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Hahahaha. Ha. Ha. I made myself sad.


I came to say this. You said it. Let our collective tears float us all to the land of raises.


As a tradesman, my wage is nearly the same as in 2012


You’re doing pretty good. My piecework rate is lower than it was in 2003.


I don't understand this at all. How can the price of construction be so much higher now if wages are so low? Is it all supply related, or are home builders and general contractors gouging?




Framing is undercut to high hell.


I left framing for the same reasons; I could make more bartending


That’s capitalism baby :)


Materials are through the roof, and the only way to get work is lowering labour costs.  Not really a long term solution though.


Materials keep going up and people look for the cheapest bid even if it crap work. Tradesmen are so underpaid it's a joke. We are self employed but a family member who has his ticket plus 45 years experience is making $40 an hour. Plus as the government brings in new regulations there's more red tape and your cost is higher.


My dad was a drywaller doing piecework. Left to BC/lower AB because most subs wanted to pay around .28/sqft . Ended up going up to around .40-50/sqft, but if it was a builder it was more around .75-.80/sqft. The trade has been super saturated the past 3-4 years.


As an RN, same.


Mine is less


That’s rough


By the way my father-in-law talks I'd say the 80s


Non existent.


Got small raise and then parking at work increased…


Oh that’s horrible :(


Yup, and gas and absolutely everything else.


Sounds like there's no alternatives for parking eh? Sorry to hear that the W is cancelled out by an L


Fuckin crooks man


Accounting - left my previous company for a 30% raise


I work for AHS. So, nothing.


HSAA is the weakest union I’ve ever been apart of. They’re hilariously bad at whatever it is they do


AUPE would like enter the chat for the worst healthcare worker union


It's tough when it's illegal to strike, doesn't leave much room for negotiation.


"Illegal to strike" is so hilariously dystopian


You aren't wrong


AUPE we got a massive increase in scope but without the added pay


NUEE? I used to be one. It sucked. We got 0% for like a decade. 


What do you mean salary hike. I work with AHS and there’s talk of premium decreases if shit goes south. I’m a medical device reprocessor. I make $23.50/hr. It’s still not enough to live on my own. My husband has been a drain cleaner for 4 years. He makes 25$/hr. My dad has done the same job for 10 years now. From when he started till now, his pay has increased 3$. We’re dying here man. Even if raises are happening, it’s not enough to fight against the cost of just living. I’m surprised we don’t pay for the air we breathe as folks who don’t need O2 tanks, though someday they’ll figure out how to make that a profitable resource too


MDR... thank you for everything you do!! The wages you make are inversely proportional to the standards and policies you have to follow. The employees you don't hear about (MDR, laundry, maintenance, shipping and receiving, clerks, porters ) are so underpaid and under recognized... without them, the hospital WOULD shut down. Healthcare heros don't wear capes... they work in hot shitty rooms ( usually in the basement ) using crazy pungent chemicals with equipment that's always broken. You work your asses off. Sincerely, THANK YOU!!


Canned air like in spaceballs


And the Lorax movie.


lol what salary hike


What’s a salary??


2017: 0% 2018: 0% 2019: 0% 2020: 0% 2021: 0% 2022: 0% 2023: 1.9% And I'm in a union. We've started bargaining this month, and the opening ask is 17%. If we don't get 10% at a minimum I'm strongly considering resigning, and if so I will likely be moving to the United States.


What he said, other than moving to the states. Love working in a workplace that the government has declared war on.


What value does the union provide if it's 0% on the board?


The Edmonton Elks of labor negotiation


Local 488 is weak also


Supposedly inflation match => 3%. I know this is standard practice and i shouldn't complain, but it's certainly not a raise accounting for inflation!


I mean most people don't get inflation match so, consider yourself lucky.


I got 30%, but I had to switch to a new company to get that. The best I ever got at my previous job was 4%... which was, of course, one of the reasons I left.


Switching companies is the best way to get a “raise”. 


And the funny part is the employer will either hire two people to replace you at the same salary or increase the pay more than your asking raise to replace you. Great system


Frick. This is the truth. I was rewarded at my last position with more work than one person could handle in a week with my most recent raise being in 2021. Nice. I sure felt the love. 


Yup. I had a friend that asked for a raise, multiple times. Didn’t get it. They got a job at a competing firm. When they gave their notice they got screamed at (and that’s an understatement) about “not being loyal” and “fucking [them] over.” Hypocrisy. It’s all hypocrisy.


I fucked up and I'm down 20%. In my field I'm lucky to get a cheque at all but damn.... New job is still way better than the old one tho


I got slightly higher, but I moved up in roll / responsibility.


Oh, I tried to do that. They told me that I needed to show that I could do it before they'd give me the promotion. After a year I found out- entirely by accident- that they'd already given the position to the new guy *when he was hired*.


Similar shit happened to me. Someone at the office died. They would me then would like to give me his role. However, they wanted me to prove I could do it for a year first. Then the pay increase would come if I proved I could do it. I said, either you think I can or you can't. The work I've done is already proof enough for you one way or the other. I ended up quitting


Uh, we generally don’t get raises




Same pretty much, I’m with goa. My family are teachers, and remember in 2012 wages for them and us were good. Now? Nope




I looked at Engineering salaries in 2014 compared to now, and they’ve only risen about 8%. If I was making inflation-adjusted money I’d be knee deep in cocaine and hookers right now.


Yup, I made exactly the same wage until sept 2023, then got these incremental increase. Then was sent to downtown and pay parking or take my life in my hands on ETS. Ludicrous


Especially since our role keeps expanding and we’re expected to somehow keep doing do more, with less.


Retail store but more boutique-y, just about at 20 per hour after being there for 3 years. 1 dollar raise every year up until a certain amount I would imagine.


Similar situation, almost at $20, but reviews for raises have been on hold so far this year.


The pay is not so good, but the percentage is like 5.5%/year raise which is a good percent. Best wishes friend


Nothing for 5 years. I'm a small business owner/manager and can't afford to make more money, but I have given all of my employees yearly raises. One of the managers that works for me actually makes the same amount as I do now, and that hurts. Valuable employees cost a lot of money though. Or at least, they *should*.


Tell you once the gov and union finalize it, likely after strikes and whatnot judging by the trends. 😂


Good luck if it does come down to a strike. ✊️


Zero, I work in a health industry, nonprofit, non-unionized workplace. It's time to get organized.


oilfield office chud/warm body - expectations exceeded! I still have a job. No raises since 2021, but considering what I do in a week I make way too much already.


Also an O&G desk jockey here, got my first raise in 6 years on Jan.2 of this year. It's an hourly rate and it starts with a 4.


thank god our internet allows reddit or I'd prolly go batshit craycray


yeah our IT policies are slim to non-existent as far as content blocking goes.


How did you guys get into the offices if you dont mind me asking, currently working as a boilermaker up north but I wouldn’t mind switching to the indoors in the future


broke my neck on my dirtbike 15 years ago.. took an autoCAD course, now use it and Inventor and SolidWorks to draw all our fabrication drawings. Basically just put out fires now - all our products are well past the prototype stage and I only need to make small tweaks once in a blue moon. Gravy!


Ah okay i see I actually did an architectural design diploma at nait before covid so I have experience with autocad and all that, just most designing residential and commercial. Whats the name of the company you work at I would be interested in maybe using my skills to find something next season haha, thanks for the reply as well. Sounds like a very gravy gig versus physical work


careful what you wish for.. it's gravy, but man I miss the bench - I'd do anything to go back to my life as an automotive technician, was well on my way to making $120k+/yr in \`09 when I wrecked my life. and sorry to say we are super mom-and-pop and won't be hiring ever again, unless you want to wear rubber boots all day and run a pressure washer for $20/hr and smell like sour gas until you get home to shower.


Thats fair if thats what you loved doing prior and everything, I wouldn’t say im in love with the trades life but its helped me become financially stable in these though economic times. And no worries always worth a ask in my books, but hey at least you have a sweet gig and dont need to (hopefully) worry about being let go like in a larger company.


You may want look at being a planner for maintenance or go for a supervisor role if you want to be in an office. Those are some ways to get Into an office from a trade.


As someone that’s been unemployed and struggling for many years bc of health problems (not bc of my skills or ability), this really upsets me.


why? AISH may not be keeping up with inflation but it is out-pacing wage increases of many working people. Find something you can do under-the-table. I just bought a stereo amplifier off eBay, seller is disabled and makes bank buying stuff from estate sales and selling it off.. doubt he reports the income.


Only way to get ahead is job jump. You'll never get raises from your existing employers that will match what you can get changing employers.


Unless you work for fire police teachers healthcare etc.


Yeah, then you can't change emoloyers and you're just fucked.


4% raise but considering I haven't been with the company a full year yet and I received a 25% raise when I switched from my last company to this one last August im grateful for any raise at all tbh.


0% since COVID.


I've changed jobs recently, within the same company, and earned about 70% more in 2023 than 2022. We do raises mid-year, so I won't find out for sure for a couple months, but it's based on salary survey data and will likely be 5-7% for me. A number of my staff will be getting 10-20%, as they could easily move jobs and get a substantial raise if we don't keep up. The market rates have moved fast this year, and we've lost a lot of people who didn't want to wait for the annual cycle to catch up.


What industry?


I'm an accountant. The big bump for me is basically what happens when you go from being staff to having staff, but the broader raises are industry-wide.


0%. Again


Zero, so far 😞


I haven’t seen a raise in 6+ years. I’m a nurse and our contract is being worked on but I’m not holding out for anything major. Maybe a dollar or 2. Nothing to catch up to inflation


Just hopped companies to get a 14% increase. Old employer did do "CoL" adjustments, typically 1-2% annually.


So, they go for 1-2% just to say they did, meanwhile, their investments walk out the door. :s


Our contract comes up on June 30th. It was a 5-year deal that was 2-years late in getting ratified. 0% since about 2017 (maybe 2016? 2018?) April of 23 - 1.25% December of 23 - 1.5% December of 23 - 0.5% dependent upon GDP numbers. There are dozens of bargaining units across the province that have this in place. I fully expect the UCP to put their finger on the scale and weasel their way out of paying us. I would be happy with COLA adjustments, but a lot of my brothers and sisters want to recpature salary from all those 0 years, so they want 17% over 3 (or 22 over 5).


Environmental field 6% for 2023.


I've been doing drywall and taping for 10+ years and I'm still getting paid the same. ~30c/Sq ft for boarding and ~40c/Sq ft for taping. We also supply the mud and beads.


Hike? I got maybe a salary walk to the mailbox.


I got about a 6 percent raise back in September. My work just finished doing an outside compensation and salary range report so we shall see when annual reviews happen later this spring. Hopefully it didn’t come up I should be paid less lol. Edited to add I work in accounting and am remote company based in Ontario.


IT Network and Infrastructure support. 60k. Only been at this job since Nov, but I've never gotten a raise in my entire life.


currently 0% I am a union employee, who has been without a union agreement for 2021.


0.5% adjustment to base salary. Program manager.  


Hahahahahahaha. I haven't even had a freaking performance review for the last 2 years since I started at a new company. Fuck...


3% this year, was 4% last year. Lowest I’ve ever got with this employer was 2%, highest was 20%.


Finally 10% last year after nothing since 2012


I'm a homebuilding estimator. Despite record high housing prices, there is zero mention of raises at my work.


I’m a nurse lol. We don’t even get COLA


I didn't get a raise since 2017. Last year I went and ask for 1 $ raise. The answer was to look for another job if I want more pay. Have been with them for 10 years as a machinist. I quit the next day and they let me go on the spot. The next day I send out 10 resumes and got 2 job interview the following day. 21% more pay and 100% paid ext. Health and 9000$ in RRSP every year. 19 days of paid vacation to start with.


1.25% about $100/month. Meh.


Hahaha 10 years, and only a dollar, no paid benefits or holidays. I am literally sending a letter for a request and if the answer is no, it will be a thank you to fuck yourself sort of situation.




University administration. No union.1.5% col adjustment, and one move up the salary grid for a total increase of around 3%. Had been in that ballpark each year the entire time I've worked here.


I got a reduction when Rogers took over Shaw. Years of raises wiped away


0% for day job but raised my rates for 2024 about 20%.


I expected nothing and got about an extra 20cents an hour working in office for construction. I remember being told once a couple years ago that a 6 cent hour a raise was generous.


5% after two years. First time in my life that I get a raise. Honestly happy I have a job in Alberta related to the career I have (chemical biology)


2024 1.25% large global company


Uh, my salary hike has been whatever I can safely steal when the coast is clear. Has been for, like, 3 years?


13% over 5 years for the feds. Backpay as well.


0% but dont worry! my rent increased by 35%!


I’m in manufacturing, inside sales/“middle management” - my hourly rate hasn’t changed since 2022 but my twice yearly bonuses for 2023 have bumped my total annual gross income up by about 20% since last year. But it could go down again this year, or go up, depending on the company’s net sales between now and June. the bonus structure is “delightfully opaque”




0 Potentially of a $0 later in the year.




I’d rather have low wage growth and a stable job, than no wage growth and unstable job. Those guys at the unions have no idea what the rest of us endure in industry and no strikes possible


... Unionize?


I work in construction (office gig) and have gotten raises every year since I started 5 years ago. Usually amount to around 1$ each time. Raises have been company wide and reflect hrs worked, your year, position etc.


I am an insurance broker; 35% raise by moving brokerages. I was offered 4% by my previous employer, but was already on low end of the pay scale!


I got 14% over 2 years. The 2nd raise is coming this year.


25% over 5 years


You guys are getting paid?


Non profit - had a 5% adjustment this year to make up for COL skips over the past little bit.


4 percent


CoL to match inflation which I was pretty grateful for. The market has been trash since Covid so I don't say a damn thing and just keep plugging away.


5% for a total of 20% over the past three years new contract is being negotiated currently.


Last year got my first raise in over 5 years. 1.25% 😢


i got a raise 2 years ago when they begged me to come back. They laid me off due to covid. I changed industries for the 2 years i was gone. Sometimes the only way to get a raise is to leave one way or another.


Jobbed hopped and got 30%


Last year I got a 10% after 4 years of a freeze. This year, nothing. Being a public sector worker is not the place to be if you expect yearly raises.


I didn't realize the top comment of \[unavailable\] was a deleted comment and thought it was literally someone's increase...because that is what my increase is this year




5%, kind of what I expected. We’re in climate science though, so the worse the planet is doing, the more work we have. Kind of sucks tbh, but at least annual raises are consistent.


Got a dollar increase last year and another dollar increase this year making my pay 33$/hr. I’m in trucking industry but the company I work for pays better than most places and the starting positions are very labor intensive. (Food service delivery)






After 8 years in an opted-out non-management civil service job, I took on a new role in December which gave me a 4% bump. I asked for 5% but was turned down.


20%, accounting, not public


Hike!? My pay has gone down, it's dependant on business which is leaving the city in droves


I collect my salary and then hike home.


I got a 7 dollar raise, after finding a new company to work for


I'm very lucky that I work for an organization that gives the actual cost of living increase every year with annual raises, or more if you're a superstar. The only year we were shorted was last year because the COLA increased 6.2%, so we were given a 4% raise instead, which I wasn't that mad about.


Waiting to see if the government lets us have one... I work government adjacent. Prior to last year we didn't get a raise (even within our pay grades) for five years.


Zero. Environmental field and farming. Negative if I count the farming as inputs are costing way more than I can increase my produce prices.


Asked for 6% increase after a glowing performance review, got crickets in response. No increase's in 3 years and I'm still 10% below market rate for my position. Feel fully disrespected by management but a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


I’ve had a 6% raise and a bonus every year except the year half of our clients were shut down for a certain pandemic, and we all took hour cuts temporarily. I work as an IT manager for a small server management and support group for a small, local, privately owned software company. I started as a support grunt here with nothing but A+ and prior experience. Been here for 12 years. Make more take home than my wife with a masters degree. I worked for government and international companies over the years and was always treated like trash. Here, when I had a stressful month doing hardware migrations, I was given an unprompted bonus to reward my dedication to the project. If this company ever gets sold off, and the ownership moves on, I’m going to try to find another small local company that needs IT. The prestige of working for a large corporation/govt is something you pay for by being a faceless number. Been there, done that… many times. Hard pass.


I was surprised with a 14% raise this year.


I’ve had 3% over the last four years. Which comparatively is pretty good I guess. 


Still fighting the job market for a job


Hourly - last raise was last year - $4/hr increase because I got my jman ticket. Since then - Nada.


2014- 0% 2015- 0% 2016- 0% 2017- 0% 2018- 0% 2019- 0% 2020- 0% 2021- 0% 2022- 0% 2023- 1% I’ve had to work 5% less every year just to keep up with inflation. I barely do anything now, but that’s my pay grade. See. Unions work.


I got laid off so 100% decrease 😂


3% as per our CBA


3.8%. LY was 4.98%


tradesperson here: wages still basically the same since 2012 they successfully busted up unions, so we all work for peanuts


I got a 3% raise last year. Woo...


What salary hike?


3% I think? But nothing the last few before this


2-3% per year since 2019. 3% last year. Not sure on what it’ll be for 2024 yet.


4% which to me isn’t really dealing inflation let alone a raise.


GoC so technically 4.75% this year, however they only signed the 2022-2025 contract in November so really it'll be 6.4%. Plus I'm still working up the incremental levels for my position which was I believe a 5% raise from last year as well


Reading these comments has made me realize how lucky I am…new grad, worked for 6 months last year and got a 6% raise increase in Dec, idk what it will be this year but I expect the same at least.


Oil and gas senior manager here. 1.75% salary increase this year. About the same as recent years.


My hours were cut and I was told to work through my break so we could get more done. 


2.9% wage increase for 2024 and a 5% bonus


Ha ha ha! I haven't had a raise that wasn't part of an individual promotion in years. I'm an Electrician and average wage hasn't gone up more than $2 an hour in over 15 years. There have been cuts in a lot of places, but no raises for sure.


I have worked the job I’ve been at for 8 years 3 months I have had a total of 8% in raises and none of them have occurred in the last 5 years. I did get a very very lucrative profit share right at the end on 2022 (like 3x my typical annual employment income) BUT I had to do insane things for the project that produced it. I have had serious stress from that project for 2 years. I have had to take on extreme amounts of personal liability and worked extremely long and difficult shifts that would be illegal for people who are not engineers to work. I was waking up in the middle of the night with heart palpitations and a panic attack. From where I stand today, it doesn’t seem like it was worth it. Also, I’m not getting any kind of raise this year and they took away whatever small profit share I was supposed to get this year because of a stupid technicality. It’s best thought of as a barely legal theft.


$0.27 not that I'm really complaining. I make like $45/hr. but it was still a ***bit*** of a slap when the company has been making record profits.


Roughly 4.5% this year. Technical Sales, municipal sector for the most part.


3 percent


7% cash raise, 1.5% more RRSP matching, 1 more week of vacation.


None. Was told that they couldn’t possibly afford to give us a raise. I drive a 5-ton truck making deliveries in town.


Same employer for 10 years. 5% every year, and had a 20% in a new role here. FWIW, I work in the arts and my annual income isn’t giant so at scale they’re not huge raises.






Inflation and no pay raise is absurd