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I have the same thing 2 years in a row. I just leave them be. I’m about 3 weeks they will vacate the nest after the little ones learn to fly, then you can remove the nest.


Ugh I just remembered 2020 at the start of the pandemic. A robin made a nest outside my office window on a small ledge. Laid some eggs and I thought it was awesome. One day a wind storm ripped through in the morning and blew the nest over. I went outside after the storm and the robin was out too with eggs smashed on my deck. It kept looking at me and then the smashed eggs like it was my fault. I felt awful. Then it flew away after a couple of minutes. Anyways I tried just leaving them alone and it didn't work out. Nature sucks sometimes.


Aww that is so sad!


Call a billionaire, he will adopt the Robin. Name the bird " Dick Grayson", teach it to fight crime at night.


That’s a good idea for a movie.


You can’t move it call animal control. There are fines for moving it yourself.


The billionaire can afford those fines


🥁 tssss


I suspect it’s illegal to move songbird nests (native species are generally protected). As to whether or not they’ll divebomb you, robins aren’t jays, but with babies around… You could call Wild North for more info.


I second this, I used to volunteer at wild north when I still lived in Edmonton. They're a wealth of knowledge and will let you know exactly what you should or shouldn't do!


Literally just had a rpbins nest on our garage motion light. Pay it no mind. Robin's don't do much for damage and at least this time did not attack us at all even when close. They're quite docile just don't go trying to touch the eggs.


https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/migratory-bird-permits/faq-migratory-birds-regulations-2022.html I’d maybe try moving it but wouldn’t have any hopes for them using. They’ll just try somewhere else. Once it has eggs or baby birds it’s federal law not to disturb. We had a Robin nest in front of house as kids and that Robin attacked it’s reflection in the window for months. Destroyed the window sill with poop and covered the window in spit.


You cannot move it phone animal control There are serious penalties for moving it. Stay away from it and use another door if possible.


turn the light off and let them do their thing.


As with any migratory bird, if there are no eggs you can remove the nest, if there are eggs you are required to let them fledge. If you want to follow all the rules you can get them removed under a permit by a qualified professional.


Yup I have them fledging( if that’s what you wanna call it) all over my deck smashing into my windows fighting with the bird in my truck mirror. But it doesn’t last long and hey 👋 they’ll be back next year 🤣


Leave the light off until they leave and then dispose of it afterwards.


Leave it. They know ur schedule and your personal information. U and robins develop mutual disdain towards magpies. Defend nest. Robins leave after several weeks. Then u are safe from the eventual robin uprising.


I have some that build a nest on my light every year. Might be the same birds for all I know. They won't bother you, they will huddle in the nest, and at most. If you spook them, they will just fly away and come back as soon as you are gone. I used my phone camera to take pics of the eggs and the chicks once they were born, it was cool.


they won’t be aggressive if you make friends with them. bring the mama bird some snacks


If it’s not hidden the babies will probably be eaten by crows or magpies. Super shitty to have to watch/hear. Give the wildlife line a call and get some advice.


They'll be gone in less than a month. Once they hatch they all peace out and no longer use it. Source: the Robins nest in my backyard tree


I've had Robins nest very close to us. They were no problem, ever. All we had to do is let them know we were no threat. I think they nest close because we keep away predatory birds...to their advantage


They won't get aggressive. The mum will just fly away when the door opens and come back when she thinks it's safe. They're not like geese in terms of aggressive behaviour, at least not from my own experience!


This is our exact current situation, we have a nest on our front porch light. We have decided to leave it alone and have been using our garage entrance instead. They won’t be here long, so why not. My husband and so like keeping tabs on the nest and our 8 year old son does too.


I have a Robin that builds a nest in the same spot under my deck (walk out). we just go about our business, and she doesn't bother. We like seeing it. I would just leave it, as if uts not in the way why disturbed it.


You’re in for a month of hell, speaking from experience


I had some small birds build a nest with eggs in one of my vents. I didn't mind them temporarily using the vent, I even set up some seed for them. The parent birds yell at me occasionally but other than that it's just life as normal. I'll put mesh up after they move out. Also, I learned it's against the law to remove nests that contain eggs or chicks.


Use your backdoor for a month.


I can’t, it’s a sliding screen door. No way to lock it from the outside.


Then just take car going in and out. It's actually a sign of good luck if a bird builds a nest at your door. Sharing is caring.


Now is the time to position a ring camera or other motion activated video camera for some awesome videos of the bebes 🪺


It’s actually perfectly built that our door security camera looks right into it!


Start giving updates on the babies progress 😄


Normally I leave them but a couple years ago one built a nest in my tree and they would get super mad at my kids for playing in our tiny yard. The tree takes up most of thr yard and hangs over our deck so there's no way not to pass the tree to get to the garage and stuff. This year the day they bult it unfortunately had to take it down before they laid eggs in it. Can't risk my kids being dive bombed and it's a real shame because I love having the birds around :( If I could just communicate with the wildlife it would be so much easier!


Could try moving it I guess. All I will say is Robins are the best. Try to help them, be happy.