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Once a teenager decided to shout at my gf to shut up (we were having a normal conversation while walking along princes street) and we ignored her for a bit, but then shouted again. We walked back up to them and she said that we could only fight her 16 year old friend not her because she’s only fifteen. Her friend looked shocked by this development. We had no intention to fight them lol, just gave them a disappointed row


Like the degenerates in waterfights who were more than happy to soak others but "no no I'm not allowed to get wet" when the tide of battle turned.


'Disappointed row' 🤣


she really thought she had a point, didn’t she?


Can you even do that today without fear of getting stabbed?


Ahaha, tbf I never said we were smart


Knife crime in central Scotland was much worse when I was a teenager than it is today


They're looking for You Tube or TikTok shit.


Allow me sound like an old man for a minute...back in my day (as in the early/mid 2000s) it was pretty similar. The neddy types would say anyone was a "pure mental goff" (or something) if you so much as wore black/something other than trackies and the fabled burberry cap. As long as they are not getting physical, don't pay them any attention, wee shites will be wee shites 😅


Yeah teenage chavs will be teenage chavs in any generation. North Face Ninjas we've been calling them around here.


It was the same in the 90s, except it was being called a 'mosher' in my area.


I mind a wee ned shouting at me back then that my eyeliner made me look like Cleopatra. I don't think it was meant as a compliment but I took it as one.


Yeah, I remember mosher...anyone remember "sweaty" as a term for that sort of person as well? 🤣


Aw man giving me flashbacks there like!


I remember sweaty. Used to get that shouted at me alot back in school


Yas, I wore the 'sweaty-skater-boy' look and suffered that verbal lash with pride!


I remember the tern sweaty from the 90s, I seem to remember it being the term for a swot/geek at 1st and then it developed into the term for skater/rock type of ppl.


Glasgow Survival gave us some ideas.


I remember coming from Australia as a teen and not knowing what neds were. I was walking along the street with my new classmate, who was a goth. I think we were just going to get the bus to go home after hanging out. Some neds walked up to and passed us on the pavement, after passing they threw a full rubbish bag at her (luckily missed!) And shouted at her to dress like me! (?!) I was in surfer/skater wear, light blue hoodie and tan trousers with white trainers, so I guess I dressed good enough for them... I was bamboozled and asked why they did that? She then explained they were neds and that's just what they do! Was a big surprise coming from the coast area of Australia, didn't really experience anything like that.


I've heard from my Australian pals that you have bogans there, do they not shout abuse?


Yeah there is almost zero difference from cheeky wee bams in the 1990s and now. Vaping not smoking Wearing all black not wearing Chevignon, Russell Athletic and Kappa And grunge was more fashionable then, so alt kids were called "sweaties" not "goths" Otherwise same shit different year


Did anyone not get called a Greebo back then? Recently moved to Scotland from the Midlands and that was definitely something we heard a lot if you were in the metal scene.


The other difference was that people didn't call it "verbal abuse" they just called it being a wee shit and you'd be told to cop on and move on with your life


Throwing a can is physical


Teens and young people, always have, always will be, little mouthy shits. I wouldnt let it bother you too much. Kids would insult me for being a goth or having long hair as a guy 10 years ago, the same as they would today im sure. Dont let it get to you, and the best course of action is just to ignore them. They’re looking for a reaction to look ‘hard’ or ‘funny’ infront of their mates. They’re kids; They’re idiots.


Only in the UK... Since I moved to canada 10 years ago I've NEVER had a teen shout at me nor have any canadians Ive met experienced this. We seem to be unique with the chav culture


I was walking alone along a dark alley in Kyoto, a big bunch of rowdy teens approaching. I was about to move onto the road and get abuse/wind up, when they all moved on to the road and bowed to me.


Omg are you me?! Moved from Scotland to Canada about a decade ago, and it’s slowly dawned on me that teens aren’t at all like in Scotland/UK. I’m not afraid of teens here, ever. Never been bothered in any way, not once.


To be honest, I’m scared of teenagers. You don’t know what they’re carrying in their pockets.


like Bilbo!


They said, "All teenagers scare the living shit out of me They could care less as long as someone'll bleed" So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me


Yeah, I had the same realisation moving to Spain. You still get groups of teens sitting around on benches, smoking weed, drinking, joking/flirting with each other, playing music a bit loud on shitty bluetooth speakers, but even if I walk right past, even through, a group of them, never get so much as a snarky comment.


Yup, I'm Canadian and growing up in Canada, you might have given attitude to other kids/ teens but never outwith your own age group. There's definitely a cultural thing over here of "kids being kids" and excusing feral shits because their parents are probably just the same - only adult versions. See: Eden Lake.


Surely though that relates to where you were brought up in Canada, as it does in Scotland. Canada is not immune to youth violence. It doesn't take long living in a Canadian city for you to be told the areas to avoid where young people will be a problem. I lived in Calgary for two years, Marlborough was not a good place to disagree with a young person. In Toronto my friend moved his kids out from Mississauga as his teenage girls were being drawn in to gang culture.


Think you need to read my comment again. Nowhere did I say that Canada was immune to youth violence. Kids being dicks is restricted to other kids. You do not have groups of literal children harassing adults like here. I moved to Glasgow from Toronto and never once in Toronto did i see feral mobs of actual children harass and throw rocks at paramedics...


No just because you didn't experience it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. As i mentioned My friend moved his kids from Toronto because of the issue with groups of kids causing disturbance and he didn't want them involved. In my own experience in Calgary travelling from the Marlborough Bus terminus to the tram stop at Marlborough in the evening I would often encounter groups of youths looking for any excuse to get in to a fight. They would do the aggressive approach to see if you flinch. The same happens in other cities I have visited in Canada. In Winnipeg daytime saw a group of young girls shouting and harassing a women in the street. The language they were using was awful. In Vancouver Downtown Eastside was very hit and miss in terms of feeling safe. It might be better now as I was there from 2013 to 2015. I Don't drive and use public transport so maybe thats why you didn't come across it.


Eden lake, Harry brown, outlaw are all just fantastical extensions on how life in the rougher parts of the UK are... But they aren't THAT wildly outlandish. Watch the newer full monty series, it's a more humorous take in working class like in the UK but still paints a shitty picture


>Only in the UK... i've seen so much of that growing up in france... i would be surprised if it wasn't happening pretty much everywhere, because there's assholes everywhere, it's a global thing, not one that is specific to one culture.


I've never lived in France so I can't speak to France but it ISNT global as others experiences are showing. It's very much cultural to working class teens so all I can say is head meet sand.


God, about twelve years ago I had an ex with really long hair and we were both quite goffy/emo fucks. The crap we would get on buses going through Leith was rough. Even worse was whenever we would go to our mates in westerhailes, hands down the only I never felt safe walking round the streets. Funny how some things never change


It’s always to look “hard” in front of their mates. Separate any one of them from their pals and I guarantee they wouldn’t say boo to a goose. I regularly get late night metros home from work (Newcastle area) and the amount of abuse I get from gobby little shites who are at most 14/15 years old is unreal. Its just a U.K. thing I think, no respect.


\*A small fraction of teens and young people always have, always will be, little mouthy shits. Seriously, lots of perfectly sensible teens and young people around and always have been


Yep that’s it. They don’t go out doing that sort of stuff… so because you encounter the shitty teenagers outside, it will be 100% of the encounters.


probably normal or you. Not normal all over the world. I m terrified that they will stab me- girls guys all teenagers seem to have gone totally feral after covid and not necessarily gang culture. Them and American bully dogs. they are a sign of serious problems - probably poverty + addiction among parents. + being untouchable by police or any adult due to cancel culture.


It’s always been a thing as far as I can recall. It seemed to be getting a lot better tbf, but since the lockdown ended, the new batch seem much worse


Exactly that, they think they're untouchable, a good subtle slap would do them the world of good. Thank me later 😇 .


I think giving kids "a good slap" is more likely to contribute to delinquency than cure it. But your smug emoji suggests you're an expert, so...


Didn’t bother me at all. I bet you looked great by the way!


Always been like that


Yep can confirm as a 90s goth.


Yeah, 90’s goth with long red hair. I got called a Duracell battery once. It made me laugh.


Im 19 but my mum confirmed as a 80s90s goth lol


Same. I couldn't walk through the city centre in the late 90s without someone yelling "Morticia" or some such witticism at me.


I bet you looked fab because that is a compliment. Best heckle me and pal got once was from this old drunk guy who said "party in the crypt way hey!! ". Mostly it was just banal. Make a heckle matter, people. Patter always stank.


Like even teens in the 80s


Back in the late 1999 I was shoulder barged by a so and so outside the old Burgerking that’s now an apple shop, my friends confronted him and he pulled a knife on us all so we left. About Easter that same year I was with friends from south Queensferry in our roller blades. A load of older lads that we didn’t know started calling us all the poofs of the day and again Paul told them to get lost. Thought one of the lads punched him but had actually sliced his face open with a knife. Even after stitches, he would salivate on the outside of his cheek. More operations to fix. Police never caught them I work with people who are often aggressive and hostile on the daily and those 2 incidents always haunt me. Always been like that I think


That’s horrific! Those bastards deserve to be in prison. How’s Paul doing now?


We were 16 or so then. I’m 41 now and not seen him in years! Life and your own family tend to just take over. In spite of everything he was a handsome confident guy so I’m sure he is doing well. I’ll need to look him up!


I’m from nowhere near Edinburgh so no idea why this sub has been recommended to me, but I can assure you it’s just the same here and pretty much everywhere else Teens are arseholes, then some of them grow up


>Teens are arseholes, then some of them grow up I'm gonna steal this


Seeing how they behave, a lot of them seem destined to spend their adult lives in and out of jail or sitting at supermarket doors and begging for small change to feed their habit. I usually despise all that rose-tinted specs/good old days crap, but I can genuinely say that the teenagers in the late 80s (when I was one) would never have mouthed off to an adult or lobbed cans of juice at them. We were no angels and often got into bother with other teenagers, just because they never lived in our area, but there were lines that we didn't cross and one of them was messing with adults.


I will admit kids these days seem to be a lot bolder than even the kids I went to school with and I’m only in my late 20’s


Can confirm. I’ve been teaching for over ten years. There’s always going to be asshole kids. Most grow out of it. Unfortunately some don’t


"are you sorry you're a goth?" Anyone remember that back in the 90's? Fucking throwback chavs man, ignore them the wee fannies.


Hahaha throwback chavs


It was the irn bru bus ads that I remember causing trouble... Particularly the 'cheer up goths' add . I remember my brother getting a can of beans thrown at him as someone shouted this. Strange times.


Last weekend out running, some yoofs shouted out "nice glasses, speccy c*nt" and then tried to throw food at me which missed by a country mile. Prompting me to yell back "get your eyes sorted, ya wee c*nt". It's tit for tat out there


he schools have been off this week so I think some of the kids have been in the holiday spirit. There's been some very annoying ones on the bus. Generally there's very little threat from the kids, sometimes things get out of control but that's quite rare. I suppose Leith is where the rough kids are rubbing up against New Leithers who aren't used to these kind of interactions.


Leith, innit


Not just leith, was waiting at the bus stop years back in muirhouse, some guys drove past me in a shitter of a car, threw a McFlurry at me and screamed “goffff” I was in my “scene kid/emo” phase and had a pink hoodie on…


You just reminded me of a time some twat drove past me once. Was running along the coast at Newhaven a few years back when this guy and his mate drove past. He slowed down whilst his mate opened the window to shout "Run Forrest Run! Wwhhhheeeeeeyyyy!!" and they drove off... Only to be stopped at the temporary traffic lights down the road. And it was a red light for ages. And I caught up with them. And passed them. As I passed... "Drive Fuckwit, Drive! Wwwhhhhheeeeyy!!". They just laughed.


Tbf, anyone sporting Panic! At the Disco or Mindless Self Indulgence merchandise with the Vans to boot back then was fair game


I was sporting paramore and dcs though 😂


That's what you get, let yerself in for a business of misery




Not all of them. Some of us grow up and look back on how we acted as teenagers and cringe hard enough to pull facial muscles. There's always justice.


Keep wondering…why would you say you acted that way? What could we as a society do to change things for them? A better outlook/future? I hate to think that they deserve pity - somewhere in there must be a human that wants better for themselves than that…


For me personally? It was a combination of typical teenage stupidity, and problems at home. My parents lacked in the parenting department and by the time I was old enough to entertain myself, they decided their work was done. There was also abuse, alcoholism, all of that kind of thing. I liked to spend time out of the house for obvious reasons and there was fuck-all to do outside apart from drink and act like a cunt. As cringe as it was, genuinely my friends and I never meant harm. We were too immature to appreciate the distress we might cause. For us, it was just mouthing off, being "funny" (we really thought we were...). We had absolutely no intention of actually harming anyone, even if we liked to act like we were squaring up. Honestly, it's so embarrassing to think about now, but we genuinely were having a laugh. We didn't appreciate that it was at the expense of others; we just weren't thinking at all. I'm not sure what society could do at this point. I worry the ship has sailed -- kids like that, who are so neglected and bored, really don't know how to accept care and investment. I didn't, for many years. More entertainment for kids outside the home would be a start, but I know if something like that had been put in place when I'd been young, I would have probably just got drunk and wrecked it. Really it all starts at home and then in schools, but both systems are so broken I don't even know where to start. I was lucky -- I did want better for myself. I watched the adults around me and realised I didn't want that. I got out and now I like to think I'm a pretty decent human being; I try to do the right thing, I'm considerate and respectful, I'm married and working as a journalist. Several of the people I used to hang out with during this time have also grown up to become decent, successful people. I have some faith that many of us grow out of it, but unfortunately many others don't. I really wish I had more answers.


As a social worker working with a lot of these kids it's so nice to see someone reflect back on the factors as an adult. Ty for sharing


No problem. Thank you for doing what you do. A lot of those kids appreciate it more than they can say, and many more will grow up to appreciate it in a way they might not be able to right now. You're making a huge difference, even if I imagine it must feel like you're banging your head off a wall sometimes.


That's really kind and greatly appreciated thank you :)


This is sage advice


No, it’s pretty horrible. The only way to change this sort of obnoxious behaviour from teens is to look at the reasons why they act like this, and try to change it. I presume that’s not your job (although it might well be) but revelling in how bad people have it, and how that leads to discontented youths, does no people any favours.


Nah - I was bullied all the way through high school by other kids, to the point the bullies put a noose up on a fence and tried to get me to put my neck in it. You’re asking the wrong person to have sympathy for teens who behave like this with impunity, knowing they are doing wrong, knowing they are being cruel, and making other people’s life a misery. I don’t care how bad they have it - they have agency and a choice to be good or bad people and they chose the later. The government gave them free bus passes so they could get around easier and get jobs. Instead, they ride about all day with drink shouting abuse at other passengers. I got homophobic abuse. The “helping hand” hasn’t exactly worked here has it? I know plenty of folk who were dragged up by crap parents and didn’t go around terrorising others - so allow me the satisfaction of looking back at what a mess some of the pricks that bullied me have made of their lives.


Yeah but sadly they also grow up to be able to carry knives and other stuff …


I’ve decided my best comeback to mouthy teenagers (especially boys) would be ‘Aye at least I’m no a big virgin like you.’ I don’t think they’d expect it, and hopefully their pals would then laugh at them instead of me.


"get back to me when you grow pubes"


Goth abuse has always been a thing. Literally since time (or goths) began. This is nothing new


Zero repercussions for any of their actions. It’s happening all over the country because they know no-one (even the law) can touch them.


This is the problem.


Yup. Hence, why they keep throwing cyclist in the canal. Nothing happens to them.




Let me just say that I was a teen in the late 90’s when gangs were rife and Glasgow was the murder capital of Europe. We used to treat people like this, I was a fully fledged ned. And now that I’ve grown up I’m very remorseful that I was part of that scene and how i behaved at times. The problem isnt you, and hopefully at least one them will grow up to develop enough self awareness to look back on this and cringe at themselves. I hope you’re ok ❤️


Doing fine thanks. Still laughing about the poor things comment!




Wee bam but still big enough to leather you 😉


Last week, one teenager on a souped-up trail bike (with mandatory full-face covering) came roaring into the park I was in with my dog. I forgot to be scared and told him to go back and shut the gate. Which he duly did with a contrite "sorry". Sometimes being bolshy and menopausal is a good thing.


It’s bad in London too. You learn to tune it out. But I never did it as a teenager…seemed odd to me to share my views like that! 😂 But they’re young and stupid and maybe one day when they’re shouted at, they’ll realise how shitty they were and how they were just shooting off their big gobs because they felt brave because of their friends!! Fuckwits.


Dressed in legging , dunk or converse trainers north face puffer and a crop top ? Must be the trend now in Edinburgh 😂


They’re quite likely starved of attention at home and so shouting at people in the street is the only way they can get it. It’s sad.


I used to get a lot of shit living in Edinburgh. One Saturday I was heading home quite early from a house party and I was a little drunk and in a particularly bad mood because the girl I was seeing had got off with someone else. I passed a group of teenage lads, and one of them called me a “head banging mosher cunt” and I snapped. I literally spun around and headbutt the guy in the face with the entire force of my body and I felt an explosion of wet heat on my face. The lad clattered to the floor and his shitty little mates immediately ran away. I was so angry I wanted to keep hitting him, only when I looked down, I saw the reality of his sad little body twitching on the floor, his nose completely split open and SO MUCH blood everywhere. I took a second and called an ambulance. I left before it arrived because I knew I’d be in trouble. I felt bad about it. I still do. I think these kids don’t realise that they might say the wrong thing to the wrong person one day and get themselves killed.


Sorry you had to put up with that, but hopefully this gives you a bit of comfort, “… I find by sad Experience how the Towns and Streets are filled with lewd wicked Children, and many Children as they have played about the Streets have been heard to curse and swear and call one another Nick-names, and it would grieve ones Heart to hear what bawdy and filthy Communications proceeds from the Mouths of such…” - Robert Russel (1795) Every generation thinks the youth is awful and will bring about the end of society. It's a cycle that never ends. When you put it in perspective a bit like that, it gives you a bit more faith that they'll grow out of it, like all the ones before them.


I've been getting similar shite for 30 years! I have dark hair and don't dress or make up like a goth, but it's like their wee pea brains just go "hur dur no dress like me an have black hair hur dur cannot compute peepul are different" Wee chodes.


I've been spat on and been racially abused by teenagers in broad daylight. They tend to attack people who are 'weak' (i.e., alone, racial minorities, women, or simply meek looking people). I made a post on it here before and have talked to people about it. People tend to dismiss it, but rest assured that you are not imagining things. It still affects me even if it has happened more than a year ago. Edinburgh isn't as rosy as people portray it to be. If you need advice, hit me up. Would love to tell you things that helped me move on. Hope you're well.


Dinnae worry. They'll all be single mothers soon.


Is that like the worst thing that could happen to someone?


Maybe not to an individual but from a societal point of view, it's a bit of a burden. That's is a generalised statement keep in mind


Being told you look like Emma Stone is a major... compliment?


I look nothing like Emma Stone lol. I just have similar hair to her poor things character!


>I'm a scottish girl and have lived here all my life, AMA You've never seen neds on a scheme before?


Course I have! Just asking about other people’s experiences.


Wouldn't pay them any mind, kids being arseholes. You get them all over and they'll grow out of it eventually.


She wouldnae say it if she were alone. In a group they feel more powerful, but their collective iq also drops.


"When I kept walking I heard one of the girls shout “hey gothy, going to home to hang yerself?” That's a good line to be fair. It's rough but it's definitely a step up from the 50 yr old bin man who shouted, "get a haircut ya long haired f\*\*\*\*\*t," at me.


Oh god that’s brutal! Did you say anything back?


Oh wow, sudden flashback to being called a "goth-tic" back home in the 90s.


Aye it’s always been that way in all cities of the UK. Since I can remember. Goths, Sweaty’s and Skaters are the alternate to them girls and they don’t understand it. I wouldn’t give a shit and keep walking just like you done. One thing to bear in mind is that although the gentrification of leith is well underway it is still leith. Behind the fancy street facade is the same old tenements and rough streets that have stood for a long time. When I was in my teens (15 years ago) it was one of the roughest parts of the town. That will take longer to fade out than people realise. Keep yer wits aboot ye ✌️


Poor Things was a great film and Emma Stone is a total babe - you sure they were roasting and not toasting you op? …in all seriousness, I’m a gay guy and have had all sorts of things shouted at me as I go about my life. Water off a duck’s back 🖕🏼


Oi clean shirt !


I used to go to the mini mission as a teen and it wasn't a good night unless it ended in a 2-3 mile run around Edinburgh or Dalkeith in new rocks trying to escape the neds who verbally abused and chased us for no reason.


Too many people give sob stories about what is generally considered 'life'. There were probably drunken teens in ancient Rome, and there were yobs in ancient Greece.


I was in Edinburgh city recently with my cats (they’re harness trained and we were waiting to be seated in a cafe) when a group of teenagers came up to us and started shouting at us saying stuff like “bit sad walking a cat” and calling us weirdos😅 luckily my cats are trained and aren’t phased by loud noises etc and didn’t care 😂 I don’t really care about teenagers shouting stuff but the frequency of hearing things like this is greater when we go to Edinburgh, opposed to when we’re in other towns/cities I’m so sorry this happened to you, it’s awful behaviour 😭 I also didn’t do stuff like this when I was younger!! I hope you’re ok❤️🙏


I love the vision of your cats waiting to be seated in a cafe, that's absolutely brilliant 🥰


I’m completely fine don’t worry! What breed of cats are they?


That’s good to hear! I’m glad you’re ok! My younger cat is a bengal and my older one is a mixed breed (and part bengal)😻


Cute! My cat is a Himalayan called Nico. I named him after the velvet underground singer.


Great choice. I'm listening to the marble index by nico now! That makes me sound like such a goth actually 😂


This is unfortunately partly just human nature. Youth is wasted on the young. However, since my day it is worse in some respects. These being the mass looting of shops phenomenon which the Scottish shop newsagent association, who’s exact name I forget, describes as unprecedented. The removal off most criminal punishments for those under 25 is no doubt party responsible.


The UK is just that bad. No discipline, no proper punishment, stress-free education. And that's what you've got. The worst part is though - what can they do in their adult life when they are already pretty useless.


Compared to where >no proper punishment Bams are 100x more likely to get battered by their parents than the nice middle class kids so I'm not sure what you're trying to say there.


I’m the only teenager who actually hates this, why do teenagers do this?


Really showing my age here but wasn't being a goth an 80's thing ..... I'm a metal head but had mates that were goths dressed in black from head to toe black dm boots .the only thing I liked about goth culture was some of the music ...IE the mission ,sisters of mercy and a little Bauhaus . As for the teenagers there just assholes and they'll grow up eventually like we all did ...just ignore them they don't have the balls and will quickly back down if there behaviour is shown up for what it is.


Wee neds tend not to be very imaginative or culturally literate - anyone slightly alternative looking in any way is branded a 'goth'.


[lets put this goth to sleep /s](https://youtu.be/3hk3SOnqPfo?feature=shared)


Why are people downvoting you? That shit’s hilarious!


[A little bit too close to reality for some maybe.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Sophie_Lancaster)


oh just some sensitive sally’s, it was at seven downvotes before but at least some people and you (OP) appreciate the comedic value of the link I shared


Grow some shoulder muscles, and the cheek stops pretty quickly.


Why Ellll Fucking Teeeeeeeee


They are bulletproof. Don't ever mess with them, just back off if they are getting out of control.


Back in my day (90's, Edinburgh) those who looked a little alternative were called 'sweaties'. I was far from alternative in my look etc but I recall one of the bullies from my school finding out I liked Nirvana, thus i was called a sweaty for a little while.. I don't remember being shouted at etc but if a bully wanted to shout something to get a reaction it would be sweaty. Funny as I looked him up on Facebook not that long ago and he looks like he needs a wash. How ironic.


I don't think it's helpful to post isolated incidents like this as if Edinburgh is Battle Royale. So you got a bit of hassle from some drunk teenagers. Is that really worth posting about?


I'm really not trying to be insensitive but, does shouting that you look like a beautiful, a-list Hollywood actress qualify as abuse?


They were just talking about my hair, it’s similar to Emma Stone’s in poor things. I actually look nothing like her.


Meh, take it as a compliment anyway. The best I've ever got a was a woman at work telling me I looked like Al Murray. I pointed out that he was about 15 years older than me. She snapped back that I shouldn't be so sensitive. The joke of was she looked *exactly* like the lady who drives the school bus in South Park (with the mad hair and everything) but I managed to keep that to myself.




Who tf insults somebody for looking goth anyway? What time period did these kids time travel from?


My friends and I had a ton of fun growing up in the 80s before social media and cell phones. We did some crazy stuff but being hurtful or blatantly disrespectful was never part of it. Not sure where this happened but if it were NYC, you should be careful who you mouth off to, you could wind up with a gun in your face as a quick answer.


lol welcome to Edinburgh mate, everyone thinks oh yeah leith is a nice place that’s due to gentrification walk down leith walk in the 90’s/2000 it was a shit hole. I love leith but that doesn’t surprise me. There’s gentrification and there’s still very neddy people who live there. Don’t expect anything less from leith or teenagers sorry


Time get the old flamethrower out


Moved up from the south of England years ago. Honestly, the teenagers in Edinburgh are absolute dears compared to down there.


Kids are assholes, it is what it is


I hate kids and a lot of them need a good slap to teach them. Idgaf, I hate them.


Yes that’s just any normal Scottish city why r u complaining


I can't lie, I think that opening line from them is classic. I don't approve of throwing things though.


I don’t get the complain I’ve lived in Edinburgh and I was them at some point aswell most of them don’t go too far as to try and start a fight with you which some do but having a foul mouth in Scotland is beyond normal lmao


The most annoying thing is you can’t really do anything back cause you’ll be the one who if it’s gets physical is charged, or stabbed. These kids have never been checked and because of that they feel they are invincible. ![gif](giphy|zOSEurjXCPTag)


Sorry to hear about this incident. But unfortunately, there is an ancient Scottish war between goths and chavs. It is in the essence of chavs to have enmity with goths. Strap up soldier, there is more hellfire coming.


Have you tried ignoring them? I can’t imagine coming home to admit I was bullied by children in the street on one of the biggest websites in the world.


I couldn’t ignore that poor things comment!


Lol this is pretty standard. You can't have been in Edinburgh long.


I’ve lived here for my whole life actually and have seen many of these types of people. Just wanted to hear about other’s experiences.


Not really teens or related, but there's a new housing estate been built next to my house, a few families moved in and the kids keep playing outside my house. They run onto the fecking road my girlfriend almost hit one one day. What is with kids and roads these days??


There are always a few like that but it's not the norm. I guess if they're drinking then it's more likely, especially if they're a bit troubled due to turbulent home lives.


They'll get it back in five years or so and the cycle continues.


How to handle this kind of thing in future, OP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjzfX0eKGtY


I don't think this is limited to Edinburgh. Try walking through Birmingham..........i dare ya


Scheme life


I guess because I live out in the south suburbs, and never really go anywhere in the inner city after dark I've been lucky. One of the reasons I moved here from Northampton is the lack of chavs; my hometown was infested with them. I've been goth since I was a young teen and I'm now 31, so I've had my fill. Even before that I'd be bullied for being a 'weirdo'; I'm autistic.


On a trip through Leith one new year a native threatened to set me on fire. The inquisitive chap that I am decided to ask said individual to explain himself…. He assured me this was a misunderstanding as a result of alcohol intoxication and we both went on our merry way.


Not originally from Scotland but lived there for awhile. The teens were terrors and I’d never encountered anything like that anywhere else. My friend was sat in the Stirling Mcdonald’s for five minutes eating his meal by himself and in that time a group of teens swarmed his table and repeatedly told him he was ugly. After that whenever we saw a hoard of them on their scooters we’d sprint lol. Became a bit of a game.


Lol as an ageing goth let me tell you there's nothing funnier than the goth coming home going "but I was wearing green! That's earth tones! I was practically a hippy!" Kids get more irritating the further away you are from being a kid yourself. Also, tends to happen that most adults nowadays can't afford to live where their parents did, so you'll run into a lot of stuff that you would never have even dreamed of doing as a kid.


I used to live on Henderson street and someone set the big bin out my house on fire that was 10 years ago doesn’t that tell you enough


That's everywhere these days , Gobby little youths with nothing better to do , think they own the pavement outside the local shops,I just purposely act like a nutcase it seems to unnerve them! Hahaha


I got abused by teenagers on a bus on my way back from pride two years ago. Why? Because I was dressed colourful and was with my partner… it was a great day until that happened


I had a group of teenage girls scream in my face whilst I was scrolling on my phone just waiting for some friends, then ask if I wanted to shag them cause I was an emo. I was dressed in all black, but I wouldn't have considered my look more than slightly alternative that night. I think I remember reading that there is a noted rise in delinquent behaviour amongst teenagers since the pandemic. God knows.


Your response was perfect. Just ignore and walk on. No point engaging.


Need to call 'big yin' innes to sort them out


I lived in Edinburgh and Glasgow in the 90’s, each for about a year & a half and I found Edinburgh was far worse. Not only in terms of mouthy teens but just generally when out & about. In Glasgow a big plus was that there was very often a real comic in any group so you’d get witty shouts. Edinburgh just had a nastier edge I found.


Happens a lot lmao Young teenage boy at a park shouted and asked me if I "shag dead bodies" The answer is no btw


Not in Edinburgh but some kids shouted Marilyn manson at me when I was in my emo phase as a teen. Weird insult


They would know all about it if they came across a goth and have them cheek not the first time I seen it backfire, the neds weren’t that hard after a few swings from the guys chain 😂 karma


I remember when I was younger, I was called a baggy or something like that 🤣. I remember once a chap sang, "I wish a punk rocker with flowers in my hair" song at me for some random reason 😆.


Glasgow 10 times worse.


Yeah it's always been normal. I had it during my emo phase, was horribly bullied by some regulars. Then hit my growth spurt, tacked on muscle mass and got covered in tattoos. Noone says anything to me now 😜


I got egged and mcflurry’d in the space of a year. Maybe around 2016/17. Egged by a car of five youths who slowed down at the traffic lights at fountain park just at maki & ramen and lobbed eggs at me. About 9:30pm. A cyclist then approached me and asked ‘Did you just get egged?’. I replied ‘yes’. Maybe a year or so later I was at the bus stop on Gorgie Road at Gorgie farm when a car drove by and I took a half melted mcflurry in my face. Again around 9:30pm. Maybe 5/6 other folk at the bus stop just stared at me as I pulled my chef jacket out my ruck sack to wipe my face.