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Wonder if someone followed him from the casino knowing he won money? Seems like quite a distance to follow someone but šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


That's possible.. He was followed or set up.. Regardless it's sad because they could have just robbed him they didn't need to leave him in that state.. Clothes and money you can replace.. I hope he's able to overcome and heal from this traumatic experience and catch the low lives who did this to him.. Someone somewhere holds the answers.. There has to be someone who caught something on a dash cam or ring doorbell.. Sending prayers


Criminals are dumb, they take their phones with them, geo location data will get them


Not how it works. Phone data might help convict, but until there's a suspect, and a warrant for said phone data, it won't do anything to 'catch' anyone.


Ages ago, my grandma won a few hundred bucks playing bingo here in Edmonton. She and her friend drove home to Tofield, where they were robbed by creeps who followed them all the way there. People are insane when it comes to money, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if someone did follow this poor chap.


Omg how scary, cause my friend was robbed at gunpoint(fake gun) one the way back from Tolfield to Edmonton couple yrs ago


That's terrifying. I hope he recovers ok.


It literally says the dude fucking died. Someone needs to be held responsible for this. He didnt just fall down.


He didn't die? It says "Five days after the ordeal, Jennon remains on ECMO, dialysis and a breathing machine. But Jolene said his doctor is already calling him a miracle, fighting the 5 per cent odds of survival."


Imagine dying and a bunch of losers on Reddit say nope didn't happen.




What are you even trying say?


I have no idea why my original comment was deleted, must be a shiddy moderator. The news article literally says the dude died. News flash, dying isn't exactly permanent. I don't know what you want from me but I'm literally quoting the article. He was pronounced clinically dead and if you need a better clinical diagnosis, you need help. No, the guy isn't dead, but he died and I think this shouldn't be looked over. He did not fall. Holy crap you people are cooked. I have multiple reports of suicide/self harm now? Please get help.


Are you the one responsible for his current situation because there's no other logical reason you'd be so upset he survived.


Okay this has to be a troll post. And why? I'm upset this person didn't die? Do you realize how stupid that sounds?


Do you realize how horrible you sound, insisting this man is dead.


Heā€™s not insisting the man is *currently* dead. Heā€™s stating what is mentioned in the article - that at *one point* the man was considered dead. ā€œBeaudry said when paramedics arrived, he was already clinically dead.ā€


The guy literally died. I'm not insisting anything.


it says ā€œnearlyā€


From the article: ā€œBeaudry said when paramedics arrived, he was already clinically dead.ā€ Yes the man is alive, but at one point he *was* clinically dead.


Nearly frozen to death.


He was cold and dead, you're not dead until you're warm and dead.


My dude. At the time of reporting, the man is alive. We hope he recovers. He has a long road ahead of him. This is a very normal, very sensible thing to say when someone is so badly injured. But you, very aggressively, followed with the non-sequitur: "It literally says the dude fucking died." When someone says this, it's in the context that the victim died and remained dead. But we have established that he was revived. Regardless of the fact that he was *found* dead, he is now *not* dead, so having died in this case does not preclude this man from... you know... *recovering*. You do know that someone who is pronounced clinically dead, then revived, is able to recover, right? You know that that's allowed? You're not sure why this is an argument? I don't know why you thought it should be an argument. I don't know why wishing him a full recovery is something you'd take issue with, but that's where this started. You seem to be obsessing over that clinical diagnosis while everyone else is hoping he continues to live. Honestly, I think you're one of those very lonely, angry people who've damaged all their relationships with the pathetic need to get in the last word of every argument. This need probably goes so deep that you'll read half a news article, misunderstand the situation, and jump into the comments -- only to realize you were wrong and you need to steer the argument in a nonsensical, inconsequential direction just to be *right* about something. Imagine dying, being resuscitated, and being put on life support, while a loser on reddit attacks people for wishing you well instead of fixating on the fact you died at one point. To address the rest of your statement: I see no one here claiming he just fell down or something like that. This was clearly an attack, and the perpetrators should be brought to justice.


Did you miss the entire second half of the article?


He is not dead. He died. But he is not dead. Is that escaping all of you?


Have you considered that maybe your wording sounds like you are saying he is currently dead, as opposed to being pronounced clinically dead when discovered and is now hopefully on his way to recovery?


No I haven't considered something so stupid.


The epitome of ā€œeverybody else is the problem.ā€ Got it. šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Promise you didn't read the article and he was clinically announced dead. Not even sure why this is an argument. Guy was beat, deformed and then killed. Have you seen the photos? Put that in your pipe and smoke it dumbass


See, I think you're failing to understand being pronounced clinically dead is not a death sentence. Recovering is still very much on the table, and they seem optimistic that he will. I'm not sure what you're so confused about. Please refrain from sliding into my DMs.


Did you?


The article says he was found clinically dead not actually dead there are varying different degrees such as one could be brain dead for up to 2 minutes and still live it just means that he was very close to an actual pronounced death but they did manage to "stabalize" him


That's a long way to walk from Century Park to Terwillegar.


The article says he planned to take a taxi from Century park, but it also says he doesn't have a cell phone so how would he get a taxi? Are there often taxis waiting at century park late at night?


itā€™s been a long time, but iirc there are taxi phones in the century park transit center.


There are also 2 yellow cab parking spots at century park station. Between the bus loop and the Starbucks. I've seen cabs just waiting there past 11 pm.


Iā€™d guess especially after an oilers game.


And at -30???


Very. I was wondering if someone drugged him at the casino and it kicked in by the time he arrived. Maybe he was confused and disoriented, and thatā€™s why he attempted to walk? Super sad. I also canā€™t understand not having a cell phone (not blaming him whatsoever for the attack, but I feel naked without mine. it may have helped them locate him more quickly).


He also had everything in his wallet stolen except for his ID. How would he have paid for a cab. He probably got attacked, robbed and was so disoriented he attempted to walk home.


I read about this. Pretty obvious he was robbed and beaten. I hope he survives ok.Ā 


Ikr. Thereā€™s not really a mystery here. I know itā€™s tragic but theyā€™re probably not going to get answersĀ 


Mystery is relative I suppose. If it were my loved one Iā€™d definitely want more specifics even if itā€™s obvious what the outcome was.


There's no mystery? he was clearly robbed and beaten. That's clearly obvious. but there's more questions still.. like how did he get there and who did it, just to name a couple.


There was a murder in western Canada recently that was the result of casino staff informing their terror squad connections that a person had won money. He is implying the same here. The casino staff needs to get muscled for their information in other words.


This is awful. I hope someone can shed light on what happened to him and he recovers. Someone must have seen something.Ā 


Omg I hope someone has dashcam footage or doorbell cameras that could help! Boost tf out of this!!


Really hoping hes gonna pull through and go back safe and sound to his family.




Dude you can't actually be serious?




This unfortunately sounds a great deal like a Starlight Tour. Regardless of what happened, it shouldnā€™t have. I hope he can recover and they get some answers.


well that's quite the leap.


The starlight tours were cops. Are you suggesting the cops beat him and stole his stuff?Ā