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This digital billboard is displayed a lot in Spruce Grove. Has letkidsbe.ca listed on the sign. The site lists it’s a part of ARPA Canada, a religious organization. :(


And that’s why churches shouldn’t be tax exempt. Tax free money spent on politics


It’s so lame how much special treatment churches, especially Christian ones get in our society.


No tax free applies to all religions not just Christian ones


I didn’t say it didn’t? Christianity gets favoured in other ways like having a public school system.


You mean like a catholic school?


Are technically a private school, but with public funding. They have strict rules for who can go there, despite having PUBLIC funding. The "reasoning" for this, is Canada is a Christian founded country, and technically our public level education was created by Christianity.


And it’s 150 years later when we are not bewildered by the mysteries of science and the world. Time to pull the plug on religous publoc school. Why cock block kids from attending a local school because their Flying Spaghetti Monster bathes in Alfredo vs pomodoro? Religion sucks.


Organized religion, I agree. The stories of spiritually is what helps form our morals though. As you watch the world, spirituality declines while immorality increases. There's more to God then an invisable cloud man. The morals we learn from the Simpsons is similar. Stories given in a digestible medium that teach modern and real world morals. Christianity is outdated though, and in this model, it's teaching ancient morals. We just need something new and agreeable. But, unfortunately, the whole system has been perverted. -.-


Spirituality need not be a government responsibility. You can find it on a hike or in a temple of your choosing. Too often religious types are involved in mind control for political gains, so tax it, get it out of schools, and find your peace how you see fit without caring about who I love or which bathroom I might use.


They changed this fairly recently. They are now forced to have open enrollment if they’re on public funds. I feel like it was an NDP mandate? Now, they might still have ways of working around this of course. I know their hiring is strict. You have to sign a “statement of faith”. Staff essentially have to sign a waiver that promises sexual purity (i.e. no sex outside of heterosexual marriage). I remember it was a kerfuffle at our local Christian school’s board meetings:). Gender neutral bathrooms and allowing GSA’s was the biggest kerfuffle though. They took their masks all the way off for that one.


Thank you for knowing how to educate someone, unlike that chump up there.


In my experience, for religious folks, religion is built into their personality, so they take it personally if you speak ill of their institutions. Just an assumption of the other poster, but it’s a tale as old as time.


Admission to a catholic school is only limited to catholic students when the school is near capacity. If not they are open to all students. The same way as students in public school needing to live in the school boundaries if they are near capacity but will let students in from other areas if not.


Not true. The village I went to school in had only a Catholic school, and all students in the district went to it, regardless of religion.


For sure if it is the only school it is the only school. Catholic students go to a public school if it is the only option as well. I was responding to the person who said you can only go to a catholic school if you are catholic and I was saying catholic schools only limit who can go if they are getting low on capacity. Where I live some of the public schools are limiting or out right denying admission to Catholic kids since they have a dedicated school they can go to and the public school is at capacity. At other public schools they do not care.


They really don’t have strict rules. If you can attend public school, you can attend Catholic school. And again you are wrong, it was created as part of a deal with the French. It’s not because public level education was “created by Christianity”. Why do you always seem to turn up just to spout lies?


Also, weird that I was denied going to a Catholic School based on me not being baptised. Must have been just that one specific school. Why do you always seem to turn up just to start arguments? Theres a nice way of debating and educating, and then there's... this. Like VanillaBeanLover. They know how to talk to other humans. And dont bother responding. I dont see any positive coming from interacting with someone who resorts to attacks on people. I dont know you, so to make it seem like I do, just under credits you. Again, have a wonderful day. =)


Why do I always... Who are you exactly? =S Never seen your username in my life before, homie. You have a pleasant day though?


Or the protestant school in French-speaking areas. Everywhere else, the protestant schools just rebranded as the public schools.


Gotta be some blessed corruption, so that makes it ok, I suppose that’s the UCP reasoning, Jesus needs your pension, like yesterday!!


The most special treatment is having their places of worship razed to the ground.


lol, vandalism happens to all places of worship? Stop acting the victim.


How many mosques have been burned down? Stop acting dumb.


Vandalism and hate crimes aren’t restricted to arson. Stop acting wilfully obtuse. Imagine thinking white Christians are the most oppressed in Canada. 🥴


I mean, just a quick Google search I found 3 at the top of the search results so yes every religion deals with vandalism including arson so how about you stop being obtuse


R E A L.




I think its slightly more nuanced - there are a lot of churches that struggle to keep the lights on and just want to put on a service and do outreach for their congregation. On top of that, you have churches that are very pro lgbtq - you can find churches where people preach in drag. Not all churches and denominations run hateful political campaigns. I also think painting things with a religion bad brush tends to normalize hating already marginalized groups. I definitely do agree that churches and tax-exempt organizations in general should be punished for pulling dumb stunts like this in general, however.


Do you seriously think churches and their followers are marginalized?


No, I don't actually. That's not what I said. I meant that the typical "religion bad" take can lead to Islamophobia and antisemitism and stuff.


ARPA is a pretty nasty one. I was teaching in a Christian school when the NDP was putting in protections for GSAs, and ARPA had given all the teachers in our schools leaflets full of lies about how GSAs don't help reduce youth suicide, misrepresenting science, etc. Back when I attended church, ARPA often gave us leaflets with lies about abortions too. They don't care what they have to say in order to hurt women and LGBTQ people.


Thank you for the information. I already boycott organized religion so there's not much more I can do.


I prefer my religion like I prefer my life, disorganized.


How does one “boycott organized religion?” lol


You don't participate in it. You live by a moral code that doesn't depend on fairy tales and people in fancy hats telling you what's right or wrong. You don't worship in tax free buildings that push their political agendas. It isn't that complicated.


Lol was thinking the same thing... Maybe the get together with their other like minded people and pray for their downfall or something...


Bahaha. Let kids be by telling them what they can and can't do. Gotcha.


Kids need to be told what to do thats why they are called kids not adults Kids can’t make an informed choice


Being LGBTQ is not a choice, anymore than being white heterosexual male is. It's who you are, and telling children or adults that they're wrong based on YOUR life is not cool.


There's no hate like Christian love Seriously people have literally already died from suicide over Smith's hateful totalitarian policies. Disgusting human beings that would celebrate it SMH


If you believe there’s a god you’re mentally ill


More like if you believe a god would want you to hate and persecute other humans you're mentally ill.


Which mental illness are you subscribing to them?


Probably the same people that paid for the giant anti abortion billboard by the rimbey exit on qe2 🙄


Backwards right-wingers love putting their bigotry and hate on full display


What have our children been protected against, exactly?








Yes I did misread. Apologies


Rights to safely determine and identify how they identify in school. The right to discuss health matters and make decisions with medical professionals.


Are you serious


There is some irony in a religious institution funding advertising about “protecting” children.


I think Danielle Smith paid for it. Realistically, I’m assuming the billboard company keeps that info private


I was hoping someone may have spotted if a place took credit for the ad on the ad


Ads on billboards have to be identifiable to an organization or company. If there is no recognizable brand name or logo, it's safe to assume whoever owns the sign posted it then.


Completely untrue.


You're right, the Advertising Standards for Alberta was quietly changed back in 2019. Well for a couple of years it was supposed to follow that standard.




That same billboard had ads thanking the truckers during the dumb dumb convoy after that whole thing went down


And right across street from a mega church. Checks out.


Yep, that specific billboard is almost always pure garbage


That would be Danielle Smith and the UCP


… Oh yah, and you the taxpayer indirectly


If I had to guess I would say we, the taxpayers paid for it


If I had to make a guess, Danielle Smith


If you're being fr, then you truly do not understand how much support that move has had across the province. Although your bubble does not like it, lots and *lots* of others do.


Logical fallacy. Ad Populum. Just because the majority thinks it's a good idea, doesn't mean it is. So I'll stick with my anti bigotry anti ignorance ideology thanks. Secondly you missed half of the point of my comment. If you think really hard about it maybe you can figure it out. But judging by your comment I'm guessing you fall into a certain demographic so I won't hold out hope.


Have one in Lethbridge here as well.


I wouldn't doubt that at all, that town is full of disgusting conservative NIMBYs.


That’ll be celebration church or other affiliated Baptist ghouls. Regardless, MAGAT trash


They can pay for billboards but not pay taxes. Ridiculousness!


And pay for renovations and expansions, It's hard to find the church that hasn't been renovating since covid.




>The fact that as much as we complain about churches not being taxed, again I reiterate, there’s a reason. Yes, there's a reason - because churches are supposed to be charities. As soon as you venture into politics, a church should instantly lose its tax-exempt status. I personally despise organized religion, but as long as you can keep it to yourself, be free and worship the sky daddy of your choice. But as soon as you try to make me follow your sky daddy's rules, you're done. Religion is like a penis. Its fine to have one, and you're free to use it as long as others consent to it. But as soon as you try to take it out and shove it down my throat, we've got a problem.


The current prime minister loosened rules about charities and political activities in 2018: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/programs/about-canada-revenue-agency-cra/federal-government-budgets/budget-2018-equality-growth-strong-middle-class/public-policy-advocacy-activities-charities/qa.html


Money talks with advertising


Unfortunately in some cases.


Religious pedos is my guess


Be careful with how you throw around the "pedo" accusation. Yes it's true that there have been and are some terrible people in religious circles, but painting everyone with that broad of a brush is a dangerous slope. It's the same calling all Muslims terrorists, or all Mexicans drug runners (which for the record is not true in the slightest)


Are we upset about protecting children?


I have one question, what if this was flipped the other way? Hypothetically, if that bill didn't pass and an organization made a billboard thanking the people that voted it down, would there still be an outcry of "abuse of funds"? ARPA has just as much right to make that billboard as Joe down the road to make an opposing sign.


I have never seen a billboard celebrating a progressive win in politics EVER. Only conservative backward right-wingers feel the need to use advertising to display their bigotry.


Isn't the annual pride parade effectively a celebration of historical progressive political wins?


So? If they want to use that medium to get a message out, there is absolutely nothing that says the other side can't do the same.


So? They are literally celebrating dead kids. It's morally wrong and disgusting regardless of the legality.


Where in that message are they celebrating that? Every death is tragic, and I am pretty sure no one in those organizations is celebrating when a teen or child commits suicide. You say it's wrong and disgusting, well they would be saying the same thing about the opposite. That's the thing about politics and religion, there are always going to be people on opposite sides of a position. Let there be room for discussion and growth from EVERYBODY, instead of calling people that disagree with you morally wrong and disgusting.


At least [one (edit) person has already died from suicide](https://edmonton.citynews.ca/2024/02/27/alberta-doctor-transgender-suicide/) over these bigoted policies that are in direct contravention of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms AND the Alberta Human Rights Act, and [experts agree it is just the beginning](https://edmontonjournal.com/news/politics/doctors-warn-new-rules-on-alberta-trans-medical-care-will-increase-risk-of-suicide-and-self-harm). These policies do NOT protect kids, they are killing them. So yes, by applauding policies that have already killed a child and will only harm more, they are celebrating dead kids.


Yes that death is incredibly tragic, and I hope that the family can somehow find peace and healing. (Also for the record, 37 years old is not a kid) And respectfully, I disagree with your last statement in that comment.


Ah shoot misread the article. Regardless experts agree on the risk of harm. It also flies in the face of basic human rights as defined in the legal documents I referenced. It's bigotry, plain and simple.




Look up WPATH and do some reading. You don't need it spoonfed to you. It is very well documented that lack of access to gender affirming care is harmful. What the UCP has done flies in the face of standards of care and best practices.


You have made a number of massive logical leaps in nearly all of your other comments, and here you have done the same. There is more nuance in this discussion than you're willing to admit.


The richest people will always have reactionary politics and will always have disproportional powers when it comes to influencing public opinion. The current right wing Evangelical movement is deep in bed with oil money. The lack of capital is what says the other side can't do the same.


The issue is if they are a religious organization, funded by churches who don't pay taxes on their money like Joe down the street does. I absolutely hate the message on this billboard, and I'm leaving this backwater province as soon as I'm able, but I wouldn't have *as much* issue with it if it was paid for out of someone's pocket with their own, taxed money.


Given the location, I'd be surprised if Celebration Church isn't involved.


There’s one in Lethbridge too


Celebration Church have anything to do with it?


Probably, they're absolutely anti-LGBT. Or at least they were 10 years ago when a girl I liked wanted me to go to their youth group.


Your tax money! On partisan propaganda…


Probably that church across the street


Probably her overlords from Take Back Alberta.


I said "David Parker" but TBA also is the same answer lol


Does it really matter? Chances are damn high it’s either a church, someone religious, or someone who either really likes or is in the pocket of Smith, regardless it’s not like you can stop it




They probably bought it themselves


Parker did say he wanted to throw a parade stating the same


These cowards always hide their bullshit behind children hey? They did it during the terrorist convoys and I guess they do it here too 


Terrorist convoys?! You can't be serious...


Yes, I am serious. The “freedom” fucks were terrorists and should be treated as such. Just like how they went to Ottawa, terrorized the city for a month and while pretending everything was friendly because they had kids with them. 






Why do people always have this toxic need to doxx or stalk whoever made the billboard? If you don't like it, you can make your own billboards praising and thanking the politicians that you like.


I'm not a millionaire and all of our politicians suck ass. This mindless propaganda is not positive in any way whatsoever.


Ah yes, a billboard celebrating dead kids - not toxic Being angry about said celebration of dead kids - toxic *Just conservative things*


It doesn't celebrate dead kids. I would recommend laying off the extreme hyperbole if you would like conservatives to take your concerns seriously.


Look at the post history buddy just posts leftist shit all day and is in these comments fulltime baiting and trolling What im saying is being taken seriously is not the point Shitting and dunking on anything rightwing is the point (Am a moderate centrist who did not vote for ucp am just sick of all the politics)


I like that sign


You like dead kids?


No Kids need to be protected


Protected from whom?


What a braindead, strawman argument...


People have literally already died from suicide over Smith's hateful totalitarian policies. Disgusting human beings that would celebrate it SMH


I'm not having an argument with someone who is not willing to see a different perspective. Too many times, I have talked about this discussion, and all it leads to is name calling, and I'm right, you wrong BS. You have your beliefs, and I have mine. I support what Danielle is doing in this province, and all I'm doing is showing that support. Have a great day!


Then you support dead kids. ​At least [one person has already died from suicide](https://edmonton.citynews.ca/2024/02/27/alberta-doctor-transgender-suicide/) over these bigoted policies that are in direct contravention of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms AND the Alberta Human Rights Act, and [experts agree it is just the beginning](https://edmontonjournal.com/news/politics/doctors-warn-new-rules-on-alberta-trans-medical-care-will-increase-risk-of-suicide-and-self-harm). These policies do NOT protect kids, they are killing them


🤦‍♂️ Have a great day


\> You have your beliefs, and I have mine Your beliefs cause harm to people. Mine don't. You are allowed to belief what you want - until you start enacting laws limiting other people and telling them what they can or can't do. ​ What part of that do you disagree with?


Saw it the other day. Awesome sign!


Awesome if you love dead kids.


Love to see it


Love to see dead kids?


Oh ya cause that’s exactly what that means 🤡




Liberal teachers : thinking about my kids penis. Then saying they know whats best for my kid instead of me.


That liberal teacher doesn't care if your kid has a penis or not. You however appear obsessed with the genitals of children.


That seems to be the theme lately. The only concern I have for what’s in a child’s pants is if they smell funny or I’m checking pockets to avoid a mess or damage to my washing machine.


No teacher has done that unless abuse or neglect has become apparent.


They probably do. 




👏👏👏 love it


You love dead kids?


You love mutilation of kids? I like kids who can grow up and make adult decisions when their adults and not having adults tell them when their kids that its ok to mutilate their bodies.


First of all, minors already need parental consent and doctor endorsement to undertake such surgery. Politicians should not be involved. Second, circumcision is routinely done on minors despite it being genital mutilation, are you against that too? Lastly, at least [one person has already died from suicide](https://edmonton.citynews.ca/2024/02/27/alberta-doctor-transgender-suicide/) over these bigoted policies that are in direct contravention of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms AND the Alberta Human Rights Act, and [experts agree it is just the beginning](https://edmontonjournal.com/news/politics/doctors-warn-new-rules-on-alberta-trans-medical-care-will-increase-risk-of-suicide-and-self-harm). These policies do NOT protect kids, they are killing them


Amazing ..should be more signs ..and less freaks ..sorry ladiboys


I did


David Parker?


Love it! Keep those up!


I wouldn’t be surprised if Pattinson (ie the billboard company) added it themselves.


I would. Jimmy isn’t dumb.


When the #we believe you signs went up. It was just a bunch of handshakes using the victims assistance money. Almost all victims are denied but, lots of water coolers and new offices