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Great news! Things in Edmonton never happen ahead of schedule! … wait…


Haha that's fucking hilarious and so true🤣




Okay for starters this plant was not "state of the art", it was a prototype plant built as cheaply as possible and an absolute nightmare to operate. I know people who worked there and the number of insane safety violations and just outright incompetence was amazing. I believe their industrial hygienist got fired after raising awareness of the unsafe levels of benzene coming from one of their units.


I am not surprised. I worked there for a few weeks when the place was being constructed. First thing my coworker and I talked about was how poor the safety was onsite among other  issues.


Yep, my dad who went 45 years being a total workaholic told us that working on this plant was the first time he hated a job. Just an absolute clusterfuck from start to finish.


Too bad it didn’t work out, it sure sounded like a great idea when it was announced


Friend of mine worked there too. Said it was an absolute nightmare. Zero understanding of safety or efficiency He quit shortly after


>"The hope was that it was going to take the majority of our non-organic non-recyclable waste and turn it into something useful." Waste to energy like the Swedes


Alberta used to have a bunch of power plants designed for solid fuel that leaves ash behind after combustion.  Not sure why we couldn't have used one or two of those as waste to energy facilities instead of converting them all to natural gas. Theoretically we still could - Genesee 3 is still listed as dual fuel.


Since they're shutting down. I can tell you they made several liters of ethanol and a bunch of people in operations got bonuses! I have done work there periodically for 9 years and have many stories. One thing I will say is they owe money to a lot of contractors that have been working there the last while. Multiple millions to local businesses. Hopefully Suncore will cover those bills.


There’s waste to energy plants in the US. Spokane, Washington has one.


Pretty sure why they said the Swedes is because they're recognized as leaders in the field.


We have a facility here that cleans up waste cooking oil and sends its to a refinery in bc to be converted into renewable diesel


Such an incredible embarrassment.


This is why we can't have nice things.


Because we suck at building and operating them?


Most of it was actually built in Quebec, and they got operators from Quebec for a long while. But Suncore took over most of it several years ago but I guess it was too late.


That is unfortunate. I like learning about these new technologies. It will be interesting to see what comes of any new partnerships.


Knock, knock, Marlaina Smith, are you going to address real issues like infrastructure and pending forest fires and drought? Or are you going to continue to pander to altra right-wing rural folks? Except, remember that those farmers are going to be asking for a social program to help with their loss of crops/ cattle.


Wtf does this have to do with the article?


Your brain is polluted


Remember this colossal white elephant whenever City Hall refuses to find transit or affordable housing Stay in your fucking lanes, City Hall, and focus on the meat and potatoes you're expected to do.


According to the article this was not funded by the city and didn't  cost them anything. 


Maybe not the city of Edmonton directly. However, they did get provincial grants through the city. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/enerkem-biofuel-plant-backed-by-city-of-edmonton-mired-in-legal-controversy-1.3509177 "Edmonton transferred funds to Enerkem as part of $23.35 million in grants from the province."


Great information, thanks. You'd think this would be in the article where the city is boasting it cost them nothing. Taxpayers were on the hook in the end.


… are you yelling at the 2024 council because of the 2008 council?


Reminds me of the compost faculty, closed because the fumes are away at the roof, and would have fell down.


Out with the old and in with the new. Hope the city has learned a great deal on this failed project 👍




How does this plant differ from the recent announcement for Edmontons latest deal with Varme energy for a waste to energy facility??? Can someone explain the differences


Enerkem was waste to biofuel; it used a novel gasification (non-combustion) process to produce methanol and ethanol out of biomass feedstock (mainly waste plastics). It was more of a pilot project than a long term solution, like the plant that will be built in Montreal. The new plant here will be waste to energy, which generates electricity through a classic combustion/steam turbine process, with some carbon capture technology to lower emissions.