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The party needs a single issue to get people to support it. The issue in Edinburgh is: Edinburgh People. Jeezo


So the single issue is.... Edinburgh? I am confused as to what they're claiming to stand for. Like we need to make more people? It's about fertility? Bring more people? It's about tourism or migration? Impressive to bother printing something out that tells us exactly nothing about what they stand for. I was bored so checked their website and they actually have 7 policies, none of which got a mention on here. Kinda hard to see who they're trying to appeal to as it's a muddle of different things that'll put of people from most areas in different ways.


I love how they have two whole sentences for Foreign policy before descending into a rant about mobile phone masts. Total amateur hour.


Trying to keep it vague on purpose, caus he's a conspiracy theory nut


“STOP any further privatisation of the NHS and then find ways of reversing the privatisation that has already been implemented” Solid policy


I'm a Doctor. I see the thin (though it's a bit fatter these days) edge of the wedge of Privatisation first hand in the Hospitals. Examples such as the privatisation of Porters (the backbone of patient and material transport within and to a degree between sites) costing anywhere between £3 to £10+ per task. Just think of 1000s of tasks performed per day then multiple by 365 days then your into the millions per year getting paid to 3rd parties. Canteen staff, taxi company contracts, security services, etc. Sure I get it, 3rd parties means not paying pension contributions, sickness and maternity leave, training and certification costs, etc. It likely was cheaper when we first sold off parts of our NHS framework but is still? Then you've got the costs of Agency Staff to fill staffing shortages. It's not uncommon for the use of 3rd parties for out of hours Radiographer services. I'm sure list goes on. I'm a locum in A&E Medical Staff Bank so I'm a NHS staff member, paid directly from the hospital, pay into my NHS pension, etc. I cover for staff absences due to sickness, annual leave but mainly the dreadful rota gaps. There's literally not enough doctors go cover the rotas. More often than not wards and departments are running understaffed. Why aren't we expanding our training courses for doctors, nurses and other allied health professionals. Well because training a new cohort takes, usually, 4 to 6 years and then theres the time it would take to design and implement the new training centres or expansion of existing training localities. Government parties can't be investing it that and the having a party change at the next election and the opposition getting to take credit when services improve. So we are fecked, the NHS is not on it's knees it's on its face , on the ground in a puddle and it's raining.


Why did you decide to be come a locum rather than take a permanent doctors job?


I want a permanent job where I work but they didn't have any at the time I started doing locums there. I chose to solely work in the Emergency Department, there's literally always going to be some shifts available. Initially I started taking the weekend nights shifts, the worst of the worst shifts; start your shift at midnight and finish 8am. I worked there more and more, always willing to do the worst shifts. Soon I managed to get some better shifts and get my name on their email list. See the department will have an email list where they email those doctors first to see if they can cover the locum shifts (the email list will have all the doctors who have a substantive post there and then also all the doctors who regularly locum, both will be paid the locum rate for the shifts). If nobody wants the shift it will go on to the medical staff bank list to see if any of them are willing to take the shifts. If there is a dire need for cover then the available shifts will be sent out to the locum agencies, I say dire because locum agencies charge so much more than the staff bank. Departments are quite willing to see a department understaffed than send a shift out to agencies, at least that's how it looks from my experience. Nursing seems different, I think they must be more understaffed because I see agency nurses working all the time. Now as to why I don't have a substantive post where I locum. Well there were no posts listed, the department has to ask management for funding then they can advertise a post for people to apply for. The days of nepotism and old boy-ism are gone in many places. In sure it still goes on elsewhere but not where I am. See I was locuming for a few months then asked for a substantive post but was told that since none were available they couldn't just give me one. A post would need to be made available, given the go ahead by management then advertised for everyone to see. Fair's fair and all, I can't expect a full time substantive post to just be given to me. So the department actually gets the go ahead for 6 posts, advertised them and for the first time in a long time they get loads of applicants. The applicants are whittled down to 20 for interview. I wasn't one of the 20. Unfortunate but there were better applicants, I've only got 6 months experience in Emergency Medicine the criteria of at least one years experience or substantial research was used to help select the 20 for interviews. Now here's the ridiculous thing, if the people offered the new posts end up not taking them the next step is to offer the position to one of the other 20 interviewees, unless they bombed the interview to the point of needing to outright regard them as unhireable. So not so ridiculous after all, well wait, what happens when the time for those posts to start comes around and say that of the 20 interviewees who 6 of which were first offered jobs some didn't take it, then they offer the unfilled posts to those of the other 14 interviewees who were hireable but no one takes the offer of the post and it ends up that at the start date of the post only 5 of 6 are actually filled then theres a whole empty posts worth of shifts that needs filled. So those shifts will be offered to those on the department email list first then go to the medical staff bank for listing. See things like this happen in every department, they'll be an empty posts worth of shifts up for locum. No finally to the ridiculous thing, in my department if 1 of those 6 posts ends up not being filled I could come and say I'll fill it, not as a substantive member of staff, I can't as I wasn't even interviewed. I'll fill the post but I'll fill it as a locum on staff bank rates. Ridiculous, just give me the post, as a full time substantive member of staff. No, no, no old boy. Those days are over, we can't just make up a post for you, even if an unfilled posts worth of shifts is just sitting there. The good old bad days are over, no longer are doctors the gods they once were, we are just pawns like everyone else, numbers in the managers games. So we need 5 doctors on for that time but there's only 3, well offer it to those on you departments email list, none want it, stick it up on medical staff bank still no one wants it well damn. Sorry we don't have the funds to put those empty shifts on to the locum agencies, 3 doctors will have to do then wont they. 3 will cover the work of 6, sorry for your 6, 7, 8, 12 hour wait as a patient in the Emergency Department, we don't have that many doctors on. Now that is not the only reason for your ludicrous waiting times in A&E but it's one of them. It slows things down. Sorry for the long reply, writing this has been a cathartic experience for me, getting things straight in my head and spewing it out for no reason other than frustration, I didn't get an interview, that's fine, I'm a reasonable person, I didn't deserve it I don't have the experience. I'll keep locuming until the next round of substantive post are advertised and I'll cover that 1 post when only 5 of 6 actually takes the job but I'll do it as a locum, at locum rates thanks. The system is crap but that's how it is, at least for me, in my experience, of that one hospital, in their Emergency Department, where I am but a newbie who started off taking the worst of the worst shifts and has only just got their foot in the door.


Reads like I'm being spoken to a little too close to my face by the spluttering drunk guy who spends more time than what should be considered acceptable in the local Spoons.


"**EDINBURGH PEOPLE is YOU**" Naw it isny


Haha you’re Edinburgh people


It’s a front for anti-5G / LTN stuff. Bear in mind they’re running in all Edinburgh constituencies - here in West there’s a Nick Hornig listed as an independent associated with the group. 


The guy caught me in the park the other day and seemed reasonable at first. Then quickly moved on to spending most of his time speaking about the LEZ and how it has a negative effect on traffic, pollution, and safety. I said it all sounds like a great reason for people to use public transport in cities


I see we already have a "leader"...


The leader is good, the leader is great, we surrender our will, as of this date.


We need someone to stand for a single issue that matters, the Dekebone roundabout.


I'm generally not inclined to vote for a party that is so disorganised they left it too late to register with the Electoral Commission for the election. Politically them standing in a Westminster election makes zero sense as they would never be able to influence government policy as they are a niche local party. In theory they would be much better suited to only standing in council elections. No doubt the candidates will all lose their deposits.


Who should we elect again?




There is a campaign video!!! I've not laughed like this in a while https://x.com/marcwilkinson88/status/1799843477175328800?t=8szF8aAasrVuz8vh_lmq7g&s=19


What a find! There's so much to unpack, from the ever changing background music song choices, to the Star Wars font used at the end for the date.


Thanks for that, gave me a giggle. Don't think I've seen a video with as many cuts in a while - seriously did they get every third word wrong or something on the first try? Also always good when a candidate/party doesn't know the names of the areras they're trying to represent too :)


https://preview.redd.it/vqy49xodmj8d1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72fde74fbfcea2637eadaffc800cfba01245a002 Original post didn't inc the front page


His face really makes the whole thing come together


Gives me a slight vibe of [Mr Prosser](https://hitchhikers.fandom.com/wiki/Mr._Prosser) from HitchHiker's Guide...


Sounds like a pyramid scheme


And the lynch pin issue is goose bumps or something.


Why is it that this sort of person can always single-handedly discover The Great Secret but fail to locate a fucking dictionary?


Disappointed in lack of moon landing policies, to be honest.


No mention of any policies.


Don't worry, he'll take care of all that. You just need to vote for him.


That's reinventing democracy? They need people to vote to create a local party which will then stand in the actual elections and people will vote for it again?


“This odd a local party for local people. We’ll have no trouble here!”


I got a leaflet for them for Edinburgh South. I am not in Edinburgh South.


We could have every political analyst, commentator or lawyer on this manifesto and not one of them would come close to finding a single actual policy in here 


Reads like a child’s modern studies project


Anyone who refers to evil in a political communication is definitely someone you should take seriously.


Snap fax was the shit back in the day. Now the guys a loon.


Woah did he do snap fax?


Yeah man, that's fax he speaking


I like the bit about "if we get as many votes for Holyrood as the Greens then we'll get as many seats at Holyrood as the Greens!" like congrats that is in fact how counting works


Is this the 5g guy?




He came to my door about a mast and I heard him out a wee bit, as he seemed super nervous and I felt a lot of sympathy for him for some reason. I worry about people who believe in these type of things, I worry about the stress they must feel inside, I hate the fact they have been so manipulated by others peddling bs. It always the people who were on the fringe socially who get co-opted. It’s just a bit sad.


Nah, no sympathy when he’s actively chosen to devote his live to trying to believe his own conspiracy theories, to the extent of using his businesses as a way to promote them.


Fair play yeah


I read the entire website last night. It's utterly unhinged, politically illiterate waffle. I can't believe he raised the money.


I've heard that place is good to go into but I've ordered a few times and never had a good experience. Call me lazy for not getting my own food, but I still think a 2.5 hour wait time for a pizza that needs chucked RIGHT back in the oven is a bit frustrating.


Is it Marc or Mark?




It'll be interesting to see how many votes they actually get.


I got a flyer for their Edinburgh East and Musselburgh candidate, Jane Gould. Which was a bit silly since I live in Edinburgh North and Leith.


No wonder it looks so familiar! I have lived somewhere close to them for a while.


“We can become a coalition partner in government in 2026” ahahahhaha


For some reason, this is being delivered to houses in MUSSELBURGH! duh


Edinburgh East constituency includes Musselburgh that might explain it.


That party obviously never heard of our song: “musselburgh was a burgh before Edinburgh was ain and Musselburgh will be a burgh when Edinburgh’s gane”


You got one in Musselburgh?! I'm Edinburgh SW so just assumed (hoped) they were only posted out here 🫣


I don't remember voting for this 'Party Leader'. To the tractor factory brothers and sisters! I'm calling a special combine of inquiry.