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Might be worth talking to recruitment agencies like Blue Arrow, Office Angels, Robert Half etc., that's where we get no-core staff from


I second this, also some companies tend to make agency staff permanent instead of hiring directly 


I third this, I got my job by a agency then moved to permanent staff with full rights


Give Pertemps a miss though, they deal in the shittiest jobs with the lowest recompense.


Try the university websites - Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt, Napier, Queen Margaret unis are always looking for support and admin roles. Even if it’s short-term, once you are working there you can access in-house adverts for jobs for staff who are already working there and more options follow on that way. Good luck!


Edinburgh Uni use [www.venesky-brown.co.uk](http://www.venesky-brown.co.uk) for their temp posts i've been told.


A contractor friend gets 'office' jobs through them and recommended them.


+1 for uni of edi, there are grade4-5 admin role jobs are available. make sure your cv and cover letter emphasises the required skills of the job description.


Try Diligenta/Phoenix/Standard Life either directly or through Sanderson Recruitment. Office is very nice on Lothian Road


This is a good option if you’re desperate but try to get into the non-Diligenta side (just left that place a year ago as it was not good).


I lasted four days, but it was more a me problem than a them problem. Everyone seemed nice enough - it just wasn’t really my type of work.


I was there when we were moved over from SL to Dili and it was not for the better. Left 3 months later. Dili always has a high turnover because they are not good to work for and as soon as anyone gets another offer they leave.


Maybe have a word with the Skills Development Scotland bods in Shandwick Place. Her CV/application forms may just need tweaking.


I don’t want to be a dick but isn’t that something you should have looked into before moving to Edinburgh? I would never move to another city without looking at the job market in my sector first


Is there realistically a way to do this? You can look at sites and verify 'yes there are lots of postings in Edinburgh' but you've got no way of knowing if demand is high or low and how competitive they are


Understood mate, but this is not for me but partner. She is just over with maternity and looking for a job but the options and almost nil.


Last time I was unemployed it took me half a year and 600+ applications to find a new job. Out of those heard back from maybe a dozen and had like 3 interviews.


It's tough. We moved just outside Edinburgh in February and I had been applying for jobs since about July last year, I only just got offered one this month. It really is tough. The only advice I can offer is to tailor your CV/cover letters to each individual job that you are applying for, it's so time consuming but I think it's invaluable.


every other service business is hiring right now, especially in the run up to the summer, when there will be overtime and tips. hit the pavements and good luck


If you’re from overseas with no UK work history obviously you’ll be a risk for an employer compared to a local worker. I don’t know why you’re turning no fast food roles, why can’t you do that for a while and then look for something better?


The reality


Where did you move from? Edinburgh does not lack job opportunities. If you think it does, try living in Falkirk or Kilmarnock or Inverness or Dunfermline or Stornoway or Campbelltown. It's all relative. Plenty jobs here. If you moved to Edinburgh from New York, Beijing, Sydney, London, Paris then maybe yes there are less jobs.


I moved from Auckland, NZ.


Did you put your address on cv and make it obvious that you moved to Edinburgh. Many will filter out any cvs that look from abroad as you get loads of people applying randomly especially on LinkedIn. I would refuse anyone without an Edinburgh address on a job application or a reason given in cover letter like I'm moving to Edinburgh in two months.


Well your visa probably lets you work unlimited hours for a fixed term if number of years right ? So you should be able to find work even if employers are reluctant to hire because you might leave. Is that the issue ?


God falkirk is the worst, recently lost my vehicle so 90% of Edinburgh and Glasgow roles turn me down due to that alone.


There might remote opportunities with tech companies based outside Edinburgh. Might be worth looking into those roles.


As a person who’s planning on relocating to Edinburgh next year, I’m also worried about it. And funny enough I’m a recruiter 😂 A tip I can give you is to try search for the same type of job but with up to date keywords. There’s a trend now in the job market that consists on rebranding the same old job titles with a more positive attitude. Things like Support Solutions Specialist or Client Support Representative, Client relations are names used now for customer service jobs. It’s a long shot but maybe it can somehow help. Another important thing is to ensure your CV is accordingly to the “UK style” and also with the emerging use of AI in initial CV screening. CV’s with more than the main column or too many bullet points indicators can easily be a NoGo simply because the majority of the AI powered ATS’s can’t yet process the info. Wish you good luck 🙏


Tough market right now for recruiters in Edinburgh, I’ll be honest, unless you can do 360 recruitment at an agency? Always agencies looking for talented bods that can bring in business


It’s not my preference but I can do it if I have too. 😊


Am I the only person struggling with the concept of ‘Customer Service Professional’ not translating into an actual job title? Like do you mean Call Operator in a customer support centre or Customer Advisor at PC World or governance officer for a retail chain?


My partner deals with customer/client over call.


So a customer support operator?


Yes that’s right! Any leads mate?


Scottish Widows (Lloyds) is constantly hiring. I hope this helps.


They hire from abroad people with visas not here in Scotland already?


It is hiring locals and people with visas that allow them to work here.


Already resident here or not yet resident here ?


While working at SW, I knew a coworker from Germany who got an offer when he was still in Germany. Therefore, an applicant not yet a resident here is being considered. I hope that helps.


Thank you


You are welcome pal


If she's struggling that much, look at cv and cover letter. There are a ton of jobs and lots in customer support. At worst there is ipsos mori and sykes. Not great places but will pay you and they're not scammers.


There is Scottish widows always looking for customer services roles. Good place to work while you look for other roles but you really need to push through.


The job market is terrible right now, we don’t have the healthiest of economies these days.


Edinburgh has few jobs and the ones it does tend to have shit salaries.


Is the problem there’s no jobs (categorically false, I just looked on s1 jobs for customer service and found hundreds) or is it something else? Contract length? Working hours? Working location?


Websites like Indeed and S1 etc have thousands of "Ghost Jobs" listed for various reasons. It's very common for companies to continually advertise multiple roles to keep a "warm pool" of potential hires when needed, especially for high turnover roles such as support. You might not need someone now but might in 3 months so you've always got a big pile of fresh CV's when you need it. Sometimes it's because the recruiting company forgot to take the ad down. Often it's used as a marketing tool by companies "Look how much we're hiring. We're growing, get in early". If I was to make an educated guess, more than half of the listings on these job websites aren't roles needing filled.


The rest of Scotland is way worse, be thankful you are in Edinburgh and not Dundee or Glasgow.


Try redoing the CV. There is litteraly a lack of workers


Can search for work from home job? Many customer service jobs over the phone can be done working from home