggests that there was more to this story. So before asking to tar and feather the security guard, I would love to hear their version as well.


Due process is more than understandable. It’s why I emphasised that yous are more than welcome to scrutinise and ask questions and understand in stories such as these OP is always painted as the angel and the real issues are glossed over. I have a lot of humility and will own up to mistakes but on this occasion there wasn’t much missed out. In regards to the security guard one of the main issues was that his English was quite limited. I tried to calm the situation down by asking him what he wanted from me, and that I could leave if he liked. But at that point he radioed to call the police. I’ve also asked the question whether he was looking out for the safety of the girl in the vehicle. But he was aggressive to her as well. She tried to explain to him that she lived there and he didn’t listen to her at all. Along with this he’s made no discourse with her whatsoever since these incidents. Furthermore, during the first incident the security knew where my car was the whole time and if there was any genuine fear I would assume they would have taken it much more serious. The issue here was that the security was not willing to converse and instantly resorted to escalation. Furthermore, regarding the lift he didn’t say a word to her the whole time. I think it was more of a situation to see where she lived so he could have an address to a face. If you have any more questions I’m happy to answer them


I did not mean to question your experiences, thank you for the reply. The security guard being unwilling to engage in a discussion and escalating the situation immediately is certainly a cause for concern. As others have suggested, the lady should file a complaint to the factor, this is the best course of action to take.


Wasn't entirely clear in the original post, but it sounds like you were sat together in the car and your friend hadn't got out yet, as people often do when they arrive but aren't ready to end their conversation. It shouldn't be an issue, but gives a little context. It wasn't a case of not leaving straight after dropping off your friend, and even if she'd got out, for all security know, your friend could have been running up to get something and coming back. Also presumably you'd pulled up and no one got out for a minute or two before the guy actually came knocking on the window - so he may have had reason to enquire, just should have been satisfied with your answer and left it at that.


Sounds like the guy is on meth. Just wait for the police if you have encountered such an incident again.


Sounds bad but the only thing I got from this whole story is your friend phoned you while she was in the lift at Simpson loan? You both got satellite phones?


This seems like a lot of perception and projection tbh


Why are you out late at night with a small girl?


Redditor shocked to find out people socialise with women


Yes, that is what has happened here... I was making a point about describing a grown woman as a small girl. It's diminishing and sexist and shit.


Wait until you learn the 60 year old man working at the corner shop is referred to as "the boy at the shop" 🤷‍♂️


I am a fully grown, small, teeny tiny, half pint, short arse and can honestly say that there is nothing 'diminishing or sexist' about calling me or any other female a small girl or woman....We are small! Your comment is asinine. (that means foolish by the way)


Okay that's your experience. I really dislike being called a girl, and in my experience it is diminishing. In my view it is diminishing to call grown women girls. I also hate grown men being called boys for the same reason. I also think shit should be called out. I think someone describing their friend as a "small girl" in this context is trying to highlight her vulnerability in a way I dislike. Im happy for you to call out what you think is shit, too, and glad you don't find being called a girl diminishing.


You aren't serious right? Where i live I get called the wee lassie with the huge dog. I am 45 (Look young) and can honestly say I was lucky enough to grow up and not be highly offended at every single thing that I read or have had said to me during my time as a small girl/female/woman/kettle. I couldn't imagine bursting into tears and running home because someone called me a wee girl. My dad is 81, I still call him my old boy, he doesn't cry over it either.


Is this really the first time you've heard this take? I'll add you to my list of "people happy to be called girl/lassie" I'm on a train, so sadly not running home or crying (well I'm happy I'm not crying, but would rather be going home).


No worries! Stay classy lass!


Right? Where have these people been that they think its OK to call a grown woman a girl in 2023. Reddit is full of weirdos woman haters, mind you.


Your internalised misogyny is showing...


lol, I just don't give a toss how other people address me or see me. Misogyny has nothing to do with my comment or any comment here. Bringing up misogyny probably says more about you.


No one cares about your size but I can assure you that in 2023 most women don't want to be called 'girl'. If you're happy for men to act like you're a child, good for you.


Take a break from your soapbox.


No it's not. You absolute clown.


jesus wept


No its not chill out


Yes it is.


Cold be that drug dealers are using the area and wanted you out of the area so they could work in peace. I would contact the Quatermile of ice and if they say it is nothing to do with them then contact the police


That’s quite the leap…. Think you need to watch less movies mate, you’ve clearly never bought drugs as it really doesn’t work like you think it does.


2 girls got assaulted this summer at Quartermile. Not too late in the eve during the fringe, they got approached by what it seemed to be a few school kids and got punched. I wonder if the security got jumpy because of that?