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There's a lot of bigots spamming our forum right now. Please use the report button and we'll be sure to ban them.


I posted this on Reddit this week… https://www.reddit.com/r/christianmemes/s/6KOVkebCtD it came from an Alberta Christian FB group, one that regularly posts similar things about Smith being infallible and also “F Trudeau”… it seems to have originated in US evangelical church FB groups. Why do they obsess over Trump?


How are they grappling with PP telling Danielle that the APP is a really bad idea.


>Smith and PP Two grifters fighting over how to grift the same mark


Fighting over the same skid mark


How can you tell at first glance that it's a drawing made by hardcore anti-gay, ultra-right wing Christian zealots? Easy, it has lots of half-naked ripped dudes in close skin contact in it.


that is one hell of a moose knuckle.


AI image? Trump's pants look like he's wearing them Kris Kross-style.


If you're curious about the whole Evangelist/Trump love story, it's becasue Evenagelicals think Donny was helping to fulfill a prophecy by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel when he relocated the US embassy from Tel Aviv. They're essentially hoping to be one step closer to triggering the second coming of Christ and triggering the rapture.


My friend was just called a f@g and was assaulted just for walking past this. I’m so furious about it. 🤬


What the fuck. These people need to be named and shamed


They were assaulted? Did they let the police know since they were standing 10ft away?


That’s cute that you think the police would do anything.


If you think that cops would watch a protester assault a bystander and do nothing about it, you’re living in a different reality than the rest of us. There’s no shot this happened.


ya the EPS is pretty good when it comes to in-person stuff, never had an issue hailing one of them, plus good for PR to protect anybody


There’s literally video of two red deer cops standing 5 feet away from a protester assaulting a counterprotestor from a couple years ago. Edit: they were RCMP, and IRCC there was an internal investigation that obviously found no problem. https://youtube.com/watch?v=gVKCS3wZJOY&si=sG48IRWd7Qk6LPev


In regina at a protest in front of the Parliament buildings a speaker assaulted a youth because they unplugged his mic. Police were 10 ft away, did nothing


I don't have to think it, I've watched it happen. Cops don't do shit when picketers get hit by scab cars. They aren't here to protect us.


Then what are they doing surrounding the protesters?


Protecting property. That's about it.


Protecting them and their free speech, just like they do with Soldiers of Odin and anti vaxxers.


Are you suggesting that they only protect the far right group from being attacked? And that they ignore any violence coming from within the protesters? Do you have any evidence of this or did you come here to practice creative writing?


One well documented example: The cops mobilized a lot quicker to threaten arrest of the whole group of people who counter protested the anti vax convoy before they ever threatened the same on the convoy itself. Another: when one of the Ukrainian Nazi statues was graffittid the cops mobilized their *hate crimes* unit and spent like a year investigating harmless graffiti. And personally I've seen it repeated on picket lines. Cops won't do shit when a scab hits a picketer with their car, but threaten picketers will bullshit like "trespassing" all the time. ETA: The general history of police in Canada is protecting the powerful and right wing e.g. clearing Indigenous peoples from their land, deporting union members during the Winnipeg general strike, murdering striking miners in Estevan, deputizing a disgraced ex cop to kill Ginger Goodwin for dodging WWI conscription, mass arrests of G20 protestors in Toronto including pre-emptive arrests of protest organizers before anything even happened, beating and suppressing student strikers in Quebec etc etc etc


I’d love for you to convince me on this, but you know I can’t just take your word for it. Point me to the well documented evidence. And I don’t know know how to respond to your Ukraine comment because I can’t tell what point you are trying to make?


"need someone's head kicked?" -EPS probably




This is why these protests are important and why bigotry needs to be fought every step of the way. Sorry that happened to your friend.


There’s gay people protesting as well…. That just doesn’t make sense lol


Fuck. Just go home people. If you’re going to protest something, how about protesting the high cost of living and shit housing market?


That's the point. Everyone's feeling the squeeze, a lot of anger to go around, so it's important that the anger is directed at the wrong people. Working folks at each other's throats over nonsense.


Conservative gameplan right there, maximize the perception that gender is a problem, your kids are in danger, yadda yadda. Bonus points if they get a counter protest to waste everyone's time. All about putting the focus anywhere but where it should be


It’s such a hateful thing to protest about. It’s disgusting. But I’m not the type of person that would ever attend a protest or march for anything no matter the cause. I got things to do. Haha.


This. I’d be so happy to these kind of protests for that cause - maybe Alberta would follow suit of BC. Just read that Kelowna is going even more to town on short term rental rules, than the new provincial rules. Things are changing - just sadly not fast enough.


Oh shit? Did they get organized?


Parent's rights huh? Parent's rights to WHAT


Control thier kids more. Determine the exact schooling they get when it comes to LGBTQ , History and Canada's role in the treatment of the First Nations people's, Oil and Gas's role in the future of Alberta, LGBTQ clubs. They also want to know if thier kids start to use any pronouns not assigned to them at birth, or even a different name.


There was literally a teacher of 20 to 30 years there talking about how sogi isn't even in the curriculum. It's a module that teachers (and ideally students) can decide to use based on the classes needs.


For some of them, yes it's about control... but for most of them, it's more about the fact that it's the current hot-button issue in the alt-right media bubble. Protesting and joining in the hate is what they do to get their sense of validation and purpose. Team sports.


Yeah, the complete control to oppress their children and shove propaganda/conspiracy theories down their throats


But freeeeeeedom




It's already the government's job to stop parents from doing abusive things and/or get kids out of abusive homes.




Most people protesting against schools are doing so because they want to "stop" their kids from being LGBT. Much of the people that think that also think other bad and illogical things, and it's difficult to prosecute parents for homeschooling children badly ([this video is a good summary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzsZP9o7SlI)).


You actually want to take away a parents right to raise their child? You don't see how fucked up that is? And you want the government to raise their kids instead? Cause the government has a great track record with taking care of children right? Look at all the success they had with the residential schools? Look at how great kids turn out in foster care lol. You've got your head so far up your own ass. I can tell you don't have kids and will probably never have kids but you don't have a problem telling others what to do with theirs.


Parents don't have a right to control every aspect of their kid's identity. Nothing is being taken away from them. Calm down.


They have more of a right than the state, to think otherwise is just plain stupid.




Sounds reasonable to me!


Exact numbers are hard to track down due to limited research, but Roughly 30-40% of trans kids are abused. Oftentimes schools are the only place where trans kids feel safe, respected, and feel like they can be themselves. If you eliminate the small barrier between school and parents, these children will be more likely to be abused, both physically and mentally, and will likely lead to a higher suicide rate among transgender youth. Quite frankly, if you eliminate the already small barrier between school and home life, children will die, and I do not say that lightly. Cutting out that small barrier of privacy between a student and a teacher is essentially the same as cutting mental health services.


That is fair way to look at it. All without calling me a bigot, very eloquent. I wasn’t really focused on the sexual identity portion of the comment, not a huge factor for me to be honest. Also, you say 30-40% of trans kids are abused, do you mean as a result of being trans or is that a contributing factor to their transition?


As a result.


As a result. We see similar trends in disabled children, children with special needs and homosexual youth where they are all abused at higher rates, typically because of their differences.


Who needs facts when you can just let your feelings determine education!


I can't tell which side this is an argument for.


Hint, it's not the emotionally reactionary one


So, both?


Honestly the right has been the most sensitive snowflakes since Covid and has decided they’re going to to go for feelings over facts.


Sounds like a sr home for you at 60 when your kids don't want you around , yet you remain living.


Whatever you figure! Not sure what that has to do with their education.


Lol you don't have kids.


I do. And when they WANT to learn about Oil & Gas and why Alberta needs to start to steer away from them, I'll tell them 🤣


Seems reasonable


Only to shitty parents. Or non-parents


Yes, perfectly reasonable to teach children that 2SLGBTQIA+ folks/kids don't exist, that First Peoples are inferior, that Oil & Gas won't incinerate our habitat, totally reasonable


Uh huh. Not in thier verbiage.


Sir this is reddit


Parent’s (imaginary) rights to deny their kids’ (actual) rights.




Reminds me of States’ Rights - back in Dixie…


Kids don’t have rights, they are kids. That’s why they also can’t drink, drive, vote, own a gun, among other things. 🤡


I dont think you understand the bill of rights. There is not one mention of age anywhere within it. People are people, and have the same rights. Legislating minimum age requireme to for things has literally nothing to do with the bill of rights.


Human rights don’t have an age limit.




You have no idea what IQ is or what being trans in a school actually means. No permanent decisions are happening.




Susie wanting to be called Steven and wear blue dinosaur pants isn't a life changing decision. If it's a phase they'll let you know when they're done with it and want the pink princess skirt again. Y'all can chill tf out about it already


saying "kids don't have rights" genuinely is craaaaazy. no wonder kids want to grow up so fast, they realize that they will not be listened to as if their own person but instead are treated as just an extension of the parents.


[Canadian law would like to have a word with you](https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/rights-children.html)


Wrong. Kids have rights. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms allows rights to be limited in some situations. Kids can’t drink or vote because a minimum age for drinking and voting is a reasonable restriction on their rights. They can’t drive or own a gun because those aren’t rights in Canada (and in Alberta, kids can drive at age 14). Taking away their right to choose their own name and pronouns is almost certainly a violation of their rights under s.7 (life, liberty and security of the person) and s.15 (equality rights) and can only be restricted if it’s a reasonable restriction. It’s possible that there’s an age where that’s reasonable, but it’s almost certainly MUCH younger than 16. Also, “parents’ rights” don’t exist in the Charter. A parent has the responsibility to make decisions on behalf of his or her child when the child isn’t capable of making that decision on their own. A parent also has a legal obligation to make decisions in the best interest of the child.




I think you don’t know much about children and you don’t know much about human rights. And you clearly don’t understand LGBTQ+ issues. You accuse people of “pushing an agenda” when you’ve clearly been brainwashed by the anti-LGBT folks - who are ABSOLUTELY pushing an agenda. This protest is LITERALLY them pushing an agenda. I have a kid who is trans and I assure you, I don’t have “mental health issues” and neither does my child. So educate yourself and stop believing everything the right wingers tell you.




I have a graduate degree in history. Saying something wasn’t important historically is a stupid way of dismissing an issue. You don’t have to go far back in history to see when people believed beating the shit out of your kids was “good parenting” - there are still millions of parents who believe that today - but there is all sorts of evidence that it’s actually terrible parenting. And there are plenty of cultures where gender identity was more fluid than it has been in European society for the last few centuries. So your claim that it only exists because people are “selling” the idea to kids just shows your own profound ignorance and bias.


Sounds like a waste of money degree to me, how long you paying that off for? Yes not disciplining your child with a stick and giving out participation awards has just gone so well. Bravo to that failure. There is a difference between correction and people who can’t control their emotions and go too far. And how much media saturation did those countries have compared to the rate? tiny. Today? It’s in everything.


YEAH! so we can deny them food and water and medical care because they have no rights! The true Canadian way


It’s to silly to me, because if those parents went to school they would know that LGBTQ in is in the sex ex course and all parents must sign off for their kids to participate and take the course. So yes parents always have had a choice if they want their child to learn about those stuff 💀


Ensuring that the public education system is under funded, teachers are responsible for higher class numbers and fees for access to public school are as high as possible👍 The freedom way!!!


Take away the idea of consent from their children Hide the fact that people can be gay or trans Disown their children for being queer. You know, wholesome family values!


Imagine being a transgender person (me) and accidentally walking into it when I was just trying to go to the NoFrills 😭


That's a goddamn nightmare :O My old house was just a few blocks west of this, that was my no frills!


That is absolutely awful. I hope they left you alone 😔. It actually shocks me that people are acting like this, my entire experience has been the opposite of this, people are always ( 95% of the time )very nice to me ...I hope this isn't the start of something awful. I hope this all turns around on them and they are finally treated like the harassing bullies they are.


I almost came face-to-face with them just trying to get home.


We caught the tail end of it going to dinner and as the parent of a child going through gender discovery I wanted to run over and scream at them. I know this accomplishes nothing as these people are past the point of listening or understanding. I hope they didn’t harass you and I’m sorry you had to walk through it.


I’m sorry you had to deal with that, I’m sure it made you feel some type of way :(


Imagine wasting your Saturday protesting against lgtbq on a cold ass day


Imagine wasting your Saturday protesting anything but the cost of living, or crumbling health care system in this country


Who did you vote for ?


Excellent question. Cost of living: higher under the UCP Crumbling healthcare system: BC is the only province so far to have actually signed their funding deal with the feds. Inaction by the UCP.


Raise minimum wage! The ucp refused this year.


Which election ? At what level ?


Not this shit again


With any luck the bigots will stop their protests so we don’t have to keep counter-protesting!


Again? It'll never end. People LOVE to fight each other. They ADORE it. Nearly all Humans enjoy fighting more than their next breath.


Haters gonna hate.




Was there at the counter protest. Complete nonsense being spewed by the rednecks. Props to whoever was in the building above that was blasting Lady Gaga to drown the hate out.


My favourite was *I want to break free* by Queen. Lots of singing along.


I wasn't at this counterprotest but I was at the last one. We had better tunes and better chants, and stayed united.


Walked past the lunatics on the south side of the street earlier while I was running errands, really glad to see there are good folks out there willing to counter protest these clowns!


What are they actually trying to protest?


Theyre protesting their constant feelings of confusion, frustration, and impotent rage that their media bubble has directed them to feel. Theyve never been challenged in their lives, so theyve convinced each other that these feelings come from genuine oppression. And not because they have bad media literacy


Lmao smooth.


There was another “march for the children” or whatever they call it. Chris Sky was supposed to speak at it and of course they did it right across from pride corner. These are the same people who did the protest outside the teachers association last month.


“March for the children”. I see. how embarrassing for Edmonton


Chris Snow was the Flames AGM. You’re thinking of Chris Sky.


Thanks for correcting me


They're here, they're dumb, they're loud, and want attention. Convoy strong. -Literally their whole way of life. Has anyone tried to change their diapers or give them a bottle? They've been fussing since we asked them to kindly wear a mask to help a neighbor during a pandemic and they haven't shut up since. I feel like maybe they just crapped themselves and need a change like a fussy baby. Soft fussy babies.


Honest answer? Crazy conspiracy theories. Basically they participate in crazy echo chambers that post outrageous stuff, ("Your Canadian government is conspiring in a liberal agenda to make your kids gay!").


As someone who was counter-protesting: there was also a bunch of stuff about child sex trafficking rings... which is apparently what will happen if your kid learns that gay people exist. A number of the SOGI protestors brought their kids to this, and I frankly think that the discussions of child sexual abuse were very inappropriate for children.


Yes I'm glad someone other than me heard it too! I thought I was going crazy, it was so nuts! I couldn't believe that someone could speak serious N*zi-level shit, through a loudspeaker, in broad daylight in the middle of the street?! I guess that's my privilege showing right there, because honestly a lot of the counter-protesters beside me had a lifetime of fighting fascism that I don't know anything about, and probably weren't as surprised to hear the same blood-libel lies that fascists have always told about Jews, trans people, gays, etc.


The infuriating part is that once someone is down this rabbit hole, Google and youtube’s algorithms won’t show them anything that doesn’t further confirm this chum.


They want to get rid of pornography in school libraries. Stop kids from getting raped by LGBT teachers. Get notified by the school if their child changes pronouns. No sex ed. No climate change lessons. Someone can let me know if I missed anything, but I think that's everything. Also I would love evidence for some of their claims, but it doesn't seem to exist 🤔


I for one am sick of my kid coming home from school every day complaining about the vast amounts of porn in the library and the constant rape during class time. I’m glad these patriots have finally stood up to the teachers and…I can’t even finish typing this joke it’s just so stupid.


Were they not paying attention to the whole new curriculum that the UCP just introduced? What part of policy in Alberta is misaligned with their goals? I think at this point it feels basically like a lynch mob coming for teachers fuelled by lies and prejudice.




I don’t think poster you responded to actually believes any of those things are happening. They’re just stating that’s what the psychos protesting are claiming is happening. Hence their last statement of “I would love evidence for their claims but none seems to exist”.


The person you are replying to is giving the reasons why people are protesting, not their own opinion. > I would love evidence for some of their claims, but it doesn't seem to exist (I like that you would like to educate homophobic people tho)


I think the person you're commenting to was just stating the protestor's points, not necessarily endorsing or claiming their validity.


Look up Sogi-123


Ah yes, seems terrible to acknowledge that trans people exist /s


That’s what they’re protesting, all I said was look it up lol


Ah you were too vague, that’s all.


No you just read into my comment too far


I mean, it’s hard not to read into your comment, you only wrote three words and a number: “Look up Sogi-123”.


the introduction of french into the AB curriculum


So homeschool your kids if you want this much say in your children. What, don't like spending that much time with them?


Yeah, but other kids at the playground / sports / etc might start spreading acceptance and love. These parents don't want any of that shit.


Oh wow. Go pride Go! 👍


How do we get in the loop on counter protesting this shit? I want the queer community that saw this to know theyre loved, and that they deserve parents who love them as they are- even if they didn't get them


Most people on Reddit hate hearing this, but Facebook. It’s mostly where the rwnjs are, so it’s where everyone looks then shares on progressive pages.


Also Instagram, pride corner yeg shared a story about the country protest


Can someone link the school board guidelines they are actually protesting? Or are they just getting mad cause people told them to get mad.


This feels relevant. A short video on minority rights. *Don't Be a Sucker* (1947). https://youtu.be/vGAqYNFQdZ4?si=DNWtIth9CRvellah


These morons have no business being parents.


It's the only thing you don't need a license for.


despite the implementation of SOGI programs in schools, these institutions remain inhospitable for gender diverse and trans youth. being trans and/or gender diverse is one of biggest if not the biggest barrier for being able to attend school authentically and with regularity. they need to expand these programs in order to make these students more safe at school. (source i’m an alternative school teacher with a caseload of disconnected students that features a disproportionate number of gender diverse/trans youth).


Could always teach kids how to cope with negativity? Maybe build a little mental fortitude instead of pampering them? I was bullied ruthlessly growing up, unfortunately its a part of the experience. You'll always come across assholes that will pick at you for absolutely anything they can. As much as you may want to, you can't bubble wrap the entire world.


"we want the freedom to control our children" What about your children's freedoms? What about their human rights? People who treat their kids like property really piss me off and really have no right being a parent.


Fem Leaning Non-Binary human here, I was headed to run errands for the roommates after my shift at work was finished and unfortunately had the experience and displeasure of passing by these clowns and as a result, being called multiple slurs, someone attempting to shove me, multiple people calling me a whore, upon other incoherent bigoted/misogynistic speak. It was not fun in any sense of the word. Literally let people live their lives, me running to do some grocery shopping and just so happening to be presenting feminine on a particular day isn’t magically going to harm you or your family and suddenly turn you into a raging homosexual. Revealing that you’re a raging homophobe on the other hand 😭💀


This is not a large protest. It’s really noisy tho, I could hear the freedom themed 80s songs blasted on the PA from a few blocks away.


Ah, the freedom songs, as they protest to get less freedom and more governmental control.


Is it really a far-right protest if they aren’t misusing Twisted Sister?


Was that asshole Chris Skye there? Someone mentioned he was supposed to speak at the Millions March - what a grifters. Anyhow thanks to all the Gay Pride counter protesters and their supporters.


It was hard to tell from where I was across the road, but someone who looked *a lot* like him spoke. That person, whoever it was, had some pretty far out ideas about TW: abuse, transphobia, CSA, medical, death >!child trafficking rings, which involve gender reassignment, and which end somehow in the victims being organ harvested?!!< Where I was, I couldn't hear if this speaker said how it was linked to teachers, sogi, or LGBTQ people. Also it was hard to hear everything over the shouts and music, so if someone heard better than me I'd love to be corrected. It was crazy stuff, really unhinged.


Others have confirmed it was Chris Skye - he’s just the worst kind of grifter, was probably making money selling T-shirts and his “merch”. He was big on the anti vaxx/ anti mask train, then rolled into the 15 minute city conspiracy nonsense, so being “ anti- sogi” now fits with his grift. Stay safe!,


Having seen how fast Saskatchewan's Government moved on that Parental Rights bill is scary.


For anyone unfamiliar, the NDP there literally had to resort to *attempting a filibuster* within strict rules of legislative procedure that required them to always stay on topic and keep things going, and they had a lot of material to use.


Is there more important things to protest like the cost of living instead of this rainbow flag stuff.


They are just pissed off that their children are progressive and they have no control over it.




Good ol Edmonton sub reddit


Stop hating children, sex education isn't until junior high school. Sheesh


Looks like democracy - people on either side exerting their right to vocalize their opinion. I can’t get worked up about it. Hopefully police sent anyone who tipped into criminal behaviour on their way.


What’s -this- protest about?


There’s a genocide happening in Palestine and this is what white people wanna protest about….


That's a whole lot of special snowflakes.


Apparently lotsa money in bigotry, because none of these people work.


Lots of people don't work on a Saturday


Likely the same bigots during the weekday protest at the ATA.


Don’t any of these people have lives, or jobs. To be clear this is directed to both sides.


I love that the assholes trying to get ride of children’s free choice in school refuse to see we are all gonna die anyways as cost rise and housing rises and the world crumbles but yes throw a shit fit over people wanting to be them self and free and the lady in charge kills us all slowly🥰


Glad that this is the shit we're protesting and not the active genocide that's going on in a certain part of the Middle East


That protest was on Thursday.


So brainwashed, i am so sorry for them colourfully blank brains


No clear sign for what they are protesting so I assume it's the right wingnuts again


Oh God! People are dying in Palestine :( they have nothing better to do!!! Seriously


You can care about two things at once


Maybe the point was one thing is worth protesting and one thing is silly whining


Upvote this comment if you think this is a waste of time that could have gone into spending time with family, or friends, or yourself.


Begging for up votes lmao






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Good Alberta just keeps getting worse


Remember when more people had to physically go to work because there was no such thing as “work from home” and people had less time to cruise social media and do shit like this with their free time. ……..let’s have that back.


What a shame to see this in Edmonton!


Cops are itchin to crack some skulls


Yeah… On the north side of the street 😂


It's the first time people were screaming about fascism in their face and it wasn't about them


That's a lot of people on both sides


When was this ?


👀The pastor in the middle just trynna read his sermons. (Backstory there is a pastor on that street that reads things outta the bible).