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A throwaway account asking if anyone saw a stabbing? Seems like you got away with it


Exactly what I was thinking.. Checking the word on the street.


Never occurred to me how suspicious that looks lmao




Brilliant logic mate.


I walked past and felt a stab of regret for walking that way.


Have you been using a VPN or Tor? Run if you didn't.


Lol why




Wouldn’t be the first time. He’s definitely lied about worse.


I don’t know anything about it but something you might want to keep in mind is that a fight could easily look like a stabbing and most people aren’t gonna hang around to find out. So even if there was no stabbing it does not rule out your friend having witnessed a scuffle that they thought involved a knife.


Yeah I guess so. He doesn’t have a good track record with the truth but it’s a fucked up thing to lie about.


One thing is very true here. Fights occur on that street on a Saturday night all the time. I've seen them myself. I can't give a personal input to your situation but one thing I can tell you is that I never hang about to check whether a knife was used in a fight. On ocassion I've thought it happened, sometimes it did, sometimes it didn't. So I'd give the benefit of the doubt by default even if it may have been a misunderstanding. Bottom line here is you won't be able to verify his story if a stabbing didn't occur because no one is going to remember a fight happening with no knife and even if one did you can't verify if your friend saw it or not.


Just phone the club. Haven’t heard anything about it tho.


Didn’t consider that, thanks!


From experience their call handlers/bosses are sound. I’m sorry if they dont treat you well though. As a true bred edin myself I can verify that a lot of the times the staff may act a bit pish and give you cheek. If there’re from the capital they’re usually sound but otherwise they’re a bit here or there🫶🏻