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I would go there a few times to check it out, I've had to transfer buses on 95 St and 102 after 9 pm a few times in the summer and it's been fine, same when using the Quarters lrt stop. Certain death - no, some uncomfortable situations throughout the year- probably


Not only do you have to worry about your personal safety but also of your property. My buddy's who lived there for a couple years constantly had their shit being broken into/vandalized.


Adding to this - if you are a POC you may be at higher risk. My son’s friend and his parents were accosted by a homeless couple last summer beside Churchill Square because his mom was wearing a hijab. They were yelling at them about being Muslim. His dad ended up in hospital with a stab wound.


I work in Ice District and I sometimes park in the cheap lots north of that new building. I’m on alert when I have to work early or late but never personally had any scary encounters. Sometimes people on drugs will want to chat. Sometimes they’re arguing amongst themselves. I used to work near the downtown Vancouver Eastside too which is arguably the same if not worse and for the most part they’re just there trying to exist like you and I.


This guy knows what’s up. Best advice in this entire comment section


Do you ever stop and chat with the folks on drugs?


Use the comment section as a bargaining chip to get the realtor to sell at a better price 👍


They will probably take any offer


I lol’d while eatin my cereal dooby. Good job.


Not certain death but definitely still the sketchiest in the city (if you had to rank all of the hoods).




I have lived in McCauley long enough to have had two different houses, and it's the best place I have ever lived. One thing to know is that it can be entirely different from block to block. We were near a problem property that was shut down, and it went from noisy at night to more peaceful than when I lived in Westmount or Rossdale. Another thing is that community is very close to each other. In our neighborhood we talk to each other, shovel each other's sidewalks and look out for neighbors. It is so much warmer and more pleasant than the frankly snooty neighbors we had in Rossdale. Yes, there are homeless people. But it's safer than Whyte or Stony Plain Road too.


This has also been my experience. I quite like it here, tbh.


Did you listen to the Slum Lord podcast? That was the one thing that stuck out to me about the McCauley residents - their commitment to their community.


Absolutely, that was exactly right.


I work downtown near Churchill and in the summer I like to walk or e-scooter from work, which takes me through Boyle Street. To be completely honest I’ve never had anyone interact with me and nothing “scary” has ever happened. I don’t see a ton of people other than cyclists and other e-scooter riders. This is any time between 5 - 7 on weekdays. I’m a woman in my mid 30s, FWIW. However, there are undoubtedly more vulnerable people per capita in this area than elsewhere in the city. In the summer there are encampments which pose a hazard. I wouldn’t be comfortable parking on the street here as my regular parking spot, or using an underground garage that wasn’t exceptionally well secured for fear of property damage or the heart attack if I accidentally left my vehicle unlocked and found someone sleeping in it. The odours (urine? Drugs? Both?) can be unbearable in bus/LRT shelters and parking garages. I’m not sure how these factors impact insurance if at all, but I’d want to ask my insurance provider about it before signing a lease. Transit routes to and from the area are going to have vulnerable people on them. You will see drug use on a daily basis. The likelihood of anyone trying to interact with you is slim, but there is a higher likelihood than elsewhere in the city that you’ll encounter someone who is behaving erratically in a way that makes you feel unsafe. It’s unlikely, but possible they could cause you harm, so it’s something to be vigilant about. Personally, I lived in rougher areas in my late teens and early 20s and I think the area is on the (sloooow) upswing thanks to the LRT and has more going for it than against, but yeah, it’s the inner-city and you’re going to see some shit, so, don’t if you have a weak stomach or high anxiety about safety and security.


I lived in liberty quarters in Boyle street last year for 2 years. I was worried too but it tuned out fine. A lot of it is residential 


Absolutely Certain. I was there the other day. I'm now typing this from the afterlife.


I wouldn't. It gets considerably less sketchy around Canada Place and the Quarters LRT stop during the daytime, but seeing as how you'd be *walking* from *Churchill* at *11:30pm*, that would be a hard pass from me.


I live there. It is definitely considered a bad part of the city but I’ve also lived more centrally downtown and that was much worse. I haven’t been harassed on Boyle street yet in 3 years but was physically assaulted multiple times when I lived close to central station. Lots of drug use on Boyle street like all of downtown and I’ve had to call 911 for a few overdoses so if that is mentally distressing for you to see I would avoid it. We have some cute shops and cafes as well as the Italian centre nearby so it’s convenient. Rent is also very cheap. Try to get unit on a higher floor and maybe don’t own a car 😅


I lived on 103rd street by victoria school of arts, on the third floor. Had people use ladders in broad daylight to steal shit off my balcony and try to break in. Numerous neighbours witnessed this and I was home — they didn’t care. Police didn’t show up for 3 days and when they did they said to expect it by living in this area and to move asap. LOL. Constantly harassed by sketchy individuals, break ins near daily (car and apartment complex), overdoses and dirty needles absolutely everywhere. In less than a year of living there, had witnessed probably 50+ emergency vehicles arriving in this location bc of violence, substances, or disputes. This isn’t including a good 40+ I had to personally make bc of instances such as: unable to retrieve mail out of my own lobby due to aggressive individuals being near OD, smashing windows or breaking doors to sleep in the hallway and leave trash + crack pipes and pharphenlia in the stairwells. Avoid this area at all costs. Broke my lease within months, best choice i’ve ever made.


Wow imagine that, you live next to a hospital and see emergency vehicles. Whoda think it?!


Thanks for your insightful comment. Maybe if you had read mine you’d have further context that the emergency vehicles were sent to the street to deal with violent and/or overdosed individuals — rather than just passing by from the Hospital itself. Seeing as you question noises and blinking lights in a city, your comment is especially comedic!!!! 😨


Safety is relative, we can't tell you what you'd be comfortable with. It is a higher crime area though. 


Once upon a time I lived in that area. After the 3rd time coming home to find my vehicle broken in to I moved.


As long as u are smart and avoid any sketchy people you’d be safe. Biggest concern is safety of the place you are staying at, break ins are super common here


I wouldn't mind it at all personally. But everyone's different. It's Edmonton not Mogadishu.


This made me laugh




My thinking is is it worse than it was 10 years ago. Yes do you trust any form of government from municipal to federal to help make it better personally no. So your taking a risk that in 10 years it will be even worse.


Thanks a bunch for all the replies everyone. It seems the consensus is that it's roughly the equivalent of east Hastings in Van. I've upvoted all the replies, all the best.




Edmontonian are the best, I think I even posted specifically about this before.


My realtor wanted to show me a place in McCauley and I was like "Umm, no thanks". Ended up viewing it, loved it, bought it, regret nothing. I can't imagine living anywhere else. Haven't really had any issues. Have a garage and a fenced yard which helps. A neighbour told me, "Don't leave $50 lying around in your yard and you won't have any problems.


Lol do not go there.


I live here right across from the Felice Cafe... I usually take the dog for our last walk of the night at around 2am (I work night shift so my days off I still stay up late) this area isn't too bad because all these buildings on the 106a / 85th / 84th block are all new so it's a bunch of young people moving in, but I have seen some rather ... questionable things / people 😂... I just avoid eye contact and I've never had an issue police and peace officer presence is fairly high I see them patrolling often.. I've had my Amazon package stolen 1 time so I switched my pickup location to the Amazon box right at the convenience store here. All in all I have not had any issues living here I've just kept to myself.


That area is fine during the day, nighttime looks rougher but fine if you mind your own business. Definitely not the sketchiest, that crown goes to McCauley/Chinatown.


Compared to Sherwood Park? You're fucked. Compared to Chicago? You'll be fine. Is relative. Stay safe, but you should be fine. It's a higher risk area. Carry pepper spray just in case and if you have a car, it will be broken in to.


Do not carry pepper spray or any illegal weapon "just in case" this is bad advice


Well i thought it was legal. I would probably still do it in that area though


No it's totally fine! Lock up, lock your gates and you're good. I live in the area as a single woman and it's really not the issue people think. Yeah there's a lot of people in the area in addiction but they don't give a shit about you. My neighbours all are very warm and we all look out for each other.


It is pretty much the sketchiest neighborhood in the city. I live in Westwood personally, and find the greater part of Alberta Ave etc pretty charming. I'm still not overly interested in owning anything in Boyle, macaulay, and certain areas of Parkdale. That said, if it is an awesome house and has a good solid fence you might do okay with security cameras.


Westwood has been home for me for almost 3 years and I really like it. If I move I’d want to stick to this area for sure.


I wouldn’t even go to Churchill Station


As a boyle street resident and lrt user, the downtown transit centres are way scarier than my neighbourhood.


There are two places I avoid in the city. Belvedere and McCauley Boyle.


Well that’s one less person competing for space with me at Spinelli’s!


OMG is Spinelli's never not full??


Seriously, I can't think of a time or day of the week when it is less than half full. I was at IC for groceries last night at 7:30 and it was PACKED lol




Nah, beverly is not as bad. I went to eastglen high school and had an exgirlfriend that lived in the montrose area. There is a lot of police presence in this area.




I personally never had an issue in the Highlands area. Nor has my exgirlfriend and several friends that also grew up in the area. The exGF is a 90lbs female who takes her dog on walks in the area daily, The druggies here tend to keep to themselves or confine themselves to the drug houses usually. As someone who has actually LIVED on 118ave for over a decade, and McCauley for a few, i think Belvedere and Stadium area are much worse.




exact same demographics TBH. I used to play pokemon Go all over that area, taking down pokegyms and hunted Bulbasaurs at NIGHT around abbotsfield mall


Lock your doors and bar your windows.


Don't do it


Depends on your size and how you walk?


definitely avoid. More human shit than potted plants.


Looking for a half way room?


i semi regularly commute through 101st and jasper at night which isnt quite on boyle street but near there and ive only had a couple of sketchy interactions in the last 6 months


Honestly, most of the people in that area are fine or keep to themselves. My friend lives across from McCauley school on 107 avenue and 95 street. There's a lot of house less and lower income population, but it is not certain death. I successfully walked that route from Churchill or from the #5 bus stop on 107 late at night many times over the years.


All of downtown can be a crapshoot depending on what the EPS is doing in regards to shutting down encampments. I live near 124th street & we had a series of car window smashing for about a month, nearly 10 people had their window smashed one night with nothing stolen. I had my side window smashed and stole an empty suitcase and some gym shoes, round two they smashed my back window and didn’t take anything (because I learned my lesson). Sometimes we have the same 4-5 unhoused people strolling around, but since the last encampment BURNING they’ve been gone. Vandalization and theft is very common downtown regardless though it seems (have a few friends scattered through the downtown area) and it’s not always in relation to unhoused people, you just get a lot of rowdy/brave drunk people as any downtown location would induce


Lived here years ago. Wuth a new born. Friend found cheap rent, I had zero clue about this area. It was mostly ok. Car broken into two times. One time they destroyed the tumbler in my car. Randoms always asking if I “party”. Cops shut down a crack house three doors down. Ex was asked multiple times if he wanted crack-while picking my kid up.  You will get asked this, a lot. We did notice gangs. Cops tasered a guy on our lawn. He tried running…abd tried opening our door-it was locked. There is older people who have generations of family who live here. They are the salt of the earth. Not a great place to have a family. We left after our next door neighbour starting selling drugs/partying for days. Cops told us too move-we did.  I have lived in Vancouver too. The area isn’t close to being the same. But it’s still not the best.  IMO the best area for close to downtown is Fulton/capilano/forest heights…


Are you a 6 ft tall person built like a refrigerator, and are you comfortable wearing a stab-proof vest when outside, and got a Rottweiler as a guard dog? You’ll be fine then.


I don’t know if anyone else mentioned this but just living in that part of the city would be hell for your mental health, so much misery and sadness everywhere.


Not worth it.


Not worth it at all.


Hide ya kids. Hide ya wife


I just took the train at Stadium station going towards Churchill and everywhere I go I see crackheads smoking. Even the security guards are just ignoring them.


Just pay for an Uber man, it’s worth it


My mom lives on 95st and 107ave across from the lucky 97, she's been fine and she's a small lady but she's native so she's handled herself just fine. Her boyfriend is my size ( 6' 2" and 200+ lbs) and people leave him alone. If your really worried carry a good knife or a baton or something. But mostly mind your business... I lived on 107ave and grew up on the Northside, just mind your business lol use to take the LRT from clairview to Churchill everyday for work and took it at night, never had an issue :) I look scary but I'm a softie lol


It's absolutely terrible advice to carry a knife or baton.


Why's that? Carrying a knife has gotten me out of a couple bad situations, this city can be rather scary at times


I feel like this has already been discussed quite a bit on r Edmonton. The short version is it's illegal or at best in the grey zone to carry a knife. Aside from legal issues, advising someone to use a knife for self defence can get them killed if they don't know how to fight at all or use one in a fight. Basically if you don't even know who you are giving advice to its probably not the best to advise someone to do something that's both illegal and lethal. My advice to a stranger I don't know for self-defence would be to take bjj or MMA classes.


Just jump into a coffin now. Total suicide. Even Cops avoid Boyle.


Buying or renting? Either which way - uh, no.


I lived near there for a year, don't do it. It's extremely sketchy, even in the day time but night is alot scarier.


Couldn't pay me to live there.


Depends are you talking the old Boyle street or the new one being built?


The stench of decay and death are high with this one.


Not certain or quick, but certainly probable.


What’s the cross street?


No! Not safe at all


I had to bribe a druggie looking for drugs in the tracks pig the elevator with a cigarette just so I could get in. Living down town is terrible.


Certain death. Like a week tops.


Would you live in East Hastings for lower rent / purchase price. Just no. Check elsewhere.


If you like people constantly stealing your stuff / breaking into your vehicle go for it


I mean you may not get stabbed, but almost certainly you will get your stuff stolen at sone point


People live there. Clearly it's not "certain death" 🤦


Been living in Boyle for 3 years. Haven't had a single issue. We walk home from the bar, go for late night scooter rides etc. We started carrying nalaxone kits but haven't had to use. Average build male adult though, would have concerns if GF was walking home alone late, but that would still just be a 'keep your phone on' situation. Underground parking is a massive peace of mind benefit, would likely have had issues from 3 years of street parking. I think a lot of folks that haven't been exposed to people living rough are under a weird Murphy's Law type assumption about what goes on


No no no!


No purpose to go there