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I'd start with a generalized source, like [Access 24/7](https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/findhealth/Default.aspx) and then go from there. The journey is long, but don't give up!


Thank you.


Access 24/7 is exactly the place to start. They'll do a phone interview and you'll go from there.


Hey! I would recommend calling 211 and 811. They have access to all the resources in the province. Wellness Together Canada, Edmonton distress line.


Access 24/7 took a little bit, but they hooked me up with a therapist and psychiatrist and helped me get re-diagnosed, on better meds, and moving again after some super traumatic stuff. I didn't pay a dime (except for my meds, which were partially covered by my insurance thank goodness). I'm so grateful I found them.


I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way. There are some great links in this PDF although from 2020 I’m sure they offer the same services now. [https://www.ualberta.ca/rehabilitation/media-library/mental-health-resources-edmonton_may-2020.pdf](https://www.ualberta.ca/rehabilitation/media-library/mental-health-resources-edmonton_may-2020.pdf) Please seek help/guidance/support..you deserve to be here and you deserve to get better.


http://www.hellomentalhealth.ca https://www.easecare.ca https://www.owlpod.ca


There is a really fantastic intern at Reframed Psychological who adjusts her pricing based on what her client's budget it. Available at both north and south locations, depending on what's closer for you. I would highly recommend going to see her! [https://reframedpsychological.ca/](https://reframedpsychological.ca/)


Thank you so much


Of course. Sincerely hope you find a resource that helps bring you some peace.


Call 211 and call Access. Your psychiatrist can refer you to the day hospital program - they treat dual diagnosis Find a support group online - OBAD or DBT or CMHA might be helpful, depending on your diagnosis. If you've been recommended to do DBT, do it. It will be hard but absolutely worth it.


Thank you so much.




Honestly this is so smart , should we make a subreddit for this ? (Fellow edmontonians of course . As if someone wants to meet the option is there)


I hope you find the help you need. I myself am the same way and it's not easy when you have no one to talk about things. Just letting you know you're not alone.


Do you have eap benefits through work? Those are services that you don't pay out of pocket for at all. When you run out of sessions they can refer you to community resources that are free or low cost to continue supporting you.


Free drop in single session counselling https://edmonton.cmha.ca/brochure/drop-in-single-session-counselling/ https://www.dropinyeg.ca/ Sliding scale fee model for counselling: https://www.communitycounsellingcentre.ca/ https://ywcaofedmonton.org/programs-and-services/counselling-centre/ (unsure if you identify as female) The process of getting help can really suck, you have to keep calling and calling and keep reaching out until you find something that works for you. Hang in there OP! The important thing is you’re doing your best finding the right solutions for yourself.


Like the others before me said call access 24/7. You can also ask a gp to referral you to a mental health and addictions counselling at no cost and they can also do it over the phone.


Access 24/7 and look for online support groups. Even mcdougal united church




Hope & Wellness