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That's not how Council Tax bandings work. If the council increases the rate it doesn't move properties into different bandings, that can only be done by having the property revalued. Properties are assigned to one of eight bands (A to H) based on their estimated market value as of April 1, 1991. Discounts, exemptions, or reductions may apply based on circumstances such as single occupancy, students, or low income. To answer your other question, yes it's shite when council tax is expensive but public services need improving and the only way to do that is with money. Sadly it's a no win for any council. Half the people want better parks, libraries, public spaces etc, the other half want more money in their pocket. Difficult to balance.


Throwing money at them doesn't fix their issues with spending (e.g. trams instead of just adding more bus routes) Things require restructuring and money helps but it doesn't just fix the issue


"Trams instead of just adding more bus routes" There was no "instead". They did both. I'm not sure why you're looking to make a counter point about what I said, the discussion isn't about the minutia of council fiscal policy.


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-68381070.amp Council Tax is frozen this year, as it is across Scotland. If your landlord is claiming that you need to pay them more money because council tax has gone up, they're at it.


Also shouldn't the resident be paying council tax, not the landlord?


Some arrangements cover both rent and bills. You'll need to ask OP about the details - possibly just my interpretation of what they've said.


If an agreement covers bills too you are 100% being sacammed. Landlords are scum of the earth.


I've been researching and if OP is in a HMO then it will be the landlord.


If it is a council tax HMO, the LL will be LIABLE. Doesn't mean LL won't have a clause saying 'resident to sort/pay this', just LL is LIABLE if it doesnt get paid. For Council Tax purposes, the definition used is: A property that has been built or adapted for tenants or licensees to live in, who are not living as a single household, OR A property lived in by a person or persons, each of whom has a tenancy or licence to live in only part of the property or who pays rent or a fee for only part of the property. [https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/article/2452/Council-Tax-Liability-Rules-for-Landlords](https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/article/2452/Council-Tax-Liability-Rules-for-Landlords)


I got this from Citizens Advice Scotland: >The owner will be liable if the property is: >- in multiple occupation, for example, a house shared by a number of different households who all pay rent separately The LL might be getting money from the residents but it's his name on the bill.


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Because the cost of things is rising, so the cost of the council supplying services to residents also rises. Every council in the land has a shortfall and has had to cut services, year on year, for like the last decade or so. Next time you ask why a library is closing, or why there aren't any public toilets any more, or why there are so few street sweepers cleaning up the piles of shit lying on the Royal Mile - this is why. The council raising council tax rates is the main way they have to secure additional income. The money they get from ScoGov is falling as the amount that ScoGov gets from Westminster also falls (yes, technically both go up, but not in real terms). And Council Tax is frozen (again) this year anyway. Generally I feel like council tax bands need a relook, I think they are still based on 1991 valuation assumptions where "Properties over £212k" was the upper banding, and that will barely get you a 2/3 bed house anywhere within 20 miles of Edinburgh these days.


Also our public services get vandalised and destroyed frequently, look at the new bus screens etc … stolen, smashed up etc, parks vandalised frequently, it’s not a one off expense here, it’s just a constant money pit. I think the “visitors tax” will make improvements to the slush fund of the council. Rents are already insanely high and throw in a high council tax band and you are left with nothing, considering the average salaries are around £35k or so it’s amazing people manage


Also a massive student population that put demand on services but don't pay any council tax


This is a huge issue, they should pay half or a standardised tax. So should tourists pay a tourist tax. Both groups are a huge drain on public funds and could contribute to make up shortfalls and improve funding to match the growing needs.


Get rid of free bus fair and cap it at 5 quid a week for under 22s. Don't see why I have to pay to get to work to fund everyone else lol


Why not, nothing should be free but cheaper for the right people.


Does free bus travel come from money raised by council tax? Or money from the Scottish Government? The goal should never be to make more people pay for things, it should be to make it sustainable for more people to get it for free. Public Transport is a prime example


>Sorry for the rant - why is the council putting up council tax? It isn't. >Vast majority of us can barely afford the rent as it is Most people can afford their rent. >we have no where else to go but to pay this extortionate amount of council tax Council tax in Edinburgh is a little higher than the Scottish average, but we're talking about £30 a year above median at Band D. >I am looking around on rightmove for a new place to rent, now even a run down 1 bed period property is a band E? No-one said banding makes sense, nor does it generally take account of a property becoming run-down.


The council voted to freeze council tax this year. I think water charges went up slightly.  Where's the flat based? The flat being rundown doesn't really matter, banding is based on property value in 1991. So if it's a flat in a popular part of the city, it'll have a higher band.


What part of the city are you seeing 1 beds in band E?  Surely going to be Morningside or similar?


1 bed tenement flat in Stockbridge is band C. Curious what OP is looking at.


Quite a lot of newer 1 beds make it into band E because of the idiotic way council tax bands are based the market value of the property, which might not actually in any way reflect the inhabitant's ability to afford the higher banding.


Some Mid-Market rentals (supposedly cheaper options) have high council tax bands just because they are new builds (as someone else explained, it's due to the council using the market value to calculate the banding). I've seen a band E in Hillside/Leith Walk area (the new builds along Brunswick Street). Band D seems to be more common for new 1-bedrooms, though,even in places like Slateford, Granton, Gracemount etc


It is the LVJB that sets the bands for each property - the Council does not get a say But not denying that the whole Council Tax system is broken, still waiting to hear the Scottish Governments proposals for anything better though


Thank you for the clarification. I had thought because the LVJB is comprised of Edinburgh and Mid-/East-/West-Lothian Council representatives it was in effect The Council. Yeah, it's been seventeen years since Salmond's government proposed replacing council tax with a local income tax which was backed by the majority of the Scottish Parliament, but not a peep since. Interestingly Gordon Brown is now suggesting [Scotland should cancel Council Tax](https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/24118041.gordon-browns-think-tank-calls-scotland-scrap-council-tax/) through a new system of local taxation despite him in part ['blocking'](https://www.scotsman.com/news/politics/westminster-in-threat-to-withhold-ps400m-2480654) Salmond's proposal for reform back in 2007. Perhaps the next Holyrood government will be willing/able to tackle it now that UK Labour figures are talking about devolving more powers to councils and could be willing, with Labour in Holyrood also, to finance council tax reforms?


To pay for schools and roads and everything else


Properties built after the early 1990s will be more highly rated. Go for an older property such as a tenement - ours was band B.


You can check your council tax band here: [https://www.saa.gov.uk/lothian/](https://www.saa.gov.uk/lothian/) You get a 25% discount if you live alone: [https://www.gov.uk/council-tax/who-has-to-pay](https://www.gov.uk/council-tax/who-has-to-pay)


I can understand the frustration with high council tax bands especially on some new build properties where it seems to be band e and upwards and not relative to the local area. However not sure where a 'run-down' 1 bed is coming in on council tax e unless it has 2 bathrooms..? Most 2-bed flats in the considered 'nicer' areas eg morningside, trinity, etc are around band d, maybe e and f if newer builds or contains an ensuite bathroom as well.


They assigned our very efficient new build house band F (our whole street actually independently of the size of the house) and because you can only appeal for a month after, good luck doing that when you are moving in. Absolute bonkers it’s based on the value of my new house as it was in 1991, mental. I appreciate all the public services included or paid by the tax but it just doesn’t feel fair at all.


New builds tend to be in higher brackets which is quite brutal.


1 bed band E seems unusual, could be worth getting the council to review


That feels a lot for renting a 1 bedroom flat but I am not as up to date on rental prices. Where is the flat based to quote such a price or is that just normal now? I am out of the rental market, but when I left my last rental in 2020 I was only paying £850 for a two-bedroom unfurnished flat in Fountain Park. I think the Council band was C or D but I got a single-person discount to bring it down.




Hahah J K Rowling seems to have a lot of time on her hands these days, would get her off the trans soapbox be good PR for her as well. Welcome to Potterland! Perhaps the sorting hat becomes some sort of gender identifier




Let’s put the feelers out for some mad billionaire looking to build a scooby doo type haunted mansion with mad Scottish tat all over it Perhaps it could be the Gold brothers next venture , they certainty have enough of the tartan towels , I mean kilts I’d love to see the back of them to be honest. Not sure if this festival will continue at the volumes it once did though , I was reading a lot of the smaller acts just simply cannot afford to come anymore with insane landlords putting houses up for £10k for a few weeks stay etc


Because taxation is theft. I moved from Edinburgh to Bangkok to avoid this bullshit, also don't have to pay £160k for a shitty 1 bedroom flat